Summary: Does the evidence available in reality support Biblical Creation or Evolution?

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The Evidence for Biblical Creation of Life

Genesis 1:20-31

The Bible …best accounts for the Beginning of Life

Evolution says, “In the beginning, We don’t know”

Creation says, “In the beginning, God created”

…best accounts for the Development of Life

Evolution says life developed over billions of years

Creation says life developed over 6 days

Cambrian Explosion

…best accounts for the Variety of life

Evolution says the variety of life is due to new genetic information

Creation says the variety of life is due to loss of genetic information



Who am I and why am I here?

Those are a couple of great questions to ask and pursue answers to because the answers to those questions matter in how you live your life.

Asking good questions and finding truth in answers is why we are in this series called the Creed. Truth helps us to live life well.

So when thinking about those questions that I asked a moment ago, what if the answer to that question was “I am just a random conglomerate of cells that just happened to come together in such a way to spark life, and those same cells will someday cease and I will cease. Now if true, that would affect how we live life.

My purpose might be to live life for this moment, unconcerned about the future or anything beyond this life, because all we have is right now. Why would I care about other people? Why would I care about anything but my own temporal pleasure?

But if the answer to that question is “I have been created in the image of an eternal God with purpose and to live for eternity,” well, that would change things in how I live, wouldn’t it?

So to answer the question of who am I and why am I here, I first need to begin with

How did I get here? Because without the answer to that question, I really can’t answer the other 2.

So How did I get here?

And by “How did I get here?’ I am really asking how did man get here and how did anything even get here?

The answer to that question and what we believe about that affects our entire life, so it is a very important question to ask and answer.

Now, in the world today, there are 2 predominate views on how life and everything began. There is the Biblical Creation account and there is an evolutionary account with the evolutionary account of creation gaining more and more ground with each passing year.

So , what do people look at to determine what they believe about how life began? Well the reality is, is that we all have the same evidence to look at. So that is what we are going to do today.


We are going to examine some of the evidence available to determine if we can believe the doctrinal view that God is the creator of all things and all life or if it just does not fit with reality.

We are going to start at the very beginning of the Bible, in Genesis 1:20.


Now, in the first 19 verses, The Bible describes God’s creation of the universe and the world as we know it. And then it goes on to describe the origin of life from the Bible’s perspective.

So, let’s see what the Bible says about how God created life.

Genesis 1:20-31

20 And God said, "Let the water teem with living creatures, and let birds fly above the earth across the expanse of the sky." 21 So God created the great creatures of the sea and every living and moving thing with which the water teems, according to their kinds, and every winged bird according to its kind. And God saw that it was good. 22 God blessed them and said, "Be fruitful and increase in number and fill the water in the seas, and let the birds increase on the earth." 23 And there was evening, and there was morning--the fifth day.

24 And God said, "Let the land produce living creatures according to their kinds: livestock, creatures that move along the ground, and wild animals, each according to its kind." And it was so. 25 God made the wild animals according to their kinds, the livestock according to their kinds, and all the creatures that move along the ground according to their kinds. And God saw that it was good. 26 Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth, and over all the creatures that move along the ground."

27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.

28 God blessed them and said to them, "Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground." 29 Then God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground--everything that has the breath of life in it--I give every green plant for food." And it was so. 31 God saw all that he had made, and it was very good. And there was evening, and there was morning--the sixth day.


Now this account of the origin of life, where God is the creator of every living thing according to its kind, was the predominant view of how life began up until about 150 years ago.

It was then, in 1859, that Charles Darwin published his book,


The Origin of Species, and the theory of naturalistic evolution of life began to be believed by some and as time went on, more and more began to believe this theory.

Now understand this. Naturalistic evolution and the Biblical Creation account are not the same story told in 2 different ways. They are very different.

My question is this, though. We all see the same facts. We have the same evidence. How can we arrive at these 2 different viewpoints given the same facts to look at?

Worldview matters

I will tell you that it is because of a particular worldview that a person holds. Our world view matters.

What is a worldview?


A worldview is a framework of ideas and beliefs through which an individual interprets the world and interacts with it.

For example, if you hold a Biblical World view you believe there is a God and you believe the Bible is God’s word and you will interpret evidence through this worldview. If there is a God, then it is not impossible for there to be supernatural events throughout history that line up with History as we see it.

Another, different worldview would be a naturalistic world view. Naturalism is a worldview that holds there is no need for God and all of life and life events can be and should be explained in terms of natural causes and laws, excluding any type of supernatural event to explain the evidence.

Those who hold a Biblical worldview examine the evidence and along with the Bible to see how the evidence and the Bible might explain what we see in reality.

Those who hold a naturalistic worldview examine the evidence and consider how the evidence could be explained apart from any Supernatural explanation, because of the belief there is no God.

So, no matter what worldview you hold, evidence gets interpreted through that worldview.

Now, I have preached on this topic in the past, but as this world continues to move away from a place that holds a Biblical worldview, I think it is imperative that we are reminded of the reasons and the evidence for a rational belief in the Biblical account of creation and why it best accounts for the evidence we find regarding life as we know it.

First, I believe that

The Biblical View of Creation

Best Accounts for the Beginning of Life


Why do I believe that?

Well let’s take a look at what each theory says in regards to this.


Evolution Says, “In the Beginning, We don’t know…”


Andrew Knoll, a paleontologist and professor of biology at Harvard, and a supporter of naturalistic evolution says this regarding how life began.

The short answer is we don't really know how life originated on this planet. There have been a variety of experiments that tell us some possible roads, but we remain in substantial ignorance.

Paleontologist Andrew Knoll, a professor of biology at Harvard and author of Life on a Young Planet: The First Three Billion Years of Life.

Accessed 5/16/2012 at


Another biologist, Diana Northup, says this

"Many theories of the origin of life have been proposed, but since it's hard to prove or disprove them, no fully accepted theory exists,"

Diana Northup, a cave biologist at the University of New Mexico.

Accessed on 5/16/2012 at

But even though they don’t know how life began, this is what they do claim to know about how it did NOT begin….by a Supernatural God.

An article on the American Geosciences Institute Website, a group that would believe and support an evolutionistic and naturalistic worldview puts it this way.


“When scientists do not understand how some aspect of our universe operates, they do not assume an unknowable supernatural cause. They continue to look for answers that are testable within the realm controlled by natural laws as we understand them at any given moment.”

Evolution and the Fossil Record –accessed on 5/1/2009 @

Basically, they are saying that if it cannot be explained, it simply cannot be explained yet, but it is definitely not because of God. And that is because the naturalistic evolutionary worldview begins with the assumption that there is no God.

This is why knowing from what viewpoint a person is coming from is important. And when we see the United States and the world generally, continuing to move away from a belief in the Bible and a biblical worldview, you will see the evolution more widely accepted, not because the evidence is better explained, but because the worldview held does not allow for the best explanation.

So Evolution says in the Beginning, we don’t know.

On the other hand,

Creation Says, “In the Beginning, God created …”


We read that in Genesis 1 that God created all living things and He created human life in His image.

Can this be proven in a lab? No.

But no theory of the origin of life is going to be able to be proven in a lab.

But does the creation account for the evidence we find? I believe it does and we will look at more of this evidence in a moment.

But I want to ask this question.

Why would it be so irrational to believe that God created things?

Evolutionists don’t have an answer for how something non-living became living.

Something must have happened, Something amazing in fact.

I mean it is not like we see rocks come to life today, and as of now, Evolutionists do not have a better explanation. Why couldn’t this be a possibility?

This is where our worldview matters.

A few weeks ago, we looked at why we can believe the Bible is truly God’s word. There is a log of support for that view as we have seen.


I have also preached in the past about the evidence for the existence of God.

The evidence for the existence of God is displayed in creation through the design we see and the fact that there is a beginning to the universe, both of which argues for Someone who designed and began the universe not to mention the moral code we see as part of every human being and culture also giving support to the view that there is a God!

And both Biblical Creationists as well as evolutionists agree that there was a time before life was on this planet and that life somehow came to exist.

Why would it be so implausible that if there is a God, then He created life?

I will tell you why.

Because if there is a God, then that leads to certain other implications, like our actions being judged. People don’t like to think they will be judged by anyone other than themselves. So, instead, people deny God and look for other explanations.

Or as Romans 1:21-23 says


21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like mortal man and birds and animals and reptiles.

Some people think that denying God frees them, but all it really does is darken their hearts and enslave them to sin.


Well, that is great Scott, but just because the Bible says God created life does not prove that He did. “What about all the evidence for evolution?”

Ok, well, I believe also that

The Biblical Account of Creation

Best Accounts for the Development of Life


“What! Come on. The fossil record showing how life developed has got to be one of Evolutions strongest supports. How can I say that it supports the creation account?”

Well, let’s consider evolutions claims

Evolution says, life developed over a very long time


over billions of years in fact.

The basic premise of the theory of evolution says that minor changes occurred over hundreds of millions and billions of years so that we see the major transitions of life over that length of time. Billions of years is required to see the life forms that we see today according to the theory of evolution.

One of the things they have pointed to is the fossil record. What is the fossil record? The fossil record is the preserved remains of plants, animals and other living organisms in rock through history.

Now we have found lots of fossils, but the fact is fossils are rare when considering the entirety of life forms on this planet.

That is because most living plants and creatures decay and vanish along with any sign of them. Most things don’t become fossilized.

That is because fossilization takes some very special circumstances.


According to

“In the first step of fossil formation an animal or plant must die in water or near enough to fall in shortly after death. The water insulates the remains from many of the elements that contribute to decomposition.”

Accessed 5/18/2012 at

So any fossils that we have must have died in or near water.

Now as we look at the rock formations where we find fossils, we don’t find much before what is known as the Cambrian Period.

But once we enter the Cambrian Era, there is what is known as the Cambrian Explosion.

In the first third of this era, we find nearly all major Phylum of life as we know it.

The fossil record goes from practically nothing to nearly everything in a very short time, at least according to the time frame of evolution.

To help you get some perspective on this, I want to read to you what a Time Magazine article had to say concerning the Cambrian Explosion.


SCIENTISTS USED TO THINK THAT THE evolution of phyla took place over a period of 75 million years, and even that seemed impossibly short. Then […]a group of researchers […] took this long-standing problem and escalated it into a crisis. First they recalibrated the geological clock, chopping the Cambrian period to about half its former length. Then they announced that the interval of major evolutionary innovation did not span the entire 30 million years, but rather was concentrated in the first third. "Fast," Harvard's Gould observes, "is now a lot faster than we thought”


By 1990, for example, new dates obtained from early Cambrian sites around the world were telescoping the start of biology's Big Bang from 600 million years ago to less than 560 million years ago. Now, with information based on the lead content of zircons from Siberia, virtually everyone agrees that the Cambrian started almost exactly 543 million years ago


And even more startling [is] that all but one of the phyla in the fossil record appeared within the first 5 million to 10 million years. "We now know how fast fast is," grins Bowring. "And what I like to ask my biologist friends is,

How fast can evolution get before they start feeling uncomfortable?"

Accessed 5/1/2009 at,9171,983789-4,00.html

Time magazine, When Life Exploded, Monday, Dec. 4, 1995, p.4 online


Evolution again was supposed to be small changes over very, very long periods of time hundreds of millions and billions of years. Now, even by their dating methods which have changed many countless times, you have single celled organisms to nearly every major animal family in a 5 to 10 million year period?

That becomes very hard to explain for a process that depends on hundreds of millions of years to take place.


Now compare that with what Creation says

Biblical Creation says, life developed over a very short time


The Biblical account says it happened over 6 days.

Let’s look at this and see how the fossil record fits into a creation account.

According to the Biblical account of Creation, there is no death until sin enters the world through Adam and Eve’s disobedience. Then death occurs, but there would unlikely be fossilization of these people and animals who die because they aren’t covered in water, except for some things that live in the water.

As man becomes more corrupt, God is displeased.

Now listen to what happens in

Genesis 6:11, 17-22


11 Now the earth was corrupt in God's sight and was full of violence…

17 I am going to bring floodwaters on the earth to destroy all life under the heavens, every creature that has the breath of life in it. Everything on earth will perish… 19 You are to bring into the ark two of all living creatures, male and female, to keep them alive with you. 20 Two of every kind of bird, of every kind of animal and of every kind of creature that moves along the ground will come to you to be kept alive…

22 Noah did everything just as God commanded him.

Ok, so in the creation account, we find that God had created every type of animal and plant and human in 6 days or for our purpose in a very short time span.

If the creation account were true, we would not expect to find much in the way of fossilized records before this flood.

But with the flood, we would expect to find every major group of animal fossilized within a relatively small area of the rock layers because of the flood and the sediment that captured them and buried their dead bodies.

That seems correlate with what we find in the Cambrian period in the strata.

Nearly all major phylum of life found in a relatively short period of time.

I want to quote again Samuel Bowring from MIT from the Time article again.

"How fast can evolution get before they start feeling uncomfortable?"

Millions of years vs. 6 days?

Now some will say “how do you account for the discrepancy in years between what creation theory states and what evolution theory states.”

I will say this, we do not yet have all the answers, but notice how often science has changed dates significantly over time. They used to talk about billions of years and then 100’s of millions of years, and that got narrowed down to about 75 million years which seemed impossibly short, and then in the article I just read, they narrowed it down to 5 to 10 million years! It seems to change all the time.

Not only that, but the dating methods used, start with assumptions of constant rates of decay and while things appear constant over 10’s of years, do they stay that way over 100’s or 1000’s of years?

Mount St. Helens – Faulty assumptions

Not only that, but some of the other assumptions of the dating techniques have also proved faulty as evidenced by dating some of the volcanic rock formations from the Mt. St. Helens eruption in 1980. Dating using those common methods seemed to indicate that those rocks formed since 1980 were from 350,000 years to 2.8 million years old!

"Is the Lava Dome at Mount St. Helens Really a Million Years Old?" by Keith Swenson


Also, I believe that our perspective can affect what we see. Does where we stand in time effect our perspective of what time really looked like long ago? Do 6 days as we know them look the same when we view them 1000’s of years from now?

Doppler effect

Just like sound is different when it is moving toward you or moving away from you, does time look different depending on your perspective?

Let me give you a visual illustration of what I am talking about, consider these pictures.


This is a pretty cool chalk drawing.

Here is the same picture standing on the other side of it


What you see in this picture is dependent on where you are standing relative to the picture.


So the question is “Does our position in history effect what we are seeing in regards to time? Do things look longer or further away than they really are because our perspective in time alters our view?

I don’t know for sure, but it would explain some things. Yes, I hold a biblical worldview and that colors my thinking, but as I have seen the dates that evolutionists offer up keep changing and the mistakes in dating that have been made and the faulty assumptions in regards to that dating, my worldview and beliefs do not fly in the face of the evidence that we have.


Ok, so I believe that the evidence that we find in reality so far best supports the beginning of life and the development of life.

But I also believe that there is evidence that indicates that

The Biblical Account of Creation

…best accounts for the Variety of Life


If we look around at the world we see all kinds of plants and animals.

In the animal kingdom, there are all kinds of families and species.

We have humans and dogs and cats and bears etc.

What can account for all this variety?


Evolution says the variety of life is due to a gain of genetic information


Remember that evolution says that everything started from nothing. And then from the something that was started by nothing, life somewhere evolved from non life.

This first life was simple and then became self replicating. Eventually there would be errors or mutations and evolution would take place and very complex life forms evolved through billions and 100’s of millions of years.

That is a very basic analysis of evolution and I am sure that an evolutionist might explain it differently.

But the basic premise is no life, to simple life to more complex life as beneficial mutations were reproduced and handed down to the next generation of cells.

This next generation would have more genetic information than the grandparent cells as things like respiratory genes developed and genes for eyesight and reasoning.

Throughout the next billions of years, mutations would have resulted in continued increased genetic information so as to evolve into you and I, the extremely complex, multi celled organisms of today from the simple single celled organisms that sprung into being.


But in an article entitled – “DNA evidence for Evolution” biophysicist, Dr. Lee Spetner says this.

This is a problem for Darwinian evolution however, because “genetic mutation does not appear to provide a mechanism for that increase…Reptiles and birds are very different. Reptiles have no genetic information for wings or feathers. To change a reptile into a bird would require the addition of. . .complex information. . . .

I really do not believe that the neo-Darwinian model can account for large scale evolution. What they really can’t account for is the build up of information. . . .And not only is it improbable on the mathematical level, that is theoretically, but experimentally one has not found a single mutation that one can point at that actually adds information. In fact, every beneficial mutation that I have seen reduces the information,”

From all about Creation website article “DNA evidence for Evolution” – accessed 5/18/2012

Mutations in DNA do make changes in animals, but there is no additional information added. And whatever changes have been shown in a lab or over time are all micro evolutionary changes, which those who believe in Creation have never argued with.

We see changes within all kinds of animals. They grow bigger beaks or small beaks.

They have longer hair or shorter hair.

But what has never been shown is some animal, a fish perhaps, becoming another animal, a dog. Any changes that have taken place from natural selection or mutations in the DNA change an aspect of the fish, but it is still a fish and no new information has been added, but actually as you go down the chain, information has been lost.

And that lines up with what we would expect to find from a biblical creation standpoint.

Biblical Creation says the variety of life is due to a loss of genetic information


Creation would say that all the different animals were made “each according to their kind.”

The DNA between similar looking and similar functioning animals would be similar because they have a common designer.

Let me give a simple example that I have used before, but I think is helpful to understand what I am talking about.

All of you who have ever taken a biology class know about different genes.


Well let’s say a dog has medium length hair and mates with a dog that has medium length hair. Each of them has both a gene for long hair and a gene for short hair.


They can produce offspring with short hair if each parent gives that gene, long hair if each parent gives that gene and medium hair if one parent gives a short hair gene and one parent gives a long hair gene.

So you have 3 types of animals that could be a result.

Well, let’s say through natural selection that dogs are split and moved to different locations. One very hot and one very cool.


Perhaps the dogs in the cold environment find it advantageous for the long hair and through natural selection mate and lose the gene for short hair because it is not passed down.

On the other hand, in the hot location, the dogs with short hair would be advantageous. Through natural selection, they may breed with other short haired dogs, thus over time, removing the ability to have dogs with medium length hair or long hair, which is again, a loss of genetic information.

Now in these different locations you would have different looking dogs, and their DNA would be slightly different, but in both cases, there would be a loss of genetic information in their DNA, not a gain of new information!

And even though the dogs are different, they are both still dogs.



Well, ok, but how does Creation theory explain all the different types of animals and variety of life with in the species?

Tower of Babel

Well, in the Bible we find the people after the flood seeking to build a huge tower called the tower of Babel. The Lord ends up confusing their language and scattering them over the face of the earth.

People who spoke the same language, through natural selection, hung out together, married, had kids, etc.

Since they no longer had the entire pool of genes to mate with, there was a loss of genetic information and this is how you get the great variety of people and animals we see today in different locations throughout the world.

As those people reproduce and animals reproduce, certain qualities that are better suited to their environments become dominate through natural selection.

But this is not because of an increase in information in the DNA, it is due to a decrease of the genetic information.

That is micro evolution, changes and adaptations within species.

Dogs are dogs whether they are French poodles or Alaskan Malamutes.

Humans are human, whether they exhibit characteristics of Asian descent, European, middle Eastern, or African.

Every undisputed form of so-called “evolution” that evolutionists claim is of the type that makes adaptations within a family of animal, not a change from one family of animal to another.

The Variety of life that we see is better accounted for through how God designed all of creation rather than a macro evolutionary model.


This is some of the evidence that, to me, shows me that the best explanation for the things we find in reality is the biblical creation account we find recoded in Scripture.

This does not mean we have all the answers. I am not sure we will ever be able to explain everything, but I do believe we should continue to seek truth.

But even though we do not have all the answers, the fact remains that there is plenty of evidence that points to an eternal God who created the world and created you and me.

There are some who would prefer to remove God completely from how life developed and came to be.

They think that no God would be better because then they could be their own god, and not have to answer to anyone but themselves. People think that would be great. No one to control us.

But that is where we misunderstand God. God is not trying to control us with His word. He is trying to guide us into living and experiencing the very best life to His glory, and that comes from knowing Him and knowing that He created us and has purpose for us.

Evolutionary theory says we have no purpose. We are here by chance and a random set of circumstances. The Bible tells us that God has given us purpose in living for His glory and finding fulfillment in relationship with Him.

That is the full life and a life that is worth living!

Those in a relationship

It is my hope that those of you who have a relationship with Christ have been equipped to walk more assuredly and with greater confidence in your faith and in the truth that God has created you and that you have purpose in Him.

Stand firm in your faith – even against the tide of unbelief that we see in our own country and schools.

Those not in a relationship

But maybe you are here today and have never entered into that relationship with the Lord and feel like you are living without purpose.

Enter into that relationship by receiving Jesus as your Savior and find your purpose in life.


The Bible tells us in Romans 10:9 - That if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.

If you would like to enter into that relationship with Christ, just do what the Bible says and confess your belief to the Lord about who Jesus is and that you believe He died for your sins and rose again to give you eternal life.

Let’s pray.