Summary: Without the shedding of blood there can be no remission of sins. Understanding the Blood Covenant. Why Jesus had to die for our sins.

Answers 2 Big Questions

The Most Important Concept in the Bible

Understanding the Blood Covenant

Scripture: Matthew 26:28


 We sing about the blood.

 We talk about the blood.

 What was the uniqueness about Jesus’ blood that He could boldly stand up and say, "Because of my blood the remission or forgiveness of sin shall be brought forth"?

 There was something different about His blood, but most Christians really don't know what that is.

Read: Matthew 26:28

• Jesus said His blood is the blood of the new ... what? New Testament; or New Covenant.

• There are lot of different things that happened in the Bible that most people do not understand why they transpired; at times myself included.

 Why did they circumcise children in the Old Testament?

 Why did they sacrifice animals in the Old Testament?

 All of this is in relationship to the blood covenant.

• There is a fact I want you to realize; our Bible is divided into two parts; the Old Testament and the New Testament.

 In the original languages it actually says "covenants": old covenant, new covenant.

 1. A covenant is a legal binding contract.

 This Bible is a legal binding contract; sent by God for mankind.

 There is an old contract and a new contract, but the new covenant is not wiping out the old; instead it fulfills it.

 Jesus said in Matthew 5:17 - Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.

 It's like a man who's written his last will and then when he's 20 years older he updates it.

 He doesn't wipe it out but he fulfills it and he adds more to it.

 This is what we have in the form of the Bible.

• 2. The word "covenant" when it's used in the Bible actually means "to cut" or “to draw blood”.

 The old covenant established in the Old Testament was established between God and Abraham — established with blood; circumcision.

 The new covenant was established between God and man through Jesus Christ — also through blood.

• There are many different types of contracts, agreements, or covenants.

 One type of contract is my word; it’s a verbal contract.

 Another type of contract is a written contract; I sign a paper stating that I am going to do something.

 A stronger contract than a written contract is when let’s say that I am going to buy some land from you and we have four witnesses.

 Then the notary comes and puts their stamp on the paper and it becomes an official paper.

 That is a more serious contract.

 But there's another contract that's even stronger than that; it’s called a blood contract; considered to be the strongest contract in all societies of the world.

 The Bible, the Old Testament was a blood contract which is no insignificant thing.

• There are a number of reasons to enter into a blood covenant.

 Maybe I am weak and you are strong.

 Maybe I want your protection for my family.

 Maybe I'm wealthy and you’re not so wealthy but you’re strong and then my wealth becomes some of your wealth.

 In a blood covenant if you have trouble that means I have trouble.

• If you break the blood covenant what is the consequence?

 In many tribes if you break it; your own people will track you down and kill you.

 That's what a blood covenant is; it possesses strength to it, seriousness to it: for protection, for resources, for assistance, for relationship.

 It's not a small matter when you enter into a blood covenant with somebody.

• How does it work in the Old Testament and in the New Testament in dealing with God and man?

 The Bible is a blood covenant book; it’s something that God has initiated with man to help us.

 If you will not interact with God.... there are serious consequences when you won't enter into a blood covenant with the One who's greater than you.

• 3. What are the consequences of not entering into a blood covenant with God through the blood of Jesus Christ?

 Spiritual separation from God.

 Eternal separation from God and it's not a small thing.

 God sent Jesus and saw me and said, "I love you. I want to be your friend.

 I want to be around you. I want to have a relationship with you.

 I want to protect you. I want to help you. I want to give to you."

• This wasn't my idea; it was the Creator of the whole universe’s idea.

 He loves you so much that He wants to be around you.

 He wants to protect you. He wants to talk with you.

 He wants to sit down and fellowship with you.

 Not in a small way but in the form of a blood contract. A blood covenant.

• What does this mean?

 It means the resources of heaven now become your resources.

 It means the power of God becomes available to you.

 That's the sort of covenant that we have with God when we accept Christ as Savior.

• Yet so many people don’t know what truly is available for them.

 They say, "Oh, that old book, I don’t have time.

 I got to go do all my small things and I don't have time for this God business.

 I don't have time because I've got to go play this and play that."

 They're doing all these other little worthless things of life and here's God wanting a relationship with them.

 Revealing it in a written contract established thru a blood covenant.

• Let’s take a look at some of the different ways that you enter into a covenant.

 1. One way, you exchange garments.

† A shirt, a gown, and a cap; it was a form of a covenant.

† What was the garment that was exchanged with us through Jesus Christ?

† He put on us a robe of righteousness (Isaiah 61:10).

† We've exchanged our old filthy robe of sin for a robe of righteousness.

 2. Number two, exchanging of weapons.

† Many times in a tribal situation you would exchange weapons.

† I would give you my bow, you would give me your spear.

† What weapons did we exchange with Jesus?

† When we entered into a blood covenant with him we gave Him us & we received spiritual armor; the sword of the spirit. Eph.6.

 3. Number three; when you enter into a blood covenant you exchange names.

† It’s the same thing in marriage, the covenant of marriage: the woman takes the husband's name.

† We have the Old Testament example where Abram’s name was changed to Abraham and Sarai to Sarah and God referred to himself as the God of Abraham (Gen. 17:5).

 4. The fourth way of entering into a covenant was by the splitting of animals.

† It was very common when you had a blood covenant established that there would be animals involved. Sacrificing of animals. Animals given as a gift.

† We have the example of Abraham with splitting animals (Gen. 15).

 5. Number five is a memorial such as a planting of trees or the putting up of rocks; a marking of a place such as in Joshua chapter 4.

 6. Number six, a covenant meal.

† A time and place when you and your partner can sit down and acknowledge or affirm the covenants that you have established.

† People that were not there when it happened can keep it as a memorial, a covenant meal, affirming what thing happened years ago.

† Do we do that in the church? What's it called? The Last Supper; Communion. Our covenant meal (Matthew 26:20).

• These are the practices involved in covenanting, contracting, legally joining yourself together, with some sort of required response in your relationship.

 My wife and I got married and we exchanged names and we exchanged rings.

 We all do a lot of these different practices and we became one in relationship. We have a responsibility to each other.

• Why was it necessary for God to establish a blood covenant with man?

 Genesis 1:26-28; God had created man in his image, and had given spiritual authority and dominion over the earth to man, to Adam and everything was good.

 Adam didn't have to go and beg the cows to come in.

 He had authority over them. He said come, they would come.

 God had authority and he gave it to Adam, but Adam sinned.

 Now when he sinned what did he do? He gave away the spiritual authority God had given him.

 Adam was supposed to be submitting in obedience to God, but Adam became disobedient and he submitted himself unto Satan.

• It's like this; if I give Johnny the keys to my car and I say "It's mine but I give it to you to do with as you please."

 Now, if Johnny gave the keys to another person and said, "My friend, here's your car. For $500 it’s yours."

 Then I come along and say to Johnny’s friend, "You have my car. Give my car back."

 He's says, "No way. I paid Johnny $500 for that car. He sold it to me and we came into an agreement."

 Do I have the right to take my car from him? No,

 Why? Because I gave Johnny the authority to do with it as he chose, and he sold it away.

• That's exactly what happened with Adam. God gave him the authority and he gave it away.

 God told Adam not to eat of the Tree of Life (Gen. 2:17).

 Adam disobeyed; he sinned. He rebelled. He submitted his will to Satan.

 That's why God does not have the right to take Satan and just throw him out of the earth; yet.

 God has restricted himself.

 You might say, "Oh, God can do anything." No, he can't. God can't lie & God can’t sin.

 God is a God of justice and is a holy God.

• 5. Because Adam sinned he gave his authority away legally. Genesis 1:26-28

 God had to find a legal way to bring justice back into the earth, to legally redeem back to Himself sinful man who had given away his authority to Satan.

 God could not just step in and take it all back without trampling on man’s free choice — something that God himself gave Adam as a means to love him.

 So God started a redemptive plan to bring salvation back to man legally.

• Genesis 3:15 - And I will put enmity between thee (the serpent) and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel.

 Who is the woman’s seed that will crush his head?

 God had to send his son to the earth as the Second Adam to take back — legally — what the first Adam had given away.

 A man caused the fall — a man had to redeem mankind from the effects of that fall and that’s Jesus: 100% man; yet 100% God.

• God wanted to bring man legal redemptive justice into the earth so He sent His son to pay the price.

 A price that had to be paid because man sold his birth right and gave Satan the farm.

 How did Satan get to become god of this world?; by Adam sinning, and submitting and surrendering unto him.

• Read Luke 4:1-7

 Jesus was tempted; Satan said all the kingdoms of the world are his.

 If this was not true then that would not have even been a temptation to Jesus.

 If you come up to me and say, "My friend, if you do this and this, I'll give you a million dollars."

 But I know that you don't even have a million dollars, that's no temptation to me.

 Now if you come up to me and I know you have a million dollars then that might be a temptation.

 Satan was tempting Jesus with something he really did have.

• Why does there have to be a blood sacrifice?

 Why were there animal sacrifices, or blood sacrifices?

 Why does there have to be this blood involved?

 Because God is holy and God is a God of justice He cannot allow, or permit sin to be in His presence.

Read: Hebrews 9:20-27

• 6. Without the shedding of blood there is no forgiveness of sin; verse 22.

 But why?

 Leviticus 17:11 - For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul.

 Life is positive. Death is negative.

 7. Life is where? Life is in the blood. Leviticus 17:11

 If you take my blood out I die. Who established it that way? I didn't. You didn't. God did.

• Keeping in remembrance that God is holy, and God is a God of justice.

 Romans 6:23 - For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord.

 The scripture tells us the wages for sin is what? Death.

 So you've got sin, negative, death.

 Wages are something you deserve.

 If you work for your boss, at the end of the month, if he's a nice guy, he should give you your wages; no, you deserve them.

 Whether he's a nice guy or a bad guy, it doesn't matter, at the end of the month you deserve your wages because you have earned them.

• What you earn for sin is death.

 Spiritual death; separation from a holy God.

 Why? Because God is holy.

 Because God is a God of justice He cannot permit sin to come into his presence. He must protect his holiness.

• If you've not accepted Jesus Christ, should God allow you into heaven?

 No. Why because God is holy and a God of justice. He can't permit you in there.

• What is the only thing that can counteract a negative? A Positive.

 What is the only thing that can counteract death? Life.

 What is the only thing that can counteract sin? Blood.

 Only life can counteract it.

 Life is where? In the blood.

 This is the reason you have blood sacrifices in the Old Testament.

• But the Day of Atonement was not a once and for all sacrifice; it was merely temporary.

 A sinless man had to pay the once and for all price.

 Jesus Christ the sinless Son of God paid that price.

• Those blood sacrifices are made for what purpose?

 For the covering over of sin and this is why: life over death.

 Blood to cancel out sin.

 Without the blood you have death.

 You must enter in to a Blood Covenant with God through Jesus Christ; the blood has already been shed, you simply must agree by faith to the terms; to reject is death.