Summary: 4th of Jul fireworks are bought each year. The amount spent is staggering. People are starving around the world yet we still spend on such things. What could be done with that kind of money in Haiti, the Sudan,India....etc? What does God say about it?

Sermon: 1 Tim 6:19

This message in no way is intended to bash people of wealth. Many people of wealth are very wonderful Christians and they contribute greatly to the church.

ILLUSTRATION: A man invited Charles Spurgeon to a country church as the guest speaker. Spurgeon was asked to give his "best sermon", because the church had a debt that needed paid. The man thought Spurgeons celebrity status would move the congregation toward retiring the debt in short order. The man wrote in the invitation: "Please come and feel at home. You may use my towne home, my country estate or my seaside villa". Spurgeon wrote back...."I'll not accept your invitation".... "sell one of your homes and retire the debt...."

The Apostle Paul was giving many instructions to Timothy throughout this letter. Toward the end of Paul's letter, He brought up the subject of money. Now put yourself in the shoes of the wealthy during that period. For many wealthy folk, this was the first time they would have heard anyone suggest they give their money away, or in this case to place any "hope" in riches. Nothing has changed since those early times. Many people are never challenged to "share" nor are they taught the truth about money....and who owns it all....and who blessed them with it......or how much destruction money can cause in this life.

Here's what Paul says: 1 Timothy 6:17-19 - "Command those who are rich in this present world not to be arrogant nor to put their hope in wealth, which is so uncertain, but to put their hope in God, who richly provides us with everything for our enjoyment. (18) Command them to do good, to be rich in good deeds, and to be generous and willing to share. (19) In this way they will lay up treasure for themselves as a firm foundation for the coming age, so that they may take hold of the life that is truly life."

Let's examine this passage. Let's dissect it carefully.

First, we find Timothy (who was one of Paul's closest companions) was sent to the Ephesian church for a specific purpose. The church was practicing false teachings and Paul needed Timothy to go back to it (which Timothy probably was a leader there in the past) and "preach" the truth about various topics. Paul brought up numerous other topics that needed addressed, such as public worship, prayer, church leaders (overseers and deacons). He addressed the issue of pastoral care to the young and old, widows and such. It appears Paul urged Timothy to stand firm in the faith and be above reproach.

Ephesus was a wealthy city. It stands to reason....... that particular church likely had many wealthy members, otherwise why would Paul speak about money? Paul wanted Timothy to remind the rich people that wealth had a responsibility attached. First, they must thank God for their good fortune. Don't trust money for eternal destiny, and if you got it....spend it to do good. Be "rich" in good works. Share! Don't let money control you....let God control you.

Now, we come to the scriptures and the money issue. Apparently Paul had his fill with all the wealthy people who were selfish and misguided about their wealth. This would have been a tough topic back it is today.

Verse 17 (NIV) - Paul "commands" something. He commands "those who are rich" to do something (or not to do in this case). Paul "commands" the "rich" to not be arrogant about their wealth.

I have met many a wealthy man and I must admit....some are in fact arrogant. Just sayin...... not judging people who are wealthy. They think they are something they are not. The think they are people of privilege because of their money. They have an insatiable need to be first in everything and have nothing but the best. Very competitive throughout their life. They often times say things like "I'm a self made man". "It's MY money, and I'll decide how its spent". "I started this business with only $200 and now I'm a millionaire" "Nobody helped me make my fortune"....and so on. That's the kind of arrogance Paul was talking about. Those rich people put their hope in their wealth. Many wealthy people need the Lord. Many wealthy people will be judged very harshly in the end if they violate God's desire for them to "share".

Verse 18 - Paul gives another instruction to Timothy for him to "Command" them again. Command them to "do good". Be rich in "good deeds". To be "generous" and "share". How more simple could this message be? Is this really open to interpretation? It looks pretty cut and dried to me.

I love the 4th of July Holiday. I retired from the USAF after 20 years active service and I often think back to all the military men and women who served, and died, for our independence. Our independence is not just a one time blurp in history. It didn't all take place in 1776. It's a fluid, ongoing struggle to keep our independence. There are people in this world who want us to collapse. We fight on. I appreciate all those who served, past, present and future. I appreciate the American resolve from all those who didn't serve but supported in some way. I appreciate the red, white and blue and what she stands for.

Widows, orphans and poor are being neglected all over the world. Do you know how much money was spent on fireworks.....all over the world......and in a blink....all the fireworks were shot to the sky and it was over. I don't know how someone figures dollars spent, but one report stated we spend over 3 Billion dollars in fireworks, worldwide each year for this one holiday. What? 3 Billion? They state over 2 Billion is spent for New Year's eve festivities. I wonder what impact that kind of money would have in Haiti, India, the Sudan.....etc.. I'm not bashing a fireworks display by any means....I'm just supposing......what if? I personally love firework displays.

Let's return to the personal element that Paul was speaking of. He is asking Timothy to "Command" people....based upon the teachings of Jesus Christ. This is not a pet project of Paul's. This is consistent with the teachings of our Lord and savior. Case closed. No arguments. People with money have a responsibility.

Jesus said in Matthew 6:19-21 - "Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth". (20) "But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven".....(21) "For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also."

Let's look at it another way. Many wealthy people "covet". What is the definition of covet? Answer: to wrongfully desire what belongs to another.

Some wealthy people seem to never have enough. They want more and more. They want what others have. Among the billionaires, it's a race to see who will be the "world's wealthiest Person". Some billionaires do in fact support the local church and are great at supporting charities. God Bless them!

Let's consider another of Jesus' teachings. Matthew 6:24 states - "No one can serve two masters. Either he will hate one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money."

We live in a society that is very materialistic to say the least. In Paul's day, the rich served the master of money. They loved it. Many wealthy people of today spend their entire lives accumulating all they can. It becomes their life's work. And the church is guilty too.

A Pastor of a small country church, after about a year in that church found out they had 100K in the bank. Savings Account! When the local church camp put out a plea to refurbish some infrastructure, the church members wanted to give $250 bucks. What? You have to be kidding me. The plea was for all churches to come up with $40K collectively. They could have written a check for the entire amount. One person said during a congregational meeting "we need more basketballs for our youth and the swing set needs repaired" Huh? That bill was about $200 bucks. What would they do with the remainder $99, 800 dollars? "We need a new roof on the church" someone said. They got it done about two months later for 11K. In the mean time, they brought in 16K in tithes. And the beat went on.........storing up treasures.... Come on Christians. God is watching us with His money.

Here's a fact for you. When a church has a missions program, and is generous with their money, the church normally thrives in every way. Hmmmm. Some churches say they can't afford a Faith Promise Program. Some churches say "we don't want to stretch our small membership any more with new programs". Huh? They say - "We are barely paying the bills" - "We don't support missions because our church members are very poor". Really? Have you ever asked everyone to give just one dollar per week to feed the hungry, or help a widow? Just ask and see what happens. Put out a bucket for the poor in the foyer and ask people to put in their small change when they leave the church. I encourage you! If your church had just 30 people every week and you collected $30, that equates to 30 pounds of beans and rice in Haiti. 30 pounds of beans and rice will feed a family for a month or more. It will repair a broken window at a widows house. It will replace the rotten board on the handicapped ramp. Be challenged. Just do what scripture says. Do what Jesus is COMMANDING all of us to do. No one church member should shoulder the financial debt of the local church. That's not how God wants it!

ILLUSTRATION: A man met with his minister when he was young. He promised the preacher to always tithe ten matter what. He asked the preacher to accept this promise. The preacher did. His first year he tithed one thousand dollars. A few years went by and Jocko made about $50K per year. He tithed 10%. A few years went by and Jocko now made $100K. He tithed $10K to the church. Five more years and Jocko's income swelled to 1 million. He tithed $100K. It appeared he was faithful to his promise. Then, after a few more years, Jocko was making 100 million per year. He came back to his minister and said... "Preacher, I just can't do it any longer. I was faithful when I was tithing one thousand, then ten thousand...then one hundred thousand....but to tithe ten million dollars is ridiculous. Would you please release me from my promise." The preacher fell to his knees and began to pray. After a few minutes, Jocko asked "are you praying to God to have me released?" The preacher looked up and said, no my son, I'm praying to God to have you go back to making ten grand per year."

What would happen if everyone in the church actually tithed 10 percent? The amount of money collected would be staggering. Every program would have a financial backing. Why are our faithful church people being burdened in our churches?

Let me share a very true story with you. A very good friend of mine came to me with a dilemma. He was a man of faith and wanted to please the Lord, but he was struggling or let's call it "grappling" with a decision he couldn't seem to make. You see, he made a particular amount of money. After all the bills were paid, he was in the hole basically. Well, not really. He had just enough to keep his head above water, but no money left over to tithe. This bothered him. He wrote those checks each month, and still....not money left for the Lord. He asked me what to do. I said, first, you must give the Lord your "first fruits", then rely on Him to take care of the rest. Give the Lord 10 percent of what you make.....not what you may or may not have left over. He looked at me like "Jeff, are you for real?" "If I did that, someone's not getting paid". I advised him to pray about it and see where it leads. Try it immediately and let me know.

My friend and I didn't talk about his financial woes for about a year. I asked him how everything was going with the checkbook. He said "ya know, I don't know where it came from, but after I started giving God my first fruits, he blessed me with many solutions to my problem." He went on to say how the hospital forgave a large debt he owed and so on. God was at work in this because he stepped out on faith......did what God was asking of him....and the Lord blessed him. That was a good many years ago and he is now on firm financial ground. He's retired and living well. He continues to be generous. He shares. He takes care of the widows, orphans and the poor each and every month. He answered the "Command".

I grieve for the under privileged of our world. My wife and I are missionaries to Haiti. We witness first hand abject poverty. We see widows who are forgotten. We see orphanages in deplorable conditions. Then, we hop a plane and viola, we are back in the land of milk and honey. We fly over resorts, marina's, sports stadiums, golf courses and many other wealthy communities throughout our land. I just gaze out the window and think about the scriptures that tell us "the poor will always be among us". Why? Some say it's a test for us to rise above ourselves.....and serve taking care of His precious sheep. Others say the poor will always be with us because of the greed that inhabits the souls of men (and women). Is there enough money in the world to solve the problems described in scripture. The answer is yes. Not only is there enough money in the world, there is enough right here in the USA. I gaze out the window and think of the scriptures of accountability. Don't people know that we all will one day give an account...of our every action....our every word (Matt 12:36)......and what God has blessed us with?

Matthew 12:36 says we will give an account of our every word.

Romans 14:11-12 says "every knee will bow" before the Lord and "give an account of HIMSELF"

Don't people realize (rich or poor) that they cannot hide their heart from the Lord?

Hebrews 4:13 says - "Nothing in all creation is hidden from God's sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we MUST give an account"

Friends, that scripture applies to EVERYONE. The rich will be revealed one day. The poor will give an account. And everyone in between.

Who owns it all? God does. Why do people think "they" own it? The evil one has many rich folks and poor folks in his snare. Our beloved Bible tells us the love of money is the root of all evil. (1 Tim 6:10).

Here's the challenge. If you have been blessed by God, then share it. If God has given you anything.....whether big or small.........take what you need and share the rest with someone who needs it. If you have a wrench to help a brother fix his car, do something great for the Lord and offer it to him. If your brother needs some food, do something great for the Lord and feed him. If your church has a debt, and you can retire it, then do something great for the Lord and retire it.

CONCLUSION: Here's the final story I want to share with you. If you've listened this long, maybe you will go a bit further. I'm going to tell you something most people don't know. There is a scripture in the Bible (and you do believe God's word....right?) that will shock you. Some know of it, but most don't. It's in the story of Stephen (who is nothing like the greedy man). Let's go to Acts chapter 6 first.

We find a man names Stephen in Acts 6:1. -The widows weren't being dealt a fair deal in the daily distribution of food (vs 1) and the Apostles were busy with matters of the church (vs 2). They asked the people to choose 7 men who were full of the Spirit and wisdom (vs 3). Fast forward the story and we find Stephen was selected and began to serve the widows justly.

Stephen was a great man in the eyes of the Lord. Stephen was described as a man full of God's grace and power. He performed miraculous signs and wonders (vs 8) But trouble was brewing. Members of the Synagogue were upset with him. Why? He preached the Gospel. He preached the truth. They hated him because he was "full of wisdom" and they couldn't keep up.

Fast forward some more and we find Stephen in a real jam. He was falsely accused of blasphemy. False witnesses came forward and Stephen was taken to court. An angry court. Stephen preached a very long sermon and members of the Sanhedrin Court were beside themselves.

We go to chapter 7 and start with verse 54. "When they heard this, they were furious and gnashed their teeth at him." Now I've never gnashed my teeth at someone but I've wanted to. That's real anger. Those words often lead to fisticuffs.

But please notice what happened next. My whole message is wrapped up in what happens next. Verse 55 says "But Stephen, full of the Holy Spirit, looked up to the heaven and saw the Glory of God, and Jesus standing (emphasis on standing) at the right hand of God. (56) "Look", he said, "I see Heaven open and the Son of Man standing (emphasis on standing) at the right hand of God." Did you catch it? Jesus was "standing". Stephen said it twice.....Jesus standing.

Verse 59 states - "While they were stoning him, Stephen prayed, "Lord Jesus, receive my spirit." Then he fell on his knees and cried out, "Lord, do not hold this sin against them." When he said this, he fell asleep. (Meaning he died).

Friends, nowhere in scripture do we find Jesus standing. Nowhere in scripture do we find Jesus coming off His throne. Many scriptures tell us Jesus is "seated" at the right hand of God....or he "sits" at the right hand of God...or....sitting. Never do we see Jesus standing. Why is Jesus standing? I don't know for sure but I do know what just happened. Stephen was a FOLLOWER of Jesus Christ and he DIED for the cause of Christ. He died because he was challenged. He died because he served the widows. He died because he would not renounce his love for Christ. What was Jesus doing? He was standing to receive the Spirit of Stephen.

Here's a possible scene. Jesus was standing......and saying "Father" "I'll give him to you in just a moment. But before he gives an account and before he enters in, I want to tell him "well done, my good and faithful servant"". Please read Matthew 25:21

No one comes to the Father except through Jesus. The rich or the poor. Nobody comes to the Lord and is permitted entry into the heavenly realm, without giving an account.

So what's the message? When was the last time you did something that would cause Jesus to stand on your behalf? When was the last time you tithed 10 million bucks or served the poor....or was generous. If you died tonight, would Jesus jump up from his sitting position? Would he say "well done" or...."depart from me, I did not know you?" Matthew 25:41 and 46

Friends, if we aren't doing something great for the Lord, then we are in trouble. Maybe it starts with giving ourselves to Him first. Full surrender. Would Jesus stand for you right your present condition?

What ever you have.....spend it for the Lord....and I'm not just talking about money. Be a Stephen. God is watching.

INVITATION to come to the Lord and allow Him to take possession of everything in our lives.