Summary: How can we experience unity when we have differing beliefs?

In Ephesians 4:3-6, Paul lists seven “cords” that bind us together: a common community - “one body”; a common communion - “one Spirit”; a common confidence - “one hope”; a common commitment - “one Lord”; a common confession - “one faith”; a common conversion - “one baptism”; and a common connection - “one Father.”

Today, I want us to think about our common confession. Paul says we have “one faith.” What does he mean? Some say he’s referring to our common faith in Christ, while others say Paul is speaking of the things we believe, as in “the faith.” Actually, I think it is a little bit of both.

“Dear friends, although I was very eager to write to you about the salvation we share, I felt compelled to write and urge you to contend for the faith that was once for all entrusted to God’s holy people.” - Jude 3 (NIV)

But some say doctrine has been a source of division, rather than unity among God’s people. Some believe miraculous gifts of the Spirit are still active today, while others believe they have ceased to exist. Some believe salvation is a matter of God’s choosing; while others believe it is a matter of the person’s choosing. Such differences have resulted in entire denominations being developed, and even groups who claim to be “non-denominational.” This was true, even in Paul’s day.

“I appeal to you, dear brothers and sisters, by the authority of our Lord Jesus Christ, to live in harmony with each other. Let there be no divisions in the church. Rather, be of one mind, united in thought and purpose. For some members of Chloe’s household have told me about your quarrels, my dear brothers and sisters. Some of you are saying, ‘I am a follower of Paul.’ Others are saying, ‘I follow

Apollos,’ or ‘I follow Peter,’ or ‘I follow only Christ.’” - 1 Corinthians 1:10-12 (NLT)

Sadly, what Paul was dealing with in Corinth has developed even more in our day. But that doesn’t mean God isn’t still working in His church or that there can’t be unity, even across denominational lines.

Dr. Albert Mohler, in an article, “A Call for Theological Triage and Christian Maturity,” points out the word “triage” comes from the French word “trier,” meaning “to sort,” and contends Christians need to understand some doctrines are more important than others.

Mohler suggests three levels of importance in doctrine.

First-order doctrines represent fundamentals of the faith, a denial of which represents an eventual denial of Christianity. He suggests that this would include the Trinity, the deity & humanity of Jesus, justification by faith, and authority of Scripture.

Second-order doctrines are different in that believing Christians may disagree on them. These disagreements are the reason for the formation of many denominations. Examples would be different views regarding the role of God’s sovereignty and man’s free will in salvation, the mode of baptism or the role of women in ministry. But even though there might be disagreement over these doctrines, each group can still affirm the other to be true believers.

Third-order doctrines are ones Christians may disagree over, yet remain in the same local congregation. Like differences on the 2nd coming. Some believe the church will be raptured before the great tribulation, while others believe the church will go through the great tribulation. Such disagreements can exist, and folks can remain in fellowship within the same local church.

Sadly, division occurs when we give more significance to doctrines of third or second level importance than to those of first level importance.

There is currently a great spirit of cooperation among the churches of our town. Do you know why? One reason is the pastors choose to focus on our common beliefs rather than on what we disagree about. We are in agreement about the fundamentals of the faith. When we make the second-level doctrines our focus, however, we have less unity.

Likewise, members of a local congregation, which often are formed around doctrines of first and second level importance, will find there is unity when we focus more on doctrines of first or even second level importance rather than doctrines of third-level importance.

Sometimes, we can also confuse our preferences with doctrine. Like what music we prefer, or how we prefer to participate in the Lord’s Supper, etc. Unity comes when we focus on beliefs of first-level importance.

Dr. Mohler suggests that first-level doctrines would be the Trinity, the uniqueness of Jesus as the God/man; justification by faith; and the

authority of Scripture. Dr. Adrian Rogers used to put it this way:

“We believe sin is black; judgment is sure; hell is hot; heaven is sweet; and Jesus saves.” - Dr. Adrian Rogers

A good suggestion on which doctrines are of first-level importance is to put them to the “thief on the cross” test (READ LUKE 23:39-43).

When it came to what the thief believed, Jesus said he got it right. What did he believe? I think we could make a good case that he believed that sin is black; judgment is sure; hell is hot; heaven is sweet; and Jesus saves. He certainly recognized he was sinful and that Jesus was his Savior. But how did he come to this conclusion? The same way we have. He believed the testimony he had heard. Based on the testimony had heard from others, he chose to accept Christ as his Savior and Lord. And so have we who have believed. We have chosen to believe on Christ as our Savior and Lord based on the testimony of the Bible.

This common confession concerning the authority of the Bible and the lordship of Christ is the essence of the “one faith” which Paul says should serve to unify us as believers.

1. The Bible should determine what we believe – v. 16a

“The Bible was written over a 1,600 year period. Over 40 writers recorded the story yet they tell it with perfect unity and harmony. This is impossible unless God was helping them, whispering in their ear the same story.” - Dr. Richard Booker

The Bible is the divinely inspired testimony on which our faith is based! Since it is the basis of our choice to believe on Christ, it should be the basis of determining what we believe as Christians.

We often say that the Bible is our only rule for faith and practice. This where our common confession contributes to unity within the church. If we have any disagreement, we settle them by looking to what we do agree on as believers, that the Bible is true and Jesus is Lord! With agreement on this, we can then study the Bible until we discover the answers we need to settle whatever disagreements we might have.

Because we agree on the authority of the Bible, we have a framework around which we can settle any differences of opinion, because we agree, if God said it, that settles it! But until we can come to agreement on what the Bible says . . .

2. The Bible should determine how we behave - v. 16b-17

My belief in the authority of the Bible will be revealed by my application of the Bible to my life and relationships. We need to let Bible guide us, rebuke us, correct us, and instruct us, thus equipping us to do the good works God has ordained for us to do as His children.

And those good works will have to do with how we relate to others. If my belief in the Bible does not change my behavior toward others, something is amiss.

“And if I have prophetic powers (the gift of interpreting the divine will and purpose), and understand all the secret truths and mysteries and possess all knowledge, and if I have [sufficient] faith so that I can remove mountains, but have not love (God’s love in me) I am nothing (a useless nobody).” - 1 Corinthians 13:2 (Amplified)

The Bible should not only determine what I believe but how I behave.

“A Christian can be straight as a gun barrel and just as empty.” - Dr. Adrian Rogers


“And this is my prayer: that your love may abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight, so that you may be able to discern what is best and may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ - to the glory and praise of God.” - Philippians 1:9-11 (NIV)

How are we to “abound more and more in knowledge and depth of insight?” Through letting both our beliefs and our behavior be directed by the Bible. As we do, we will be able to “discern what is best” and not worry about the rest! Thus being able to live a life that brings glory and praise to God.

In essential beliefs, let’s have unity; in non-essential beliefs, let’s have liberty; and in all beliefs, let’s show charity.