Summary: Just wehn and what are the last days? And what differrence does it make?

“The Great Unveiling: You Ain’t Seen Nothin’ Yet!”

Revelation 6:1-17 & 8:1-5

Growing up I had three very close friends in my church. We did everything together – we inseparable. People fondly referred to us as the 4 horsemen. At the time, I thought that was complimentary. Now that I’ve read Revelation, I’m not so sure! But then, perhaps they weren’t thinking of Revelation at the time! At least I can hope that was the case!

Today we join John attending a play in the divine theater. In this first act, we meet the real 4 horsemen, better known as the 4 horsemen of the apocalypse. The action unfolds quickly and decisively before us. Let’s pray as we seek to unveil the mystery before us.

Father of wisdom, grant us insight beyond our own, understanding deeper than what we possess. Use your Holy Spirit to enlighten us as we listen to you in the midst of this great but difficult portion of Your Word. What we can understand in the here and now, teach us; what we are to know only when we see You face to face, help us accept in faith, and trust You all the more. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

We begin by affirming that there is a CONTEXT OF HISTORY in the book of Revelation. It’s clear that the visions that begin in this 6th chapter concern what has come to be known as the last days. It gives us AN IMPORTANT PERSPECTIVE. Understanding when the last days are is critical to the rest of our interpretation of Revelation. Yet great disagreements have developed when trying to establish the timing of the last days. So, “WHEN ARE THE LAST DAYS?”

When do you think? Are they still future – off in the distance somewhere? Are they only at the ultimate end of time? Are they of an unknown period? I direct your attention to Acts 2:16-17. It was Pentecost and people were questioning what was happening. Peter’s first sermon was simply that Joel’s prophecy was now coming true. “But this is what was spoken by the prophet Joel: ‘And in the last days, it shall be, God declares, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh. . .’” The events of Pentecost set in motion the last days. THE LAST DAYS BEGAN WITH THE DEATH, RESURRECTION AND ASCENSION OF JESUS CHRIST and will end only when Christ returns!

Such was the belief of the early church. Hebrews 1:1-2a: “In many and various ways God spoke of old to our fathers by the prophets; but in these last days He has spoken to us by a Son...” The beloved apostle John affirmed this when he wrote (I Jn. 2:18): “Children, it is the last hour; and as you have heard that anti-Christ is coming, so now many anti-Christs have come; therefore we know that it is the last hour.” The last days are here now – and will be until Christ comes again!

This perspective points us to AN INTENSE PROGRESSION which is our focus this morning. The scrolls contain a description of the last days. That is, they describe what is happening now, as well as at the end! We will see the world as it is today, and as it progresses towards the ultimate end. WE ARE SEEING WHAT IS AND WHAT WILL BE. That is, after all, John’s purpose of writing the visions (1:19): “Now write what you see, what is and what is to take place hereafter.”

That means that THE SEALS, THE TRUMPETS, AND THE BOWLS ARE ALL INTERCONNECTED. Each is symbolic of various principles of divine judgment. Through them we see how God judges through forces and dynamics already operating in history. Perhaps an example will serve to show how the seals, trumpets, and bowls are connected. Imagine a computer. You pull up a map of a certain area, an overview of the whole city. You press a certain icon and immediately get a view of less territory but with much more detail. You press the icon again and you see only a few blocks but also great street-by-street graphics of the place you’re interested in. You see many more details that are critically important. All three maps show the same basic thing only from different perspectives and distances. So her, WE ARE SEEING WHAT IS AND WHAT IS TO COME WITH INCREASING INTENSITY and clarity until we see the end.

From within this context, we can understand what is CURRENT IN HISTORY. The answer lies within the first 5 seals in Revelation 6. The play opens with THE FIRST SEAL (vs. 1-2); we see a rider on A WHITE HORSE carrying a CROSS BOW AND WEARING A CROWN. This is the SYMBOL OF WARFARE AND DESIRE FOR CONQUEST. It indicates that there will always be one nation conquering another; forceful subjugation of people will be a part of life – and increasingly so. Nations will always crave the power to conquer some new foe and claim some new territory.

Certainly that explains a great deal of what has happened, and still happens, in our world. It’s not surprising to discover that at its height Communism conquered about 500 square miles of land per day. And a quick glance at the daily news shows us more. Check out Iran, Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Egypt, the Middle East – one nation desiring another, trying to conquer one more foe. In our day nations are more dependent on each other than ever before, yet are also more at odds. We are into stockpiling weapons because we fear one another. The spirit of conquest rules. So we desperately want peace – all of which means the stage is set for that false one who will come proclaiming peace and sway and seduce people and nations into his hold. We are ripe for the flatterer and promiser of peace. But beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Then John witnesses the opening of the SECOND SEAL (3-4). This time A RED HORSE gallops across the stage, symbolizing the fact that this rider is PERMITTED TO TAKE PEACE FROM THE EARTH. It’s more than a conquering; it’s a killing of one another. There is no peace between people. This is not nation against nation – THIS IS INTERNAL STRIFE. There will be trouble within. It’s a constant repeat of Cain and Abel! Civil disorders are part of these last days. People will turn on one another in greater numbers! The restraints will be removed so envy, jealousy, hatred, and strife will rule. It is, and will be, as Zechariah prophesied: (14:13) “And on that day a great panic from the Lord shall fall on them, so that each will lay hold on the hand of his fellow, and the hand of one will be raised against the hand of the other;” and Isaiah (19:2): “And I will stir up Egyptians against Egyptians, and they will fight, every man against his brother, and every man against his neighbor. . .” One of the aims of Communism, and now of terrorists, is to keep us so busy trying to prevent war from without that they can infiltrate us and get us fighting within. Historians, in fact claim this is precisely how the Roman Empire fell – it defeated itself from within! Any nation with unrest in itself is doomed! A house divided against itself cannot and will not stand. The red horse reminds us it is so, and always will be. But beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Now we come to SEAL THREE (5-6). This time it’s A BLACK HORSE, and the rider is HOLDING SCALES. It’s evidence of ECONOMIC PROBLEMS. There will be a scarcity of essential products, and an uneven distribution of wealth. Let’s face it – wars contribute to economic chaos. In the time of war and strife, people grab and store up for themselves – and there is little left to spread around. There is scarcity. John points out that one day’s wage will buy one day’s food – people working all day just to feed themselves! As early as Leviticus (26:26) and Ezekiel (4:16) God said it would be so! And what about distribution of food and wealth? Oil and wine are untouched. In other words, the rich are unscathed! The poor get poorer and the rich get richer! The poor struggle to hang on and the rich wallow in their caviar and champagne.

Does all of this sound familiar? Do you often feel like you’re being required to live on less and less? Yet have the wealthy gone broke? The Bible does not condemn being rich. Yet there is something radically wrong in a world in which the scales are tipped as they are in ours. It’s a sign that the end is certainly fast approaching. When we see how rich our nation is and how poor so many others are, when we see how rich some of our neighbors are and how poor others are, disaster of the first magnitude is on the way. Meanwhile the U. S., with its massive national debt, has become the largest debtor in the world. And the amount spent throughout the world on military equipment and personnel in one day is equal to the cost of feeding, clothing, and housing the entire world for a year. Nearly 40,000 people die each day of malnutrition and related diseases. Yet it always will be so. But beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

And before we can catch our breath, John sees the FOURTH SEAL (7-8) opened. Out gallops A PALE HORSE which STANDS FOR PESTILENCE AND DEATH, which always follows war. This represents the POWER TO BRING ABOUT THE DEMISE of a significant portion of the earth’s population. Verse 8 pictures it graphically when it mentions the beasts. As people die off, the beasts gain more and more control. Soon they rule! Yet it is really stressing all the various forms of death that strike people in the world – especially accidental and unexpected forms. If this were a 21st Century list it would include auto accidents, plane crashes, disease epidemics, heart attacks, and terror attacks. For all our great medical research and discoveries, we seem to discover more and more unknown and untreatable diseases and for all our high-tech security enemies find more ways to attack us. We see now, and will see increasingly, that people die from unexpected causes. But, for a time, there will be a limit – only ¼ will die – all of which means it will not yet be the end.

It reminds me of an old “B.C.” comic strip – it pictured a cave man standing in front of a rock labeled ‘Exchanges.’ He pointed to his watch and said, “My calendar won’t budge.” The cave man in charge of exchanges said, “I don’t wonder. I’m not too choked-up about moving into next year myself.” Ever felt that way – just not too sure you want to live too far into the future?

Remember - tragedies of this nature do not mean that God is no longer on the throne or that He has forgotten us. We are never forsaken. Rather, God is still working everything out. He prophesied it all, and when it happens, it simply shows He’s still on the throne! And if Christ is in control of all the crises of the world, He can handle our own personal crises as well! But beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Suddenly there’s a flash and the lighting changes. The scenery is switched. We see a view of what’s happening in heaven again. The FIFTH SEAL (9-11) alters our viewpoint. HERE WE SEE THE MARTYRS UNDER THE ALTAR. As Herman Lockyer put it, “We move from horses to heroes, from steeds to saints.” The martyr’s life-blood has been poured out as an offering and sacrifice to God, and He has received and accepted it! Now we know what Paul meant when he said he was ready to be poured out!

And as John listens he hears the martyrs CRYING OUT FOR GOD’S JUDGMENT to fall upon the wicked. “The inhabitants of the earth” are those who are opposed to God and His purposes. The martyr’s question to God is, “How long” will this wickedness be allowed to roam the earth unchecked and unpunished! It’s the cry of the Psalmist and the cry of the ages – “How long, O Lord?”

And don’t we cry out the same? How long for Sadam? How long for the Osama ben Laden? How long for North Korea? How long for Iran? How long for Iraq? How long for radical Muslims? How long for terrorism? How long will sin reign? And the answer comes to the martyrs and to us – “Wait.” In time, God will send forth wrath. But there are still more martyrs to come! The martyrs have been chosen, a number has been established, and when the last one comes to the altar – then! Christ came once when the time was right, and He will again when the time is right! It makes me wonder about our timid attitude today. We are so careful to be sure we don’t offend anybody with our faith! We sure wouldn’t want to upset someone else and bring any pressure on ourselves! This old man John could have just shut up and enjoyed his old age; but instead he’s on Patmos. Can we ever understand, or hope to join, the martyrs? The white robes of purity and victory are given to them because they are so very special to God! They cry out now – and will continue to. Their cries will increase until that day! But beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

So we’ve seen the context of history, a glimpse of current history and life as we know it. But the play is not over; there is more COMING IN HISTORY (12-17). We are brought to the brink of the end as John sees the opening of THE SIXTH SEAL - THE REALM OF THE “WHAT IS TO BE.” Seven major events, or happenings, are listed. There will be great earthquakes, the sun darkening, the moon turning to blood, the stars falling, the sky splitting, and the mountains and islands moving from their places! Whether these are literal or not, the picture is of TERROR UPON TERROR – worse than any we’ve known. Beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

All of these events are found in the Old Testament. It means that these terrors must be recognized as DIVINE INTERVENTIONS! In each case the context is the close of history. And the New Testament strongly affirms this. Check out Mark 13, or Matthew 24, or Luke 21 where Christ says that there will be a day of judgment. And here in Revelation Christ repeats Himself from heaven! What does the future hold? All of what we have just seen, in greater intensity, and much more! As Jesus said, “But the end is not yet . . . all this is but the beginning of the birth pangs!” Beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

Let me be very clear. (6:15-17) THERE IS A TIME OF JUDGMENT COMING. ALL PEOPLE – GREAT OR SMALL – WILL FACE IT! The whole fabric of human society will be judged. There will be no exemptions! And the judgment will be so severe that people will seek to hide from it. People will feel it’s better to have a mountain fall on them than to face the living God in judgment! Terrible death will be preferred to the wrath of God! Indeed (17), “Who is able to stand?” The refiner’s fire will come! That’s why, beginning with Adam and Eve, people have tried to hide from God – why they still try – why they will continue to try. The presence of Almighty God is too hard for sin to bear!

Keep in mind this is just our first picture of the end. There are 2 WORDS FOR WRATH in Revelation. One refers to the emotions - THUMOS, WHICH IS A SUDDEN BOILING UP that will subside. The other is not an emotion; it’s ORGE, which is GOD’S ABIDING, EVER-PRESENT, UNIVERSAL OPPOSITION TO EVIL AND SIN. Orge is used here, and again at the end of the trumpets and the end of the bowls. It’s not that God will have a few hissy-fits; it is God‘s everlasting wrath, which we will meet again and again! It’s the same wrath God displayed at Calvary. The cross was not only salvation in its fullest form, but also judgment. That’s why Calvary is the only place to escape God’s wrath. Only there do wrath and mercy meet. But the whole point here is that the day is coming when people will not be able to get to Calvary any longer; the road will be blocked. And judgment will be thrown down upon them! Is there anything worse than a war? Yes! Try the wrath of God! Beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

And still to come is the 7th SEAL (8:1-5). When it is opened there is SILENCE. It’s a dramatic effect, the calm before the storm. But, as Psalm 50 tells us, God’s silence will come an end! As Habakkuk prophesied (2:20), “The Lord is in His holy temple; let all the earth keep silence before Him!”

Finally, after a half-hour, something happens. Realize that while a half hour doesn’t seem like much time, all the rest of the visions have taken place in only a few minutes – which means that before the final judgment there will be a long and awesome silence in heaven! Then what happens? Angels appear with trumpets – ready to announce still more of what is to come. They appear to say, “You ain’t seen nothin’ yet.”

Then there is another scene change. THE PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS, ALONG WITH THE INCENSE OF CHRIST’S LIFE, RISE UP TO GOD. The prayers for judgment will be heard. They will take effect! They will prevail! And notice they will return to the earth in judgment. Even as Christ was “a fragrant offering and sacrifice to God”, so are we with our prayers! We see them rise up beautifully, and get cast down violently. JUDGMENT BEGINS IN ANSWER TO OUR PRAYERS! The altar of salvation is the altar of judgment! That’s what Paul meant when he said, (II Cor. 2:15-16 GNT): “For we are like a sweet-smelling incense offered by Christ to God, which spreads among those who are being saved and those who are being lost. For those who are being lost, it is a deadly stench that kills; but for those who are being saved, it is a fragrance that brings life.” What is the power behind the world? What is the key to the time of judgment? The prayers of the saints! PRAYERS OF THE SAINTS ARE “GOD’S DISRUPTIVE PRESENCE IN THE FALLEN WORLD.” More potent, more powerful than all the powers of the world is the power “set ablaze” by the fire of God when it’s cast upon the earth in answer to prayer! This fire was in the heart of Jesus (Lk. 12:49 CEB): “I came to cast fire upon the earth. How I wish that it was already ablaze!” Beware – you ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

And so we’re ready for the end. The final rocket of the fireworks display has been launched. But it’s not the end – yet. The rocket has exploded and now there are many tiny sparks floating softly to earth. We will see more. But we ain’t seen nothin’ yet! But – but - let’s realize that THERE IS HOPE FOR US! We have already learned that it is not the especially strong, gifted, beautiful, rich, clever, or influential who are blessed; it’s those who belong to Christ. Isaiah (54:10) says: “For the mountains may depart and the hills be removed, but my steadfast love shall not depart from you, and my covenant peace shall not be removed; says the Lord, who has compassion on you.”

Each of us will face either the love or the wrath of the Lamb. If we are not for Him we are against Him. How is it with you? How is it with your friends? Your family? Your fellow employees? Heed Jesus’ warning (Lk. 21:34-36 NLT): “Watch out! Don’t let your hearts be dulled by carousing and drunkenness, and by the worries of this life. Don’t let that day catch you unaware, like a trap. For that day will come upon everyone living on the earth. Keep alert at all times. And pray that you might be strong enough to escape these coming horrors and stand before the Son of Man.” We cannot escape nor survive without Jesus Christ! Neither can those we know! We must go to Calvary while the way is clear – and take everyone we can with us! For the worst – and the best - is yet to come! You ain’t seen nothing; yet! Amen!

(1) Marva Dawn, Joy in Our Weakness, Wm. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co., © 2002 by Wm. B. Eerdmans Co., p. 109-110

(2) From Standing at the Edge of Dawn, a sermon by Herschel H. Sheets, Pulpit Digest, May/June 1984, p. 44.

(3) Herbert Lockyer, Revelation – The Drama of the Ages, Harvest House Publishers, Irvine, CA, © 1980 by Harvest House Publishers, p.117

(4) Marva Dawn, p. 134 – from M. Robert Mulholland Jr., Invitation to a Journey: A Road Map for Spiritual formation, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 1993, pp. 107-8