Summary: Knowing Your Destination, Truth, God's Plan

Road Trip #3 – One Way

John 14:6 (p. 752) July 27, 2014


Have you ever heard someone say, “It’s my way or the highway.” My dad used to say it a little differently...“The one who owns the house makes the rules: my rules!”

Rules are different than opinions...let me give you an example.

“It’s my opinion that when getting dressed it’s better to put on one sock and then one shoe...then the other sock and the other shoe.

You say...that’s stupid! Put both socks on then put both shoes on...that’s a much better method!

And then we argue about our opinions: I’ll bet you with 1 sock and 1 shoe on if a fire breaks out I can hop outside and keep my feet dry. You say, “Well with 2 socks on, if it’s not raining, both feet stay warm.

We can argue...but it’s just an opinion.

Rules are different...for instance:

“Imagine a little league, or coach pitch baseball team made up of 6 or 7 year olds learning how to play the game. Having been a 6 or 7 year old that was eager to play the game, and also having coached 6 and 7 year olds I know that 6 and 7 year old would much rather just play than learn how.

Suppose one of these eager six year olds thinks he’s found a better way to play the game? The little dude stands at the plate and manages to hit the ball...but immediately jumps on home plate and shout “Home run, home run!” Meanwhile a fielder picks up the ball and throws it to first. The umpire shouts “you’re out!” But the little guy bravely stands up to the ump and says, “I’m not out...I got on home base before they did.” I got a home run!”

The umpire says, “Sorry slugger, but you have to run all the bases before you can touch home...THE RULES SAY “YOU’RE OUT.” And the kid responds...

“But my way is better! Running all the bases is too hard. If I do it my way I get a homerun every time.”

Every generation of little leaguers has to learn to play the game BY THE RULES. You can’t invent short cuts to get home.

And Jesus clearly can’t invent short cuts to get home. God has established one way to get there. His rules are fixed.

[Kari and I went to Saint Louis a few months ago to pick up my old truck (I love my old truck). We had a great time together and before we left I ran a Map Quest to St. Louis. Map Quest gave me 3 options...the shortest, the quickest, the most scenic.

We chose the shortest...but we could have chosen one of the other 2 options. Life is filled with options (1 sock, 1 shoe people driving the scenic route...2 sock people driving the quickest).

But sometimes there are rules that cannot be changed because we feel like it. Some things aren’t options. And the journey to heaven is one of those things. On this Road Trip there’s only one road to eternal life. ONE WAY. Every other road is a dead end.

Jesus very clearly claims:


In John 14 Jesus never mentions the word “heaven.” He instead says, “My Father’s house” the Greek word translated “rooms” for “mansions” literally means “to abide or remain.” It’s a permanent home, not a temporary shelter or hotel. Listen:

JOHN 14:2-3 (p. 752)

The disciples are upset...they’ve first heard Jesus say, “Goodbye...I’m leaving and where I’m going you can’t come with me right now.”

Peter who’s always well, Peter, jumps into the somber conversation and says, “Lord, why can’t I follow you? I’d die for you!”

Jesus says, “Really Peter...because before the rooster crows for the 2nd time tomorrow morning you’ll deny that you know me 3 times.”

Folks, I’ve been with dozens of families when the air is sucked out of the room, where the Doctor says it’s cancer.” Things get serious, somber and quiet.

The upper room is serious, somber & quiet and Jesus says, “Don’t let this trouble you’re hearts.” You trust God don’t you? You trust me don’t you?”

It’s now, that He promises His Father’s House, a place that’s secure and safe. That’s where He’s going. (It’s a big, big house...with lots and lots of room.)

Jesus says, “I’m going down this road so there will be a way for you to get there too. In fact I’m going to come back for you so that you get there for sure. We’ll be together there, with Dad: And you already know the way to get there! You know the road home.”

And Thomas is like...we don’t know the way...we don’t know what Road to take...and Jesus says:


I’m so glad Thomas asked what all of us would have been thinking...“Lord right now we feel can you say we know the way to get home?”

Life is a journey for all of us...these followers have invested over 3 years in Jesus’ ministry...He’s shown them how to live, how to love...and that He’s the Son of God worth following as the Messiah.

But right now Thomas and the others are stumbling. In their hearts they cannot conceive that this thing that Jesus is saying is the right road.

[I’ve been there, haven’t you? Even when you have faith and you’re trying to walk in it even when you trust God. Your heart is troubled, broken and in the midst of the confusion and pain you wonder, is there any way out?]

2007 was one of those places for me & Kari...A son going through a divorce, another son in harms way in Iraq, a teenage daughter going through rebellion and then a pregnancy. All while enduring constant back pain. Kari and I felt overwhelmed, under hard pressing emotional pain. Our hearts were constantly troubled.]

God what do we do? Jesus where do we turn? What road should we take?

Satan offers us temporary rabbit trails of false hope. Take this pill, buy this new toy, try a new relationship. It’s easy...but it’s not!

All those roads provide a temporary “morphine” while you’re bleeding to death.

You see the answer is the same as it was for Thomas. Jesus says, “Trust me...I am the road you need to take.”

I promise this world you will experience times when you say, “Lord, I feel lost and confused...How can I make it through this.”

And Jesus says, “Remember life is a Road Trip and this is just one section of it. Did you think you’d escape without experiencing some of the same trials I did?” Thomas, Rick...when you’re broken and hurting “I AM THE WAY.” Choose me.

Peter would understand that life will have stretches in it that are painful...He said,”

1 PETER 4:12-13 (p. 852)

You cannot please God without faith. You have to believe He exists and rewards those who seek Him (Heb. 4:6)

Here’s a question “Why would we need the Holy Spirit as comforter if we were never uncomfortable?” (Francis Chan)

God doesn’t allow us to be tested so that we fail. God allows fiery ordeals so we can trust Him to be with us in the furnace.

Jesus’ disciples were about to head into the furnace...following the upper room things would get a lot darker before the Son rise, three days from now.

Jesus would be betrayed by one of their own, arrested in the garden, 2 illegal trials, false witnesses, taken before Pilate, then Herod, then back to Pilate. A criminal, Barabas, is chosen over Jesus to be released during the Feast. Peter denies he knows Jesus 3 times. The others scatter and run into hiding. Jesus is scourged, beaten, crucified and quickly buried before the Sabbath...Friday and Saturday...the disciples are lost, afraid, discouraged, depressed, hiding...Satan whispers “I’ve won...It’s over...All hope is gone.”

But this morning for those in the darkness, for those with troubled hearts...for those who are in the pain of Friday and Saturday.


Jesus has prepared His disciples with the truth, shortly before the upper room He said:

MATTHEW 20:17-19 (p. 690)

At least 6 times Jesus predicted His death, burial and RESURRECTION!

Faith doesn’t mean we won’t experience doubt and discouragement...because we will!

Jesus guaranteed that the sun will shine and the rain will fall on both the righteous and the unrighteous. Both the evil and the good will experience sunny days and terrible storms...then Jesus says “Then you will shine among them like stars in the universe.” (Matthew 5:45)

Real faith isn’t just believing Jesus existed, or that He was God’s son...even that He died for our sins and rose again...even the demons believe that. Faith isn’t a legalistic fervor to do the right things, or act the right way.

Saving faith believes the truth of Jesus in the dark and holds on. Saving faith is aching emotionally on the inside but trusting that Jesus is there and will not leave you. Saving faith is running back to Jesus after you’ve blown it. Saving faith is honest, transparent and so unmasked that people know the pain is real, but because of that the hope you live and speak is even more real. Saving faith reacts to Satan’s lies which speak fear and enslavement with the knowledge “we know the truth...His truth and it sets us free.” (John 8:32)


Truth is truth no matter how many believe it or reject it. For instance there was a time when most people believed that the Earth was the center of the universe and the sun revolved around it. In the late 1400s and the early 1500s Capernicus began a revolution by teaching that the sun was the center of the universe and all the planets revolved around it. Eventually this was proven to be true...a fact. But it was true even when the majority of people didn’t believe it. Sometimes it takes time for “truth” to be revealed.

We believe Jesus and His Word are the truth...that our lives should revolve around Him. He is to be the center...the core of who we are and what we do, but that message meets a great deal of resistance in the world today...One way to Heaven...that’s intolerant of others who believe “Allah is the way” or “God wouldn’t condemn anyone to fact Hell is an archaic concept. The Bible might be a nice philosophical book but God’s Word...His inerrant plan for people...Come on! Really?”

Jesus said this in His urgent prayer before the cross in John 17:

JOHN 17:13-24 (p. 754)

Jesus’ truth, given by Him by God the Father, passed to His apostles and then to those who believe through their message (that includes you and I) will not be fully revealed until Jesus returns, until He comes for His people...and on that day truth will be accepted as truth by every tongue...and by the bowing of every knee. Until then may we share it with those who are lost in a lie!