Summary: A look at the three primary church government structures.

- There are a number of ways that we could handle the passage this evening. We could talk about qualifications for pastors or for deacons (this would be especially helpful for a church entering into a pastor search process). We could talk about whether it’s necessary to be “called into ministry” to be a pastor (hint: it’s not, according to our passage).

- What I want to do instead is use this passage as a chance to talk about models of church government. This is something that I didn’t feel I knew enough about and I want to have a better understanding of the Biblical arguments that various denominations use. So I’m using this passage tonight as an opportunity to dig into that. I hope it’ll be helpful for you as well.

Opening Thoughts:

- There is not a single passage that lays out the divinely-ordained church structure, which is the main reason why we have multiple options before us this evening.

- In the Epistles, there is not a clear unitary structure that can be discerned that every church used.

- So the church pieces together ideas to try to discern what the best structure is.


NAME: Bishop (a.k.a. Episcopal).

BASIC STRUCTURE/IDEA: Authority resides in the bishop.

- The bishop has great authority to make decisions within the life of the church. The bishop is the key to the church government.

- The pastors are appointed by the bishop. A church (pretty much) has to take who they are sent by the bishop.

- The property is not owned by the local congregation, but by the larger group. (In Methodist circles, the “conference.”)

- Along with this, there are different levels of ordination. Being a local pastor would be the first level. Depending on how many levels there are, things could progress from there.

- Also important here is that the bishops are “chosen from above.” It’s the archbishop or a council of bishops that makes the choice, as opposed to “from below” with congregational or laity voting.

MAIN ARGUMENT: Christ put the apostles in charge.

- Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:8.

- Christ is the founder of the church and He put the apostles in charge.

BIGGEST STRENGTH: The places in the Bible where it talks about church leaders being “appointed.”

- Acts 14:23.

- The fact that we have numerous places where elders or rulers are “appointed” indicates an authority to rule the church.

BIGGEST WEAKNESS: A. Lots of power with individuals. B. Little clear history of apostolic succession.

a. Lots of power with individuals.

- This structure obviously puts a lot of power in the hands of a few people. As in the case of a political government by a “wise, benevolent dictator” being one with good possibilities, so too here a “wise, benevolent bishop” could do great things. But the opportunity for abuse is rife in the structure and we have seen obvious examples of that happening down through the years.

b. Little clear history of apostolic succession.

- Matthew 16:18.

- While those with this view argue for apostolic succession (the idea that the leader of the church has come down to us from Peter all the way until now), there is little historic evidence that suggests that has been a reality over the last two millennia.

- A secondary argument there is that it doesn’t sufficiently appreciate Christ’s direct lordship over the church. An example of this is the appointment of Paul, which was not done by any of the existing apostles (Galatians 1:15-17).

DENOMINATIONS: A. Methodist (fewer levels). B. Roman Catholic (more levels).

- Obviously, the Roman Catholic system is the most “developed” in terms of levels of authority.


NAME: Board (a.k.a. Presbyterian).

BASIC STRUCTURE/IDEA: Series of governing boards, made up of clergy and laity.

- The focus is on a series of governing bodies that exercise authority rather than having individual bishops exercising that authority.

- There are usually multiple levels. For instance the churches in a geographic area will all send representatives to a regional board, who will in turn send representatives to a state board, who will in turn send representatives to a national board, who will in turn send representatives to a global board. Of course, the exact make-up of the levels varies from denomination to denomination.

MAIN ARGUMENT: Governing elders is an idea present in the Old Testament, first-century synagogues, and the early church.

- Matthew 16:19; John 20:22-23; Acts 20:28; 1 Corinthians 12:28; Ephesians 4:11-12.

- It’s a common idea throughout Biblical history to have a group of governing elders who would be in charge. It flows from that to think that it would make sense for that to be the church’s ruling structure.

- Adherents to this model argue that the elders are actually chosen by God and it’s the church’s job to confirm what He’s already done.

BIGGEST STRENGTH: Power is not as concentrated.

- This obviously does not have the concentrated power that the bishop system has. There are advantages and disadvantages to that, but on balance the opportunity to avoid an abuse of power is a big advantage.

- Often there is a clergy and laity that are appointed to each board.

- Those on the boards are “chosen from below,” that is, by the people of that level (whichever level you happen to be dealing with). There is no special “higher” ordination. Those serving do so for a limited term of service.

- Also, there is only one level of ordination.

BIGGEST WEAKNESS: No Scriptural support for levels of governance.

- Those disagreeing with this view point out that there is no Biblical foundation for all these levels of boards.

DENOMINATIONS: Presbyterian.


NAME: Congregational (a.k.a. Baptist).

BASIC STRUCTURE/IDEA: Authority is in each local church.

- In Acts and the Epistles, the focus is on the local church – there are no references to structures above it.

- Each church is essentially in charge of itself.

- Each local church is independent. That’s not to say that these churches can’t be a part of a denomination. They can and usually are. But that is them voluntarily joining a cooperative affiliation. That denomination does not have authority over that church.

- Each church decides who their pastor will be. Again, they might ask a denomination official for assistance in the process if they so desire, but the denomination has no authority to dictate the choice or to “install” a pastor.

- Each church owns their property. No one has the right to come in and sell it or take it away from the church.

MAIN ARGUMENT: The focus is on democracy and autonomy.

a. Democracy.

- All major decisions are made by the congregation as a whole.

- A lot of emphasis is put on the idea of the “priesthood of all believers.”

b. Autonomy.

- As previously stated, each church controls its own business.

BIGGEST STRENGTH: A. In Acts, the whole body made the decisions. B. Jesus preached against rank.

a. In Acts, the whole body made the decisions.

- Acts 1; Acts 6; Acts 13:1-3; Acts 14:27.

- The local church as a whole came together and made the decisions. There was no concept of a few in authority doing things by themselves and then informing the church.

b. Jesus preached against rank.

- Matthew 23:8; Luke 22:25-27.

- Jesus made such a point about not seeking higher titles or desiring a higher rank that it wouldn’t make much sense for Him to turn around and structure the church with higher titles and ranks.

- In the congregational model, there is only one level of clergy. There are no higher ranks.

- Those using the congregational model argue that “bishop,” “elder,” and “pastor” are just different names for the same thing (Acts 20:17).

BIGGEST WEAKNESS: What about where leaders were appointed?

- Acts 14:23; Titus 1:5.

- There are moments when church leaders are appointed by apostles. Is that a sign of a lasting authority or is it just something done in that situation? Is that a sign of the way that things were supposed to be structured with a strong apostolic authority or just a pragmatic solution to a problem?

- You could argue that Paul’s situation was unusually because of the founding of churches. There weren’t mature Christians there. Perhaps an more authoritarian approach is acceptable in certain situations like that where a church is just starting.


- This is obviously the structure that we use.