Summary: This is a message about grace and purpose and how that God desires for you to get where he wants you to go more than you want to get where he wants you to go. Your mistakes doesn’t limit God’s ability to use you.

*Turn with me in your Bible to the book of Jonah. While you are turning there, let me say:

1. The best perspective that we can have on how to live as followers of Christ is through the

lens of the scripture.

A. Any understanding that we think that we have gained outside of the scripture must be

weighed against the truth of the scripture.

1. What I mean by that is; it is an easy temptation for us to build our understanding of

who we think God is or isn’t based on our experiences.

2. But the problem with that is that God has clearly told us that His ways are not our

ways and His thoughts are not our thoughts.

3. So there may be times that we might consider something right/good where God

may consider it wrong/evil.

a. Thank God we have His Word that speaks to every issue of life…

B. I am thankful for stories like Jonah b/c it gives us a clearer picture of who God is but it

also gives us a look at the lives of those who either obey or disobey God and the result of

that action. And I believe that it is God’s intent for us to learn from it.

Illus: You know something that I have never understood, and maybe you know people like this; but have you ever had someone try something, like some type of food or drink and then they are like, “Ugh. That tastes gross. Here try this.” (My wife – weird organic drink)

1. I believe that the story of Jonah exists to teach us several points on how we should

view God and how we should live our lives.

C. Now I don’t know how many of you are familiar with the story of Jonah:

1. But it is a very short story. It is only 4 chapters, 48 verses, just over 1300 words.

You can read it in less than 15 minutes.

2. Now just to give you a brief synopsis of the story; God calls Jonah to go to Nineveh

and to preach to them. But instead he gets on a boat, heads the opposite direction.

3. Then a storm comes, there’s a discussion among the crew about the cause of the

storm, they determine Jonah is the problem, and so they throw him overboard.

4. Then he is swallowed by a fish, he prays in the belly of the fish, the fish spits him

out, then he goes to Nineveh and preaches to them.

5. The Ninevites are very receptive to his message and repent from their evil. And

then the story ends with Jonah so depressed he wants to kill himself.

6. A quite interesting story!

*Now in case you are wondering, what points could you possibly pull from this story that has anything to do with everyday life? Well there is actually enough here to do a whole series, but before we get to the points let me first say:

D. I believe that the story of Jonah was a real historical event.

1. I say that b/c many teach that the story of Jonah was simply an allegory.

a. And some people get tied up on whether a person could really live in the stomach of

a whale for 3 days or not. But what they fail to factor in is God.

b. So the question shouldn’t be; is it possible for a man to live for 3 days in the belly

of a whale but rather is it possible for God to do a miracle?

c. The bible says that God appointed the fish to swallow him and that God spoke to the

fish to tell it to vomit him.

d. So if you deny that this story happened as the author says it happened then what

about all the other stories? If you deny this one, then aren’t you denying all the

others with miraculous elements in them?

e. And if you deny this one but affirm others, aren’t you essentially picking and

choosing which ones you want to believe?

2. But Jonah was a real prophet. He is mentioned in 2 Kings 14:25 as the prophet during

the reign of King Jeroboam. At this time the kingdom was divided in two:

a. Israel, which was the northern kingdom. And Judah, which was the southern

kingdom. King Amaziah was over Judah and King Jeroboam was over Israel.

b. Now King Jeroboam was an evil king but he did follow Jonah the prophet’s word

from God to restore the border of Israel. So we know that Jonah didn’t just

graduate from the school of the prophets when the story that we all know comes

onto the scene.

c. Also we learn in that passage that Jonah is from Gath-hepher, which us just outside

of Nazareth.

3. Another one of the many reasons that I believe this story really happened is b/c Jesus

Himself confirms its authenticity. In Matt 12:40 “For just as Jonah was three days

and three nights in the belly of the great fish, so will the Son of Man be three days and

three nights in the heart of the earth.”

4. But my point this morning isn’t to make a case for the validity of the fish swallowing

Jonah. Unfortunately this story has been condensed down to just that by many. And if

that is what you think about when you think of Jonah then you have missed the point.

5. Jonah is a story about the relentless grace of God and His love for us all.

E. And I love that within this story you see things that you think will happen that don’t

happen and the things you wouldn’t think would happen actually happen.

1. It’s a curve ball story but I love it b/c life often comes like a curve ball.

2. It’s not that often that you see everything that is coming straight at you.

2. Jonah 1:1-2 (Read)

Ex: Have you ever received a message and it was not a message that you wanted to receive?

If you have ever lost a friend or family member then you know what I am talking about. Or maybe it was something like; the boss wants to see you. Unfortunately I have had one of those in my lifetime. Or maybe it was a call from the doctor that said, your results are in, we need you to come in so we can talk about it.

A. Well Jonah didn’t like the message that he received that day.

1. Nineveh was the capital of Assyria. They were the most powerful empire in the world

in that day. And they were a brutal people who had done unthinkable evil to the Jews.

2. And God didn’t tell Jonah to go bless them and teach them how to live their best life

now. He said go tell them that I am going to destroy them.

3. But Jonah took on the attitude; I don’t care if they were on fire, I wouldn’t spit on them

and he ran and headed the opposite direction. Vs 3 (Read)

B. You know, I have to ask, what qualifies as a Nineveh in our lives today?

1. You see, I believe that Nineveh is the place that God calls us to but we don’t want to go.

2. Nineveh is the people who have hurt you deeply and God says, “Go and give them my

message.” And really for us as followers of Christ, He is saying, live out my message.

a. And in some ways it can be harder for us than Jonah b/c we are carrying a much

different message! We are carrying a message of love, grace, and forgiveness.

Ex: Maybe it’s a family member for some of you. Others maybe it is an ex. Or maybe it’s an old boss or business partner.

*But what I hope that you will see throughout the story of Jonah, is that when you aren’t obedient to God, it effects more than just you.

b. You see your kids see when you are carrying an offense, and whether you believe

it or not, you are setting the example for them.

c. Your non-believing friends watch how you handle your Ninevehs. And if you think

that doesn’t have an effect on what they think about God then you are asleep!

3. Nineveh can also be whatever pulls you out of your comfort zone.

Ex: Maybe that is you starting and leading a community group. For others maybe it is you finally starting to tithe. Maybe it is you simply sharing your faith with someone else.

a. Church, I have to say that I am uncomfortable with being comfortable.

b. B/c I know what following my comfort will lead to. Jonah’s comfort led him away

from the presence of God. And the scary thing is that Jonah was ok with that!

c. We know that b/c we read in the next verse that when God sends a storm to get his

attention, when the rest of the ship’s crew was freaking out, he was asleep!

*Come on now, I saw the movie the titanic….

d. Church, what is it in our lives that we are comfortable with that we shouldn’t be. And

can I speak to that and say don’t be surprised if a storm comes to force you out of

that place of comfort.

e. You see God loves us so much that he will allow us to be shaken to awaken us from

our place of comfort.

C. Another thing that I think that is interesting is that Jonah just happened to find a boat

that was heading to Tarshish.

1. Now Tarshish was the farthest city away from the known world. And finding a boat

heading there would not have been something that you would have ordinarily come

across that easy.

2. See when we decide to disobey God, there is always a boat going to Tarshish. And there

is always room for one more passenger.

3. When we decide to run from the Lord, Satan is happy to provide the transportation.

4. What am I talking about? I’m talking about the excuses that we give to not do what God

has called us to do.

Ex: Well I would invite my neighbor to church but the timing isn’t right. But you’ve been saying that for years. Well I know that I need to start tithing and giving more but I won’t be able to pay all my bills. But you said that when you made a whole lot less than what you make now. Well I would like to join a community group but I don’t want everyone knowing my stuff. Well guess what, we all have stuff.

5. Listen, I am not saying these things to throw condemnation at you, I am challenging

you to step into what God has called you to.

C. You see there is a big picture at play here that I am not sure that Jonah sees. Jonah

doesn’t want to go to Nineveh b/c of how they have treated the Jews. But if he would not

have been led by his emotions he would have seen that one of two things would happen.

1. The Ninevites would have not listened and God would have destroyed then like he said.

2. They would listen and repent. But either way it would have been a win for the Jews b/c

either way meant they would no longer afflict them.

3. But how many of you know that fear, pride, and following our emotions can cause our

judgement to be foggy.

D. I also think it is worth pointing out how that God allowed Jonah to run as far as he did.

1. I mean, God could have caused Jonah to get robbed so he wouldn’t have had any

money for the fare.

2. He could have caused the ship heading to Tarshish to wreck prior to landing at Joppa.

3. You know it reminds me of another story where a father allows his son to take his

inheritance and he goes and wastes it.

Ex: I think sometimes we get these crazy thoughts in our head that says, “God if you don’t want me to do this then cause this to happen.” “God if you don’t want me going to that bar then have my car tear up on the way there or cause it to be closed.” And so there you sit in the parking lot, still having the ability to drive away but another crazy thought comes, “If you don’t want me to have a drink God then cause their debit machine to be down b/c I don’t have cash on me.” Or God if you don’t want me talking to this person then don’t let them answer their phone. Or cause them not to be home. *And God is like, I’ve already told you….

4. So don’t blame God for a loan on a house that you knew that you could not afford but

you went forward with it anyway and say well God shouldn’t have allowed it to happen.

5. Church, that is not how it works! That was what Jesus was talking about when Satan

tempted Him and Jesus said back to not tempt the Lord God….

*Now maybe these examples are a little out there for you but we all have done things and turned it back to God saying God if you didn’t want me to do that you should have done this.

6. You see God will let us go on and on in our sin so that we have to face the consequence

of our own disobedience. This is what I call the “severe mercy” of the Lord.

7. That’s what Romans 1 means when it repeatedly says that “God gave them over to”

See when a society decides that it doesn’t need God, his response is usually not to

interfere and stop them.

*More often than not, God says, “If you want to jump off the cliff, I have warned you time and again, but if that’s what you want to do, I will not stop you.”

8. And so Jonah flees from the Lord, God sends a big storm, in His mercy, to get Jonah’s

attention. The crew throws him overboard. A big fish that God has appointed swallows

him whole. And then what does Jonah do?! He Prays!!!

E. Church, why is it that we wait until things are at their worse before we pray?

Ex: Why is it that we wait until we are broke before we start praying over our finances? Why is it that we wait until our marriage is on the rocks until we start praying?

1. Now God, being rich in His mercy, listens to Jonah’s prayer. But he could have prayed

when he was on the ship. He could have prayed when he was back at Joppa. He could

have prayed when he first got the message from the Lord.

*I have a word for someone: When you get the message, take it to the Lord first! When you get the message about your job, about your loved one, about your health. Know that there is a bigger picture that you don’t see and God will work all things together for good. But don’t blame God, and don’t run from God, just allow Him to be God in your life and trust that He will fulfill His purpose.

2. God spares Jonah’s life and tells the fish to spit out Jonah and Jonah then goes to do

what God had originally told him to do. Jonah 3:4-10 (Read)….

3. Now this is where we see an unexpected response from Jonah. You would think that he

would be overjoyed that the people listened to his message.

a. As a preacher, nothing brings more joy to my heart than when people receive the

message that God has placed within me to share with them.

b. But listen to what happens:

F. Jonah 4:1-3 (Read)

1. Now I wouldn’t expect to see a lot of hands go up if I were to ask who can relate.

2. But I think that if we were to look at some of the evidence in our lives we would see

that in some ways we can.

Ex: I’ll share some evidence from my life with something that God convicted me of the other day. And I bet I am not the only one here. It’s this phrase: “It must be nice.”….

*When this hit me the other night, I asked some friends if there was ever a time that they could think of that making that comment would be a life giving scenario. And we all concluded that there wasn’t.

3. And here is what hit me, when we say that, even though it may come out as if we are

joking, out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks. When we say, “it must be

nice” we are in essence saying shame on you and/or poor me.

**I got nothing here, no amens? Man Pastor sure is coming down hard today. No, I want to challenge you to step into what God has called you to and to step out of the ways that the world operates!

4. The scripture says that we are to mourn with those who mourn and rejoice with those

who rejoice. And can I just say that I think we do a pretty good job at…….

Challenge: To not only look for someone to mourn with but specifically to rejoice with…

G. The end of the story of Jonah doesn’t have a red bow on it for Jonah. Where at first

Jonah appears to be the prodigal son, by the end of the story he is the older brother.

In closing: I want to leave you with a two thoughts about the story of Jonah.

1. God pursues us in our wanderings. And if you’re here this morning and wondered if

you have exhausted God’s grace, I assure you that you haven’t!

a. His grace is sufficient and plenty in supply. Whether you are like Jonah…. Or

whether you are like a Ninevite….

b. No matter who you are or what you have done, God loves you. But He will allow you

to get to the point of desperation so that you will call upon Him.

2. Your mistakes doesn’t limit God’s ability to use you.

a. He is the God of 2nd chances. And thankfully for me, He is also the God of 3rd, 4th,

and 20th chances! If God’s ability to use us was based on our righteousness then none

of us would ever be used by God. (Stand) Ephesians 2:1-10 (Read)