Summary: Revival should be in the heart of every believer, to trust God to breakthrough in our communities and towns


When we look at the world today what do we see? Crime, hatred, dishonesty, teenage pregnancy, crooked politicians, broken families/homes, over populated prisons etc

Why is this so? People are trying to find satisfaction and fulfilment in everything else except Jesus

When we don’t have the lord Jesus in our hearts, like those people we are lost

Who and what is the answer? Jesus is the only answer

Without Him the people perish, nations fall

The bible says, that my people perish because of a lack of knowledge

Knowledge on the awesome and most powerful Lord of all the earth

But how will they acquire this knowledge? Through the church, through you and i

You see its time that the people of God rise up and take an authoritive stand against the plans and devices of the enemy

It is time for us as the children of God to say enough is enough

The battle has been won already, Christ is victorious, there’s no need to fear – He has done it all

Today i want to speak to you on revival

What is revival? Revival is simply AN OVERWHEMLING SENSE OF THE PRESENCE OF GOD.

When revival takes place you and i are OVERWHELMED WITH THE GREATNESS & AWESOMENESS OF GOD

Our knowledge of God becomes a revelation that transforms you immediately

Now the bible says that when the day of Pentecost came

What’s amazing is the perfect timing of God in this scenario

PENTECOST: known as the feast of Harvests is about to take place

This was where people from around the world would bring their harvested crops/produce and celebrate before the Lord

But Jesus would use that very harvest of crops feast to be a harvest of SOULS – Wow

Gods timing is always perfect


We are told that the followers of Jesus amounting to 120 were all together in one place – upper room

Now bear in mind that these people had seen Jesus ascend back into heavens

Their filled with joy because Jesus is alive as He revealed Himself to many, BUT their also sad Jesus is no longer with them physically

But before He left He gave them a promise, the promise of the Spirit

They are all in this place, doing what?

Fellowship with each other, praying, encouraging etc

Looks much like a church service – i believe so

They were there seeking the Lord together and trusting Him to fulfil His promise to them

They came to worship and seek Him

They were hungry for more of Him


When we come to church we should have the same mindset

We come because we want to meet with God

We fellowship with one another, we pray, we encourage, we listen to a sermon

But ultimately our purpose or drive that brings us here is to meet with God

Our hearts are set on Him, we want to experience Him in a new way

That’s why the gathering of believers is so important

The bible says, that we should not forsake the gathering of the saints

Where 2 or 3 are gathered in His name there He is present among them

We don’t come just to get the register ticked or to make you feel good, NO we come for Jesus

And when we all come, with one purpose in mind, something happens



Not gradually or sluggishly, but suddenly

Suddenly something happens

There is a noise a forceful noise, which filled the entire room

Then tongues of fire moved over everyone present an rested upon them

Holy Spirit is free and sovereign and not bound to anyone's timing or technique for how to get his power.

We are to bank on his daily, indwelling presence and grace, walk in the obedience of this faith, and pray day and night for the outpouring of power from on high.

When the Spirit is poured out, He is not bound to come in any particular way – sometimes He comes like a dove, earthquake or liquid

These people didn’t know what to expect

But look at the significance of this all

This is what happened, it seems, to the disciples in Acts 2 when they saw tongues of fire and heard the violent wind. It filled them with an overwhelming sense of the presence of God.

Then suddenly something happens that utterly transforms their knowledge of God's presence into the experience of God's presence.

The fire begins to burn in their hearts (Luke 24:32) and in their mouths ("tongues of fire"), and the sound of the wind surrounds them and envelops them with the tokens of God's power. And they are simply overwhelmed with the greatness of God. And it begins to spill out in praise

Being filled with the Holy Spirit here is being overwhelmed with the greatness of God

The flames on their heads had set fire to the knowledge of God, and turned it into passion.

And the violence and loudness of the wind had drowned out all the small voices of doubt and uncertainty.

And every weakness or fear was swallowed up in the experience of God's greatness.

And a tremendous boldness and courage was unleashed as they gave witness to the greatness of God


We see in scripture that after these people were revived by the Holy Spirit a sense of boldness and fearlessness overtook them

Peter then stands up and preaches the gospel of Christ to all who were present

This was one of the most powerful sermons Peter preached

Because his heart was revived by the Holy Spirit every other thing didn’t matter but to lift up Jesus

Men and women’s hearts were cut that day with the truth of the gospel and they cried out, what shall we do

They repented and believed and were baptised that very day – 3000 people


Before we can jump and to pray for community or world revival, our hearts need to be revived first

We need to have a revelation of Christ that blows our minds away but leaves us on our knees worshipping and praising Him

Jesus wants to reveal His greatness and glory to us church, but are we hungry enough for Him?

He wants us to be in one mind and spirit and call upon Him like never before

And once He comes, our worlds and lives will no longer matter

No we will want to see the gospel moving, people lives being changed in an instant, communities changing and bowing their knees to Jesus, people being healed, prophetic declarations over cities/towns. He will turn things upside down for His name sake


In conclusion, are you and i ready for that?

The world will change church when we have a revelation of God and it transforms us first then we go out

God is ready to pour His Spirit upon us, are we ready to receive Him?

If you say YES this morning, then stand with me and lets trust God to revive our hearts