Summary: What is happening in Christendom today is not an aberration in the history of the church, nor is it irrelevant in respect to what will happen tomorrow. What we do today will have a major impact on the Christianity of our children and our grandchildren.



As the pastor was summing up the messages and information portion of the morning service he remarked that all church leaders and administrative personnel needed to attend a meeting Thursday evening. It was imperative that they attend.

When Thursday evening rolled around, the church leaders and administrators found they were being visited by 5 government officials. The pastor attempted to initiate introductions, but a distinguished looking silver haired gentleman interrupted him with the remark: ‘Introductions are irrelevant. We are here to address a very serious issue. We have abundant and conclusive evidence that your organization conducts public meetings where hateful and threating remarks are directed toward others.’ Holding up a hand to silence the preacher’s attempt to interrupt, the silver haired gentleman continued: ‘Before you attempt to tell me what your constitutional rights are, let me remind you that you are a business operating under Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(C)(3) privileges, which have been allotted to you by the state … the requirements of which supersede constitutional rights afforded to the individual citizen.’ The room went deadly still as everyone was subdued by the dynamic and authoritarian presence of the silver haired gentleman.

After what seemed like an eternity the silver haired gentleman resumed speaking: ‘You do realize you are a 501(C)(3) business do you not?’ Again there was an awkwardly long silence. Eventually, one of the elders cleared his throat and replied, ‘we are aware of the fact that we are a not-for-profit church.’ ‘You are incorrect,’ punctuated a rather mousey looking government lady. The mousey looking lady clasped her hands together on the table as she looked around at the church members. She calmly spoke: ‘it would behoove you to read IRC Section 501(C)(3) and relevant references.’ She paused to let the people grasp the fact that they really had no understanding of the IRC law that made them a non-profit corporation. She went on: ‘You call yourself a church, but in the eyes of the government, and by the laws you have agreed to, and obligated yourselves under; you are a corporation that must be organized and operated under the precepts of the federal government. Now, I will admit that if you do not wish to remain a non-profit corporation, which is organized and operated according to the law, you are free to relinquish the benefits of being a 501(C)(3) business. I should inform you, however, that the contract your corporation originally entered into does not specify disbursement of corporate assets; therefore, this building and all assets can become the property of the government; per IRC Section 501(C)(3), which was agreed to by those who originally established this corporation’ A middle aged government man, with a strong military bearing, arrogantly spoke: ‘the IRS agent is absolutely correct. Your business agreed to be organized and operated according to government directives … there is no alternative.’ The silver haired gentlemen stood up: ‘let us not get unpleasant. I am sure Dr. Feinstein can better explain why we are here and help us arrive at a proper conclusion.”

Dr. Feinstein stood up: ‘Ladies and gentlemen allow me to introduce myself. I am a Jewish rabbi. I am also an ordained Presbyterian minister, and I have a doctorate of Ministry from Oral Roberts University. I am also very active on the council for Catholic ecumenical and interfaith relations. So you see I am not unsympathetic to your situation. I realize that you probably do not harbor hateful or threating thoughts toward anyone … after all our God is a God of love and not a God of hate. Still it is like Pope Francis said: “In ideologies there is not Jesus: in his tenderness, his love, his meekness. And ideologies are rigid, always. Of every sign: rigid. And when a Christian becomes a disciple of the ideology, he has lost the faith: he is no longer a disciple of Jesus, he is a disciple of this attitude of thought… For this reason Jesus said to them: ‘You have taken away the key of knowledge.’ The knowledge of Jesus is transformed into an ideological and also moralistic knowledge, because these close the door with many requirements. The faith becomes ideology and ideology frightens, ideology chases away the people, distances, distances the people and distances of the Church of the people. But it is a serious illness, this of ideological Christians. It is an illness, but it is not new, eh?” What the Pope so eloquently said is absolutely true. When we focus on the teachings of Jesus instead of Jesus we eventually can no longer see Jesus. We worship the teachings … not the teacher. Thus, we develop our own peculiar affinity toward the teaching, which causes us to lose tolerance for those who do not share our love of our particular ideology. We become so focused on trying to follow our interpretation of 1st century logic that we become disconnected from modern moral and social norms; thus, we replace the dynamic and ever adapting love of Jesus with rigid ideological doctrines and manmade church creeds, which poorly pattern themselves after outdated 1st century precepts. When this happens we inadvertently say things that others take as being hateful and threatening. Now, assuredly no sane person would want to be guilty of doing this. That is why we are here this evening. We want to help you remain a vibrant and effect voice for the love of God, but without echoing hateful and threating sounds. There is absolutely no need for you to relinquish your rights as a nationally recognized church.”

The mousy looking lady interrupted: ‘But! From the perspective of the federal government you are a 501(C)(3) business and if you want to remain a 501(C)(3) business you will be organized and you will be operated in accordance with Internal Revenue Code, Section 501(C)(3).’ Dr. Feinstein slightly raised his voice, saying: ‘As a government sanctioned religious corporation we know that you want to support our efforts in demonstrating to the world the benefits of tearing down sectarian barriers and replacing them with a global wide mentality of love and tolerance.’ The mousy looking lady again interrupted: ‘But! But, if you continue to harangue the public with messages of intolerance and hate we will be forced to resend your 501(C)(3) status, which can result in our taking ownership of this building and all your organizational assets.’ The silver haired gentleman stood up and motioned for Dr. Feinstein to sit down. Clearing his voice he said: ‘Oh I do not think that will be necessary, Miss Stouter. I am sure the good people of this church understand the importance of supporting their government’s efforts supporting love and tolerance.’

Wham! The preacher slammed his open hand on the table and exclaimed: ‘No we do not! There are no principalities in the heavenly places, or governments here on earth, that will keep me from teaching all nations to obey everything Jesus taught. You can have this building … you can have all the church assets; but I will still stand and preach what the Holy Spirit lays on my heart. I will preach in the woods, I will preach in the swamps, I will preach in caves or any other place people are willing to gather together.” One of the elders of the church rose to his feet and spoke: ‘I stand with our preacher.’ The other church members also rose to their feet, symbolizing the fact that they too stood with the preacher.

A red faced silver haired gentleman straighten his posture and gently said: ‘It is by lawful state definition and the 501(C)(3) contract you signed that:

• The creator of your church is the State.

• The State is the sole authority and sovereign head over your church.

• Your church is subject to the laws of the State, which limits your powers.

• Your church has no constitutionally protected rights.

• Your church submits to a State Charter declaring it is a creature of the State.

• Your church is created for the benefit of the public.

• Your church is a State franchise.

• Your churches existence is a privilege granted by the State.

For many years this church has existed at the pleasure of the state … the Federal Government. The Federal Government would like to see the relationship it has with this church continued; but, it can only continue if you will adhere to the principles of our contract.’

The preacher looked around at the members of the church and said: ‘none of us were part of the original agreement with the government. It is obvious, however, that our forefathers entered into a contract with the devil. And, it is a contract we want no part of. ’

The silver haired gentleman gathered his papers and slowly closed his briefcase. He spoke in a stern and icy voice: ‘By your own words and action here this evening we are convinced that you are breaking the covenant between your corporation and the government; therefore, we shall begin legal proceedings … so mote it be.’


The Shadow

One might think the illustration is farfetched, and right now it probably is, but it is not beyond the realm of future possibilities. Remember when Jesus was going out of the temple and one of His disciples said to Him: “Teacher, behold what wonderful stones and what wonderful buildings!” Jesus replied: “Do you see these great buildings? Not one stone will be left upon another which will not be torn down.” (Mark 13:1-2) In all probability the disciples could not envision what Jesus said was going to happen. It is the same with Christians today. Even though all the facts brought out in the illustration are correct people cannot see tomorrow through the evidence before them today. It is also noteworthy that, in a U.S. District Court, the IRS recently stated that the agency “no longer has a policy of non-enforcement against churches.” Stop and rethink all of this. The IRS has publically and legally stated that the agency “no longer has a policy of non-enforcement against churches.” Can you not see the potential danger revealed by the government’s attitude in this statement? On top of this, the IRS has set a precedent for implementing the old “Johnson Amendment” law, which makes it legal for the IRS to censor preachers. Add to this the disturbing fact that our nation is filled with churches wallowing in a tax-exemption cesspool, which is being filled with crap straight from toilets in hell … and they don’t even know it. Almost 100% of the churches in America are really a government sanctioned business! So far, they have been ignored by the government. So you see, the illustration is not all that farfetched. And, it will turn from illustration to prophecy when the government determines that it is time for all religious corporations (church) to comply with a religious common-core-doctrine. Don’t laugh; every stone will be cast down … there is a very logical reason for our government wanting to control what is being preached.

The government displaying an interest in what is being preached may seem a bit radical, but it is not. In just the past two decades our government’s desire for control over the people has been demonstrated by an explosion in federal regulations. In fact, if a new federal regulation became law every two hours, 24 hours per day, 365 days per year, it still would not account for the growth in federal regulations. And, don’t think that this growth in government regulations is isolated to a single political party being in power … the government’s lust for control goes far beyond partisan politics. The most recent printed edition of the federal register contains 174,545 pages of regulations, nearly a quarter of which have been added in the last two decades. We cannot deny our governments growing lust for control; even control over what is being preached.

It is almost as if our government is being driven by some unseen force; driven to tighten its control over the people. And it probably is, seeing that the federal government exists for the sake of the government and not the people. The government fully understands that the more it distances itself from the people the stronger its control over the people must become. It has finally reached the point where the government knows that it must not only control our actions … it must also control how we think and believe. This is why the government is starting to take an interest in what is being preached. Preacher’s influence people and the government does not want preachers preaching messages that do not support government agenda. Our government is no longer of the people, by the people, and for the people; thus, it must control the people.

Do not readily dismiss the idea that our government wants total control over the people. When a government exists for the sake of the government, and/or for the benefit of a small elite group of individuals, it becomes essential that the general populace be controlled. Look at history: Nazi Germany, Stalinist Russia, North Korea, Communist China, Iran and many others. The governments of these countries were not driven by the desires of the people nor did they exist for the benefit of the people. Therefore, they put considerable effort into controlling the people. It is becoming the same way in America. The United States Government now functions more for the continuation and continuity of the government than it does the benefit of the people. And, and a very big and; the government is also functioning for the benefit those who would exercise control over our nation and over the world. It is time to wake up and accept the fact that the entire American political process has been warped and twisted to produce a false sense of public participation in a government that really no longer functions at the behest of the public. Our current impotent and dysfunctional congress, which is led by an anti-constitution libertine socialist president, clearly demonstrates just how disconnected our government is from the people of our nation. In fact, the entire representative democracy process has been mutated and re-mutated until it is little more than a political version of the People’s Choice Awards. The government’s subversive ideological action plan has successfully filled American with people who have no bigger purpose in life than themselves. It is as a German citizen said, in an interview after WWII, ‘we never really saw change coming because it happened drip by drip.’

The American people are like sheep being led to the slaughter by a goat. Well, it is time to look up. Even a stupid chicken, when it sees a shadow moving on the ground, looks up and examines the sky. Things like the IRS proclaiming it no longer has a policy of non-enforcement against churches, the militarization of local law enforcement, the federalization of the National Guard, and the Department of Homeland Defense all cast an evil shadow, which is moving across the ground of biblical prophecy. Those who are wise will look up and see that the shadow is being cast by something far more heinous than the just our government. The subtle degradation of politicians, the ongoing efforts to disarm Americans, government controlled schools, and increasing religious apathy is all part of the continuing migration toward absolute governmental control over the people. And, it is being driving by forces that don’t care all that much about bread and circuses.

Drip by drip the change has been taking place and very few see it happening. On July 3,1863 at about 2:00 PM Pickett charged the Union lines … it was a devastating failure that cast the United States into the arms of an evil federal Kraken. Hidden forces had been hard at work manipulating human emotions and thus our independence was sold for the price of federal succor. What is ironic is that a little over a year after this Abraham Lincoln is alleged to have wrote to William Elkin; “I see in the near future a crisis approaching that unnerves me and causes me to tremble for the safety of my country. As a result of the war, corporations have been enthroned and an era of corruption in high places will follow, and the money power of the country will endeavor to prolong its reign by working upon the prejudices of the people until all wealth is aggregated in a few hands, and the Republic is destroyed. I feel at this moment more anxiety for the safety of my country than ever before, even in the midst of war.” Most believe Lincoln really did write this; but, it really does not matter who actually wrote this, it is still very prophetic. For it has proven true; our government now exists for the benefit of those who reap economic prosperity from our land and who would love to expand their participation to all the global economy. The American civil war was fought to end one form of man’s injustice to man, but it also enhanced a more evil form of man’s injustice to man. It turned our government over to the control of special interests, which were heavily influenced by powers beyond their understanding. And, drip by drip the change continues.

The injustice we speak of is an oligarchical power greater than that of the Spartans. We are talking about oligarchical power on a global scale … globalization in the hands of but a few. When we speak of ‘globalization’ we are talking about the development of a single governing body that legislates and enforces the operation of both a single secular government and a single religious pseudo theocracy. This does not mean there will not be various national political bodies and various religions. What it means is that all national governments will fall under the authority of a single global political organization, much like our state governments are subordinate to the federal government. It is the same way with our having a global spiritual headquarters. There will still be many religions and within these religions there will be various denominations, but all religious organizations will function in accordance with global guidelines. These religions will maintain their respective belief systems, but they will adhere to a common-core religious doctrine. This is not something that will happen overnight. Yet, with the proper preparation and infinite patience the implementation of global governance, by a global oligarchy, will be so transparent that most will never see it happening.

You have to look for it and see the signs … you have see the shadow on the ground.

Globalization Logic

To be very honest the concept of international integration of products and culture has existed for some time. It has been, however, the more recent advances in transportation and communication that have accelerated the process of economic and political globalization.

Those who would lead us are actually of the opinion that globalization is essential for their economic survival. From their perspective, we live together on this one celestial sphere and the economy of this sphere is critical to survival. More important, they believe we cannot effectively manage a unified global economy without a unified governing method. Therefore, global governance becomes a major factor in establishing and maintaining an effective global economy. The elite also realize this means that we must have a universal governing body, which is willing to put the needs of globalization ahead of the needs of the general populous. Ergo, globalization is not a grass roots endeavor … globalization is being driven by a relatively small elite group of individuals.

We can kind of see an historical example of this in Sparta. The Spartan government existed for the benefit of a small group of people (the Agiad and Eurypontid families) and it did not function for the general populous (the Helots and Perioikoi). In between the elite and the masses were the Spartiates, or people who could trace their ancestry to the original inhabitants of the city. The Spartiates indirectly benefited because they were the ‘operational arm’ of the government. It is important to note that all religious, legislative, judicial, and military power remained under the control of the elite: even if it was executed by the Spartiates. Basically you have control in the hands of an elite group, whose power is manifested through those directly or indirectly on the government’s payroll: the general masses are the labor force providing food and maintaining economic operations. Kind of like what is happening in America … drip by drip.

You will note that the Spartan elite controlled all legislative, judicial, military and … religious power. The elite who would lead us into a brave new world are not ignorant of this fact. If they are going to have a harmonious holistic global management system it is essential that they establish a unifying spirituality that binds all the religions of the world together in tolerance and love. They are of the opinion that when the anointing oil of peace and harmony flows down upon the peoples of the world, through the benevolence of global governance, they can then rest in an eternity of economic prosperity. Thus, the elite believe people will be more easily led into global governance when they see the benefit derived from both secular and … religious globalization. The people are being enveloped by the two horns of the Kraken.

Of course, we must not forget that the key to global governance is having the power to enforce political, economic, and cultural compliance; at both the global and national level. To accomplish this drip by drip, those steering us into global governance must find ways to gradually replace our old national-security mentality and our old religious-dependence mentality with a new collective conscience, which finds national and religious succor in globalization. This is not a new effort; the move toward global governance has been underway for years through institutions such as: the United Nations, the World Bank, the International Criminal Court, the IMF, the Bank for International Settlements, and special elite organizations. Please understand, this is not some halfwit conspiracy theory. The powers behind the push for global economic prosperity have devoted body and soul to saving the human race: well … at least their portion of it. For example, some of our would be leaders like David Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Ted Turner, Oprah Winfrey, Warren Buffett, George Soros, Eli Broad, Peter G. Peterson, Patty Stonesifer, John Morgridge, Michael Bloomberg and other billionaires have dedicated both time and money in addressing globalization issues such as the environment and world population. You look a bit deeper into their efforts, however, and you realize they consider establishing and maintaining political, economic, and cultural compliance to be the only solution; albeit, there are a few strange twists such as depopulation. The important fact remains: those who would lead us into a brave new world must have the power to enforce political, economic, and religious compliance.

In any event, history has proven that an oligarchical style government, which exists for the sake of the government, or for a limited number of individuals, has a very difficult time maintaining control over the populous. You can supply the people with bread and circuses, but the expense will eventually get out of hand. You can violently suppress their protests, but eventually this will become too disruptive to your economy. The most effective oligarchical method is to carry a big stick; yet, spend far more time developing and implementing social and moral standards to replace existing national-security and sectarian-religious mentalities. The best way to replace a national-security mentality is to develop a threat, which can only be defeated through the efforts of a global governing body … a threat such as terrorism. The best way to replace sectarian-religious-dependence is not to attack the religion but to gently add the concept of ‘unitarian’ love and tolerance. In fact, even Pope Francis has recently devoted significant effort toward the sublime goal of global religious tolerance and spiritual unification. So you see, global governance will not be initiated by heavy handed dictatorial methods. Global governance will slowly emerge, drip by drip, out of the people’s growing perception that future security and economic prosperity requires establishing some form of political, economic, and religious global compliance.


As bright as the future looks to those who would lead us into a brave new world there is a small but annoying problem. Within some religious organizations there are groupings of people with an unwavering attachment to a set of irreducible fundamental beliefs. In other words, some religious people take their faith very serious and they will not compromise their religious beliefs in order to be ‘socially’ or ‘politically’ correct. Such people possess a core set of beliefs, which define their social, moral, and religious standards; and, they put these beliefs ahead of everything else in their lives … including the government. Thus, it behooves those who would lead us to establish global political and religious standards to isolate and minimize the influence of these religious fundamentalists. Assuredly these fundamentalist groups are small but they are persistent in resisting anything that challenges their faith.

Most religious people, however, are willing to temper their theocratic teachings with generally accepted social and political standards. Even in the three great monotheistic religions, Christianity, Islam and Judaism, it is primarily only the far right exclusionary elements that rigidly adhere to their fundamental beliefs. In almost all religions the bulk of the people only have a peripheral knowledge regarding the fundamentals of their faith; assuming their faith even has fundamental beliefs. In other words, most religions have no hard core beliefs that would challenge the globalization process. In addition, many religious people simply are not loyal to any beliefs, especially those that would oppose the religious tolerance and spiritual unification required by global governance. Ergo, most spiritual/religious people are willing to adapt their spiritual/religious teachings to allow adherence with generally accepted social and political standards

A case in point: when it comes to Christianity only a very few are fundamentalists. The vast majority of Christians are biblically illiterate, many are apathetic, and some are just plain hypocrites. According to “Religion News Service,” a 2013 poll revealed that 88 percent of Americans possesses a bible, but only 26 percent of bible owners read their bible four or more time a week. You cannot be a fundamentalist if you have no idea what the fundamentals of your religion are. At best … at the very best … less than 30% of Americans hold a religious conviction that is strong enough for them to recognize and oppose religious globalization.

Of course this hypocrisy is not only true for Christians; it is also true for most religions. For example, there are over three hundred references implying violent evangelism in Islam, but most Muslims refuse to acknowledge this. Even in Judaism, the mother of the three great monotheistic religions, it is estimated that less than 20% of the people are truly orthodox. So you see, for those who would lead us into a brave new world, there truly is a bright side in the religious issue. The vast majority of so-called religious peoples are willing to modify their beliefs and principles in compliance with a secular governing body.

Perhaps the time is right for the Pope’s message of global religious tolerance and spiritual unification.


Do you see the shadow moving across the ground? Look up. Globalization is not an idea concocted by flesh and blood; for, its concept was forged by the rulers, the powers, the worldwide forces of darkness. Globalization was spawned by spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places. There are those who will claim globalization is simply man’s logical response to the fact that national economic stability demands global economic stability. And, global economic stability demands global political stability. And, global political stability demands global governance. And, global governance demands that the people be given a unifying spirituality that binds all people under a new collective conscience. This is a carefully fabricate justification that is only true for those who would benefit from the process of global governance. And, who would benefit most but he who seat himself in the Temple and rule over all of mankind.

The shadow cast by those with the power to push for ‘political and economic’ global governance has become fairly obvious, but there is a far more sinister shadow, which most people fail to see. This is the shadow being cast by those with the same mindset as the Pope. In a recent interview Pope Francis shocked the Vatican by alluding to the fact that everyone is saved. Pope Francis said the Lord created everyone in His image and likeness; therefore we all are the image of the Lord. If we are the image of the Lord and, because the Lord does good, this means all of us naturally have the desire to do good. Even if a person is not a Catholic he can still do good! On top of this, the Lord has redeemed all of us with the Blood of Christ … God has even redeemed the atheists! In the Pope’s statement, he clearly implied that as long as a person does good they will make it to heaven. Now stop and think about this! A Universal Reconciliation message came out of the mouth of the Pope, the very same Pope who also said that fundamentalist Christians take their faith in Jesus and turn it into a serious ideological illness. Pope Francis is shaking the pillars of religion; and, it really does not matter what the Vatican Svengalis do to tone down the Popes rhetoric … the fact remains that the Pope has a Universal Reconciliation mentality. The Pope clearly sees the Catholic Church as being instrumental in leading the world toward a new collective conscience that replaces sectarian religious-dependence with a Universal Reconciliation common-core religious doctrine. We are talking about a global common-core doctrine that is adhered to by all religions. There can be no denying the evil behind this shadow cast by those who would have all religions guided by a single global religious body; i.e. global governance of religion.

In summary, as a born again Christian political globalization is an ancillary issue in our lives; religious globalization, however, is a far more serious problem. As a born again Christian we have certain fundamental beliefs that we will not compromise. We know there is but one God; the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. We also know that there is but one way to God and that is through the sacrifice of Jesus the Christ. We know that we have but one complete, final and accurate source of instruction and that is the Holy Bible. We could continue with essential Christian beliefs but I am sure you get the picture. It is our diligent conviction regarding Christ that separates us from the rest of Christendom and from the religions of the world. American hypocritical-christianity is not threatened; at least not as long as it remains willing to embrace diverse religions and apostate beliefs regarding things like spirituality, divine beings, worship, our purpose in life and the afterlife. In fact, hypocritical-christianity will continue to flourish as long as it is willing to embrace the concept of a core-doctrine, which is governed by a single global office. The real threat to Christianity in America is the ever growing opposition to our fundamental beliefs regarding Christ. Christianity will remain welcome in America as long as it is a ‘dechristianized’ Christianity. This then is the issue facing all born again Christians: we will have no place in a world that is diametrically opposed to the sovereign and universal authority of Jesus Christ.

So you see, we are being taught that the survival of mankind depends on global economic prosperity and that global economic prosperity depends on global political stability, and that global political stability is best achieved in a global culture of religious tolerance and love. This is a lie! The only one who needs political, economic and religious stability through global governance is the man of lawlessness, the son of destruction, the one who opposes and exalts himself above every so-called god or object of worship, and takes his seat in the temple of God, displaying himself as being God. The shadow we see, by biblical prophecy, is being cast by those who are inadvertently preparing for his coming and the coming of his two horns.

If anyone has an ear, let him hear. Jesus did not tell the church about the signs of the end times just to entertain us. In fact, Jesus said that He told us about the signs so that we would not be caught by surprise. So look up! Even a simple minded chicken is smart enough to know that the shadow moving across the ground means impending danger.