Summary: We look at part two of holiness series. Being careful not to abuse the Grace of God and not allowing a root of bitterness to grow in our hearts.

Holiness 201

Hebrews 12:14-24


For several weeks, we have been looking at practical applications to God’s Word for our lives.

We looked at holiness from 1 Peter. Where Peter tells us

Verse (13) “Prepare your minds for action, be self-controlled, set your hopes fully on the grace given you when Jesus Christ is revealed.”

As believers, there should be a change in our lives. We should be different from those that do not profess Christ as their savior.

I gave you 5 habits that should be in a believer’s life

(1) Understanding Scripture to be our guide

(2) Seek God daily through prayer.

(3) Realize that being a believer is not easy, but we are sold out for Christ.

(4) Live each day under the anointing power of the Holy Spirit working in our lives.

(5) Desire to be in God’s house and do God’s business.

That is Holiness 101- This morning I want to talk about Holiness 202.

Hebrews chapter 12:14-24

Hebrews 12

Has some imagery.

It is a cloud of witnesses waiting for us to finish our race.

We are told to fix our eyes on Jesus , the author and finisher of our faith.

The author and preacher of Hebrews tells us to endure hardship because God is disciplining us and strengthening our walk with Him.

Our text comes to us as a warning from God

He references holiness

He gives three warning to watch out for.

Tells us that there is a consequence for refusing God’s warnings.

Are you ready to begin Holiness 202?

(14) “Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see God.”

This is an exhortation to holy living

Chapter 4- Be Careful- that none of you be found fallen short of it.

Chapter 6- Be Careful that once you have tasted of the Lord that you do not backslide.

Galatians 5- “Freedom in Christ- be careful not to abuse the grace of God.

Holy God demands that God’s people be holy.

Without holiness, you will not see the Lord.

This takes all the guess work out of what God expects.

Good people don’t make heaven, saved people make heaven.

Holy God sets standards.

Holiness is required.

Definition of holiness

Set apart; consecrated to God; allowing God to make us more like the image of Christ.

A man asked-

“How much religion must a man have to get to heaven?” That is the wrong question!

They want God’s full salvation, but do not want to serve God with all their heart.

He wanted enough religion to miss Hell, but not enough to serve Him.

Most people have a little religion, and even have less of a relationship with God. If you cannot feel comfortable in the presence of Jesus- you don’t need more religion, you need a relationship with Him.

What He requires of us is Holy living in an unholy world.

The only way you will be able to do that is to walk with God and heed his warnings.

First warning,

“See to it that no one misses the grace of God (yourself included) and that no bitter root grows up to cause trouble.”

Bitterness destroys people- many believers struggle with bitterness.

Not able to let go of something that happened or something that someone did to them.

Bitterness is toxic! It poisons our thinking and can control our lives.

Holiness is a characteristic of God- Bitterness destroys what God is trying to do in your life.

The word here tells us that bitterness grows up. It is planted, watered, and it can take root and smother out all the things that God is planting in our lives.

Let’s grab this warning

Bitterness devastates you spiritually

All believers have a choice- walk in the flesh or walk in the Spirit of God.

We cannot always control what happens in our live, but we do control how we will respond

If you have bitterness in your life, you will not respond correctly- because your relationship with God has been affected.

Bitterness destroys you physically

You think about it all the time. You eat, sleep, talk, think, about it.

It is now your lifestyle.

The one that caused it, he/she doesn’t even think about it anymore. But you think about it 24/7 and won’t let God have it so He can heal you.

Proven fact that much of our illnesses are because of resentment and un-forgiveness and the inability to let go of past hurts and trials.

Bitterness drains you emotionally

Bitterness breeds discouragement

You take on a victims mentality instead of a winner mentality.

You become negative, critical, paranoid.

You think everyone is talking about you and is out to get you.

Some cannot sleep at night and are consumed with emotional baggage.

You cannot go to a football game because you think that the guys in the huddle are talking about you.

You minimize your bitterness- it’s only this person or that situation. I do it because it is their fault.

The only reason bitterness grows is because you feed it!

The only way to get rid of it is to yank it out…at the root! Dig it out, and get rid of it! Amen.

Then our Hebrew preacher gives us an illustration with godless Essau.

In the midst of talking about holiness, in the midst of warning of bitterness, godless Essau? Why?

Because this older brother sold his birthright for a single meal, and when he wanted to inherit his blessing, he was rejected.

He was rejected

Because he had no appreciation of true values. (God’s values)

He despised his birthright by valuing food for his stomach more than his birthright.

Because he only regretted the loss, and did not repent of his sin.

His sorrow was not a godly sorrow that brings repentance, that leads to salvation, but worldly sorrow, that brings death.

He could not undo what he did because his heart was not right. He was sorry he got caught, but not sorry enough to repent.

I have heard of some churches where board members were fist-fighting.

Bitterness was so bad that nothing else gets done.

Churches where people In the congregation cannot hear from God because all they dwell on is Some churches need to have some funerals before they will move forward for God. Some of our churches need to tear out the root of bitterness and replace it with the love and forgiveness of God.

We have gotten this notion that when someone sins against us, they must come to us and apologize or we will not forgive them. Really? You will let someone else determine how you will feel and act.

What if they did not know that they offended you?


I had someone many years ago before Rosedale that got mad at me for not going to see them in the hospital. Many months later, I saw them and ask what was going on, and they told me they were upset. I said to them that I had not known they were in the hospital. Why didn’t you or someone else let me know.” I did not want to bother with you since you did not apologize for not seeing me”. WOW!

Wednesday night in Bible Study we are looking at the word obsession.

Working definition of Obsession

“To have the mind excessively preoccupied with a single emotion or topic.”

You know where I am going with this- are you going to be obsessed with the things of God or obsessed with one particular person or one situation in your life that controls you.

Many Christians are not obsessed with Jesus….because if they were they would not have time to plant and grow the bitterness that processes some of their lives.

Our life for God is more than being nice people. There are a lot of nice people who do not know God and do not harbor the bitterness some believers have. It is more than being friendly, polite; it is being in the image of our savior Jesus Christ.

Last warning,

Know who you are messing with.

“You have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.”

The creator of the universe, a Holy and perfect God….calls us to holiness

A God who gives us warnings, don’t abuse the grace of God and don’t let bitterness into your life and cause you to fall away from God.

See to it that you don’t refuse Him who speaks.

The church of the Nazarene takes a stand on holiness. We desire to see God accomplish in us that work of grace. We want to experience that cleansing of the heart of sin and whole-heartedly welcome the work of The Holy Spirit in our lives. We should want the grace that is freely given by the blood of Christ and we should desire the maturity that comes from the process of spiritual development.

It can be called by many names….The baptism of the Holy Spirit, second work of grace, Christian holiness, entire Sanctification. It amounts to letting God do in you what needs to be done. There is a lot of people in the world today that are Nazarenes, actors Tom Hanks and Debbie Reynolds, artist Thomas Kinkaid, Bill and Gloria Gaithers, even singer John Mellencamp. They all come to Christ the same way you and I do. By the Blood of Christ. They all have to allow the Holy Spirit to work in their lives.

I will close with the last warning again.

“you have come to God, the judge of all men, to the spirits of righteous men made perfect, to Jesus the mediator of a new covenant, and to the sprinkled blood that speaks a better word than the blood of Abel.

You have to come to God and stop running everytime He desires to make changes.

Jesus is the mediator between God and us and He is the new covenant for those that will accept Him

The blood of Abel cried out for justice, and the blood of Christ brings forgiveness and redemption.

Stop trying to be holy and allow the Lord to make you holy.
