Summary: Jesus returns to rule. He judges the population (The Sheep) the faithful and (The Goats) the uncaring.


A. The outline for this message came from “The Preacher’s Outline and Sermon Bible,” by Leadership Ministries Worldwide

B. Our passage this morning is often considered to be about the final judgment.

1. This is not the Great White Throne Judgment

2. This the Christ’s judgment of those living on the earth when He come to rule for a thousand years, the millennial reign

3. We often think that this is the judgement of the nations

a. But, one thing we must remember is that nations are made up of people

b. We have a nation that is compassionate

c. We have a nation that is concerned about other people

d. We have a nation that gives to charities and disaster relief in record amounts

e. But, we must also remember that it is the individuals that give

(1) People, individual people give in compassion and concern

(2) But in this nation of more that 300 million, we seem to raise a few measly million in charitable efforts

(3) If every individual gave a single dollar to the Red Cross each year, it would never be short of funds

(4) What’s the problem?

(5) There are a lot of individuals in our country that never give a dime to charity

(6) And so, the king in our passage is dealing with the people of the nations

(7) The cheap, penny-pinching, chintzy, petty and miserly individuals will not profit from the charitable acts of his fellow citizens

4. It is important to see that Jesus was judging two types of beings, sheep and goats.

a. Talking about people of course

b. Note the sheep (truly born again believers) serve with Christ's heart of love because they are sheep.

(1) The ministry they rendered came from within.

(2) It was a natural ministry performed by sheep.

(3) It arose from a selfless, God-centered nature.

c. Goats do not serve with Christ's heart of love because they are goats.

(1) The acts of kindness identified the sheep as sheep.

(2) The neglect of the goats identified them as goats.

(3) The sheep acted like sheep, that is, they served because they were sheep.

(4) And the goats acted like goats because they were goats.

d. This is the very point of the picture.

(1) When Christ sets them at His hand, they are already sheep and goats.

(2) Judgment is passed upon the goats because they did not serve Christ

(3) And blessing is bestowed upon the sheep because they served Christ.

(a) James 2:18 is a perfect illustration of sheep and goat behavior

James 2:18 (NKJV)

But someone will say, "You have faith, and I have works." Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works.

(b) A man who says he has faith and does not minister to people is only professing faith in Christ.

(c) Also Ephesians 2:10 says that we were recreated for good works

Ephesians 2:10 (NKJV)

For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them.

(d) The only faith that God knows and accepts is the faith that serves Christ by ministering to people.

C. In our passage this morning we have this logical division

1. The Son of Man is coming to judge (v.31-33).

2. The judgment of sheep (v.34-40).

3. The judgment of goats (v.41-45).

4. This judgment is for eternity (v.46).

a. Let us turn to Matthew 25:31 - 33 as we see that

II. Body

A. The Son of Man is coming to judge (v.31-33).

Matthew 25:31-33 (NKJV)

"When the Son of Man comes in His glory, and all the holy angels with Him, then He will sit on the throne of His glory. {32} "All the nations will be gathered before Him, and He will separate them one from another, as a shepherd divides his sheep from the goats. {33} "And He will set the sheep on His right hand, but the goats on the left.

1. This is not the rapture

a. Notice that Jesus says that the Son of Man comes in His glory to sit on the throne of His glory, that is the throne of David

b. He is coming as the King of Kings to rule the earth with His rod of iron

c. When He comes, He is coming with His holy angels.

(1) There will be an innumerable number of glorious beings that will accompany Him

(2) This will authenticate the glory and honor of His person as God.

(3) Jesus has spoken of the angels part in this final

2. When He comes, He is coming to be enthroned.

a. When He sits upon "the throne of His glory," He sits in judgment.

b. He will become the One before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess

c. He will become the Judge of the whole universe, the Judge who is exalted above all

3. When He comes, He is coming to gather all nations.

a. All men will be gathered by the angels and brought before Him.

b. The word nations stresses that every single country, place, nationality, race, creed, color, language-every living citizen will be gathered before Him in judgment.

4. When He comes, He is coming to separate the nations.

a. Throughout history, there has been a mixture of sheep and goats, of good and evil.

b. The tares and the wheat have grown together. The sinner and .the godly have lived together...

(1) In the same world

(2) In the same employments

(3) In the same nations

(4) In the same churches

(5) In the same cities

(6) In the same families

5. When Christ comes, however, there is going to be a separation

a. A separation of the good from the bad

b. Of the sheep from the goats

(1) The sheep will be placed on His right hand

(2) And the goats on His left hand. The sheep represent genuine believers. They are...

(a) The ones who believe in God's "only begotten Son" (Jn.3:16).

(b) The ones who are truly "born again" (Jn.3:3, 7).

(c) The "good and faithful" servants (Mt.25:21, 23).

(d) The "righteous" (Mt.25:37).

(e) The ones who are "patient" and "continue in well doing" (Ro.2:7).

(f) The ones who "seek for glory and honor and immortality" (Ro.2:7).

(g) The ones who "work good" (Ro.2:10).

(3) Jesus sets the sheep at His right hand, the position of honor, glory, acceptance, and favor.

c. The goats represent all unbelievers, those who never professed Christ and those who professed Christ but were not genuine believers. They are...

(1) The "unprofitable servants" (Mt.25:30).

(2) The "wicked and slothful servants" (Mt.25:26).

(3) The "cursed" (Mt.25:41).

(4) The ones who "are contentious" (Ro.2:8).

(5) The ones who "do not obey the truth" (Ro.2:8).

(6) The ones who "obey unrighteousness" (Ro.2:8).

(7) The ones who "do evil" (Ro.2:9).

6. These are the individuals who are living when Christ returns to the earth the reign and rule

a. We however will be judged at the judgment seat of Christ after the rapture

(1) The separation of the sheep and goats will not affect the sheep of this dispensation

(2) Notice I said the sheep of this dispensation

(3) And so, we as individuals must take our lesson and application from this passage

(a) Were we to be in the final judgment

(b) We must be found at the right hand of the Savior

(c) We must have lived as sheep

(d) And we shall examine the lifestyle of the sheep in a moment

7. Take note of this, Christ is now sitting on the throne at the right hand of God.

a. This is the throne of grace

b. He will sit on the throne of judgment

c. There is a difference between the throne of grace and the throne of judgment

(1) We, people, can come to the throne of grace for help, now

(2) But when Christ returns in glory, it will be too late to receive help.

(3) His throne will be a throne of judgment to which there will be no approach apart from judgment.

(a) Now let us examine Matthew 25:34 - 40 and see

B. The judgment of sheep

1. The Judge is the King.

a. And the King gives this invitation “Come, you blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world”

b. The sheep are the blessed, the beloved of God

2. We should see that Jesus invitation to come is an invitation into the presence of God Himself and being privileged to remain there forever.

a. The reward is an inheritance-the inheritance of the Kingdom of God.

b. An inheritance is a gift.

c. It is given because the giver cares enough to give it, and it becomes one's own possession as much as it was the former owner's.

d. The inheritance is a kingdom.

e. It is a place of responsibility and duty, of ruling and reigning, of honor and joy, of wealth and glory.

f. The inheritance or the kingdom had been prepared for the sheep

g. The kingdom had been prepared from the foundation of the world.

(1) It was part of the eternal plan of God

(a) Before Man was created

(b) Before Man sinned and was separated from God

(c) Part of the plan of the creator

3. Now the criteria for judgment will be how they ministered in the world

a. I believe that what is important here is that this is immediately after the seven years of tribulation

(1) Those who are identified as sheep will have ministered in a time of great persecution and depravity

(2) They will have manifested compassion and courage

b. The basis of judgment, the reason the sheep are given the kingdom, is because they ministered to Christ.

(1) The sheep ministered to Christ

(2) That is, what they did was done "for Christ's sake."

(3) They ministered "as believers" in Him.

c. The sheep ministered because they loved their brothers

d. Christ is not disregarding or minimizing the part of faith in salvation.

(1) They shall be judged for both our confession of faith and our works

(2) Note that the works are simple works, some of which anyone can do.

(3) They are expressions of care and love that can serve as the basis of judgment, as the basis for judging anyone.

4. The ministry of these sheep is defined by Christ

a. He shares just what He means by ministering.

b. I want you to make a special note of this, it is these sheep have to ask Jesus what He means, Just look at verses 37 - 39

Matthew 25:37-39 (NKJV)

"Then the righteous will answer Him, saying, 'Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink? {38} 'When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You? {39} 'Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?'

c. Their righteous, compassionate acts of kindness are so instinctive, so natural that they are really unconscious of them

d. The ministry is a humble, instinctive ministry.

(1) It has no thought of reward

(2) Only of helping people in need

(3) The true believer serves Christ because Christ has done so much for him.

(4) It is "the love of Christ" which compels him

(5) Even while he is serving a humble servant knows something...

(a) He is not even worthy to be serving.

(b) He has done, is doing, and will do so little.

(c) He deserves nothing.

(d) He is serving simply because he loves Jesus and the people of the earth.

(e) All he knows and wishes to know is Jesus.

(f) To serve Jesus and to help all those for whom Jesus died is within him instinctively.

5. The ministry is a ministry to the Lord's brothers

a. Many have interpreted this to mean the Jews

b. That the nations will be judged as to their conduct toward the Jews

c. This may be so

d. However, Jesus identifies Himself in this passage as the Son of man

(1) And in this case, I believe that we can rightfully interpret this to say that these people will be judged by their conduct toward their fellow man

(a) Red, brown, yellow, black and white

(b) Men, women, boys and girls

(c) Catholics, Protestants, Baptists, Jews, Shintoists, Buddhists, atheists and everyone else

e. Christ has so identified Himself with men in their pain and suffering that He counts men as one with Himself.

(1) Christ clearly said that if we minister to men

(2) We are ministering to Him personally

(3) He is identified as one with His people

(4) Remember, He accused Saul of actually persecuting Him when Saul was threatening and slaughtering Christians

6. There are several points are clearly pictured in these verses.

a. The rightful position of Christ before the world:

(1) He is the King.

b. The glorious inheritance of the believer.

c. The initial importance of ministry.

7. Think how many lonely of this world become His.

a. How many of the hungry, the thirsty, the strangers, the naked, the sick, the prisoners become His?

8. In Romans 8:18, Paul tells us that no ministry and no amount of suffering on this earth are so lowly that the ministry and suffering will not be worth the glory which shall be revealed in us

Romans 8:18 (NKJV)

For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed in us.

9. There are those who will give huge sums and help enormously if they can be recognized.

10. But such is rooted in selfishness; it is pandering to our ego and desire for recognition and esteem.

11. But with us it should not be so

a. Our giving, our helping, our ministry should be so much a part of us that we, too, would ask, “Lord, when did we see You hungry and feed You, or thirsty and give You drink?

b. When did we see You a stranger and take You in, or naked and clothe You?

c. Or when did we see You sick, or in prison, and come to You?”