Summary: As Jerusalem's wall is dedicated, four critical points are shown to us: Each person is valuable to God; Everything done for His kingdom is remembered; Spiritual growth requires time to pass, and for people to be led; God should always be praised.

Dedicating the Wall

Nehemiah 11:1 - 12:43


- Nehemiah is a great study of leadership; shows faithful obedience to God

- Last week we discussed the pledge that all citizens took

-- It was a pledge of faithfulness to God, and to one another

-- “We will not neglect the house of our God”

- Once the wall was built …


- Nehemiah knew that the only sustainability they would have is a population

-- A population that not only honors God; but is able to sustain itself

- Note: We will move through a lot of scripture today, hang with me

- Pray

∆ Point 1 – Repopulation of Jerusalem

- Read Nehemiah 11:1-2

- Jerusalem needed to have citizens come and reside there for several reasons

-- Sustainability, protection, and to provide a thriving economy for example

-- Without people, a city has no hope of ever flourishing past 1 generation

- There were already an adequate number of ruling class in Jerusalem

-- APP: There were plenty of leaders, but not enough people to be lead

-- Jerusalem would’ve naturally drawn leaders since it offered prosperity

-- EX: Nehemiah 5:17 already told us there were 150 that ate with Nehemiah

- So now, they needed a general population to sustain the city

-- Their belief was always around fact God decided all life and luck didn’t exist

-- Therefore, casting lots was acceptable in determining God’s will

- Family representatives were grouped in small groups of 10

-- Those lots determined that one out of every 10 group would move

-- IMP: No families were separated for this; family of “x” would all move

-- Those who were selected moved their family to Jerusalem

- And due to this, the people were commended (v2) for volunteering

-- They were more “voluntold” – but nevertheless cheered for doing so

-- It was believed they were following God’s will, and this was a good thing

- If you notice, each person is listed specifically … (often done in OT)

-- Why? They are special to God, and God never forgets them (or us)

- TRANS: From here, Nehemiah begins to lists all those who relocated

-- Some of these were Israelites, priests, Levites – coming together for the city

∆ Point 2 – Outside Jerusalem

- Read Nehemiah 11:25-30

- At this time, Jerusalem was still under the domination of Persia

-- When Nehemiah scans the horizon, he sees the potential of these people also

-- This gives great hope to fulfilling God’s promise to bring His people in

- These towns all represent people that Nehemiah knew could be beneficial

-- Also, by being considered outliers presented Jerusalem with added security

-- EX: If you want to protect MGM from the North, Prattville is needed

- IMP: Additionally, the list represents something critical to the Jews

-- It shows them their inheritance, and reminds them of God’s promises

-- The temple was restored, the walls were rebuilt, and the law was affirmed

-- And now, the people were settling into their ancestral towns

- TRANS: Also of importance are those who will lead in religious positions

∆ Point 3 – Priest and Levites

- Nehemiah provides us also with a comprehensive list of priests and Levites

-- But, why is this important? These provide a legitimacy in the community

-- Faith is critical to the lives of these in Jerusalem at this time (12:1-26)

- Remember, Nehemiah travelled here based on burden God placed on him

- His vision was to restore what had been destroyed; inc. people’s hopes

-- The priests and Levites would provide ceremonial things needed

- No different than a new town might build a church; pastor needed

-- They have the temple, leaders/servants are also needed to minister

- The temple was a central part of their lives; this shows great importance

-- APP: If the government put value in it, the people would respect that

-- Caveat: It has to be something possessing morale authority: Re: LAW

- TRANS: Now we come to the pinnacle of our story

∆ Point 4 – Dedication of the Wall

- Read Nehemiah 12:27-43


- Nehemiah’s vision was always to rebuild the wall for God’s glory

- The wall signified great importance to God’s promise; security for all

-- This wall also represented Israel’s purpose and distinction

-- For this special event, as many as possible Levites were brought in

- Before the dedication the priests would ceremonially cleanse themselves

-- This included sexual abstinence, washings of clothes; and bathing

-- It was meant as a separation from the things of this world for holy purpose

- All the leaders were brought to the top of the wall

-- Two large choirs gave thanks (sang praises of God)

-- They would circle the city in opposite directions

-- Behind the choir, half the leaders followed in each direction

-- Behind them, would be the priests – then the musicians

- Just imagine for a moment, the size and grandeur of this procession

-- For the glory of God, to the honor of God’s promise, they sang/worshiped

- The first group was ended with Ezra, the second with Nehemiah

-- They would walk around, climbing down/around where needed, worshiping

- Joining at the temple, their joy would be listed as unrestrained

-- Read 12:43 again … consider the praise and honor given to God on that day

-- The sound of joy and worship could be hear far away

- APP: These people needed no reason to worship, they saw it themselves

-- But don’t we have opportunity to worship what God has done also?

- TRANS: When we consider the accomplishments here, 4 things are clear

∆ Big Idea– x

• Each person is valuable to God (names listed specifically)

• Everything done for His kingdom is remembered (He never forgets)

• Spiritual growth requires time to pass, and for people to be led

• God, no matter is happening, should always be praised

- This wall was constructed in 52 days … consider how that’s possible?

-- We cannot even build a house to code in 52 days!

- These people did, with God’s ordination, and it was spectacular

-- Because of it, they marveled at the majesty and praised God’s name

- Do we worship at the marvelous splendor of God daily?

-- Will we delight in God’s accomplishments and not in our own?

-- Nehemiah gives us great instruction for living for God; if we will submit

- Pray