Summary: When the church needed the pastoral ministry expanded, Jesus led them to select deacons to serve the church.

AN IMPORTANT TIME! You have heard from Doyle Walls this morning regarding the process that will begin to unfold among us as we go through this exciting and important season where we will select new deacons to serve among us, the Body of Christ. Because this is an important time in the life of the church, I want to take the opportunity to preach a “different” kind of message regarding the “who, what, when and where” of deacons so that as we approach this time we can do so being informed by the Scriptures so that we do this in a way that honors and glorifies the Lord for this is His Church, not ours. For those of you who have been here for a while this will serve as a “refresher course” for you. For many others of you, because you are new to this particular faith family, it will answer some questions regarding why we are doing what we are doing. Today our primary text will be ACTS 6:1-7 which, throughout the history of the church, has been understood as the beginning of the office of the deacon in the church.


CONTEXT AND EXLPLANATION. At this point in the Book of Acts the church in Jerusalem was thriving. Growth was explosive as daily people were being added to the church through the preaching and receiving of the Gospel! Life change was incredible as these new believers were committed to the Apostle’s teaching resulting in growth in their faith in Christ. It was simply an awesome time of Gospel ministry in the early church. It did not take long, however, for a disruption to arise in the church, and that is where our passage picks up. Part of the ministry of the church was a daily distribution of food among those who did not have the means to provide for themselves—namely the widows among them. As it would be, the Hellenist (GREEK SPEAKING JEWS) group felt as if their widows were being short changed in the daily distribution of food while, all appearances made it seem that, the Hebrew widows were definitely not being overlooked and were well cared for. Rather than let this matter continue to “brew” among them (NOTE: THE RIGHT THING TO DO WHEN YOU FEEL LIKE THERE IS AN ISSUE IN THE LIFE OF THE CHURCH THAT DOES NOT LINE UP WITH THE SCRIPTURES IS TO BRING IT TO THE LEADERSHIP OF THE CHURCH NOT GRIPE, COMPLAIN, GROAN AND GOSSIP ABOUT IT) the people brought the matter up to their leaders. It was at this point that the leaders realized that the ministry of the church was larger than they were and more people needed to be involved to meet the vast amount of ministry needs that accompanies this kind of growth. The Apostles, being filled with the Holy Spirit and granted wisdom from the Lord in these matters, realized that they could not do it all and that the ministry of preaching and prayer to which they have been called to as Apostles/Elders could not be minimized or neglected in the Church, calls the people to choose from among their own men who could serve to meet this great need that they were facing. These individuals were not called to create a “new” ministry but to serve as an extension of the elder/pastoral ministry that was already taking place among them. The congregation did as instructed and a group was installed into a crucial position and the Gospel continued to go forth touching people and changing lives.


A DEACON IS A SERVANT. The Greek word from which we derive the English word deacon is diakonos which literally means “a servant; or one who serves.” At a foundational level the role and responsibility of the deacon in the life of the church is to be a servant. They are called and appointed to care for the needs of the faith family. This was the job of those called in our passage. There were people who had practical and legitimate needs and this position came about so that those with legitimate and practical needs could have their needs met by the church. We will talk more about this in a moment, but suffice it to say when we look into the Scriptures we find that deacons are not authority figures ruling and reigning over the church but servants who humbly and passionately serve the church.

A DEACON IS A “FIRE FIGHTER.” This issues, had it not been addressed and dealt with swiftly and as the Lord led, could have resulted in huge problems for the church that would have hindered the going forth of the Gospel. However, because this “fire” was dealt with swiftly through the installation of deacons we find that an atmosphere for Gospel proclamation was preserved and many, including priests, experienced God’s grace in salvation. Therefore, when the church experiences any sort of “fire” in it, the deacons are called upon to be peace makers and to seek out a solution that honors and glorifies the Lord to the issue whatever it may be.

• TWO RESPONSES TO “FIRES.” This is for those who are or will serve as deacons. If you are called upon to address a “fire” that is brewing in the church your call is to be a peacemaker not kindling to the fire. When you approach a situation, regardless of how tense it may be, you carry with you two “buckets.” One is gas and the other is water. One simply intensifies the flames of the fire and the other diminishes the flames.


The people were told to chose from among them those whose lives manifested the presence of the Holy Spirit. The presence of the Holy Spirit manifested itself in the following ways:

FULL OF WISDOM. Those who would serve as deacons have a wisdom about them that is the result of the Holy Spirit within? In what regards is wisdom important? Financial wisdom? Administrative wisdom? I think that when we understand the role of the deacon as laid out before us in the Scriptures we will understand that the wisdom referred to here is wisdom that is gleaned from the Scriptures themselves as the Holy Spirit reveals the truth to us. If deacons are going to serve the church in a “fire fighting” capacity as well as a “need meeting” capacity then they will need to be steeped in God’s Wisdom found in His Word so that whether it is in meeting needs or fighting fires they are able to walk into a situation and exercise biblical wisdom and discernment so that in all things the Lord will be glorified among His people. They are not novices in the faith or in the Word of God but are wise!

GOOD REPUTATION. In a world that operates under the “rule of relativity,” meaning that nothing has a concrete meaning until it is defined, let us consider what the Scriptures define as being one of “good repute.” 1 TIMOTHY 3:8-13.

o A GOOD REPUTATION IS REQUIRED NOT PERFECTION! Those who would be called to serve as deacons are those who are generally known as the type of person we see defined in 1 Timothy 3 and Acts 6 not that they are perfect in all these ways but the are definitely known to be like this more than they are not.

“FROM AMONG YOU.” Those who would be called by the Lord to serve as a deacon in His Church will be those whose love for the Lord is evident by his/her love for the church. They are “among” the believers in the life of the church. They are not on the visitation list or considered part-time members who show up once a month or so. They understand the value and importance of the Church and reveal such understanding by their active and regular participation in the life of the church whether it be corporate worship gatherings, small group Bible studies, fellowship and/or outreach events, etc…

MEN AND WOMEN? One of the things that make us somewhat unique, although not as much as it once did, among Baptist churches is the fact that we have men and women serving as deacons. There are two passages of Scripture that are pertinent to this discussion and that is ROMANS 16:1 and 1 TIMOTHY 3:11. In both instances the same root word is used to describe both Phoebe and the group that Paul addresses in 1 Timothy and that root word is daikon. In each instance the addition to the word is such to designate it in the feminine form because it is in reference to a female. Therefore, proper study of the Scriptures allows for both men and women to serve as deacons. When deacons exist as servants in and of the church, as explained by the Bible, and not rulers of the church then the office of deacon is open to both genders.


The office of deacon has been created by Jesus for His Church. Deacons are called to serve the church through meeting needs, preserving unity and fostering an atmosphere so that Gospel may go forth without obstacle or hindrance.

• MEETING NEEDS. When deacons call you that do so in order to know how to serve you. If you have a need let them know. If you have an issue let them know. If you have questions or concerns let them know. If you have prayer requests let them know. If you have answers to prayers let them know. Let them know what the Lord is doing in your life so they can celebrate with and serve you as needed.

• PROTECTING AND PRESERVING THE UNITY OF THE CHURCH. Deacons will be called upon to be peacemakers when any sort of strife arises among us. They understand that in order for the Gospel to go forth in power an atmosphere of unity must be among the church otherwise an unbelieving world may hear the message of the Gospel but because they do not see the evidence of the Gospel in the Church they reject the Church and the Gospel.

• MEETING NEEDS OUT OF GENUINE LOVE AND MAINTAINING PEACE FOSTERS AN ATMOSPHERE FOR GOSPEL PROCLAMATION. The purpose of the deacon ministry is to foster, protect and maintain an atmosphere in the church where the Gospel of Jesus goes forth in and among the Church. This happens when the Gospel is freely preached and taught so that those who do not know the Lord may come to know His great love for them and experience His grace in salvation. The Gospel goes forth as well among those who are Christians as Jesus grows and matures His own through His message.