Summary: Jesus brings us real peace.

THE PEACE THAT JESUS PROVIDES. One of the things that stands out to me from my seminary days is a lecture that one of my professors gave on the topic of the peace that Jesus has secured and gives to those whom He saves. Who knows where my notes are from that class but I do remember that this professor began the lecture by saying that the peace that Christ has secured and gives to those whom He saves is a THREE-FOLD IN NATURE. This really caught my attention because when I hear the word “peace” my mind simplifies the complex nature of the word to mean the absence of conflict. By definition, the word peace does mean ‘the absence of conflict.’ At that point and time in my walk with the Lord I understood the peace of Christ to be referring primarily to the perfect peace that we who have been saved would experience in heaven with Him. My concept of peace of Christ was limited to my future reality with Him. This professor, in his lecture about the three-fold nature of the peace Jesus gives to those whom He saves, opened up my eyes to the reality that the peace of Christ is not simply some futuristic concept describing the reality of our eternal destiny but is a present reality as Jesus transforms the chaotic hearts of chaotic people resulting in peaceful and peace-filled people of love, mercy and grace that reflect Him throughout the world. In this message entitled “Today, Peace is Here,” as we celebrate the birth of Jesus, the Prince of Peace, I want us to take a look at the three-fold nature of the peace that Jesus has secured and gives to His own that is a present reality for those who know Him. Today, peace is here!



A Common Conviction. From the beginning of mankind’s history outside of the Garden of Eden, there has, is and will continue to exist within the heart and soul of all mankind the belief that there is something wrong between God and man. There is some sort of unrest and/or conflict between God as Creator and man as the created by and accountable to his/her Creator. The response to this belief has produced:

• Atheism. It has always intrigued me how determined the atheists are to adamantly fight against that which they do not believe to exist. The adamant fight against that which one believes does not exist is like the kid who grows out of the “imaginary friend” stage of life but still has the imaginary friend except for the atheist it is the “imaginary enemy” in their mind. The motivation for the perpetual opposition is because of the churning of the soul that exists because of the unrest/conflict that exists between God and man.

• Religion. Every world religion, outside of Christianity, is based upon one common principle…the desire to appease the god or gods of that particular religion. Religious activity and rituals are required in hopes that the unrest/conflict that exists between the god or gods may be overcome by their efforts.

• Non-Religious Insanity. Even crazier than organized world religions is the cultural rural religion. This is the man or woman who acknowledges “the “Big Guy” upstairs,” and claims that he/she and “the Big Guy” have made a deal and he/she is at peace with “Him.” The conviction that there is unrest/conflict between God and man exists and the way to approach and overcome is through some “deal” contrived in the heart and mind expressed in some sort of “prayer” they prayed.

Where does this common conviction come from? It is the reality of the conflict between our sinfulness and God’s perfect holiness. Why was it that Adam and Eve hid from God once they had sinned in eating of the forbidden tree? They knew that there was unrest/conflict/enmity between the two parties and hid in fear because of it. However, as we have heard in our passage, the unrest/conflict/enmity between sinful humanity and holy God has been rectified and now there is peace because of Jesus. EPHESIANS 2:13-14a reveals to us that it is only through and by the blood of Christ that we who were “far off”—a reference to the unrest/conflict/enmity that existed between us and God because of sin—have been drawn near in peace. Jesus has accomplished all that was necessary to secure peace between God and man in His perfect life, sacrificial death and victorious resurrection.

A Peace Treaty. A peace treaty is a document drawn up by two parties that are at odds with one another. The treaty draws out how peace will be secured and maintained. The treaty does not go into effect until both parties sign in agreement. In a sense, the “peace treaty” between sinful humanity and our holy God has been drawn up and Jesus has signed it with His blood. Those who have, through confession and repentance of sin, trusted in Jesus Christ and Him alone for their forgiveness of sins resulting in peace with God sign, so to speak, the peace treaty at the moment of faith. Have you? If not you are at enmity with God no matter what effort you have put forth to overcome the conviction of your soul. I realize that you may be thinking, “This is Christmastime and here you are talking about the possibility that I may be at enmity with God because of my sin?” I must say such lest I fall into the trappings of the sinfulness of the prophets and priests of old when, rather than proclaim the truth of God’s Word to the people, the coddled them in their sin and said that there was peace between them and God when there was not.


The salvation of Christ that brings peace with God results in changed hearts of those who are made at peace with God.

EARLY CHURCH STRUGGLES. The early church faced some huge issues in this area of living at peace with others. The early church was comprised of both Jews and Gentile (non-Jewish people). This was something new for both to deal with because prior to either experiencing new birth in Jesus both sides had feelings of hatred toward one another. The Jews hatred towards the Gentiles was because they believed that they were the elite of all mankind because God had chosen them to be His people and the Gentiles returned the favor. Paul was quick to point out to new Christians that those who are in Christ are a peaceful people because Jesus has destroyed those things in our hearts that would cause us to look down upon another person and treat them as less because of race, religion, creed, gender, socio-economic situation, political persuasion, or lifestyle and has made us ONE IN CHRIST.

OUR CULTURE IS A MESS AND THE CHURCH NEEDS TO SPEAK AND PURSUE PEACE. The events of Ferguson, Missouri, Staten Island, New York, and countless others, reported and unreported alike by our national media, highlights the need we have of Jesus’ power, presence and life-changing work in and among us. This is not a political commentary on what has transpired in these inflammatory situations. I wasn’t there. I was not on the jury and presented with evidence about these various instances so I am not trying to make a judgment call about the motives behind these events or the “rightness” of a jury’s decision. These events, however, have highlighted a problem among people that has existed throughout history and that is the problem of racism and hatred towards other people based on differences. Our brokenness has resulted in this mentality that looks at other people who are unlike ourselves in color, language, creed, socio-economic status, philosophy, lifestyle, geographical location, etc… and treat them differently or inferior because of the differences that exist. Whether it be inside the Church or outside the Church, the Church should be the loudest voice for racial reconciliation the world hears from. While some communicate themselves in loud, obnoxious and hurtful ways, that is not to be the case with the Church. Because we have had our hearts and minds changed by the presence and power of the Holy Spirit we understand that all people, being created in the image of God and valued by Him, so much so that He would send His Son to die for them, are to be treated with love, respect, dignity and grace and to take any other approach towards any other person is a sinful offense before our Holy God! Therefore, when the flames of racial tension burn hot we should be a voice of love and peace amidst the hatred and division because we view people and the world differently because we have been made different. Whether it be in the disunity of racial tensions, philosophical and/or political disagreements, or disunity in the home or workplace we have been called to be peace makers. Jesus said, “Blessed are the peace makers…” ROMANS 12:14-21, in a section of Scripture titled “Marks of a True Christian” says that we are to be a peace seeking and peace making people in a chaotic world.

PEACE WITHIN (peace filled)

The third aspect of the peace that Jesus has secured and provides to those whom He saves is Peace Within. Jesus secures our peace with God; makes us peaceful people, and fills us with His peace so that we may face the various trials and troubles faithfully and in a way that honors and glorifies Him. Even though we pursue peace there will be times when, because of our Jesus reflecting lifestyle, we will be opposed, rejected and abused. Furthermore, as we live in a fallen world occupied by fallen people there are going to be seasons of life that we would never choose to experience if it were left up to us. In those times of trouble, sorrow and/or pain many flip out and lose their minds. The Christian, however, has been given the peace of Christ that will sustain them through the troubling times because they know Who it is that is in control when it seems like everything is spinning out of control. JOHN 14:25-27 and 16:31-33 Having peace does not mean that we will not have problems. Having peace is knowing that your problems will not have you!


It was a time of chaos, confusion and uncertainty as people were gathered to their hometowns to be counted for the purposes of taxation. For the majority of people this was a time of anything but peace. Yet, it was in this context that the Prince of Peace came to secure and give peace to those whom He would save. Do you have peace? Are you peaceful? Are you peace-filled.