Summary: Let Jesus be the King of your heart

Mathew chapter two begins by telling us that Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea, the king at that time, king Herod was just shocked to receive the visitors from the east, the wise men who were looking for a new born king, yet they were inquiring from the king of the land too. Verse three makes it clear that the king and his people where troubled, simply because there can’t be two kings in the land. Either one lives or one dies.

This kind of news was threatening to the kingdom of King Herod. But as a wise king he did not reveal his intentions to them but asked them to go and find out where the king was born, so he could also go and worship Him though his actual plan was to kill the new born king so he could reign easily.


God had planed well how Jesus would be taken care of and how He would be protected as a baby. And in the same way he has plan for our lives, all we need is to trust Him as leads us and reveals His will for our lives.

The angel appeared to Joseph in a dream and told him to arise and take King Jesus out of Herod’s territory, so as to save His life. King Jesus left because there was King Herod reigning in that particular place.


Our hearts are like kingdoms, there is struggle for control, either good or evil things, Satan struggles to seat on the throne of our hearts and control us, yet Jesus also wants to take control of your heart because you belong to Him and he bought you with His own blood.

What makes a difference is that we ourselves have power of choice to decide who will be the king of our hearts, nobody, no power can force its self in our hearts without our permission, simply because God has created us as free human beings to chose between good and evil, and like it or not the destiny of our lives lies in our hands. The Bible says in Revelation 3:20 “that behold I stand at the door and knock, if anybody hears my voice and opens, I will come in and sup with him and he with me”



Sometimes our hearts are controlled by king unbelief, we have little faith, and it’s on the other hand that by this the Israelites failed to enter into the promised land, when we let king unbelief take control of our hearts, then king Jesus steps aside cause it’s your own choice, to who will be the king of your heart. Remember it was not until king Herod ruled not anymore that King Jesus returned. Today you can ask Jesus to take way unbelief from your heart and Himself come unto your heart.


May be your heart is controlled by king selfish that you never take time to think or love or pray for others, in your room, class, share your knowledge with others at home at work, we have the ability to examine our hearts and see exactly what is it that controls us other that Jesus so we could call upon him to free us and take control of our hearts. Talk to Him He is listening and tell Him about that particular king selfishness, only when we open our hearts to Him, our lives can be free from selfishness.


Many times our hearts are controlled by king murmuring and complaining, that even at time we fail to see the blessings that God has set before us, yes at times things might not be going on well even around you, but avoid to let your heart be controlled by this king, the Israelites, where controlled by this king that they lost trust in the Lord and missed the great blessing and wonderful plans that Jehovah had for them.


A man wanted to commit suicide because he had no children in life, only to find a fellow man on the way who wanted to commit suicide because he had many children and had no money to take care of them.

Always learn to be satisfied in life, be thankful with the way God has created you, He knows what is best for us since he is our loving Father.


There at times when naturally we think that we can’t do this or that, simply because negativity has taken control of us, but once you call upon King Jesus, He will just whisper to your ears that you can do all things through Jesus who strengthens you. The only reason why at times we fail is because we don’t think we can yet God created us to be winner and not losers.


I joined the Marathon in Mountain View College believing that I will be the first and win the 500 cash price in order to pay of my debt, during the run i became so tired but i never stopped runing cause i kept thinking that i could make it,I ended up in the second possition simply because I thought positive through out the run.


Have you ever have someone come up to you and said “I hate you with all my heart”? At times our hearts are controlled by king hatred that we find no room in our hearts to forgive and hatred is contagious that it can easily spread. But did you know that when you forgive and even pray for do who heart you, even before they are blessed by your prayers, God blesses you first cause you are showing a true character of Him whose hands where innocently nailed to the cross by cruel men and yet Jesus still loved and prayed for them for their acts to be forgiven. Other times we are Jealousy when our friends our friends are blessed more that we are yet we forget that we serve the same God who blessed them that He can bless us too. And you can pray and say Lord Come into my heart and take my hatred and Jealousy, teach me love everyone in all circumstances.


Is your heart controlled by any kind of addiction that you can’t do without drugs; sex, internet, money etc. are you tired of being controlled by such? There is a voice calling you today, saying come now and let us reason together, though your sins be as black as scarlet, I will make them as white as snow.