Summary: The Revelation is an Unveiling of Jesus Christ

The Seven

Introduction to Revelation, part 1

Revelation 1:1-3

May 19, 2013

First, I believe Revelation is understandable by the ordinary person. Many of you woman can run circles around most of the men here. You have the ability to sew complicated stitches, cook, homeschool, have a phone conversation, and balance the checkbook all at the same time. Many of you men can quote sports statistics, repair complex mechanical machinery, and describe the intricacies of bullet ballistics. And anyone under thirty can figure out any electronic wizardry. Yet you plead ignorance and helplessness when it comes to understanding Revelation. Second, though it is understandable, it has unique interpretative challenges. You cannot read it like Romans or Psalms or Acts. It is not like a scientific manual or a math book or even a jigsaw puzzle; it is more like a fantasy novel like CS Lewis', The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Some books of the bible appeal to our intellect like Romans, to our affections like Psalms, but Revelation appeals to the imagination.

It is made up of three literary genres – apocalyptic, prophecy, and epistle. Apocalyptic literature describes in symbolic ways what takes place at the consummation of all things. It was very popular in Judaism and early Christianity from about 200 BC to 100 AD. If you read a half dozen pieces of this literature you would have a good grasp of it; it is pretty consistent and standardized. Its symbolism is fantastic and not meant to be taken literally. Other characteristics is that there is no middle ground, everything is either black or white. You are a conquerer and are rewarded or you are not and face God's judgment; everything is either good or evil; you are on the side of the Lamb or the beast.

Revelation is also prophetic, it foretells the future, what takes place in the flow of history before the consummation of all things. Prophecy also forthtells, calling God's people to covenantal faithfulness. Last, Revelation is an epistle, a circular letter, that circulated among several churches to address the specific historical situations and needs of these local churches at the end of the first century. Failure to determine the meaning for the original readers fails to determine the meaning for us. Until we understand what it meant to them we cannot understand what it means to us. And it cannot mean something to us when it did not mean that to them. The best place to look to understand Revelation is the Old Testament not todays newspaper.

The Revelation is an Unveiling of Jesus Christ

'The revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him.' That word revelation is where we get the word apocalypse, which means to unveil or reveal what is hidden. Revelation reveals Jesus Christ, so it is an unveiling of Jesus Christ, the glory of the King who now reigns, how he will save his people, and conquer evil. This book gives us a glimpse into reality - the way things really are to encourage the church under attack and wondering where is God. It was given to 'show his servants what must soon take place.' It is addressed to seven churches but applies to all churches of all time. It was given to specific Christians but it applies to all Christians of all time. That little verb, must, is used seven times in Revelation and points to God's predetermined plan that will take place. God says something will happen because God makes it happen. It is not a contingency plan, it is not a hopeful plan, it is an absolute plan, it is a sure and secure plan. It will happen because God ensures it will happen. Christ will win, we will be vindicated, sin will be destroyed, and we will dwell with God for all eternity. What must take place soon and the time is near causes us some trouble as 2000 years have passed! What does John mean? John talks about periods of time in Revelation. It will happen soon because the time is near. The options of understanding this are the following: some say John was wrong or that he meant swiftly. Others say he may not have referred to time at all but to any given time. Still others suggest that some of the events take place immediately after John wrote but other events are still future. But all these are not honest with the words. There are even those who say that everything has already taken place but that ignores the last two chapters. So how do we understand this? Soon means soon; near means near. The book of Revelation is the New Testament counterpart to the Old Testament book of Daniel. This book must be interpreted based upon the Old Testament apocalypse. Daniels time of the end and Johns soon and near mean the same thing, the same time. In Daniel chapter two Daniel interprets a dream - statue with four great empires. In the days of the last empire God will set up his own kingdom that will never end. Daniel says it will take place in the latter days; John says this must must soon take place, updating the text. God says he will use a rock to shatter the kingdom to establish his own kingdom. Jesus tells us that the rock the leaders rejected has become the cornerstone. Jesus inaugurated the kingdom so when John says that things must soon take place and the time is near he is speaking of now, the last days, the time between the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ.

God made this revelation known through an angel to John. Angels are a means of revelation in apocalyptic literature. John is a servant who is described as one who bore witness to the word and the testimony of Jesus Christ. Witness is another theme in revelation. Christians are identified as those who follow the example of Christ who was a faithful witness to his death.

The Revelation is for Obedience not Speculation

There is the promise of blessing when the book is read for the purpose of hearing and obeying it. The blessing is not just for those who hear but those who are obedient to it. This is a reference to the practice in the early church to read the letters received when the church gathered. This also points to the fact that this letter is written to the churches in Asia Minor.

There is spiritual nourishment in reading Scripture. But the purpose of reading is not purely intellectual engagement but obedience. Reading has the goal of shaping our desires and affections, increasing our faith, so that we are obedient to it. Hearing is an intensely spiritual act. We must prepare ourselves for hearing the word. The reason for reading and obeying is that the time is near. The promises of the book are given only to those who overcome, who persevere, who obey.

July 26, 2009

Being an Authentic Follower of Jesus:

Tearing Down and Rebuilding Worldviews

Luke 15:1-10

1. Two Groups and Two Worldviews

2. Tearing Down a ‘Religious Worldview’ and Rebuilding a ‘Kingdom Worldview’


Four encouragements:

 Pray everyday that God would give you good opportunities and power to commend Christ. And pray that he will be preparing others to be open. (Romans 10:1)

 Portray Christ by the way you love others and by the humble integrity of your work. (Matthew 5:16)

 Persuade those who are willing to talk and who have questions. (2 Corinthians 5:11)

Plead with those for whom God gives you a special affection and longing. (Acts 26:29)

The 7: Intro to Revelation, part 1

Read SCR

boy who cried wolf; history of predicting

1st I bel Rev understandable by ordinary

Many woman run circles around most men

U have ability sew, complicated stitches, talk phone, cook; balance same time

Many men can quote sports stats, mechanical tech; bullet ballistics.

Anyone < 30 can figure out any electronic wizardry.

Yet plead ignorance & helpless when comes understanding Revelation

been duped; deceived

2nd though understandable, r unique interpretative challenges.

cannot read like Romans or Psalms or Acts

not like manual, math book, time chart - > more like fantasy novel

Some bible appeal intellect like Romans, affections like Psalms, but Rev

made 3 literary genres – apocalyptic, prophecy, and epistle.

Apoc lit descr symbolic takes place at consummation of all things.

very popular/common Judaism/early Xnty from 200 BC to 100 AD.

If read ½ doz pieces u have good grasp of it; pretty consistent & standardized

symbolism fantastic & not meant to be taken literally. Ie symbols

Other characteristics - no middle ground, everything is either black or white

also prophetic - foretelling future, takes place in flow of history bf consummation

Prophecy includes forthtelling, calling G people to covenantal faithfulness 3rd Last Rev is epistle, circular letter, circulated several churches to

address specific historical situations of local churches end 1st in Asia Minor

Failure determine meaning for orig readers fails determine what means for us

It cannot mean something to us when it did not mean that to them.

best place look understand Rev is OT not todays newspaper.

The Revelation is an Unveiling of Jesus Christ – revealer and one revealed

'rev of JC' - where get word apocalypse, means unveil or reveal what is hidden.

rev reveals JC, so unveiling JC, glory of K now reigns; save people; conquer E

book gives glimpse reality - way things really r encourage church under attack

Rev given show servants what must soon take place–11x people G, church

addressed 7 churches - was given specific Xns but applies all Xns all time

little verb, must, used 7x & points to G predetermined plan will take place

G says something will happen bc God makes it happen.

not contingency plan, not hopeful plan, absol plan, sure & secure plan.

will happen bc G ensures happen – X win, vindicated, sin destroy, dwell

What must take place soon & time is near causes trouble as 2K years passd

What does John mean? John talks about periods of time in Revelation.

It will happen soon bc the time is near (ch 22)- So how do understand this?

Soon means soon; near means near.

book Rev NT counterpart OT Daniel – Rev must interpreted based OT apocalyp

Daniels time of the end & Johns soon & near mean same thing, same time.

In Daniel 2 Daniel interprets a dream - statue w./ 4 great empires.

In days of last empire G will set up his own kingdom supass & never end.

D says take place latter days; Jn-this must must soon take place, updating

G says will use rock to shatter the kingdom earth to establish own kingdom

J tells rock leaders rejected bc cornertone – J is rock inaugurated KOG

So J says things must soon take place and time is near - it is now, last days

time bw the first coming of Christ and the second coming of Christ.

God made this rev known thru angel to John - Angels means rev in apocalyptic

John is servant described as one who bore witness to word & testimony JC

Witness is another theme in revelation.

Xns r identified as those who follow ex of X who faithful witness to death

The Revelation is for Obedience not Speculation

is promise of blesssing when book is read 4 purpose of hearing & obeying it

blessing not just 4 those who hear but 4 those who obey it.

reference practice early church to read letters recieved when church gathered

again points to fact that this letter written to churches in Asia Minor.

There value & spirtual nourishment in reading Scripture.

But purpose reading not purely intellectual engagement but obedeince

Reading has goal shaping desires & affections, increasing faith, so we r obed

Hearing an intensely spiritual act - must prepare ourselves 4 hearing word.

Ie never think of going to work, gym, hunting, wihtout prep;

2fold spritual work

reason for reading and obeying is that the time is near.

promises of the book are given only to those who overcome, persevere, obey.