Summary: Examining the impact that one person can have on situation.

The Impact Of One

I Samuel 14:1-23

Alvin York was one of the most decorated soldiers of the U S Army in World War I. During a heated battle 6 soldiers were killed and 3 were injured, after this York found himself in command of the 7 remaining soldiers. Though he did not act alone, his leadership had a tremendous impact on those who were with him. He received the Medal of Honor for leading an attack on a German machine gun nest, taking 32 machine guns, killing 20 German soldiers, and capturing 132 others.

His story proves that one person can have a impact on many others.

Most everyone here knows the name D. L. Moody. But do you know the name Edward Kimball? Without him we may not know the name D.L Moody. Kimball was a salesman who worked at a shoe store in Chicago. He shared the gospel with young Dwight, a fellow salesman. Dwight gave his heart to Jesus Christ, and ultimately went on to be the greatest evangelist of his generation. Through Kimball's faithfulness to share the gospel the Lord reached D. L. Moody, who in turn reached millions.

The Bible is filled with stories where one individual had a positive impact on others. God used one faithful shepherd boy to destroy a giant that intimidated a nation. He used one reluctant servant to deliver His people from the mighty hand of Pharaoh. He used one rebellious preacher to bring revival to Nineveh. He used a great persecutor of the church to reach the Gentiles with the Gospel.

In our text we find one of those occasions where one faithful servant had a tremendous impact. Jonathan stepped out on faith and trusted the Lord. The Israelites were in the midst of a great war. They were outnumbered and overwhelmed and it seemed that defeat was imminent. But Jonathan trusted the Lord and through him the Lord wrought a great victory.

Through his story we see the positive impact that one person can have on others. If you will obey Him, God can use you to have an impact on your family, your community, you church and beyond. I would like to look at this battle and preach on the thought "The Impact Of One". I hope that through this message you will see that you have the opportunity to be used of God in a mighty way. Let's begin by considering:

I. The War (I Samuel 13-14)

The war that is described here is between the Philistines and the Hebrews. In I Samuel 13, Saul choose 3,000 select men from the forces of Israel. Jonathan won a great battle against the Philistines at Geba. This intensified the Philistines hatred of the Israelites. The Philistines gathered an army of 3,000 chariots, 6,000 charioteers, and as many warriors as the grains of sand on the seashore. Many men of Israel became fearful. They hid in caves, holes and cisterns. Others crossed over Jordan and hid in the land of Gad.

Today we find ourselves in the midst of a war. It is a war that has already been won, but the battle rages on. It is a war that began just before Lucifer was cast down from Heaven. It is a war that will continue until he is cast even further down to the Lake of Fire. We can rest assured that the victory is ours. But we still have a responsibility to fight. This battle involves Christian soldiers and a powerful enemy. Like the war between the Hebrews and Philistines our battle is a perpetual one. It seems to be never ending.

Throughout the Bible, God's people were frequently outnumbered. And things are no different today. The battle we fight is not "against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." - Ephesians 6:12

- We are truly in the midst of a great war. Let's move a little further and also consider:

II. The Troops - (1 Samuel 14:1-7)

Saul and his troops were encamped at Gibeah. At this point his forces had dwindled from several thousand down to 600. The 600 that remained feared greatly. Then there was Jonathan - v1 Now it came to pass upon a day, that Jonathan the son of Saul said unto the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over to the Philistines' garrison, that is on the other side. But he told not his father.

Jonathan had a loyal servant who was his "armor bearer". An "armor bearer" was an officer selected by kings and generals because of loyalty and bravery. He was expected to carry the kings armor and to stand by him in a time of danger. And that is exactly what this man did. Notice his reply to Jonathan in verse 7 -And his armourbearer said unto him, Do all that is in thine heart: turn thee; behold, I am with thee according to thy heart.

As we look at the church today it seems that the number of "troops" is dwindling. There are many who were once on the front lines who have retreated. Some are weary from the fight. Some are intimidated by the enemy. They are absent, they have fled and some are hiding. Others remain in the battle but they are trembling with fear. Some refuse to approach the front lines ...choosing instead to let others face the arrows of the enemy. When people flee rather than fight, this puts the remaining troops in danger. One person can have an major impact on others, it may be positive and it can be negative. It is vital that we link up shoulder to shoulder in this battle and fight the good fight. We must press on when we want to quit. We must realize that there is an intense adversary that is on the prowl

Satan is always looking to attack. He wants to attack you, your family, your church and he wants to attack your fellow soldiers. Lets consider this strategic attack for a moment. Notice:

III. The Enemy (I Samuel 14:8-11)

The Philistines were a very powerful enemy. They were great in number ...they had as many warriors as the seashore had grains of sand. They had 3,000 chariots and 6,000 charioteers. They were confident in their abilities. As Jonathan and his armor bearer approached them they laughed at them. They said “Look! The Hebrews are crawling out of their holes!” Then they taunted them and said “Come on up here, and we’ll teach you a lesson!”

We have an adversary who is intense and intimidating. He has vast resources at his disposal. He has thousands of years worth of experience. He is extremely powerful. He is constant in his attacks and in many ways he is very successful. In fact if we try to fight him on our own we will surly fail.

Our enemy is very cunning. He has a great strategy and desires to affect our ability and will to fight. In the latter verses of chapter 13 we are told that the Philistines cut off the blacksmiths of the Hebrews. If they had no one to sharpen their swords and spears they would be greatly impacted in the battle.

As Christians we have been supplied with spiritual armor. In Ephesians 6 we are told of The Belt Of Truth, The Breastplate Of Righteousness, The Shoes Of Peace, The Shield Of Faith, The Helmet Of Salvation and The Sword Of The Spirit. Just as the Philistines attacked the weapons of the Hebrews, Satan will attempt to hinder you from putting on the whole armor of God. There are many Christian soldiers today who are trying to fight battles with dull swords!

We are in a constant battle and we must remain in contact with out Commanding Officer through prayer. We must put on our armor And we must make sure our sword is sharp, in hand and ready for battle! Let's examine that a little closer as we consider:

IV. The Battle (I Samuel 14:12-13)

Israel's troops had diminished to a very small number of men. Then, Jonathan and his armor bearer left those other 600 and went to fight alone. But they had a drive and a desire to fight for what was right. This battle that we are in is not an easy one. There will be hardships and difficulties along the way. Notice:

A. Our Battle Is An Inconvenient Battle - v4 "And between the passages, by which Jonathan sought to go over unto the Philistines' garrison, there was a sharp rock on the one side, and a sharp rock on the other side"

Things did not come easy for Jonathan. He found himself literally "between a rock and a hard place". Others may have looked at the difficulty and retreated, but he pressed forward. - v6 Jonathan said to the young man that bare his armour, Come, and let us go over unto the garrison of these uncircumcised: it may be that the LORD will work for us: for there is no restraint to the LORD to save by many or by few.

Fighting battles in the Christian life is not easy. We may face insurmountable odds. We may have to step out of our comfort zone. But like Jonathan, we must remember who we serve! Let us say like he did " nothing can hinder the Lord. He can win a battle whether he has many warriors or only a few!” - We must sacrifice our desires, overcome our fears and press on matter how difficult the situation may be.

Our enemy will do all that is within his power to intimidate you and provoke fear. His desire is for you to run and hide. Unfortunately, like the Hebrews, many have done just that. But praise God there are some who are on the front lines today. There is a word of warning to those who are in the fight as we speak. This battle is an intense one. Notice that:

B. Our Battle Is An Intense Battle - And Jonathan said unto his armourbearer, Come up after me: for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel.

This was a very intense moment for Jonathan. I would imagine that the adrenaline was flowing and his heart was racing. But he looked to the Lord for help and took that first step into this battle.

When you enter the battle things will get intense. The enemy will mount a vicious attack. There will be times when it seems that defeat is imminent. You look at the odds and say "it is not worth it". Many times at this point you will be tempted to walk away from the fight. This is exactly what the enemy wants. Because he knows Who you are fighting for. He already knows the great power of the Lord. He knows that he cannot defeat Him.

Maybe you are on the brink of surrender as we speak. What should you do? Look to the Lord, trust Him and press forward. That is what Jonathan did - In v12 he said - "Come up after me: for the LORD hath delivered them into the hand of Israel. 13 And Jonathan climbed up upon his hands and upon his feet, and his armourbearer after him"

As a result of his steadfastness, Jonathan saw something amazing. He saw the Lord show up and fight for Him! When we are faithful in the fight, we can see some amazing things as well. Notice:

V. The Victory (I Samuel 14:14-20)

As soon as they entered the heat of the battle the Philistines fell before Jonathan. Those who came behind them were killed by the amour bearer. Between the two of them they killed 20 men. After this the other Philistines began to panic. Then the Lord sent a great earthquake. As all of this is going on, Saul saw the Philistines in disarray. It was then that he realized that Jonathan was missing. The confusion among the Philistines began to spread. By the time Saul and his men arrived, the Philistines were killing one another. The war was not over but the Lord gave the Israelites victory in this battle.

As Christians we are all in the midst of an intense battle against an intimidating adversary. We will never be victorious own our own power. But we have been provided with everything necessary for a great triumph. We must remember Who we are fighting for. More importantly we must remember Who is fighting for us. And through His Word we find that victory is possible. Like Jonathan if we are faithful to the Lord we can have a positive impact. We also see that others were greatly impacted as a result of his victory

There is one final aspect of this war that I would like to consider. Notice in verses 21-23:

VI. The Resurgence (I Samuel 14:21-23)

Notice v21 Moreover the Hebrews that were with the Philistines before that time, which went up with them into the camp from the country round about, even they also turned to be with the Israelites that were with Saul and Jonathan. 22 Likewise all the men of Israel which had hid themselves in mount Ephraim, when they heard that the Philistines fled, even they also followed hard after them in the battle. 23 So the LORD saved Israel that day:

We are told that the Hebrews who had gone over to the Philistine army rejoined Saul, Jonathan, and the rest of the Israelites. This likely refers to those who had been captured and enslaved by the Philistines. There were also some who had deserted the army and hid in Ephraim. When they saw the disarray of the Philistines they returned as well. All of this was possible because of the impact of one. God can use one person to have a great impact today. In fact each of us are having an impact whether we know it or not.

Some are having a negative impact. One malcontent can cause great division in a local assembly. One Sunday School teacher can neglect his or her duties and the entire class will dissolve. Often we hear of entire churches falling apart after a pastor is involved in a moral failure. Just as those Hebrew troops abandoned Saul and fled the battle, many Christians have neglected their responsibilities today. They have neglected to be what God has called them to be. They refuse to do what He would have them to do. They will not go where He has called them to go.

Each time that you say no to God, other people are impacted by your disobedience. On the flip side, each time one of God's children says "yes" and obeys Him, people are impacted in a positive way. God can use you to change the course of the church. He can use you to have an impact on your home. You can be the one to reach your family for Jesus. One obedient servant could have an impact on this entire nation!

How is this possible? It starts with your availability - Isaiah 6:8 “Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying: ’Whom shall I send, And who will go for Us?’ Then I said, ’Here am I! Send me."

We need some servants who will say "here am I, send me"! You say "I can't" but God says "I can"! He is not concerned with your ability He is concerned with your availability. Think of how many people you come in contact with on a daily basis. You are having an impact on them... make it a positive one!

Maybe you are here and you ask "how is it possible for God to do an amazing work through me? It is possible when you do what Jonathan did. See the need... step out on the Lord to guide what you have been called to do... refuse to give up or surrender then allow God to secure the victory.

Just as the Hebrews saw a resurgence in their troops after this battle, we could see a resurgence in this church. And you could be the Jonathan that God uses to accomplish this feat. Let me show you how this is possible:

Suppose that the Lord has spoken to you through this message today. You see the battle that needs to be fought. You know who the enemy is and you are ready to put on the armor and go to war. You begin by coming to the altar and fully surrendering to the Lord. You ask Him for direction. He gives that direction and you follow. You go home and begin to faithfully serve Him. Your husband or wife takes notice. Eventually they come on board and fight along side you just as Jonathan's armor bearer did. Together you enter the battle and you begin to see the Lord defeat the enemy. Your children are then impacted by your lives.

You begin to be bold and courageous and your fellow church members take notice. Then some of them join in the fight. What began as one person now spreads to four or five. The others begin to have an impact in their homes. Their children begin to get saved one my one. They follow up their salvation with baptism. Lost family and friends come to the baptism service as a sign of support. Some of them are them reached with the gospel. Some of them are saved. Then they begin to have an impact on their family, friends, schoolmates, neighbors and coworkers.

Perhaps some of them have already been saved but they backslid along the way. They are impacted and they return to the Lord. Then they begin to have an impact on their family, friends, schoolmates, neighbors and coworkers. Those people are reached with the gospel and some of them are saved.

Then one of these revitalized Christians says "I am going to teach a class". Or I am going to volunteer to work with the youth or children. They begin to have an impact on others in the assembly. Revival breaks out in the church. God begins to move in a mighty way. Word begins to spread around town that great things are happening at Stockdale. Some of those church members who have become inactive decide to visit the church out of sheer curiosity. When they arrive the Lord gets a hold of them and they are impacted as a result. Then they go home and begin to have impact on their family, friends, schoolmates, neighbors and coworkers... The fires of revival continue to spread.

Church resurgence is very possible. We have seen it first hand in this assembly. Years ago we went from around 50 to 150 in mere months. Obviously the Lord is the One who made it happen. But He used one person to reach another, and that person reached someone and then they reached another and so on.

Maybe you are asking the obvious question "Why can't it happen now?" The fact of the matter is that it can! Some may be asking another question... "why isn't it happening?" It isn't happening because you won't allow it to! Your disobedience will hinder what the Lord wants to do in this place! You say... "But I am only one person". You are correct... and that is all it takes to have an impact!

Someone has said: I am only one, But still I am one. I cannot do everything; but still I can do something; and because I cannot do everything I will not refuse to do the something that I can do."What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, by the grace of God, I will do."

The war is real... the troops are few... the enemy is powerful... victory is available... and resurgence is possible. If you will be obedient today, you will see "The Impact Of One".