Summary: The experiences and reactions of the women on Easter Sunday morn, in many ways mirror our reaction to the New Day that has come through Jesus’ resurrection.

Walkin’ with Jesus:

The Dawn of a New Day

Scripture Text: Mark 16.1-8


The Easter story is an amazing and moving-story ~ …but not-just-because it touches us emotionally. But, it’s incredible and powerful because it really did happen; …and-because of what-those-events tell us about God’s-heart and God’s-intentions toward each one of us!


I. Dawn

Every one of the Gospel stories tells that the first visitors to the tomb came very early… At dawn. Maybe-even leaving their home before the first rays of sunlight had peaked over the horizon. Mark says-as-much. It’s very early.

This morning, some of us got up at the crack-of-dawn to gather for a sunrise service. We weren’t the only ones. Many believers, around the world, stepped into the shoes-of-those-women who went to tomb.

That-day began in darkness. It began with a cloud-of-grief, hangin-low in their hearts. It began with what seemed-to-be a continuation of the way things-have-always-been. “We get our hopes up; “…We think that things are gonna be better; “…We think that maybe, just-maybe, God has sent us some help.”

But-then, we end-up disappointed. We end-up on the dark-side of the next-day, …a day that is just-like-every-other day. Filled with broken-hearts, …and shattered-dreams, …despair over the future, …filled with regrets over what ‘woulda-been, shoulda-been, I wish it was’!

The women got up early. Their hearts were heavy. Their minds clouded with grief and disappointment. The smile of their Friend, …the compassion of His words, …the light that emanated from His eyes ~ …It was all extinguished a few-days-earlier, as Jesus breathed His last, …hanging on the executioner’s cross, …and He said, “It is finished!”

“Finished”, all-right! Finished hopes. Finished dreams. Finished relationships. Finished!

Can you imagine the heaviness of their footsteps as they made-their-way through the dark, empty streets of Jerusalem? I wonder if they walked past the Temple ~ …the place where the curtain was ripped from top-to-bottom the same-day that Jesus died! I wonder if they walked past the city-gate where Jesus rode on a donkey, while all the people shouted, “Hosanna!” I wonder if they thought of His words, “I am the light of the world” ~ …even as the sun’s-first-rays peaked over the distant horizon. Can you imagine the tangled-web of fleeting thoughts and memories streaming through their minds as they shuffled-along early on Sunday morning? Did they talk, or just move-along in silence? Did tears hang on the rims of their lids, …or were they wiping the sleep from tired eyes?

Whatever-their-posture, …whatever-their-thoughts, …whatever-their-physical-state, …they mustered one-question… After they bought the burial-spices from merchant who’d set up shop especially-early that morning, …as they drew-near to the tomb, …they wondered out-loud: “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?”

And with that-simple-question ~ …an understandable question, …a logical question, …entirely-reasonable ~ …with that-simple-question, the surprises began to unfold!

II. Surprises

The darkness flees at first-light. It is a reminder that so-long-as light shines, darkness does not, …cannot prevail! When light shines, …darkness must flee. The dawn signifies that darkness has no hold, …no grip …no authority over the world.

And the women are about to see that the world-they-thought was-just-the-same as-it’s-always-been, …they were about to see that everything was different!

Hardly-had-they-gotten-the-question outta-their-mouth, …the women looked-up and saw that the tomb ~ …that huge rock, …that massive boulder, …that stone that had been sealed by Pilate and the Sanhedrin ~ …it was rolled away! Set-aside. Put outta-the-way. Unsealed. Opened-up. Removed. The stone is rolled-away to expose the emptiness of the tomb. This is the first sign that a new-day-has-dawned. This is the first clue that things aren’t-the-way they’ve always-been. This is the first indication that the darkness of grief and despair and broken dreams ~ Surprise!!! Things aren’t what you expected. Things are different, …beginning today!

There’s more-surprises to come, …but we’re already beginning-to-realize that we’re not burdened by the same heaviness that we’ve been carrying around, almost-since the beginning of time. “Who will roll the stone away from the entrance of the tomb?” ~ “You don’t-even have-to-worry about such trivial-matters! “It may seem overwhelming and impossible to you; “…but it’s taken-care-of! “Just look-up! “Open your eyes and you’ll see even-more wondrous-things! “The stone is outta-the-way, “…so you can see inside the grave, …and the dawn of a new day, …can rekindle-hope, …come in the magnificent Name of Jesus!”

The next surprise came a few minutes later ~ …when they peaked into the tomb. The door was opened, …they stepped in, …and what did they see?

An angel. An angel! Now, unfortunately, …our imaginations have been high-jacked by Hallmark-cards …silly-little drawings of angels that look like cupid! We’ve come-to-think of ‘angels’ as-looking-like chubby-little-children. They’ve got a cute-set of wings that helps them flutter-and-flitter, …and a toy bow-and-arrow that they use to shoot love-darts at unsuspecting young men-and-women.

When I see those little cherub-cartoon drawings, …I think they’re supposed to make-us-feel warm-fuzzies and “Oh, aren’t they so-cute!” But, that’s not-what the women felt when they saw the angel! He’s described as a young-man, …dressed in white. And the women ~ …once they see him sitting there, …the women were alarmed!

Isn’t this the universal response to seeing an angel!?! I can’t think of a single time – in all-of-Scripture – …I can’t think of a single time when an angel appeared to someone that they wanted to go over and pinch his chubby-little cheeks, or give him a smothering-bear-hug! No!... Whenever someone sees an angel ~ …they are terrified. Often, …they’re scared-speechless. Angels are not the tame-little-creatures that grace Hallmark cards on Valentine’s Day. They are beautiful and terrible creatures that do the bidding of God. When angels step onto the stage of human history, …people wilt, …armies flee, …the proud are humbled, …and enemies are crushed! The main-thing that angels do, is deliver a message from God-Almighty. But, they’ve been know to carry-out terrifying deeds of valor.

What would it-be-like to look-upon a being who has audience with the Lord-God!?! What would it be like to see an angel face-to-face ~ …one who could wipe out an entire nation’s army, all-by-himself!?! Would it matter that he was simply dressed in a white robe? I think not! I think you’d still see his strength and valor; …you’d still see something-in-his-eyes and the aura-of-righteousness.

When the women see him sitting there, they were alarmed. It’s no-wonder! They are looking upon one who rubs-shoulders with Gabriel and Michael. He is one who moves in the courtyards of Heaven, …and sits in the Council of the Sovereign King of the Universe. You can see it on his face. You can sense it in his commanding-presence. And the angel… The messenger of God has a startling message for these wonderful-women!

“Don’t be alarmed… You are looking for Jesus the Nazarene who was crucified. He has risen! He is not here.”

The women got-up that morning with hearts full-of-grief. Now, they are filled with fear. Their eyes were brimming-with-tears, …now there are brimming with wonder. Their minds were clouded with dark-uncertainty, …now the brilliance of the angel’s white-robe consumes their attention. They came to finish the burial process; …now they’re-told to go look for the risen Jesus… who is very-much alive!

Everything about this day ~ …as young as it is ~ …everything about this day is telling the women that a New Day has dawned. It’s not-just that hope-springs-eternal; …it’s not-just that the calendar-page can be flipped to give us a theoretical new-start; …it’s not-just that each day carries with it new possibilities. No! This day is special because of what happened, …because of what the angel is saying, …because the tomb is empty …because Jesus is risen!

III. Fear

Now, what-do-you think the women did at this point!?!

A few of the other Gospel stories say that they ran-to-find the disciples. Not-Mark… Mark wants us linger in the moments – …however-brief they were. He wants us to linger in moments just after the women are told the startling, …surprising-news: “The tomb is empty. Jesus is not here. He is risen.” A new day has dawned. The old has gone and the new has come. “Go and tell.”

Do you remember ~ as-we’ve-moved through Mark’s Gospel ~ …many times we heard Jesus telling different-folks ~ …people who were healed, …and people who discovered that Jesus was the Messiah ~ …do you remember that Jesus told-each one not-to-tell who He was!?!

I remember those times because it was surprising! I didn’t expect Jesus to tell folks to keep-their-mouths-shut! I thought He’d want anybody-and-everybody to tell every-living-soul about who-He-was!

But, Jesus kept-telling these-people to keep it to themselves. Until now!

Now they-are-told to go and tell!

But Mark wants us to linger in the moments just-after they’re told to go-and-tell. For the women did not go-and-tell. Instead, they trembled. They were bewildered. And they fled.


The experiences and reactions of the women on Easter Sunday morn, …in-many-ways, they mirror our reactions to the New Day that has come through Jesus’ resurrection. They evidence is before us. The opportunity to embrace the hope that comes though Him, is also right-there for us to accept. But sometimes we’re afraid… Afraid to let-go what we’ve always known. Afraid to step into a new-day. Afraid to let-go of what was, and take-hold of what’s new.

Jesus said that He must suffer, be rejected, and be put to death on a cross. But He also said that He came that we may have life, and have it abundantly. The resurrection is the proof that Jesus can make good on His promises. But maybe there’s a little-fear that holds-us-back from embracing the new-life that is available through the Risen Jesus! Why didn’t the women immediately step-out of their grief and sorrow and confusion; …and-instead step-into joy and hope and celebration?

I don’t know ~ …but it’s probably the same reason why we hang-back in the shadows and hesitate to accept new life in Jesus. The old life – filled with darkness, despair, sorrow and sin - it’s no-life to live. Even-though it’s all we’ve ever known. It’s familiar. It’s “home”!

But, through Jesus we have the offer of so much more! A life of hope and love and belonging. Will we run away trembling and afraid and bewildered? Or, will we run into the new day that has dawned through Jesus? He offers us love and peace, …forgiveness and mercy. A New Day has dawned. It’s time to step-out of the shadows. It’s time to turn-the-page. It’s time to let Him begin a new-chapter in your life. The chains-of-sin have been broken. The old day has given way to new light. Jesus has risen for you and your salvation!

The question-is: Will you receive the gift that He offers? Will you take-hold of the promise of a New Day, …by trusting Jesus to restore your heart toward God?

We celebrate Jesus’ life, death and resurrection because it reminds us that we need Him ~ …His mercy, …His grace, …His forgiveness, …His healing, …His help, …His presence in-our-lives ~ …We need Him more than anything-else in-this-world. And that’s-exactly what we need to remember, …especially when we find ourselves in-the-shadows of the ‘old day’… and not-quite-sure how to walk in the New Day!

I’m guessing that there are some-among-us who haven’t-yet left the shadows of the old life. You’ve heard about Jesus’ resurrection. You’ve heard about God’s love. But, you’ve never accepted it for yourself.

And-maybe-today, …you’re tired of walking in the shadows. You’re tired of living life the same-old-way, You’re tired of walkin’ away from God, …and you’re ready for a fresh start. You’re ready to start walkin’ with Jesus!

If-that’s-you… Today is a good day! The women – in Mark’s Gospel – don’t stay in the shadows. They eventually step-into-the-light ~ and they go and tell the disciples. The disciples, are excited to learn that Jesus had conquered sin-and-death. And they give-their-lives to following Him. Today is a good day because, today we can do the same thing.