Summary: We Praise & Worship Because: 1. Of Who He Is 2. Of What He Has Done 3. Of Who We Are 4. It Brings Honor To Him 5. Of What He Is Like

- This is how the world Praises Jesus

- Promote unbelief

- Lost Gospel – New Book

- CTV - Jesus and Mary Magdalene were a "divine couple" that was married with two sons

- ABC’s World News Tonight anchor David Muir on Wednesday (11/12/14) night, promoted a new book "The Lost Gospel"

- ABC News chief foreign correspondent Terry Moran continued “astonishing and, to many, a blasphemous claim”

- CNN -- The question of whether or not Jesus had a wife is back again.

- NBC's TODAY “Absolutely fascinating. Many would argue the biggest story or one of the biggest stories of our lifetime.”

- UNIVISION Tuesday night (11/11/14), the Spanish-language broadcaster offered a favorable story on the book

- Authors Simcha Jacobovici and Barrie Wilson

- The Lost Tomb of Jesus (2007)

- Book Claims Jesus Married Mary Magdalene, Had 2 Children

- Based on manuscript found in British Library dating back 1,450 years

- The key: Every time the text says “Joseph,” they replace it with “Jesus.” Every time the text says “Aseneth,” they replace it with “Mary Magdalene.”

That’s right: Nowhere in this ancient text does the word "Jesus" appear. Or the words "Mary Magdalene."

- The two authors say it reveals that Jesus, far from being a lowly carpenter’s son hailing from the tiny town of Nazareth,

- Instead -- a powerful political figure

- At the highest levels of the Roman Empire.

- Years before the crucifixion, they say, there was a plot to kill him, rape Mary Magdalene, and slaughter their kids.

About Mary Magdalene Jacobovici said today.

- “Not only is he married -- but [the manuscript] celebrates his sexuality.

- She, his wife, is not just Mrs. Jesus

- She’s actually a goddess.

- He’s the son of God, she’s the daughter of God.

- Remove hope & purpose with false claims

- The medias desire is to eradicate truth

- Does this inspire & encourage you?

May Jesus Christ Be Praised

Psalm 69:34 (AV) - Let the heaven and earth praise him, the seas, and every thing that moveth therein

- This song reminds us what Christ has done

- We have a reason to praise & worship

- Translated by Edward Caswell (1814-1878

- First called "When Morning Gilds the Skies" was originally 28 stanzas, but most hymnals today include only four.

- The author of this hymn is an unknown German

- The hymn was translated from German into English

- Was so free a translation that it is practically a new hymn.

- The hymn is said to be a great favorite in St. Paul’s Cathedral, London,

- Caswell was the son of an Anglican clergyman born in England

- He was ordained as an Anglican.

- He converted to Catholicism in 1847, prior to translating this hymn in 1854.

- Caswell translated a number of hymns from Latin into English

- His best known being "Jesus, the Very Thought of Thee."

- This hymn celebrates more than natural wonders.

- It calls us to praise God whether we are at work or at prayer

- Whether in the night or the day

– Even when faced with the powers of darkness,

- They lose their power when subjected to praise to God.

- It calls us to praise God "thro' all the ages long."

- Heaven's worship is the worship of praise

Why Praise Jesus In Worship

Psalm 100

- You Become Like What You Worship.

- If you worship superficial things - your life becomes superficial.

- If you worship perverted things - your life becomes perverted.

- If you worship evil things - your life becomes evil.

- If your worship the true God - you become godly.

We come to Sunday School,

We come to church,

We come to Prayer Meeting,

Have we worshipped?

Our minds are easily distracted.

- Tongue can speak

- Little or no thought of worship,

- “The lights on, but nobody’s home”.

Psalm 29:2 - Give unto the Lord the glory due unto his name; worship the Lord in the beauty of holiness.

- 17 Old Testament books refer to praising the Lord.

- 11 New Testament books refer to praising the Lord.

- 300 verses refer to praising the Lord

- We get little out of church because we put little into it.

- What Does It Mean To Praise Jesus?

- OT, - “worship” means to “bow down”.

- Submitting ourselves.

- NT Gk - ‘to kiss toward’. “It conveys the idea of showing reverence or doing Homage to God, humans, or even Satan.

- Attitudes (awe, reverence, respect) and actions (bowing, praising, serving).

- Everyone bows to and reverences something or someone.

- Why are we to worship God?

1. Saying - v.1

- Psalm 100:1-2

- v.1 - joyful noise is to “shout joyfully”.

- Attitude of joy in our hearts and on our lips when we worship God.

- Church should not resemble a morgue!

- There should be joy in church!

- There should be no lack of reverence for God, but there should also be no lack happiness.

- Ecstatic crazy joy & excitement

2. Serving - v.2

- Whatever we do, should be an act of worship to our God.

- Ministry - is a act of worship

3. Singing v.2

- We are also to come before his presence with singing.

- Church was born in song

- We sing is because there are depths and heights and intensities and kinds of emotion that will not be satisfactorily expressed by any other means

The Reasons For Praising Jesus.

1. We Praise & Worship Because of Who He is

v.3 – Know ye that the LORD he is God ....

- “Know ye what God is in himself, and what he is to you”

- The word “LORD” Jehovah, the self existent one

- Conviction - I wouldn’t dare worship anyone or anything but Him.

2. We Praise & Worship Because of What He Has Done

- v.3 ... it is he that hath made us, and not we ourselves; ...

- You wouldn’t be here if God hadn’t created you.

- Nothing would be here if God hadn’t created it. Psalm 135:6

- If no other reason to worship because we are creatures, we are creations,

3. We Praise & Worship Because of Who We Are

- v. 3 ... we are his people, and the sheep of his pasture.

- Everyone one can worship God as creator.

- Not everyone can worship God because they are notHis people and sheep.

- God’s people are those people who God will receive into Heaven.

- Jesus tells us that God’s people must be born again! John 3:3, 6-7

- Jesus is the Good Shepherd.

- He takes personal responsibility

4. We Praise & Worship Because It Brings Honor To Him

v. 4 Enter into his gates with thanksgiving, and into his courts with praise: be thankful unto him, and bless his name.

- Using v.3 Sheep entered through the gate into the temple courtyard

- Here they were to be sacrificed

- Our sacrifice is

• Giving Thanks twice in this verse

• Praise, & bless His name

5. We Praise & Worship Because Of What He Is Like

v. 5 - For the Lord is good; his mercy is everlasting; and his truth endureth to all generations.

- Life because of His goodness.

- Eternal life, because of his goodness.

- Daily needs because of His goodness

- Answers to prayer His goodness

- Creation because the Lord is good.

- Truth and righteousness because the Lord is good.

Mercy “mercy” means “love”.

1. The inexhaustible fount -- the goodness of God.

2. The ever-flowing stream -- the mercy of God.

3. The fathomless oceans the truth of God. "O the depths!"

Worship In 3 Words

- Who Jesus is - Worship

- What Jesus has done - Praise

- What Jesus has done for you -Thanksgiving