Summary: As the Tribulation begins, words can barely describe the times that are ahead of the inhabitants of Earth. Christians today ought to live and act with urgency to tell others about Jesus, and this chapter begins to show us why!

The First Six Seals, Part 1

Revelation, Part 6, Revelation 6:1-6


- Today we begin to look at a time so horrific … words barely describe it

-- There’s an urgency to tell others about Jesus; because this is prophecy

- I want to remind you that after Chap. 3 the church is no longer mentioned

-- I believe this is proof that the church has been taken home to glory

-- In the last few weeks we have turned our focus on the Throne Room

- AMP: If ever I was inspired by God to do a hellfire and brimstone message, this would be the chapter I would have to use. Why? Answer: So that we could understand the importance of Jesus’ authority, and His Reign over all creation, and what is to come upon this world.


Read Revelation 6:1-6

Ω Point 1 – The White Horse (v 1-2)

- The white horse brings a man of conquest

-- Notice who is opening the seals

-- Jesus alone has the authority and right to do this

- The rider on the white horse is not Jesus

-- It is a satanic dictator who imitates Jesus

-- IMP: If Jesus is opening the scroll, He is not on the horse!

-- Jesus (also on a white horse) is mentioned in Revelation 19 … not here

- The political & social scene of today is certainly ripe for this kind of man

-- All that is missing is God allowing it to happen (all things under God)

-- 2 Thessalonians 2:6-7, “And now you know what is restraining, that he may be revealed in his own time. For the mystery of lawlessness is already at work; only He who now restrains will do so until He is taken out of the way.”

- You will notice the rider carries a bow - but no arrows

-- He has no ammo to make war, but he signifies war with a weapon

-- The first seal being opened is what brings this dictator to power

- Scripture confirms his arrival and purpose:

-- Daniel 9:27 says “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ’seven.’

-- He confirms a covenant with the Jewish people to bring peace to the land

- The seven here is a seven year period, it represents a literal 7 years of time

-- In the future, he will set himself up as God and demand worship

-- For now, he is laying the foundation by copying God’s characteristics

- Interestingly enough, the rider of the white horse wears a stephanos crown

-- It’s a crown of victory (overcomer) that we have talked about before

-- This crown is given to him by God, because his rule is allowed by God

-- This rider’s conquest will be by his manner of speech, not by war

Background: Many biblical scholars believe that this ruler will come from a European nation. The problem with this view is Europe is not in the position to force the nations of earth to accepting peace.

- Secondly, Israel would not trust Europe with its peace

-- Europe is openly hostile to Israel, with a growing Muslim population

-- Europe is now under constant pressure to appease anti-Jewish viewpoints

When Daniel talks about the Anti-Christ, he states that he will be a descendent of the armies, which destroyed Jerusalem and the Temple. This opens the possibility of the Anti-Christ being a descendent of Rome, but not the leader of a European nation. Think of who, today, would be able to protect Israel and may already be doing so.

Speculation: He could be a European, a descendent of the Roman armies, who heads a powerful nation such as the United States following the Rapture … which can guarantee and protect Israel’s security and lull Israel into a false sense of security.

- FACT: The rider of the White Horse is a great imitator/imposter/pretender

-- He is a false Christ bent on conquest & conquering those who love Christ

For any that hear this:

- IMP: Turn away from him, and look to the God of love who is in Heaven

-- God will be the only protection you have from what is about to unfold!

Ω Point 2 – The Red Horse (v 3-4)

- The red horse brings with him war and conflict

-- All this rider must do is take peace from the earth; men do the rest

-- Peace between men is a gift from God; it is not a natural state (Cain/Abel)

-- Mankind through our sin is constantly looking to be better than others

-- Without the peace of God being present, we would destroy each other

- This authority (to bring war) is granted to the horseman by God

-- This war, is the judgment of God upon mankind

-- Fact: We live in an age of war and conflict; since World War II, there have been more than 150 wars on this planet

- Think about the after effects of a nuclear war.

-- Could the next three horsemen not be describing the after effects?

Background: Nuclear war is more and more a possibility as nations continue to upgrade technology to defend themselves from potential assaults from their neighbors (again, seeking to control/rule one another).

- India and Pakistan are great examples; these two nations by themselves have almost 1.2 billion people. A nuclear war between these nations would not just affect those who die from missile strikes but food supplies and diseases, which would follow. Nuclear weapons with greater fire power, held by smaller and smaller nations can turn world into chaos.

- Pay attention to the things happening in the nation of Iran and North Korea -- They hold the wick to lighting a powder keg that has been filled for years!

Ω Point 3 – The Black Horse (v 5-6)

- The scales represent the commerce of the world

-- Today the idol of the earth is no longer God but capitalism and success

-- The nations on the earth are pushing commerce and success as their hope

- The Gospel continues to give people a choice; what really is important!!

- In ancient times, a quart of wheat is what one man would eat in a meal

-- In order to purchase this wheat, you would give one days’ worth of wages

-- IMP: During the tribulation (after the days of war under the red horse) – the lack of food across the globe would result in world-wide famine!

- Note that the voice declaring the shortage is coming from the Throne!

-- This is the voice of God, joined with Christ, declaring one simple truth:

-- Man cannot live on bread alone!

-- John 6:33-35 says “For the bread of God is He who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world." Then they said to Him, "Lord, give us this bread always." And Jesus said to them, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to Me shall never hunger, and he who believes in Me shall never thirst.”

- Three quarts of barley was food for the animals and the poor, for one day

-- Barley costs less than wheat, but still would cost one day’s wages

-- Perhaps this shows that man (the poor) would be just scraping by?

- Now think about this: If you had a family, and one day of wages bought enough food for you to eat – what would your family eat? Famine would soon ensue across the globe!

- Pay attention though to the fact that the oil and wine are not damaged

-- These are luxury items that are attributed to the wealthy

-- APP: It says that these will not be affected: which means those who are wealthy will not suffer to get enough food to eat

-- Does this mean that having wealth will save a man during this time? NO!

- God’s Word says (Acts 10:34), “God is no respecter of persons …”

-- This gives weight that even though they may be rich, they will still suffer

-- They may not suffer hunger right now, but it’s only the beginning

-- Consider for a moment: a poor family has nothing but the rich do ... where would you go to get food for your family?

-- APP: Mass chaos will ensue, and without peace (red horse) there will nothing to restrain men

Ω Big Ideas

- I want you to see three very important notes before we close:

1) Notice … power is GIVEN to these horsemen

2) Even though all hell is breaking loose on the earth … God is in control

3) Will we look to God (today) for everything, or continue to attempt to control it all ourselves?

- Pray