Summary: "Love" has degenerated in our society. Only God's love can fill the emptiness. Satan hates love and has always tried to destroy it.

Judge People? No! Love People and God! by Kelly Durant 2-15-15

Matt. 22:35 Then one of them, which was a lawyer, asked him a question, tempting him, and saying,

36 Master, which is the great commandment in the law?

37 Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.

38 This is the first and great commandment.

39 And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.

40 On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

2. Have you ever seen unusual couples? I hear in Cuba today you can see observe old men with young girls. In life we often hear the phrase, “You don’t have the right to judge me!” Often this type of shout out is coming from a person who is feeling guilty, and they do not want to be reminded of what they know is not quite right in their life so their defense is to try to disarm you. We often hear this concerning matters over people’s love life, right? In general, pure loving sacrificial faithful people pleasing God alleviating suffering invoke praise, but selfish unloving rude people who use others provoke their own rejection and disgust. Like it or not there is no way in life to stop people from always mentally quantifying one’s attributes, attitudes, sizing up position, and possessions. All day long people will always be sizing you and everyone up whether you are right or wrong compared to their standards: but God has His own standards of loyalty and purity. People always question, are you rich enough, strong enough, spiritual enough, professional enough or (be warned!) dumb enough to serve their purposes? People are either connected to other people due to God or due to the devil!

We are in February and I wish it were a month of real love, but sadly it often turns out to be a season of abuse with 2 people using each other for their own personal interests in the name of love! And later the hate for the other turns out to be more intense than what the love was! Because few are the Christians who love God and each other with a pure heart being unjustly ridiculed by the anti-Christ hateful jealous people it means that we are living out the prophesy of Jesus “And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold” (Matt 24:12). Is your love cold? Pray that you never turn cold; ask God to keep you warm and loving!

In my personal testimony I always emphasize that it was the love I received from others that changed me. Love shown to me made me want to live for love and be in love with God, life, and others! It turns out that those who hugged me even though I was a stranger, those who prayed for me because they really cared, those that connected deep into my soul through my eyes, those that fed my soul with words from God were Christians who loved Jesus. Their influence impacted me so much that I realized that all I had to offer others was trash by comparison. I have lived to serve Jesus for 39 years because His love is amazing, powerful, intense, overwhelming, deep, and eternal and this is the most extreme best kind of love I could ever love anyone with!

3. So, for couples, (or even singles) what was it like when you were in love? Everything with your new found love was fun and even the muddy streets were beautiful and full of color, right? Even brown mud sparkles with colors in the sunlight, have you ever noticed? When one is young and in love the depressing news of the world and your mundane schedule of work or study does not distract you from the dreams you have of when you would be able to spend time with your love. It is an obsession and craziness that we as humans crave, right?

This being the month of love everyone should reread Song of Solomon. Here is a vs. 7:8 “Many waters cannot quench love, neither can the floods drown it: if a man would give all the substance of his house for love, it would utterly be contemned”. What this verse is telling us is many people would give up everything they own just to have love and many people have done exactly that! It may turn out good or it may turn out bad when one, “gives all the substance of his house for love”. But this we observe in real life, when someone is in love it seems to take over all of one’s emotions and judgment. Some people do crazy things when they get crazy in love! But if the so called ‘love’ is worldly and possessive with a demonic jealousy, people have been known to spy, stalk, harass, or even kill the one they supposedly love thinking that’s just what love does! (But actually it would not be love but rather envy, lust, hate, and murder!)

When you and I were first in love we were solely focused on how to make the other one happy, right? And you were electric and in the clouds as your love was making you feel like you were high on drugs and it was a better feeling than being drunk! Song of Solomon 1 :2 Let him kiss me with the kisses of his mouth: for thy love is better than wine. Did you ever experience a love like that? I hope so! If not yet, you still can put wood in the fire, right? God answers prayer!

4. Was your experience that way for you? Have you ever really been in crazy in love? What a sickening reality it is to conclude that for the past 40 years real love, pure love, the innocent love from God that is intended to be shared amongst couples and a family has been defiled and dirtied in every way possible by the world. I feel sorry for the recent generations because they have not known love in a more protected unblemished sense, in a more pure manner.

Before I recall many television shows with couples in love like on 'The Brady Bunch', and happy couples and families in the sitcoms were the norm. These were produced by the generation that said “There are no atheists in foxholes”: the generation of our parents who suffered through the horrors of WWII that had a strong faith in God and they wanted to create a bright future for their offspring in the booming 1950s. There was a healthy appetite in society for love to be the highlight and healthy families endured into the '60s but started ending in the '70s with shows that mocked fathers and families like “All in the Family”. So what happened to make this climate of 'love' dissipate? It is an obvious conspiracy to destroy love and families.

There has been progressively these past years a relentless concert of opposition against God’s pure love by opulent ones who have sold their souls to Satan. They have become disdainfully too present in the content of books, magazines, news, music, internet sites, and movies opening Pandora's Box defiling innocent youth and the pure minded. The continuous suggestive attack is that corruption must be more pleasureful and rewarding than the simple love that God had originally designed to be shared. By experience I, and millions, affirm that this is a lie! The reality is happy people, people who are in love, are people with very alert healthy pure minds. A married happy couple is a powerful example of God’s love in the community! An active love and heart increases blood flow and I believe it even improves one’s intelligence. A happy couple in love resists all outside threats of attacks of filth and corruption because purity in love is worth fighting for!

5. No sane person would ever trade a pure love, a high in the clouds feeling of warmth and security, an inserted eternal attribute, for a strange temporary stressing feeling of excitement which leaves one feeling shameful knowing God’s law of what is right and what is wrong.

Satan's scheme is one of dominating everyone in this world but love dissolves evil and controlling domination! Satan’s theme in all flashy productions, or in dictators, is always domination and submission and he accomplishes it by fear with the motive of eliminating the most powerful force in the world, love! 1 John 4:18 There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear: because fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love.

Satan, the first rebellious angel who precipitated His own condemnation for rejecting God’s love, who lives with His own rejection complex, who demands the worship of Himself by horrific acts of evil, repeatedly tempts all to disobey God and insult God by not loving and obeying Him. Don’t we all see that? Evil people, even under the guise of love, trying to imitate a counterfeit love, invite and provoke others to participate in their activities which will condemn and enslave them. The ultimate consequences of not living and loving within the context of God’s design is fear, shame, and solitude. The final consequence for a lack of love is a spirit that will be chained in hell because if not caged and confined it will continually contaminate and destroy all others that it comes in contact with. No love? Then no trust or freedom for one under God’s rule!

6. All throughout time, for the manipulation of the masses, the evil few who are ambitious of greed and power degrade, ignore, and mock the love of God. Destroying love in general for them is a general goal! For fear to replace love, there must always be a changing the game; a purposeful misapplication of the rules which is bold hypocrisy and injustice. Subjugation can only come about by frustration, discouragement, and fear and this includes the sacrilegization of everything pure and lovely that inspires hearts to love God and create a perfect happy world!

Certain political and religious groups by their manipulation have satanically perfected the art of domination, submission, and the desecration of love quite effectively! Take into account, only Christianity proclaims that “God is love”. (I John 4:8) Review all world cultures from the start, Egypt, Babylonia, Greece, Rome, the Mongols, the Vikings, the Aztecs and Incas; all of them made war, took slaves and committed atrocities in the name of their false gods with murderous satanic appetites (Diametrically opposed to our God of Love!). The crimes of war, murder, rape, thievery, slavery, and countless other abuses against innocent ones conjures up a terrible nauseating feeling that provokes one to question, has there ever been real love in the world?

For me the obvious is the world only learned about love, real love, God’s love, after Jesus Christ came and lived it out, healing others and showing it by sacrificing himself as the payment for the forgiveness of all sins. Love how I see it, if being from God, if not defined within the context of sacrifice and forgiveness has no eternal value. The love that Jesus gives to all is what makes us feel like a new creature through the Holy Spirit and His love is our only hope to save others and prepare them for a future world of heaven; the kingdom of God where love reigns!

7. Consider this, God is love, so this implies that in essence worshipping love is worshipping God! If you live to love, if you live to show love, and if you do kind deeds for others proving you love them despite their faults that you do forgive them, then you are obeying what Jesus taught. Jesus was the embodiment of pure love! People who truly love are lovers of Jesus!

John 13: 34 A new commandment I give unto you, That ye love one another; as I have loved you, that ye also love one another. 35 By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if ye have love one to another.

This love applies within the context of us being his disciples or followers, and His love applies to couples, families, other fellow believers, and our love even must extend to loving our enemies! Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil. Do you have so much love you are compassionate with the unlovely and those who deserve none? Jesus did! We must fall in love with Jesus to imitate Him fully!

8. Deduction: some of the people of the world doing wrong things are right about one thing, that I am not in an appropriate position to judge them over their love relationships! I am not commanded to judge other people but I am commanded to love them! I witness the acts of people and I, like anyone of you, are unable to avoid automatic conclusions about whether a person is doing an action in love or not. But only God is the judge and those who fail to love, for those that fail to love Jesus and love as He taught, are sadly steering the destiny of their soul towards a crash chosen by their own devises and actions. Rejection of God’s love manifested in Jesus is the worst sin of all because it eliminates the possibility of a person’s soul ever learning to love as God intended. God’s love is in essence His holiness and it transforms our souls so we are worthy to share heaven with Him: so in effect love (God’s) is what enables one live forever!

The reality is we as humans “feel” love, and we also feel when it is absent! We know in our spirit that those that love others are proving they love God as well. And just loving God with “with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind” is enough to induce a love in your spirit for all other people. Love begets love! Also, we love Him, because He first loved us!

Here is a poem I wrote in Brazil in 1977 to encourage someone and I pray you will love God and Jesus, and love everyone who ever crosses your path in life! Love is your and my mission, love is God’s healing touch, but He has no other hands but yours to show His love in every way possible! Let Jesus be the one you are in love with and everyone else will catch the love too!

Love isn’t blind, Love has an eye

Extra that sees the good that others cannot see

Love sees the good that others will not see

No one can separate, No one will eliminate

Our Love, Yes love, The most powerful force that’s in the world!