Summary: Find out how God gives every believer the Reassurance of the Resurrection and can convict any sinner to Come to Christ. Discover not only the role of the Holy Spirit of convicting but also other important roles to the believer.


In a little town unknown to many, there was a small church. One night smoke and flames consumed this little church. People from all over town stood in the streets and watched the church as it burned. The local preacher drove up and noticed several people that he hadn't seen in a while. Walking up to one man he asked, "My brother, where have you been? I haven't seen you around here in a while." The man look the preacher up and down and sarcastically responded, "That's because I hadn't seen this church on fire in a while!" (Sermon Central Illustration)

Today we pray that you leave this church on Spiritual Fire for God as we are going to be looking at the Holy Spirit.

Scripture: John 16

Introduction: publishers clearing house

In these Scriptures Jesus is preparing His disciples for His Crucifixion. It is my prayer that God will use these same Passages to Prepare our hearts before this coming Resurrection Sunday.

Perseverance in (His) Persecution (John 15:26-16:4)

Jesus did not come to bring peace as the world sees it (Matthew 10:34).

My therapist told me the way to achieve true inner peace is to finish what I start. So far today, I have finished 2 bags of chips and a chocolate cake. I feel better already.”

People must first know they are Sinners before they can be Saved.

What sick child wants to take medicine?

People wanted Candy Coated Christianity but Christ did not give this. Happiness happening

Today we have Carnival Christians that Rejoice in the Sun and Run when it rains.

Christianity is not the Absence of Problems but the Addition of Power to overcome.

This is a day of Powerful Persecution. But God has made this known. He does nothing without first revealing it to His Prophets (Amos 3:7).

Illustration: There was a widow who had “Rest In Peace” put on her husband’s tombstone. When she found out that he left her out of his will, she had added, “TILL I COME.” (Sermon Central Illustration)

The Bible does not promise tranquility it promise Peace in His Presence.

Peace in His Presence (John 16:5-7)

Could you imagine what it would have been like to walk with Jesus? How secure they must have felt? My friends we have something even better! He Lives, He Lives, Christ Jesus Lives in Me! In the Old Testament the Holy Spirit was like a Dive Bomber (Frank Skag).

Christ had to be Crucified, the act had to be done.

Illustration: There’s a story told of a husband and wife both of who were doctors - one a doctor of theology and the other a doctor of medicine. When their doorbell was rung and the maid answered, the inquirer would often ask for "the doctor". The maid’s interesting reply was: "Do you want the one who preaches or the one who practices?" We know the theory of Christian living but what we must do is to practice it! (Sermon Central Illustration)

Many of us have good intentions of living for Christ but never get around to doing it.

The road to hell is paved with good intentions. That is why if you need to be saved you need to do it today, if you need to get serious you need to do it today.

Saints today are Spineless when they should be Standing Strong.

Because God has a Purpose for You and it is revealed in the Pronouncement of His Purpose.

Pronouncement of His Purpose (John 16:8-15)

What is the Purpose of the Holy Spirit? What does it do?

The Holy Spirit Convicts us of Sin

The Holy Spirit Comforts us in Sadness

The Holy Spirit Counsels in all Situations

The Holy Spirit Comes from Salvation

The Holy Spirit is the Validation for the Believers that there is the Promise of His Joy.

Illustration: A pastor told the story of coming to a church to apply for the position of pastor. He said that as he entered the auditorium it was dimly lit, with just a few people huddled together. They were singing some old slow funeral type song that was depressing. Later that day he took a walk in downtown Houston and came upon a jewelry store. It was some sort of grand opening and there were bright lights and a greeter at the door to welcome you in with a smile. Inside there was a celebration going on. There were refreshments and people having a good time talking and laughing with each other. They welcomed him and offered him some punch. He said that after attending both the church and the jewelry store, if the jewelry store had offered an invitation, he would have joined the jewelry store! (Sermon Central Illustration)

Promise of His Presence (John 16:20-24)

While Christ gives us the assurance of His Presence He reminds us again of the Pain we must first face.

Christ illustrates this by describing a mother giving birth, one of the most painful things any women can endure.

I remember seeing my own wife as she Faced the Pains of Labor to only Forget and Praise as the child began to cry out with life.

Many of us are facing those same pains from family troubles, marital issues, wayward children, financial difficulties, health challenges, and everything else this world can throw at us.

Even though we face all of this, God has not left us, Immanuel! The Holy Spirit is here to make intercession for you even if you don’t know what to pray (Romans 8:28).

However, Christ urges us to take our burdens to Him with the Promise that our Prayers will be answered.

How long ago was it that you prayed? Or Prayed and seen the Power of God Perform your Prayer?

My friends your prayers might not be answered because before you can ask in His name you must believe in His name.

I couldn’t help but think while studying these Scriptures of the possessed man in Mark 5. Living in the cemetery symbolism he was dead spiritually. The world had given up on him and cast him out. Nothing the world could do could contain the evil of this man as he broke every chain.

But then Jesus touched him and the Scriptures say that He came back clothed and in His right mind to eat.

Christ died to clothe you with His righteousness. You can be Released from Sin.

Christ died to give you Holy Spirt and the Mind of God. You can have Renewal by the Spirit.

When you have the mind of Christ you will have the heart of God and the comfort of the Holy Spirit. Verse 22 J0Y by Richard Green


You know I never preach a sermon that God has not first preached to my own heart. How easy is it for us at times to see things as Christ sees them. We think of the dinner this Wednesday and the burden of preparation of all that it takes to feed so many, or even the all the work it will take to make our Vacation Bible School such a great experience for all those that will come. But my friends the Holy Spirit of God wants to remind us today that God’s work like the labor pains of childbirth is not a Burden, it is a Blessing, its not a Pain it is a Pleasure, not a Problem it is a Privilege. We shouldn't Grumble but be Grateful. That although we will suffer in this world, we will continue to reach out and Heal the Hurting, give Hope to the Hopeless, give Purpose to the Purposeless, and reach the lost no matter the Cost! Peace of God comes from Peace with God.