Summary: We are called of God and because of that calling we walk differently than the rest of the world.


This morning we talked about God’s expectation for us to WALK WORTHY OF OUR CALLING. Through the writings of Paul to the church at Ephesus we are given a glimpse of how part of that calling is walking in unity with our brothers and sisters in Christ; and the exercise of our gifts. We also saw how God gives everyone of us a measure of grace in order to keep unity.

Essentially Paul has talked to us about our attitude toward God, the church and leadership. Now Paul moves to the practical. He is showing us that our attitude on the inside (spirit) will become evident in our daily walk with God (flesh).

Let’s pray and then get into the Scriptures to see how God not only wants us to walk worthy but to walk differently.

Not As the Gentiles…

Ephesians 4:17 So I tell you this, and insist on it in the Lord, that you must no longer live as the Gentiles do, in the futility of their thinking. 18 They are darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God because of the ignorance that is in them due to the hardening of their hearts. 19 Having lost all sensitivity, they have given themselves over to sensuality so as to indulge in every kind of impurity, and they are full of greed.

(LOOK AT VERSE 19 THEN COME BACK TO 17 & 18) Remember Paul is writing to both Jews and Gentiles who have been converted to Christianity. Both groups had emerged from an Ephesian culture that obviously promoted “impurity” and “greed.”

• Impurity (v.19) does not only speak to a life of sexual excess (sensuality) but a lifestyle of extravagance and excess. The Ephesian’s were living beyond their means (in today’s world it would be people spending more than they earn). It seems this has lead them to become “greedy.”

• Greed is not just about wanting money but an attitude of wanting what everyone else has – even when you cannot afford it! The Ephesian’s were people of EXTREMES to the place that material gain and wealth had become an IDOL to be worshipped and a SYMBOL of success.

The reason they had given themselves over to these things began with major mistake…look at Verse 17 & 18. Paul describes the process that leads to a life of excess and lust…

• Futile in their thinking – not stupid (actually quite smart), rather, their thinking did not include God and so in the end it was worthless. This is why Paul says the Gentiles were “darkened in their understanding and separated from the life of God…” They deny the existence of God by excluding Him from their everyday life. The result is a hardness of heart (vv. 17b-18).

o The real problem here is that humankind HAS TO WORSHIP something. So, when God is excluded from their thoughts (and life) they are naturally compelled to find something to worship. Usually human beings will find some form of pleasure to worship (sex) – or worship something that can provide them pleasure (money). This leads too…

• Losing all sensitivity (to no longer feel pain or grief / become callous)…they no longer felt the pull of God on their lives. Theologians often talk of “common” or “prevenient” grace. This is the grace of God that works on all human beings that brings them to salvation. I believe Paul is saying these folks had rejected God for so long they had become callous/hard hearted to the point they could no longer feel God’s pull toward salvation.

Illustration: Today we see a world that has done everything it can to put God out of its mind and life. This is a reaction to God’s graceful action in the world. I know that sounds strange but the corrupt/sinful nature of humanity is strange. In the end, God has allowed us the opportunity to choose our reaction to His grace.

(TRANSITION) After Paul tells us how those outside of Christ are behaving he calls us to different life that will witness to the power of Christ to redeem people just like he has been describing. Let’s look at…

Ephesians 4:20 That, however, is not the way of life you learned 21 when you heard about Christ and were taught in him in accordance with the truth that is in Jesus. 22 You were taught, with regard to your former way of life, to put off your old self, which is being corrupted by its deceitful desires; 23 to be made new in the attitude of your minds; 24 and to put on the new self, created to be like God in true righteousness and holiness.

If you have given your life to Christ then you have been given a new outlook, a new life, a new way of relating, and new way of looking at money. Notice Paul uses the words “learned” and “taught.”

• The new life we have been given by Christ is a learning life. This does not mean mere head knowledge, though that is important. It points not just to knowledge ABOUT Christ but also a KNOWING of Christ.

• Purity of mind and attitude begins with a relationship with Christ. We do not just ADD Jesus to our knowledge base like some kind of motivational guru. Purity of mind and attitude implies that we have an abiding relationship with Him – He is our chief thought.

Knowing Christ means we are constantly learning and helping others to learn of Him. Our drawing close to Him changes our conduct and attitude – and it witnesses to the power of God to change a life. The change in our conduct and attitude creates the atmosphere within which we are constantly putting off the ways of the OLD MAN and PUTTING ON THE WAYS OF THE NEW MAN. A MAN THAT WALKS IN HOLINESS AND RIGHTEOUSNESS!

Remember! The greater theme of this chapter is UNITY and Paul is pointing toward the REALITY that UNITY in the Body of Christ has a lot to do with how we live the Christ life. UNITY IN THE BODY DEPENDS ON OUR PROGRESS TOWARD MATURITY – PUTTING ON – PUTTING OFF.

Look at what Paul tells us too put off (4:25-30) and think of them in light of being in unity with the body.

• Put off falsehood (lying) but speak truthfully (v. 25)

• Don’t let you anger lead you to sin but resolve the anger before the day is over (v. 26).

• Don’t give the devil a foothold (v. 27) This connects to v. 26 – if we let anger rule our lives then the devil will have a foothold and take us over – deal with your anger before the devil gets in.

• Quit stealing – get a job and do something useful with your hands so that you can share with those in need (v. 28). Instead of always being the one somebody else has to take care of (lazy like those who do not know Christ) we must be different and find ways to be productive and supply for our families and the body of Christ.

• Don’t let unwholesome talk (corrupt words, cursing, swearing, slander, gossip) come out of your mouth – instead speak those things that build up so that others might benefit (v. 29)

• Don’t grieve (make to suffer, cause distress, mourn) the Holy Spirit - !!!!!!!!!!

Question: What does it mean to “grieve the Holy Spirit?”

Answer: The answer is obvious. Grieving the Holy Spirit happens when we choose to live like the OLD MAN and not the NEW MAN. The Holy Spirit is grieved because He knows you have His power to live abundantly and victoriously in this life.

But Paul does not stop by just giving us a list of DO NOT’s…he continues to provide us examples of what it means to WALK DIFFERENTLY IN THIS WORLD…

Get Your Emotions In Check…(DRAMA DRAMA DRAMA)

Paul gives us a group of OPPOSITES or CONTRASTS to demonstrate the difference in how the OLD MAN and NEW MAN walk…

• Get rid of all bitterness and anger; brawling and slander and every form of malice (desire to do evil) (v. 31)

• Instead show compassion (concern for the suffering) and offer forgiveness just like Jesus forgave you (v. 31b)

• Paul tells the Ephesian church to imitate the life of God by living in love/light and being willing to make sacrifices for one another (5:1-2).

Get Your Desires In Check…(5:3-7)

After showing the church what it means to get our emotions in check so we can show the world Jesus he then tells the church to get their desires in check. He tells us that IN THE CHURCH THERE SHOULD NOT BE A HINT OF SEXUAL IMMORALITY, IMPURITY or GREED (opposite of the Gentiles).

As a church we are TOGETHER a witness of God’s power to change us to ODESSA. As such, if one of us is acting in a manner that discredits our walk with God – we all TOGETHER have to overcome that. (IT’S ABOUT UNITY – we all rejoice together but we all also suffer together).

Paul goes on to warn us about those things that will cause us to discredit Christ in our community…

• Obsenity – filthiness (lust and crude gestures)

• Foolish talk – dirty jokes, and nasty talk.

INSTEAD of being obscene and foolish – GIVE THANKS (v. 4)

(Ephesians 5:5-6) Don’t be fooled into thinking that those who continue to walk in the darkness and idolatry - those who continue to grieve the Holy Spirit WILL NEVER FIND A PLACE IN THE KINGDOM OF GOD AND CHRIST.


Come Out of the Darkness and into the Light… (5:8-14)

I. You were once in darkness – but now in light, so live in the light (Christ) and find what pleases Christ (it is goodness, righteousness and truth) (v. 8-10)

II. Have nothing to do with fruitless deeds – instead expose these dark things to light (v. 11). Don’t even mention the terrible deeds some do in the dark because it is too shameful (v. 12). All the dark deeds of this world will be exposed by the light (Jesus).

Be Careful How You Live…(5:15-18)

• Be wise and make the most of every opportunity. Don’t be foolish (silly, unwise, lack judgment) (v. 15-16)

• Instead know what the will of the Lord is (v. 17b) – the will of the Lord is to live in the light and walk worthy and walk differently than those who do not know Him.

• Do not be drunk because it leads to immodesty, corruption, indecency, sinfulness, or wickedness (all synonyms for “debauchery”).

• Instead be “filled with the Spirit.” Live a life that is full of the things of the Spirit – truth, righteousness, integrity, honesty, holiness, etc. (v. 18) AND….

Rejoice Together…(5:19-20)

• We rejoice by singing and making music in our hearts as praise unto God (v. 19). We should be people, who instead of complaining all the time are giving thanks to God the Father for EVERYTHING in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ (v. 20).



If you are here this morning and you have never given you life to Christ you may be saying, “Wow, that sounds like a hard life to live!” My answer is, “Yes, it is. IF YOU ARE TRYING TO DO IT IN YOUR OWN POWER.” None of us can live the Christian life without the promised power of the Holy Spirit working in our life. But when you put your faith in Christ, the Holy Spirit will empower you to live the life He has called you too. Don’t be afraid – God is bigger than your doubts.

Pray with me…

Jesus, I admit that I am a sinner and in need of your grace to save me. I repent of everything I have ever done against your will and plan – I ask for your forgiveness. I confess that you are the Son of God and that you rose again from the grave that I could have eternal life. Come into my heart and change my life. In the Name of Jesus I pray.

(If you prayed that prayer I want to meet with you after service – come and see me).

Now I am asking the church to respond to the word of God preached tonight. Let’s gather around the altar and spend some time in prayer. Let’s repent. Let’s ask the Lord to strengthen us in our walk together.