Summary: God does not call us to anything that He will not equip us for. The church is a sleeping giant and if we ever wake up we will make an impact in lives we come into contact with.

Sowing Seeds; Life, Faith, Service

Sermon number 5- Empowered for service

We continue in the series Life, Faith, and Service.

For a couple of weeks we have looked into our faith.

We saw that faith and reason can work together, but reasoning alone puts our focus on limitations and negatives that don’t allow God to be God and be able to use us to do something amazing.

To be able to do something that is bigger than ourselves.

We see that there is another side of faith and that is action.

Faith is not dead.

Faith is never kept to ourselves.

Faith must be stretched and exercised.

Apostle Paul to the church at Thessalonica, after talking and thanking them for their faith, gives us our text this morning concerning faith and service, or faith in action.

1 Thessalonians 1:3-

“We continually remember before our God and Father your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ.”

Paul tells them that he sees the work they are doing.

That their faith is prompted by love- first to God and then to God’s people.

He’s encouraged that they have put their hope and love in Jesus Christ and has stretched out to others.

1Thessalonians 2:8

This verse tells us why they do what they do.

“We love you so much that we were delighted to share with you not only the gospel of God, but our lives as well, because you had become so dear to us.”

Illustration- (SermonCentral)

Napoleon once pointed to a map of China and said “There lie’s a sleeping giant, if it ever wakes up, it will be unstoppable.”

Let me quote many other people- The church is a sleeping giant, if it ever wakes up, it would be unstoppable.”

We don’t like what is happening, but we keep quiet.

Instead of transforming the world, we are letting the world transform us.

Jesus Christ implemented the church. It is more than a bunch of leaders in each church trying to find out what they should be doing.

The church is a living manifestation of Christ. It is equipped and empowered by Christ to get things done.

Not that the church cannot accomplish all that God wants, the church usually doesn’t accomplish much because the church does not take its authority and anointing that God gives.

This message is not to make people that are very active in the church feel like they need to do more.

This not a message of guilt on those that are not currently doing anything to fill any particular vacancy in ministry.

This is not about being busy- people are busy!

I know busy. My job at times is 24/7 weather I am on vacation, a day off, weather I am tired, going through something myself, or enjoying time with my family.

We all know demands on our time- we all know there are demands on our life.

The question for each one of us is-

Are we doing our part in the kingdom of God? By God’s standard.

Do we know what we need to do?

If we would get these things right, the church, the sleeping giant would impact the world like never before.

What does the Bible say about ministry?

The church, God’s earthly body is expected to serve. Each believer is to be busy .

First to the Lord-

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus.”

Second to Believers-

We are to encourage, equip, disciple, train, and discipline.

Third to unbelievers-

We are to be the salt of the earth and engage those that need to know Christ as Lord. (repeat)

It is in that context that Paul addresses the church at Thessalonica.

“Remember your work produced by faith, labor by your love, endurance inspired by our relationship with Christ.”

I want very quickly to point out some things about ministry, and how each one of us fits into God’s plan.

Before we get to point one, here is a point.

God calls all believers to ministry.

Not all to be pastors, teachers, but all to minister for Christ.

You have to decide if you believe that!

If you do, the prayer becomes Lord, “What do you want me to do”?

If you say no to the call of all to minister, the rest will not interest you.

There are many good people, many talented people with great potential to serve God.

The problem is they never move from potential to productive.

What good is a fruit tree if it never bears fruit?

What good is a car that is stuck in neutral? Sounds good, but never goes anywhere.

What good is a dream if you never act upon it?

If you expect it to just happen, your dream will die!

I. God does not expect us to do it alone

What God calls you too, He will equip you to do. (repeat)

The Holy Spirit was from the very beginning in Genesis 1 there to help and empower the things of God to get done.

“Spirit of God hovered over the waters and creation.”

In the Old Testament, the Spirit of God “Came upon” individuals and gave them power and ability to do specific tasks.

On the day of Pentecost, Jesus had left with the promise of the comforter coming and empowering them for service.

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea, and to the ends of the earth.”

God had a purpose-

To equip the church and God’s people to have the power of God working in their lives.

We are not alone! Because God has equipped us to do what He has called us to do.

“Not by might, nor by power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.” Zechariah. 4:6

Isn’t that the carpenter? The plumber? The housewife? It looks like they have been with Jesus!

“Amazed and perplexed” Scripture says- I know them, but it looks like they have been with Jesus.

The Holy Spirit of God filling them and empowering them- Jesus is all over them.


A Sunday school teacher had taught her class to recite the Apostles Creed by giving each child one phrase to learn. (Some don’t know what that is)

At the Sunday School presentation the class was asked to give their recitation. They began beautifully.

“I believe in God the Father Almighty, maker of heaven and earth,” said Sarah.

“I believe in Jesus Christ his only Son our Lord,” said Rachel.

Everything went perfect one after the other and then there was a long pause. Finally a little girl spoke up and said, “Uh, the little boy who believes in the Holy Spirit is absent today.”

You take the power of God out and you are left with average people doing average things!

His power is for Service- to be a witness to this world.

His power is for Service- To walk and operate in the power of the name of Jesus.

The second part of this is still under the fact that we do not have to do it alone is, because we all have a part in ministry.

We are not alone because God sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within us and empower us for ministry.

Because we all have a part in kingdom work. (every one of us)

Many hands make light work! That phrased is not found in the Bible, but the principal is throughout God’s word.

Look around-

People have physical needs.

People have emotional needs.

People have financial needs.

People have spiritual needs.

The purpose of ministry is meeting needs. God’s people making themselves available.

Ask yourself “Ask not what God can do for you, but what you can do for God.” It will change your life forever!

Romans 12:4-5

“Just as each of us has one body and many members, and these members do not have the same function, so in Christ we who are many form one body, and each member belongs to all the others.”

God wants the church to grow- it is what we are to do. He wants to use you to do it.

God wants to meet the needs of people- He wants to use you to do it.

God wants to disciple, train, Godly people- He wants to use you to do it.

How do you go from potential to productive?

By making yourself available. By finding where God wants you and get involved.

By determining your talents and using them for the glory of God.


How do you discover what your ministry is?

How do you figure out where you fit in?

Romans 12:1-8 (I will read from Bible and not needed up on screen.)

How do we do that? (SermonCentral Freddy Fritz)

1. Dedicate yourself to God 12:1- “I appeal to you therefore, brothers, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship.”

• Present yourselves- ask God what in your life He could use and make yourself available.

2. Eliminate distractions- “Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.”

• We are all busy. The ones that you see busy have families, responsibilities, jobs, just like everyone else. They make time for God. Purposefully give Him their time.

3. Evaluate your strengths- what do you do that could be used by God? He gave you that strength use them for Him.

4. Work well with others- one body, many members with many personalities. The one common denominator is to see God’s kingdom grow, and God’s people be disciple.

• It takes all of us.

5. Activate you gifts- use them.

Right now 90 % let 10 % do all the work. Let’s change that! Lets see God’s people get involved in the ministry to others.