Summary: Following Jesus is not easy, it's not impossible, but it is a challenge. Taking Jesus with you in your boat gives you the Master of the Sea and Storm

* The life’s lessons which can be found from this one text are enormous. We could spend a month’s worth of message on this one passage and, quite likely, never repeat ourselves. The messages could be “Jesus calming your storm”, “Is Jesus in your boat?” “The Power of the Master” or even “Who is this man?” Other pastors have titled this text, “The Storms of Life”, “The Perfect Storm”, “When you think you’re going under” and even “The other side of the lake.” It was serve each of us well – to linger over this passage of scripture & see its truth.

* Of all the messages I have read and heard on this text I have not found one which sees this as simply ‘following Jesus and the challenges that brings.’

* Today we are big on challenges. Every time we turn around, there is a new challenge on TV. (I.E. The Amazing Race, The Biggest Loser, Fear Factor, & Survivor – but the list goes on)

* Clearly, there is no greater challenge than the “Challenge of Following Jesus.” Why? Because following Jesus goes against the tide of popular & public opinion. Following Jesus requires more courage & fortitude than anything else. You choose to follow Christ & your friends may ridicule you, your family may disown you, and our country may soon persecute you. To follow Jesus is not simply to attend worship, it is to live like He lived, to honor God in all you do (word & deed), and to hand over the control of your life (I.E. schedule, hobbies, money) to Him.

* In every sense of the word, it challenges us. Some say ‘it’s easy’ – but it’s not. Some say, ‘it’s impossible’, but it’s not. Some say (by how they live), ‘it’s irrelevant’, but it’s not. I say (offer) – “It’s a challenge.” To follow requires both energy as well as effort, and at times, even sweat and blood.

* We can make jokes about following our sports team. Last year was a difficult year for me because the Saints had such a dismal year. (There were a few college teams who were in the same boat – and for those college teams who “WON” – I remember when you were crying.)

* Whoever or whatever it is that you follow says a great deal about you. I ask you now; in the matter of life-death-heaven & hell, who are following? Before you answer too quickly, please remember that Jesus said that you can tell who or what you are following by where you place your personal treasure. So if you take an honest look at the most prized place of your life, who or what is it? Let’s take a look at this story & learn about following Jesus.

1) THE TRIP – Most of us enjoy trip (maybe too much). I could have called this a ‘trek’ because following Jesus is not like anything else in your life. Generally, we like to be in control (I.E. our destination, direction, driving, route, & stops) However, to follow Jesus is to give HIM control.

a) The Call – V35 – Jesus simply said, “Let’s go to the other side.” The essence of Jesus’ call is to ‘go.’ This is not a call just for vocational ministers to take their family to an unfamiliar place & try to fit in & fulfill the King’s mission, it is a call to ‘all’ believers move their thinking in line with Him. It is a call to do what He did, share the gospel. There is no call to sit and soak, but always to stand & serve. We are call to go. This is written in what we call the “Great Commission.” However, the Great Commission of “Going & Making Disciples” has, to the 21st Century Americanized church, seemingly become “The Great Suggestion” because we are too busy, too committed to other things, & can to sure that Jesus didn’t mean ‘me’ when He said, “Go.”

* But Jesus didn’t stop with the call to ‘go,’ He said, “Let’s go to the other side.” Think about ‘The other side.’ Why does Jesus call us to ‘go?’ He calls us to leave our comfort to go to a place we may not know and do the things which make us uncomfortable. Jesus knows that on ‘The other side’ there are needs which only He can meet. (Chapter 5 will record a demoniac was waiting)

* Jesus calls each one of us to ‘come to Him’ for our soul’s salvation. Peter tells us that our Lord desires no one to be lost, but scripture tells us that many will be lost because when God speaks to their heart – they don’t believe or respond. The first step is to come to Christ. Then He says, “Follow Me.” Following Jesus means going where the need exist. Many times it is to the ‘other side’. He said, “You will be my witnesses in Jerusalem (home), Judea (area), Samaria (where it is that you don’t want to go), and the end of the earth. He calls you and me. (Wednesdays)

b) The Costs – When you follow Jesus the payoff will be good, but it will cost you something. There is no soft sell salvation or Christianity in God’s word. Look in verse 36, “And leaving the crowd.” Some will gasp because the crowd makes you comfortable, gives you security, & even gives you a sense of self worth, yet when you follow Jesus, some will not make the trip. Better said, they’ll refuse to go and try to keep you from following Jesus. Never lose sight of the truth that the crowd is on the wide road which leads to destruction while the road with Jesus is narrow, leads by way of the cross, & there’re only a few who will go. But never forget, “The way of the cross leads home.”

* The disciples could have offered excuses to NOT go. Like ‘Look at this crowd there’s still work left here’, or ‘this is easier’, or the all time question “Why do we have to change?” The trip with Jesus always costs, always leads to change, and seemingly is a call to the other side.

* Following Jesus is always predicated on a call & knowing the costs. But it’s worth it because of:

c) The Companion – V36 – I truly like the way the HCSB phrases this: “Since He was already in the boat.” This is huge stuff. Is Jesus in your boat already? What a picture of salvation! In this trip we call life, who exactly is in your boat? Is it master of the sea (life)? Is it the one who cares for you more than your mom? Is it Jesus? Is He walking with you? It matters who you travel with.

* In the year 2000, we too a trip to Branson with Jonathon & his best friend, Joel. Trust me: It matters who you travel with. We had great fun because we did much together on the trip.

* Is Jesus in your boat? If He is, has He fallen asleep from the lack of interaction & fellowship? If He’s not, why not. He is standing at your heart’s door – knocking to get in. You may think all is well right now, but trips are seldom without their problem.

2) THE TEST – The half-brother of Jesus began his letter with these words, (James 1:2) “Count it all joy, brother WHEN you fall into various trials.” Notice He didn’t say “If” but “When.” It coming!

a) The Crisis – Verse 37 says, “A great windstorm arose.” Be reminded, these guys weren’t rookies on the water, there were at least 4 professional on this ship. They knew the Sea of Galilee very well. They were “Sea dogs” & were uncharacteristically afraid. Luke says they were in ‘great danger’ while Matthew records that they said, “We’re going to die”, and Mark writes the boat was almost ‘swamped’! (Peter’s rendition to Mark). This was a life or death crisis.

* Although I have never been there, I’m told that the Sea of Galilee is a beautiful place. However, it is below sea-level & surrounded by mountain so it gives the opportunity hot air to meet cold air which gives an unstable weather pattern which can make sudden & violent storms.

* This is a perfect picture of life, even when you are traveling with Jesus. Basically, there are 2 reasons for crisis: disobedience (to correct you) & obedience (to mature you). Your crisis is a test to see who you are & who you will go to when the chips are down.

b) The Choice – Every time we have a crisis we face a choice. For the disciples, they were self confident in their abilities, skilled in their crafts, & had faced many storms like this. However, there was something different about this storm. Their human ‘know-how’ was no match for the supernatural. As I read this I wondered, “Was God testing them to “see how long it would take them to come to Christ?” How long does it take you?

* Two of my favorite songwriters from days of ‘old:’ Dottie Rambo wrote “I go to the rock” & JB Coates wrote “Where could I go?” Let me remind you of your position today.

* You are in, coming out of, or about to enter a storm and you ask “Why?” My response is that God doesn’t necessarily work better in a storm, but we listen better. The came to Jesus because He was already in their boat, but it seems they ignored Him & let Him go to sleep.

c) The Calming – v 39 – Jesus spoke to the winds & sea – and they heard Him. Wow. I submit that “IF” He has power over nature, that He can take care of your storms in your life. When given the opportunity, Jesus has a way of rebuking the winds & calming the sea. He spoke the word & all nature responded. The wind died down, so the waves calmed down, & the danger passed. He’ll do this in your life if you’ll allow Him to. He’ll speak the word to you & for you; BUT, He will only do it, if you ask. He is the only one capable of calming the storm in your life & He will ‘if.’

* They have followed Jesus into the storm (which will happen) & now Jesus has seen them through the storm & calmed the storm (which He’ll do), but now comes the teaching point.

3) THE TRUTH – V40-41 gives us a picture of a true teacher. Jesus uses every teachable moment.

a) About Fear – Jesus asked, “Why are you so afraid?” I can almost hear the hurt and disbelief in Jesus’ tone. It’s like “After all you seen & heard, don’t you trust me”? My belief is that their words, “Don’t you care” were still ringing in His ears. A crisis or a storm has a way of revealing what we really are. Fear will bring out ‘not the best or the worst’ but the truth of what is in you.

* Also, fear will paralyze you. Trust me, I know. It will cause you to miss this trip. It is one of the great tools of Satan. Fear will tell you that you can’t! Just remember, “You can’t, He never said you could, He can, He always said He would – If you’ll let Him”. With Jesus, there is no fear.

b) About Faith – Jesus’ follow-up question was just as sobering. He asked, “Do you still have no faith?” Jesus’ desire is for us to walk by faith not fear and all He was seeing from them at this point was fear. Fear is seeing where you can’t walk and faith is walking where you can’t see! In other words, “It’s walking with Jesus” going as far as you can see and then taking one more step.

* Where is your faith? In who or what do you place your faith? Jesus? Really? Do you give Him all you have, and then trust Him with it? Do you trust Him with it? Or you do trust YOU?

* God wants us to be “Faith Walking” people. In Romans 1 we read, ‘The righteous shall live by faith.” Galatians tells us we are justified by faith. Ephesians message is we are Saved by faith.”

* The child is faith is trust. Following Jesus requires trust. This brings us to the last truth which is

c) About the Future – You read this text & ask, “How do you get this?” Look at verse 41, read the question, and know that your answer determines your future. At this point of the story, I don’t know what the disciples were more afraid of, the storm or the savior. Out of unspeakable terror they asked one another “Who is this man?” And now we are at the very crux of the challenge to following Jesus – “What is this man?” Who is He to you? Is He a figure in history or is He a presence in your heart? If He’s is in your heart, He affect every part of your life. (I.E. home, job, school, friends, work, words, attitude, demeanor, & more). If He’s making no daily impact on how you live, based on what I find in the word of God – you have no future with Him because you don’t really have Him. Here is your first challenge. Do you truly know & walk with Jesus?

Suppose I changed the title of this message from the “Challenge of Walking with Jesus” to the “Challenge of being Married.” (I know – a lot of different issues- GRIN)

Can you imagine going to the altar, saying your vows, and then only speaking with each other once a week? Sound silly? How about repenting of your sin, asking Jesus in your life, and then only speaking to Him once a week? By the way, just like your mate, Jesus wants to be heard.

Hear Him calling, standing at the door and knocking. Respond & take the trip with Him. It may well lead through a storm, but you’ll have in your boat – the Master of the Sea.