Summary: In this wonderful little passage we have the great MAGNFICANT but God has also given us some wonderful Christmas Stockings surprises - 1. John's leap of joy 2. Elizabeth's encouragement and humility 3. Mary's reassurances via the Holy Spirit

Theme: Advent # 4 God's Christmas Stockings

Scripture: Luke 1:39-55

Proposition: In this wonderful little passage we have the great MAGNFICANT but God has also given us some wonderful Christmas Stockings surprises - 1. John's leap of joy 2. Elizabeth's encouragement and humility 3. Mary's reassurances via the Holy Spirit


Grace and peace to you from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ who gave Himself for our sins to deliver us from evil! Praise His Holy Name!

It's so easy this time of the year to get caught up in all the peripheral stuff of the Christmas season. People get anxiety ridden over parties, gift buying and family gatherings. It is easy to forget the true meaning of the Advent and Christmas season.

Growing up my parents made it a priority that each of their children would experience a wonderful Christmas season. They did their best to make sure that we received the one or two gifts that we wanted the most. They would ask if we would make a list and then mom would carefully listen to us throughout the year to find out what we like in the areas of clothes, toys and games. We may not have received everything we wanted but we could always be assured of at least one or two fantastic gifts on Christmas morning.

However, for me the highlight of our Christmas morning was not in ripping open all the big gifts. It was the time we got to open up our stockings. For in those stocking were all kinds of little surprises. They may be an apple or an orange, a banana or a tangerine. There may be some Hersey kisses, a candy cane or even some bubble gum. There may be a candy bar or a little bag of peanuts. You just never knew what kind of little surprises mom or dad would put in our stockings. To open your stocking was as much fun if not more fun than opening all the big gifts.

Now, years later I get to be the one who prepares stockings for my children. I now know how much fun and enjoyment my parents had in making them for us children. And my children like all the little surprises of candy, gum, lip balm, pony tail clips and other little surprises they we can find.

In our Gospel passage this morning we of course can read the "big gift" - the song of Mary or as it is usually called THE GREAT MAGNIFICANT. It is a song that in Christians circles ranks alongside the Lord's Prayer and the Beatitudes. It is a song that resonates with a young girl's faith in her Lord. It is an expression of God's love, mercy and grace. It is a song that speaks of God righting wrongs and making all things right in the here and now. It is majestic, world changing and full of praise. It is THE MAGNIFICANT.

We could spend hours just looking at Mary's song. But this morning, I would like for us to turn our attention to what we could call some "Christmas stocking" surprises that surround Mary's song. For they in themselves have some wonderful things to share with us this 4th Sunday of Advent.

I. The first little stocking is that found in the "LEAPING JOY" of John the Baptist

a. Even though John is a six month old fetus inside the womb of Elizabeth he is eager to proclaim the Good News of the Coming Messiah. He is ready to tell the world, "BEHOLD THE LAMB OF GOD, WHO TAKES AWAY THE SIN OF THE WORLD." (John 1:29a)

When John felt the presence of Jesus, Luke shares with us that he leaped for joy. As a physician, Luke would have been familiar with the movements of a baby inside the womb of its mother. However, Luke wants us to understand that this was no normal fetal movement. John was leaping for joy through the power of the Holy Spirit. John was responding because he sensed that he was in the presence of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.

This morning, we need to open John's stocking of joy. We need to learn from this little tiny baby in the womb. Even at this tender age, John was both sensitive and responsive to the presence of Jesus through the power and presence of the Holy Spirit. We need to emulate this little one as we enter into the House of the LORD each opportunity we are given. We need to enter into His house with thanksgiving and with joy. We need rejoice with all our bodies, minds and souls this morning.

b. Quickly notice that John's joy could not be contained or restrained. He was simply doing what came naturally. Jesus was near and he was compelled to worship, rejoice and celebrate. Just because he was confined to the limitations of a womb did not mean that he could not worship. John was not going to allow anything or anyone take away his opportunity to praise and worship. He simply had to respond in the best way he could at the time.

John reminds us that our relationship with Jesus is one that should be filled with joy, celebration and worship. For John there is no "sour-puss" Christianity. Too often we allow the outward circumstances rob us of our joy. We attempt to live in our own strength. We begin to live under the clouds of doubt. We live in an atmosphere of fear and dread. And we find ourselves living out a "sour-puss" experience with Jesus.

Instead, we must take a clue from our little fetal friend John. We must respond with joy.

c. We also see that everyone and everything was quickly affected by John's inner joy. Elizabeth of course was the one most affected by John's sudden response to Jesus. For Mary it brought great confirmation, encouragement and tranquility.

Expressed joy is always contagious. Years ago during the turbulent time in Romania there was this little girl who amazed everyone with her smile and radiant countenance. Times were dangerous and difficult. Money and food supplies were practically nonexistent. People were scrapping to get by. People's faces were chiseled by the harshness of their circumstances. Everyone that is except this particular young girl. People would stop and ask her why she looked so different. Why in the midst of all the hard ache could she look so radiant? Her answer was simply - she had Jesus in her life. She asked everyday for Jesus to fill her with joy. She asked Jesus to fill her with so much joy that she would be able to tell others about Him. She would let her joy be the very means by which she could share Jesus with those that needed Him most.

This morning, how is your joy this Advent/Christmas season? By now, some of us may be in danger of losing our ability to rejoice and celebrate. It is easy to allow all the gift buying, all the office drama and family drama rob a person of their joy.

Therefore we must get radical and seek the joy of the Holy Spirit as John experienced here in Luke chapter one. We must ask for a supernatural joy to allow us to be a witness for Jesus this Advent/Christmas Season. We must ask the Holy Spirit to put His joy in our stockings this Christmas season so that others may see Jesus through and in our lives.

II. A 2nd little spiritual stocking stuffer God gives us here in this passage is Elizabeth's humility and her wonderful encouraging witness for Mary.

A. By all accounts Elizabeth was an amazing lady. Her conception miracle is just as astonishing as young Mary's. Elizabeth is well past the age of being able to bear a child and yet, God blessed her beyond measure. She like Mary understood that with God nothing is impossible. God reached down and brought her barren womb to life. Like Sarah of old, Elizabeth would be God's instrument to bring forth a promise child. Elizabeth was God's chosen vessel in a vital part of salvation history.

Elizabeth knew herself that the child she carried was someone special. After all, her Levite priest husband, Zacharias had experienced an epiphany on his trip to the Temple. Zacharias had heard the word of the Lord from the angel Gabriel. Gabriel had revealed to Zacharias how Elizabeth would bring forth the forerunner of the Messiah. "He will turn many of the children of Israel to the LORD their God." (Luke 1:16). Their son would be the one who would be allowed to proclaim the coming of the Messiah.

Elizabeth must have been the talk of her village. Everyone could see her that God had touched her life. Women her age simply were not given the privilege of bringing forth a new born life. Those years were gone and yet, everyone could see that she was expecting. Something supernatural was happening in their village. Elizabeth had been touched by God. God was on the move.

Can you imagine being well past the age of giving birth only to be visited by an angel announcing how God was going to use you to bring forth a promise child? Can you image God asking you to be a vital part of salvation history? Just how proud would you be? Just how favored would you feel? Just how important would you feel?

And yet, we witness

b. Not only Elizabeth's support for Mary, but her amazing humility.

When Elizabeth saw Mary she was not jealous or envious. Elizabeth was humble, inviting and encouraging to this young girl caring the Christ child.

For while her child, John would be great, Elizabeth sensed that the child Mary was carrying would be even greater. She knew in her soul what her son would later say when he stated that he was not even worthy of untying Jesus' sandal laces. (Luke 3:16).

Elizabeth doesn't despair. She doesn't begin to moan and groan and ask God, why did you pick this little 14 year old girl and not me? Why if Mary is around and the story gets out about her virgin conception, I will not longer be important. I mean after all, God has touched other elder women to have a child, but never has God given a child to a virgin. Mary will stand alone. With Mary around I will be upstaged. John will be at best second. We don't hear any of that talk from Elizabeth.

We don't see any spirit of jealousy or division. All we see is this beautiful picture of Elizabeth's humility. All we see is Elizabeth's acceptance. All we see is Elizabeth's joy and encouragement.

It is difficult for us humans to be happy being second or third or simply reside in the background, especially if we are smart, talented or skillful. How difficult it is to be that player that makes it possible for someone else to get the basket, to get the touchdown or the points. How difficult it is to be a member of the supporting cast and never see the limelight or your name in lights.

However, Elizabeth shows us the way and spirit of humility and being an encourager. Elizabeth's little stocking has a great many lessons and truths in it:

a. Like Mary, Elizabeth teaches us that with God nothing is impossible

b. Elizabeth and Zacharias teach us that God has a special job for all of us to do in salvation history

c. Elizabeth teaches us that can rejoice in what God is our life and in the lives of others.

d. Elizabeth teaches us the higher road of holiness is through humility

e. Elizabeth teaches us how to allow God to use us to be encouragers

Out of John's stocking we receive the gift of joy. Out of Elizabeth's stocking we receive the gifts of humility and encouragement.

III. Thirdly, out of Mary's stocking we see the assurance s of the Holy Spirit

When John gave Elizabeth that little kick of joy all kinds of things happened. His joyful kick reminded Elizabeth of the blessings that God had given her. It also revealed to Elizabeth the miracle that God had placed in this little girl Mary. It enabled Elizabeth to praise Mary and to give her some much needed assurances. And then all of this led to Mary's beautiful song.

By this time in Mary's journey she had to be confused and full of doubt. Months had passed since her angelic vision. Now, she was experiencing morning sickness, doubt and no doubt some despair. Had she really been visited by the angel Gabriel? Was it all real? Was the baby really the coming Messiah?

The Bible does not tell us but we have to wonder why Mary was coming to see Elizabeth. Was Mary sent away by her parents to get her out of town so that they could decide what to do with her? Did her mother already suspect that Mary was expecting? Was Mary therefore sent into hiding? Was Mary sent away so that her mom and dad could escape embarrassment? Had she already told her parents and they naturally not believe her story? Who would? Had they sent her to Elizabeth to see if she could make sense of all that Mary was saying? Did they think that Elizabeth and Zacharias could help Mary see the truth?

John's kick and Elizabeth's greeting did Mary a world of good. The Holy Spirit was able to use both of them to encourage and reinforce Mary's faith and courage. One kick, one praise and a song along with the infilling presence of the Holy Spirit was just the thing Mary needed.

She was not crazy. She had been visited by an angel. She was pure and holy. God had chosen her to bring forth His Son. She was the handmaiden of the LORD.

When she didn't know what to do, the Holy Spirit had guided her to Elizabeth. I wish we had more of their story here in Luke's gospel. I wish Luke had been able to record their conversations and how Elizabeth helped Mary come to a better understanding of what God was doing. Here we have these two miracle women encouraging and supporting one another. A barren woman having a child and a virgin having a child. No one would believe them but together they knew each one was special. Together they could comfort one another, praying with one and rejoice with one another.

This morning, if we allow the Holy Spirit the Bible tells us that He will give us some assurances as well. We must be open to the movements and guidance of the Holy Spirit. Jesus tells us that the Holy Spirit is like the wind (John 3:8). The Holy Spirit cannot be controlled but He can be obey, embraced and received. He can infill our lives, give us directions and grant us great assurances in this life.

Haven't you had those times when your heart was unexpectedly overjoyed by a certain song? Haven't you experienced those times when suddenly someone gave you a complement, a special word of encouragement or even a word of knowledge? Haven't you had those times when you have suddenly come across a passage of scripture that seem to be speaking directly to you? Haven't you had those times when you knew you were in the presence of the Holy Spirit?

Now, you did not think that happened by accident did you? Coincidence? Fate? I don't think so. No, the reality is those moments are a lot like John's little kick it was all by the moving and working of the Holy Spirit. You need to right now thank the Holy Spirit for working in your life.

When Zacharias needed direction, God sent Gabriel. When Elizabeth needed assurance, God filled John with the Holy Spirit. When Mary needed encouragement, God sent Elizabeth. It's just the way God works.

This morning, if you need encouragement the Holy Spirit is here for you right now. And this morning, the Holy Spirit is still seeking and inviting volunteers that He can fill to use to help others. We need John's, Elizabeth and Mary's stockings this morning. We need those who will allow the Holy Spirit to fill them and move them so that others will receive the encouragement and assurance they need in their lives.

This morning, will you allow the Holy Spirit to give you His assurances? Will you open up your heart and life so that the Holy Spirit may fill you so that someone else may find inspiration, encouragement and direction? Will you open up your heart like a Christmas stocking and allow the Holy Spirit to fill you with His fruit, with His presence and with His fullness?

We all like big gifts. They are a lot of fun. But personally, I still treasure those little stockings. In our passage this morning -

John shares with us HIs note of joy - true joy that can change our lives and the lives of others.

Elizabeth share with us how to be humble and an encourager. How we can be the best we can be and help others be the best that they can be.

Mary shares with us how the Holy Spirit can bring assurance and courage in the times we need the Holy Spirit the most.

This morning as we accept the LORD's invitation to His table let us come to also receive His joy. Let us come in a spirit of humility and ask Christ to help us become encourages and supporters. Let us come and receive the assurance and strength from the Holy Spirit. Let us come and open up the stocking of our lives that the Holy Spirit has specifically for each one of us.