Introduction: This sermons comes from the web. Not Yahoo, Google or Firefox but the Spider's Web. God invites to the school of the spider to learn wisdom.
He uses 4 small things that we give very little attention:
The Ant gives us the wisdom of Preparatory living.
The Coney gives us the wisdom of Proper Positioning.
The Locust gives us the wisdom of Propelling in Packs.
The Spider give us the wisdom of Productivity from within .
I. The Spider is Productive. (His Web comes from within)
II. The Spider is a Perseverer. (Knock down his Web and he rebuilds it.
III. The Spider is powerful. (He destroys his enemies with his mouth)
IV . The Spider is a provider. (He provides his own food)
V . The Spider is Perceptive. (He senses the enemy)
VI. The Spider is Purposeful. (He rids us of flies etc.)
VII. The Spider is Pursuer. (He ends up in the king's palace)
Conclusion: All of us are striving to get to the King's palace.