Summary: As Christians, we fully understand that it is important to Play Nice With Others. Can I tell you that’s a concept that is much harder from some than it is for others!



I am not sure what has been going on with me the past few weeks, but it seems like I have been getting irritated rather easily. Lately, things seem to bother me all the time. Usually that is an indicator for me to spend more time in the Word as well as in Prayer. I have been very careful the past few weeks not to speak quickly and ensure I take the time for that “PREGNANT PAUSE” before speaking, especially when the conversation is aggravating me. Is it just me or has anyone else ever experienced one of those times in your life where you seemed like you were always bothered and annoyed?

• You don’t know why

• Most of these things did not bother you before

• Maybe you don’t realize you are stressing about things

• Therefore external things seem to abnormally bother you

I have done much SELF-REFLECTION the past few days because I do realize that someone is always watching me, waiting for me to say the wrong thing, ready to jump out of the woods and say “YOU SUPPOSE TO BE A CHIRSTIAN.” As Christians, we fully understand that it is important to Play Nice With Others. Can I tell you that’s a concept that is much harder from some than it is for others!

Twenty five years ago author ROBERT FULGHUM wrote a book entitled, “ALL I REALLY NEED TO KNOW, I LEARNED IN KINDERGARTEN.” It was immediately a smashing success. The book contained observations and rules such as:

• Share everything

• Play fair

• Don't hit people

• Put things back where you found them

• When you go out into the world - Watch out for traffic

• Hold hands, and stick together

• When practiced these are good rules that help us live together

Christianity is Diverse - so many different people, and so many different backgrounds.

• Older and Younger

• Rich and Not so Rich

• Saved Long and Saved a short period of time

• However, no matter what the circumstances, we all come here and set everything aside to worship Jesus Christ

• Yet conflict does arise

Sometimes CONFLICT IS NOT ALWAYS EXTERNAL. Every now and then we experience INTERNAL conflict. There are times were the ENEMY is not out there somewhere seeking whom he may devour - but the Enemy is IN-A-ME.

• When you know who your enemy is, you will not take him lightly

• When you take up God’s armor, you are ready to enter the battle

• When you fight in God’s strength, you will not be defeated

• Sometimes you have to simply fight yourself

King Saul had this internal struggle. The Bible tells us that every now and then he would begin to fight his own personal demons. Can I footnote here and tell you that everything we see around us in society, in the media is not the devil. The things we see people do and then the holier than thou saints talking about we need to cast out the Demon -- Can I tell you it is not always a demon – Mental Illness is real!

• We can help more people when we realize that

• We can lead more people to Christ when we realize it is a mental issue

• We in the Church push more people off the bridge by slinging Oil instead of calling a Crisis Hot Line

• We in the Church give more people enough Scripture to cause them to Jump instead of Sitting them down and taking them somewhere to get some help

When we encounter those around us having a Mental Breakdown or “SHOWING OUT” – there are times you need to call Sis. Stephanie Newman first and then call me. Sometimes we Pastors think because we have been called to the ministry than we are equipped to handle every situation in the Church. Can I tell you there are a whole lot of people more qualified in many areas than me that are in this Church this morning. Those Pastors that think they have to do it all are the very ones that don’t know how to Play Nice With Others.

Remember in I SAMEUL 18th Chapter King Saul would have an evil spirit fall upon him, he would be restless, everything and everybody would aggravate him. We are told in the text that King Saul would call David who was a young lad at that time. David would begin to play the instruments that would eventually calm King Saul’s spirit. It was an internal struggle that bothered Saul that he had to deal with. Some of us can relate because it is a daily internal struggle. All is not lost you can overcome and have the victory.

This victory is not easy or instantaneous nor does it come without STRUGGLE – SWEAT – SACRIFICE - BLOOD. Nor does one victory assure another. You cannot live on the strength of yesterday because your enemy comes against you again and again.

• Furthermore, the battle is not the same for any two people

• What tempts or bothers you may not bother me

• What trips me up may not trouble you at all

• Satan tailors his assaults to each person’s weak points

• The battles you face may all be unseen, but they are nonetheless just as real

When we begin to experience these internal battles it begins to show itself on how we respond and react to others. We begin to have a hard time Play Nice With Others. WE CANNOT GET ALONG WITH OTHERS IF WE CANNOT EVEN GET ALONG WITH OURSELVES. There are a few things that begin to happen first before we find it difficult to Play Nice With Others:

• Unusual or repeated temptations

• Attacks from an unexpected quarter

• Delays that hinder us from obeying God

• Inducements to doubt God’s Word

• Circumstances that produce unusual pressure upon us

• Temptations to sin in areas that never troubled us before

• Prolonged bouts of discouragement

• Worries that seem to consume us

• Seductive appeals to sinful compromise

• Bitterness toward others

• Desires to give up on the Christian life

• Enticements to turn away from the means of grace

• Excuses made for lack of spiritual growth

• Critical comments about other believers

• Attempts to hide your behavior from others

++++When you begin to have an internal battle you just can’t Play Nice With Others. I remember reading a story some years ago of a SHIPWRECK that was reminiscent of the TOM HANKS film -- “THE CASTAWAY.”

--A man shipwrecked for several months on a desert island finally attracted the attention of a passing ship which sent a crew in a smaller boat to rescue him.

--When the rescuers came ashore they notice there are three huts. So they immediately assumed there were additional castaways living on the island.

--But the man assured them he was the only one on the island.

--The first hut he said, “is my house. The second hut is my church. And the third hut is the church I used to go to.”

++++Yes my brothers and sisters, sometimes the enemy lies within us. One of the best ways to fight the enemy is doing just what Bishop T.D. Jakes stated in his sermon –

• Don't get into the ring

• Stop getting into the ring with the Devil

• If you want to win the battle stay out of the ring!

• We must fight the enemy just as Jesus did - with Gods' Word

• And to do this we must know His word

In every church I’ve served or known about, there have been disagreements among CHURCH MEBERS – LEADERS - MINISTERS. And DISAGREEMENTS AREN’T SO BAD. It’s when people become disagreeable that things get bad! I’ve always heard it said that there is nothing wrong with disagreeing with someone, but when we become disagreeable in our attitude and speech, it’s then that we have a real problem! In our text this morning, we read that even the Apostle Paul experienced some disagreements with others.

• One Disagreement had to do with a Principle

• The Second Disagreement had to do with an Opinion

In ACTS 13 that particular Chapter describes one of the MOST MOMENTOUS EVENTS IN CHURCH HISTORY: God called Barnabas and Paul to be sent out by the early church as the first intentional missionaries. Together they spread the Gospel throughout the island of Cyprus and then into Asia Minor. Barnabas’ cousin, Mark, had started out with them but for some reason deserted them during this first mission trip.

In today’s passage, we see that Paul was ready to go back and check on the new Christians in CYPRUS and ASIA MINOR. Barnabas was raring to get back to the mission field as well, but he wanted to give John Mark another chance. Paul did not want this failure on his team: “They had such a sharp disagreement that they parted company.”

• Barnabas took John Mark and went back to Cyprus

• Paul chose a new partner, Silas, and went back towards Asia Minor

Paul and Barnabas, these two men were bound together by early associations, perhaps had been schoolmates at Tarsus. When Paul came to Jerusalem, Barnabas was the first to trust and welcome him. They were both devoted to the work among the Gentiles, and had shared the dangers and the glories of the first missionary tour.

• This companionship ended with the controversy about John Mark

• However unfortunate, it was not strange

• Barnabas had reason for his confidence

• Paul had reason for his distrust

• Both were right

• Both were wrong

• They could agree only to disagree

• The second missionary tour was begun in unhappiness

Come on now Paul, Play Nice With Others. Do you really need to be that upset with Barnabas over John Mark? Remember John Mark was a much younger man than Paul and Barnabas. Paul grew so upset with his good brother Barnabas that they experienced a contention and went their separate ways. Talk about having a moment where you Don’t Play Nice With Others. These brothers had been friends from way back, probably did their Seminary Training together. Now Paul seems to be having a bad day here, and these friends fall out and separate.

This dissension between Paul and Barnabas was NOT OVER A DOCTRINAL ISSUE. The rupture involved a PERSONAL DISPUTE based upon a judgment call. Can I tell you this is where I find myself lately. We must be careful not to get caught up and fussing over a Personal Dispute. I have found it hard to Play Nice With Others the past few weeks, and the majority of the time it was over Personal Opinions versus the facts of God’s Word. When we get caught up in that we don’t Play Nice With Others.

• We get mad and don’t speak

• We leave the Church and don’t come back

• No longer answer the phone when that person calls

• All over a Personal Opinion not Biblical Doctrine

To their credit, neither Paul nor Barnabas let the conflict distract them from their respective efforts of spreading the Gospel. There will always be times when good brethren will disagree in matters of opinion. The important thing is to keep focused on doing the will of Christ. That is what Paul and Barnabas both did. As a result, perhaps even more work was accomplished for the Lord because of the manner in which their disagreement was handled.

• True Christians will not remain at Variance

• Thanks be to God that was not the end of the story

• About 10 year down the road when Paul tells Timothy “TAKE JOHN MARK AND BRING HIM WITH THEE, FOR HE IS PROFITABLE TO ME FOR THE MINISTRY”

I am glad this morning, that even when we have a difficult time getting along with one another, God can fix it for us. Have you ever allowed your ATTITUDE TO GET THE BEST OF YOU? Don’t raise your hand. I am kind of talking to myself here.

• Have you ever wished you could have another chance?

• That the slate could be wiped clean

• Have you ever day-dreamed and thought, If I could go back in time and re-live that portion over again, I wouldn’t do this and I wouldn’t do that

• I think we all have

• Because sin is never as good as it seems it will be

• It always hurts to disobey God

God gave us a few rules even back in the Old Testament on how to Play Nice With Others - When I think about the TEN COMMANDMENTS – there is a portion of the writings on the Tablet that DEALS WITH OUR RELATIONSHIP WITH OUR NEIGHBORS. These commandments put hands and feet on to the word, “LOVE.” Whenever we talk about the Ten Commandments, it is a good idea to remind ourselves of some basic truths.

The relationship between God and his people had already been established before God gave the Ten Commandments to Moses. God had already chosen the Israelites to be His people. He had moved powerfully in order to break the chains of slavery and lead the Israelites out of bondage and into the freedom of the Promised Land. This is good news! Our relationship with God has already been established through the LIFE – DEATH – RESURRECTION - of Jesus Christ and this relationship is not affected by our performance or our misunderstandings.

God gave us the Ten Commandments out of Love.

• God wants us to experience abundant and free lives

• God wants us to experience some of heaven on earth

• God did not design for us to be bound and frustrated

• God wants us to enjoy all that He has created for us

• The Ten Commandments enable us to do this

• The commandments are given in love, for love

Jesus allowed love to keep Him from growing bitter against His enemies. While Jesus was speaking one evening in that precious Garden, Judas Iscariot arrived with a crowd armed with clubs and swords, sent from the chief priests to arrest Jesus. Judas, the betrayer had arranged a signal with the crowd to signal which one to apprehend. Going at once to Jesus, Judas said to Jesus, "Greetings, Rabbi!" and kissed Him. Jesus replied, "Friend, do what you came for." When love controls our mind, will and emotions we are able to show love to the worst of betrayers.

When we begin to have difficulties dealing with one another we can trace it all the way back to the 10-Commandments and our lack of true Love one for the other. Jesus had been preparing the disciples for some time that His hour had not come. Jesus had accomplished all that the Father had left to His charge. He goes to the GARDEN TO PRAY and leaves the disciples behind. ST. JOHN 18:2 “….JESUS OFTTIMES RESORTED THITHER WITH HIS DISCIPLES.” It was the Prayer Resort of Jesus and the disciples.


I have always wondered what was Peter doing with a Sword on the outskirts of the Garden? Nevertheless, as he began to swing the sword and do some damage, I can hear Jesus say, now Peter, I thought I had taught you better than that – Play Nice With Others. Jesus is letting us know today there is no excuse.

Sometimes in our anger:

• We go for the Jugular

• We don’t settle for cutting off the ear

• We go for full decapitation

• Jesus is letting us know in this text

• No matter how tense it may become

• Play Nice With Others

I like what CAMPBELL MORGAN says about this text - Simon drew his sword and struck a blow for Jesus. I like Simon. He had something in him. I know it was wrong. It was honest zeal; it was just zeal without knowledge. Jesus’ last miracle, a divine surgery on Malchus’ ear, was rendered necessary by the blundering zeal of a disciple. I sometimes think that our Lord is still often healing wounds that zeal-without-knowledge people make on other souls. Simply because can can’t Play Nice With Others.

++++I am reminded of that Dreadful Friday evening at a Place called Calvary – where three crosses hung. These three dying men on an Old Rugged Cross had a dialogue amongst each other. One of the malfactors which were hanged beside our Savior RAILED ON JESUS SAYING, IF THOUS BE CHRIST, SAVE THYSELF AND US.

--But the Other answered Rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear god, seeing thou are in the same condemnation?

--And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds; but his man hath done nothing amiss

--And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom

Even on the cross, Christ showed nothing but Love. Here was the time you would think that Jesus did not have to Play Nice With Others.

• Think Jesus would call down Wrath from Heaven

• Think Jesus would go ahead and put people in their place

• Think Jesus would tell these fellows they made their choice

• But even on the cross, Jesus teaches us a lesson

• On how to PNWO

I think we also have a hard time Play Nice With Others because we want Justice. This may be what has been troubling my spirit the past few weeks. We live in peace when we overcome evil with good and leave justice to God. Do not take revenge, my friends, but leave room for God’s wrath, for it is written, “VENGANCE IS MINE, I WILL REPAY SAITH THE LORD. DO NOT BE OVERCOME BY EVIL, BUT OVERCOME EVIL WITH GOOD.” ROMANS 12:19-21

The desire for vengeance or revenge is at the core of our human nature. We do not take being wronged or slighted well. If you have not said it, you have probably thought it or if you have not thought it you have heard it said, “I DON’T GET MAD, I GET EVEN.” The problem with getting even is that when we vow to get even we really are vowing to get more than even. That is why Jesus taught that we can stop the cycle of vengeance by turning the other cheek when wronged.

--As Christians we may be coming from different places/perspectives but we are all headed in the same direction so how we converge without clashing and crashing is important. The Church is to be a place where we travel together without the CLASHING OF EGOS – HORN HONKING – ROAD RAGE.

• It is a place where we move along being considerate of and in harmony with others in the roundabout

• It is a place where we learn to play nice

--If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone. Do not be overcome by evil but overcome evil with good!