Summary: Jesus Christ commanded His church to be influential. We have a commission to impact people, principles and culture for Christ and His kingdom. How do we do this. We respond to His call to follow Him and be salt and light.

Intro: The philosophies or ways of thinking of the world lead to a devaluing. The worldly philosophies of the 19th century led to the idea of a golden era with no more war or rumors of war. There were many that believed that a utopia would result from the right thinking of man. They really believed man’s way of thinking would remove addictions and immorality. What we have discovered from their way of thinking is that many things devolved and were and are devalued. For instance prayer was devalued in the 1960s, human life was devalued in the 1970s, and today marriage is being devalued.

We as followers of Christ have not only the right but the responsibility to show what God values. In the cultural, economic, social, religious and global chaos that we face we have to ask ourselves, are we going to continue to allow lies and wrong philosophies to continue to shape the world around us?

Did you know that Jesus commanded us clearly to be influencers of people and culture? You are the salt of the earth; you are the light of the world. We are to affect everything on this earth. We are to affect everything in the present world system. Don’t simply take my word for it lets examine the Bible to see how we are to be an influence in this world.

Matthew 28:19 – 20 Make disciples of all nations – influence them to follow Jesus

Acts 1:8 When the Holy Spirit Comes you will receive power to become my witnesses – influence people to believe the gospel

2 Corinthians 3:2-3 “You yourselves are our letter, written on our hearts, recognized and read by everyone. 3 It is clear that you are Christ’s letter, produced by us, not written with ink but with the Spirit of the living God—not on stone tablets but on tablets that are hearts of flesh.” We are living breathing letters of God if His Spirit lives in us!

Matthew 5:13-14 Read

I. The infection of the world

There is an implication by the statement “you are the salt of the earth. You are the light of the world.”

The metaphor of salt reveals a lot about the planet we live on and the people we live with. It clearly communicates that both have a tendency toward corruption. Salt was one of the earliest commodities and was greatly valued in the ancient world. There wasn’t such a thing as refrigeration so to keep their meat from spoiling they rubbed it with salt to keep it fresh for regular use. As short as 100 years ago sailors used salt to preserve the fish they caught to for long transatlantic journeys.

The bible doesn’t worry about mincing words or being politically correct about the fact that this planet and the people on it are corrupt, and have a tendency to become foul and polluted. There are numerous examples in the Bible. In Genesis under perfect conditions man sinned and rebelled against God and the pollution began. Cain from rage killed His brother Abel. It became so terrible that all the thoughts of man were only continually wicked (polluted, vile, corrupt) that God had to send the cleansing flood. It washed away the corruption. There was a new start but not a new nature and Sodom and Gomorrah were the place of every corrupt and polluted practice. Man left to Himself will always tend to devolve toward corruption and evil. (Thankfully God has a plan for the infection)

II. The influence of the Christian

The words of Jesus are not meant to discourage us but to encourage us. They are also designed to make us realistic. This world will never get better until Jesus takes charge and transforms it. We as salt are encouraged and commanded to delay and hold back the decay until He comes. How do we do this?

A) The distinctiveness of our character

To be a follower of Christ isn’t just saying I’m a Christian. The metaphor of salt teaches us that we are to be distinct and different. How are we to be different? We are to be different in our character and conduct. When you walk into a room does the conversation change. We are called to be radically different from the people of the world we live with every day. That is not a call to be bizarre or weird. It is a call to live lives that are clearly and distinctly led by the Spirit, principles, and person of Jesus. Jesus would not lead a woman to an abortion. Jesus would not lead people to co-habitate. Jesus would not lead us to lie to benefit our companies, business or boss. Jesus would not lead us to hate our neighbor. Jesus would not lead us to gossip. Jesus does not lead us to addictions. Jesus does not lead people to be unforgiving. Is there an attitude or practice in your life that you know Jesus would not lead you to? He will lead us to be committed, faithful, loving, lights in a dark world.

B) The delightfulness of our character

If the salt has lost it taste. Salt wasn’t just used to prevent decay and corruption it was used to flavor things. There should be something about us that flavors life. Why do so many people gamble, drink, take drugs, get involved in so many forms of entertainment? To cover the tastelessness of life without Jesus!! In my life Jesus has been addressing the specific tang and flavor that I give off to people. I may have some things to repent of and change in my life. Would you be honest enough to say you need Jesus to make you salty? I want to be salty so that people will be thirsty for Jesus, do you?

C) The effectiveness of our character

Phil Newton tells an encouraging story about the "after taste" left by "salty" missionaries relating that...

Pastor Paul Ndungu from Kenya, told us of a missionary couple that served for fifteen years among a particular people group in Kenya without seeing any outward response. He said they labored faithfully, serving the people, teaching the gospel, and doing all they could to set Christ before these people. But none responded until a couple of days after their departure. The missionary family’s maid, two gardeners, and milkman converged upon the empty house, related how they now missed these Christians. All wept about this sense of loss, and reflected upon what they saw in them and what they had taught them. One by one they called upon the Lord, coming to faith in Christ. The church among that people group was born without a missionary but not without the salt and light influence of that Christian family that lived among these people for fifteen years, faithfully living unto the Lord. What they did not accomplish with their missiological approach they accomplished by being Christians in a decaying world.

Here is an important principle to remember we are never called by God anywhere to bring the conversion of the lost. We are instead called to be in constant contact with the lost. You are the salt of the earth.

1 Timothy 4:11-16 “Paul told Timothy in verse twelve to "show yourself an example" (NASB); the NIV renders it, "set an example"; and the KJV says, "be thou an example." The verbs used in each version are the same tense—they are action verbs. That means the manner in which we live influences others!”

III. The instruction for our influence

How do we do this? How can we be salt and light?

A) Become salt

The early disciples were changed. They were made salty by surrendering their lives to Jesus so that He could scatter them wherever He pleased. He simply says today what He said to them “Come and follow Me.”

B) Be close to Jesus

James 4:8 “Draw near to God and He will draw near to you.” The priests in the OT sacrificial system were the only ones who had the right to draw near to God. I liken this to my wife. I as her husband am the only one who has the right to really draw near to her to snuggle up and get cozy. Any other man better watch out if they try to get that personal with her. We are told that we are all priests of the most High God. We are supposed to cozy up to Him much like John did with Jesus. It is this that will truly make us salty our time with Jesus. Why else do you think the devil overloads our time with trivial meaningless business? If we gave up the business and meant business with God he would draw near to us and we would understand, “You are the salt of the earth.” We would actually allow God to sprinkle us on this ungodly world.

This is an encouragement to make a habitual practice of talking to God and digesting His word. There we find principles and precepts that help us draw ever closer. Enter my gates with thanksgiving, my courts with praise. If you feel far from God try thanking Him for what He has done and is doing in your life. Praise Him that for what is good and precious in your life.

C) Be changed by Jesus

Matthew 4:19 “Follow Me,” He told them, “and I will make you fish for people!” There was a transformation in their occupation and goals. Jesus said come follow me and I will make you salty!

2 Corinthians 5:17 “Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away, and look, new things have come.”

How do we know that we are close to God and are becoming salty? Jesus said that he would give us abundant life or He would make us full. So when we are faithful, truthful, cheerful, grateful, joyful, prayerful, respectful, thankful, trustful, worshipful these are just a few of the ways we can be salty.

Matthew 5:16 “In the same way, let your light shine before men, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father in heaven.”

Live with the end in mind. Live with others in mind. Live with Jesus in mind.

Conclusion: For us as a church and individuals it would be impossible to flavor the entire world. With man these things are impossible; with God all things are possible.

So let’s begin with something attainable and reachable. Immanuel let each one of us start with one.

Who is the one whose life you are supposed to give the flavor of Jesus? Who is the one you are supposed to shine the beautiful radiance of Jesus into their life?

All of us are commanded to make disciples. This is a command to influence the eternal destiny of those around us. I challenge you to pray and discover one that you are supposed to influence as Salt and Light in the months to come.

Be sure of this we have the responsibility each one of us to show what an amazing flavor Jesus gives to life. We have the responsibility also of making others thirsty for Jesus.