Summary: Mission work is hard work. Many missionaries endure more things than you could possibly imagine. If you are not truly called to the "Mission Field", then please reconsider your position to serve in this type ministry. Let me share our exploits w/you.

The "Mission Field". What is it? Where is it? Who shall go?

We are missionaries and the road to become one was very peculiar....or was it? We know many successful missionaries and they all have something in common.....on how they were led to the mission field. Please read our personal testimony below. You will be touched if you read this entire message. These writings can be used as a sermon or can be read by someone contemplating mission work as a full time vocation. You will read about a prayer that you've never heard before. It's astonishing and very moving. This message is jammed packed with advice for the future missionary and the local church. Most churches really don't know what it takes to be a missionary. This is a must read for all clergy and mission boards/committees in the local church.

What is a Missionary anyway? There are many definitions out there, but let me share a couple.

Jesus said to them again, . . . "As the Father has sent Me, I also send you" —John 20:21 (NIV)

Matthew 28:19 & 20 (NIV) - (19) "Therefore go and make disciples of all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, (20) and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age".

Missionary: "a person sent on a religious mission, especially one sent to promote Christianity in a foreign country". Of course, missionaries don't have to be "foreign soil type". Many missionaries never leave their own country. A second definition is: "a person sent by a church into an area to carry on evangelism or other activities, as educational or hospital work". or "a person strongly in favor of a program, set of principles, etc., who attempts to persuade or convert others".

In a few minutes, I'll share a quote by a very famous preacher and author Oswald Chambers, that I respectfully ask you study completely, but first, let me tell you the MOST IMPORTANT thing that must occur before reaching a decision to "go" abroad.....and become a missionary. You must first have a "PERSONAL ENCOUNTER" with God. I know many of you have heard this before, but have you heard it from a missionary who really did have a changing....encounter with our Lord? Let me share my story and maybe, just maybe, you'll relate.

About 20 years ago I went on my first "missionary trip". It was helping build a house with Habitat for Humanity. I traveled a whopping 11 miles from my home in Ohio to the work site. About 14 of us from my church "went" and we served. After completion, I felt something......but couldn't really put my finger on it. It was a real blessing......considering my life wasn't really full of the "giving attitude" that Christ was wanting of me. I grew up with the notion that we should strive to get everything we can during our short life here on Earth. I was materialistic to say the least.....greedy......and very possessive with "my" goods. God began a work "in" me that I really didn't realize at the time. I spent 20 years in the military and this further shaped my varied attitudes about possessions and how I should handle them. Not good.

The second mission trip was to a food kitchen in Cincinnati Ohio. (60 miles from home) We "went" and served about 100 lunches to some very poor people. Many had mental issues and most had hygiene issues. I was critical of them, thinking "why don't they just go get cleaned up and get a job?". Although I never said this to our church group, I sure felt strongly about "my" opinion of the matter. On the ride home, God spoke to me again. He softened my stance because someone said we all could be in their situation if we weren't careful. God gave me a blessing because I felt something stirring inside me......was it compassion? I was glad to have served "them" in this way. Boy did I miss the point. I wasn't serving "them". I was serving "Him", but didn't understand that. God blessed me anyway by giving me a wonderful warm fuzzy.

The third mission trip was way out for me. 26 of us went to Juarez Mexico (1500 miles away) to build a house for a poor family. This took us out of our comfort zone. We had to raise money, fly on an airplane, sleep on the floor of a church, endure the 105 degree heat and somehow communicate with people who couldn't speak "our" tongue. I though all Mexicans spoke English as their second language. Not! It was hard work, but God did another thing in my life. This time, I was really feeling good. Again, 20 years military told me "we came, we conquered, mission accomplished". This is how I was programmed. But God began to massage my heart in a special way. I actually shed a tear when we pulled away.....waving to the recipients of the house....whom I got to know briefly when building their home. It was a touching moment. I didn't really want anyone to see me whimper, so I turned my head and waved as I put the last nail pouch and circular saw in the bus. I still didn't get it. I didn't understand whom I was really serving. After a couple weeks back home, the feelings went little thought to the people and their plight..... in Mexico.

Then, the biggy mission trip. I found myself in Haiti (Wife Rita had went a couple times before me and shared her thousands of experiences with me after returning home). I never seen her so excited about something as when she arrived home.....sharing her experiences with EVERYONE. She stayed on the telephone for at least a week after each trip telling people about the Haitian people. I just busied myself....but eavesdropped from time to time. I thought "is it really that bad down there?" "Are people really that poor?" "Do they really die from lack of food?".

After my second trip to Haiti (the first one hooked me), Rita and I visited our first orphanage with a Haitian Pastor friend. Here's the scene: The big iron gate opened and we pulled in to the front yard of the orphanage. Something was wrong. Kids were just laying around, barely propped up against the walls. No kids running. No kids having fun. Hmmm....something was terribly wrong. After a couple introductions with two adults (Henry & Marlaine), they told us the horrific news. No food! 76 kids and no food. My mind went somewhere in the stratosphere. How could kids eat if there is no food? More bad news. A little 4 year old boy died just 4 days earlier......not because he was sick. He didn't have cancer or some other disease. He died for no other reason than no food. Inside, I went into a rage. How could this be? We Americans live in the land of plenty. We (the USA) are only 700 miles away from Haiti.....? This was NOT acceptable. My mind raced. I stood listening to a few other stories. I looked at the kids laying around. They looked at me with sad eyes as if to say "Are you the one?" "Are you the one who will save us?" "I'm probably not going to be here when you return". Wow! God was really speaking to me. It was at that moment in time, that I had a "PERSONAL ENCOUNTER" with God Almighty Himself. Whew! I'm spinning. The military training started to kick in. ........"adapt and overcome". How do "we" get out of this jam? I really didn't know. I went to my billfold and had about $60. I looked at it and paused. How could this $60 do any good? 76 kids need food every day. How long would it last? I felt ashamed that I just left a wonderful restaurant and had a feast. God was working it....way ahead of me.....but I didn't know how.

Let's go backwards in time. I retired in 1998 from the USAF. The day after my retirement ceremony, I went to a favorite spot at John Bryan State Park, Yellow Springs Ohio. It's a beautiful place. I traversed the deep Gorge and I climbed atop a huge rock in the river and sat down. I had one of the best conversations I've ever had with God. I prayed. We talked. I listened. He didn't say ANYTHING to me but I knew he heard me. I reminded him (as though He forgot) that I served my community in Lions Club, Rotary, Kiawanas, etc... I reminded Him I served my church as a youth leader, deacon and various other things. I reminded him about my mission trips and hope the people were blessed. I paused. The next thing I said to Him changed my life forever. I said "Lord, I served everyone but you". "I want to work in ministry as my next job"..... "Please give me a job at a church or other ministry, but please.....I don't want a job in the secular world any longer". I sat silent. He was too.

Several weeks later, I took a job as a plumbing supply clerk. A plumbing supply company as a clerk. Hey, a guy has to eat. I had a wife, 3 teenagers, a dog, a mortgage and many goodies in the driveway that were financed to the hilt. Hardly the ministry job I was hoping for. I was reminded daily about the movie "Cool Hand Luke" when the Warden (Strother Martin) said to Luke (Paul Newman) "What we have a failure to communicate". God, were you listening to my prayer? A plumbing clerk?

Deut 15:11 (why? Is it a test?) Matt 26:11

Back to 2nd trip in Haiti (5 years after retirement and 4 more secular jobs). Rita and I went to town (Jacmel Haiti) and bought $60 worth of food. We brought it back to the orphanage and said (like Arnold Swartzenegger) "I'll be back". I wonder how many times they've heard that line. As we pulled out of the front yard, and as they closed the big iron door, I seen them waving goodbye. I lost it. I stared out that window..... in to space.... the whole ride back to our compound. I was the saddest I've ever been in my life. What did I just witness? Is this a bad dream? I prayed many times that night. I didn't sleep a single wink. Neither did my wife. I lay in my bed.....looking at the dark shock....that a little boy just 4 years old died because he had no food. The worse part was knowing other kids would probably follow.

Luke 9:23 (if you don't believe this and understand it fully, then please don't become a missionary until you do)

Mission trip over. We arrived at our 4 bedroom, quad level house on two acres and a lake, passed all the goodies in the driveway(boats, cars, trucks etc)..... as we made our way in the house. It was late and dark. Rita went through the garage which led to the kitchen. I, through the front door. I took three steps inside, dropped the luggage and froze. This was when God spoke. He broke me in half. He filled me with all the emotion a man could experience. In a nano-second, He revealed my weaknesses. He revealed my sin of greed, indifference toward the plight of humans starving, materialism....and a host of others. This all took literally about a second. I broke in tears. Sobbing like I've never before. My noise of weeping caught the attention of my wife who was now in the kitchen. She hurried to the living room and asked "what's wrong?" I couldn't utter a word. I tried to explain. (Have you ever cried so hard that you just couldn't utter a single word?) She didn't have to ask the second time. She knew. We cried together.....holding each other. God knew. God reached through my lifetime of stubbornness and spoke very loudly to me. I felt as if he picked me up by the scruff of the neck, slapped me around, told me what "HE" wanted of me....then let me down gently. It all happened so fast, I couldn't control any of it. It was all Him. It was time for a change. No, not a change.....a major overhaul.

Matt 19:21

In the days to come, he further equipped us for His future service. We sold out. House, land, vehicles, pots and pans. I mean everything. We drove out of the driveway for the last time waving goodbye to a lifetime of want and material possessions.. We paid all our debts, and left with a small uhaul trailer en-route to a small mobile home in South Carolina....which became our home base when we weren't in Haiti. We (God did) authored Haitian Christian Projects and returned to Haiti. The story doesn't end there. (Go to Haitian Christian Projects Facebook to learn more)

Job 5:16 (without hope....what is there?)

We went back to that orphanage (Faith and Love in Action) a few months later. When we arrived, the conditions were the same. We were greeted by Henry. He was surprised to see us. We didn't announce our coming. I told him and Marlaine "Let's go to town". We got in the truck, and off we went to buy the needed provisions. Man was I feelin good. During our trip, a most unexpected thing happened. You and I have prayed for many things. All sorts of things. We have prayed for people, marriages, successful surgeries, travel mercies, and such. But I never expected to hear what came next. I must admit, I was all puffed up with pride. "We" raised money. (That's laughable......God raised it!) We were on our way to town to buy food. Lot's of food. The good folks back home listened to our story about this orphanage. They heard about the darkness of death in the little children. They contributed thousands of dollars to help. (God touched their hearts) I asked Henry "What have you been praying for?" I thought he would say "we prayed someone would come and help us.....and here you are". I was wrong. Here is what Henry said. "Pastor Jeff, I gathered all the children together last night. We got down on our knees and prayed to help us fight hunger in the new year". "And here you are". Wow! I went limp. My eyes swelled. I almost had to pull over (I was driving). I said "You prayed to God to "fight hunger"? He said "yes, I didn't know you were coming back". For Henry, Marlaine and the kids, it was a forgone conclusion that they were going without food and left to starve. It would hurt. Bellies bloated....stretched.....nauseated.....Some would die. Henry prayed to our Lord for comfort for the little children. He prayed for God to "lighten the load" of true hunger. I was stunned. I've never heard a prayer like that. That's like jumping off a 200 story building and on your way down, praying to God to take away the fear of falling before hitting the ground.

We bought 3 truck loads of food that day. Made 3 trips to town and back. Each load was approx 1500 pounds of food. (it was only a half ton pick-up) It was a small truck and the bed was squatting on the frame each time. Tires were almost flat from so much weight. We drove about 20mph back and forth so the leaf springs wouldn't break.

Jer 22:16

3 months later, we pulled in the front yard. They were nourished. God restored them. The kids were running, jumping, playing soccer. They all ran to us and greeted us. They were leaping with joy. Smiles on every child. There wasn't another child who lost their life.....because of hunger. This orphanage has been supported ever since. That was 10 years ago. The kids all go to school, have free medical care and have excelled. Many are now graduated and some went on to college in Jacmel and Port-au-Prince. Some learned the arts and some play music. They play well. One is now studying in Argentina to become a doctor. Praise God. I'm glad God picked me up by the scruff of the neck know. It all started with a PERSONAL ENCOUNTER with God.

Since then, God's ministry has grown in leaps and bounds. We built two churches and a guest house. The church (New Life Center Christian Church-Gressier Haiti) that I now Pastor has an average Sunday attendance of 300. We are busting at the seams and have no more room. We are building a new church right beside the existing one that will hold about 400. The kids will worship in one, and the adults in the other. There are many programs that teach people about Jesus. Our Bible studies are well attended and there is something going on ever day of the week in the church. We are building houses for poor families, drilling fresh water wells, and breaking the back of the VooDoo culture. The footprint of Christianity has taken hold. People are coming to the Lord in droves. All because of a PERSONAL ENCOUNTER with the God of the heavens.

Let me try to explain further by using a couple quotes and more scripture.

Oswald Chambers (Author of My Utmost For His Highest) in part said these words:

"A missionary is someone sent by Jesus Christ just as He was sent by God. The great controlling factor is not the needs of people, but the command of Jesus............the goal is to be true to Him— to carry out His plans."

Matt 28:19

Chambers - "Personal attachment to the Lord Jesus and to His perspective is the one thing that must not be overlooked. In missionary work the great danger is that God’s call will be replaced by the needs of the people, to the point that human sympathy for those needs will absolutely overwhelm the meaning of being sent by Jesus. The needs are so enormous, and the conditions so difficult, that every power of the mind falters and fails. We tend to forget that the one great reason underneath all missionary work is not primarily the elevation of the people, their education, nor their needs, but is first and foremost the command of Jesus Christ"

Matt 28:19 says..... “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations . . ......."

My wife (Rita) and I have been missionaries to Haiti for 10 years. We answered the first "call" to go on a short term mission trip through our church. This is where most missionaries get their start. They go, they see, they experience, they grieve, they are touched and Viola! They are hooked. Many return to that same place and make "short term" mission trips their "calling". These "goers" are the backbone of many successes in the mission field. I can assure you that we couldn't do what we do without the "goers". They bring several elements to the "field" which have a tremendous impact on the overall success of bringing people to Christ.

Go into all nations - the operative word here is "go" Matt 28:19

We are asked to come and present our mission work at several churches and other small organizations. It's impossible to give a well informed presentation in the short snippet of time allotted by most churches. I'm excited if we are allowed 45 minutes. It's impossible to "tell all" with just a few photo's and a short 5 minute video.

One of the first things I do is tell them about the ministry programs then our "need(s)". I often confuse them since they are all waiting for the proverbial "NEED MONEY" plea. (That's why attendance is down when people know the "Missionary" is in town for that Sunday morning). You ought to see their jaws drop when I tell them "I don't want your money.....I want you!"

I say..."The two biggest things we need is prayer and goers.

I emphasize the biggest need first.....which is prayer. We say "this is how EVERYTHING gets started and accomplished in the name of Jesus" and is sustained in mission work. (It was on a rock in a State Park that prayer was answered remember?) (I could have done without those 5 secular jobs in between.....but God further equipped me by having those jobs. He know best.) How could anyone go to a foreign land without first consulting the One who is sending them? How could a missionary survive for even one day, without starting the day with prayer. How could we be successful without YOUR prayers? Every church member can pray to God....and this is what is needed more than anything.

Phil 4:6

Prayer. Pray for the safety of all missionaries. Pray for health. Most countries don't have an emergency room open 24/7 that you can just pop in when there is an emergency. Sometimes simple injuries or illnesses have grave results. Most countries have malaria, dengue fever, cholera, typhoid, encephalitis, meningitis, hepatitis and a host of nasty bacterial infections that some of the best medicines have no effect on. A simple tetanus shot could save your life. Pray for travel mercies. It's hard on the body to travel extensively. Pray for the politics of the country. Many governments don't want missionaries, proselytizing in their country. They don't want us handing out Bibles. They don't want us building churches, orphanages.....etc.. They like "their religion" if they even have one. Many government agencies, especially in third world countries want you "taken out". They rarely cooperate with any need you may have. It's not uncommon, especially if you are successful in the community, for them to "suggest" to some bad guys to hurt you physically or damage the infrastructures so you will become frustrated and leave. Disruption takes its toll on the best of missionaries. Pray the people will embrace Jesus. Pray they like your message and the way you deliver it. Pray that God will give you real daily opportunities to spread the gospel. Many days "go dry". This is disheartening that sometimes you preach and teach until you are blue in the face, and they just don't get it. Pray that language and cultural barriers are torn down. Pray that you won't just "disappear" into the bush....never to be heard from again. Hey, it happens. There are hundreds of things to pray for. Missionaries just need prayer to keep that armor strong. Many churches and mission boards don't make a regular habit of praying for their missionaries. Sad.

Matt 28:19 (Go)

Secondly, missionaries need "goers". Who is a goer? Anyone who comes and shares their time, talents, gifts and experiences. They share their occupations/vocations such as building trades, carpentry, electrical, auto mechanics, teachers, nurses, doctors, preachers, Sunday School teachers, VBS facilitators, pray-ers. Missionaries need help. The message is never stale but sometimes the resident missionary has run out of ideas. They need fresh faces preaching and teaching. They need the diversity of varied American behaviors to help convince the people that Jesus is real. I would rather have one "short term" mission person who comes equipped than have a thousand bucks. (Ok, maybe just a hundred bucks). Boots on the ground are valuable in every way and it compliments the entire entourage of believers in the field. John 15:5 - Jesus says He is the vine and we are the branches. Together, we all contribute to the work that is to be done. The branches and vine thing in the Bible is not just a "theory". It's real and valuable!

Then I conclude by saying this....... missionaries will need money. However, if the first two needs (prayer & goers) are running strong, God will make sure the money issue will not be an issue". (This will share your faith in God being the provider). This is all I will say about money. I say again......"I don't want your money, I want YOU!". "We need YOU!".

Now, for those who aspire to go in to the mission field, here are some points to ponder:

1. if you go on a mission trip, go because you are "Called". If you go and think you want to do this full time, I pray you had an encounter....a personal encounter with God. (Acts 2:38-39) Go sit on a rock and pray. Without this type of encounter, you may be deciding because you see poor people or you witness poverty....and you feel bad.....and you want to do something about it. Although this is a good start, and this is how God begins to reach's not the only thing. God must call you and reveal many things about you. Maybe you need a complete over haul. Don't go because it would be "fun", "adventurous" or it's something you need to check off your bucket list. If you do, you will mess it all up and harm the missionaries in the field, and you'll be back home shaking your head "what happened?" An ill prepared missionary can totally ruin a ministry. I've seen it happen.

2. if you want to be a missionary, check it out fully. Talk to wise counsel. (James 1:5) You must know what you are up against. Do you have the qualities that God is looking for to endure all there is to endure? Ask those who are closest to you for those answers. Most missionaries experience hardships that I didn't even mention. Go at least two times in the region/country you wish to serve. Talk it out with many people!

3. if you want to be a missionary, you better have the support of many people. You need a forwarding agent, insurances, funds, and a firm plan. Don't go and starve. I know we are to step out on faith, but God doesn't want misguided and unprepared people getting into trouble. He gave us a brain to go along with those compassionate hearts. He wants to bless you but he also gives us a lifetime of equipping to lean on. This is called experience. The years of experience before your mission trip will help you deal with many adversarial situations and events.

4. if you want to be a missionary, PRAY about it first. Allow God to speak to you. Don't be in a hurry. It took me a long time before the time was right. Be patient. Please allow God to work ahead of you. Let Him put things in place. Flying by the seat of your pants is not a good way to fly. You'll crash.

5. if you are going in the mission field with a spouse, he/she better be totally sold out too. If your spouse is wishy washy or hesitant in any way, you better rethink it. The evil one is good at ruining marriages when the two are not in one accord.

2 Thes 1:12

When asked "Jeff, why do you do what you do?" My response is......"to glorify God". Not to feed people physical food. Not to send them to school. Not to build them a house or provide fresh drinking water. Not to get them medicine when they are sick or hurt. Not to play soccer or have programs. Not to put clothes and shoes on their body.......That's not why we are in Haiti. We go "to Glorify God". "If it's not ministry, we don't do it" and "If Jesus Christ is not the center of everything we do, then it won't get done". Pretty simple huh?

If this message has reached just one.....and possibly inspired them in any way, please contact me and share that blessing. Happy trails......