Summary: A Casual Disciple of Christ? Jesus teaches us that such a disciple is no disciple.

What do you call these word combinations? “A little pregnant; airline food; plastic silverware; unbiased opinion; fresh dried fruit.” They’re all oxy…morons—expressions that in their superficial, or literal meanings are self-contradictory or absurd. Can you be a “little” pregnant, for example? Airlines rarely serve food anymore and when they do, can you call it “food”? If forks and spoons are made out of plastic, shouldn’t they just be called “plasticware”?

We use oxymorons all the time and don’t usually give much thought to the literal meaning of those phrases. That’s not a big deal when you’re talking about airline food or plastic silverware, but if you should ever hear yourself say or think, “I’m a casual disciple of Christ,” your hair (if you have any) should stand on end. Jesus makes it clear in our sermon text this morning that a casual disciple of his, is no disciple. So don’t be an oxymoron! Listen carefully today to how Jesus describes true discipleship, and with the Holy Spirit’s help, strive to incorporate what you learn into your daily life.

Our text takes place after Jesus’ transfiguration, which was about six months before his death. We’re told that at this time he “resolutely” set out for Jerusalem. Jesus knew what awaited him there, his betrayal, his beating, his burial. But he was determined to see it through—such was his devotion to his Father’s will and to winning our salvation. It’s no wonder Jesus attracted disciples. One such man approached Jesus and said, “I will follow you wherever you go!” But Jesus replied: “Foxes have dens and birds have nests, but the Son of Man has no place to lay his head” (Luke 9:58).

What Jesus was saying to him was “Have you really thought this through? Have you counted the cost of discipleship?” This man had no doubt seen Jesus perform miracles and had heard him preach with authority, but did he realize that Gethsemane and Golgotha were soon to follow, not a relaxing stay at the Grand Hotel in Jerusalem? Casual disciples fail to count the cost.

Brett, I have a confession to make. While I am excited about your baptism and confirmation today, I’m also nervous for you. I’m nervous about everyone who becomes a Christian under my watch because I always wonder, “Have I given the impression that being a Christian is easy? Have I somehow communicated that once you join St. Peter’s, you’re bound to have the best year of your life?” Don’t get me wrong. It’s great to be a Christian. God’s promises will sustain you. His Word will continue to give you insights that you didn’t have before. But don’t think for a moment that the life of a Christian is the life of the couch. It isn’t! It’s the life of the cross. Your faith in Jesus might end up severing friendships you’ve had for years. Why? Because you’re different now. You don’t live for the here and the now. You know that your time, your treasures, and your talents aren’t your own. Your non-Christian friends might not get that, and say things like, “You’re no fun anymore.” So have you counted the cost of discipleship? Are you ready for the challenges it brings?

Jesus wasn’t trying to scare off his would-be follower. Quite the opposite, he was trying to draw him closer so that when the challenges came, that disciple could say, “Yep, it’s just as Jesus said it would be. And I’m glad he thinks I’m worthy to suffer with him. And with his help I can get through this.” And so will you, Brett, no matter what the challenge. But count the cost and be ready for the challenges for they will come.

Our text goes on to say that Jesus called out to another man and urged him to follow. The guy said, “Sure, right after I bury my father.” Jesus came back with another puzzler. He said: “Let the dead bury their own dead, but you go and proclaim the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:60). Wait, what? Was it wrong for this man to bury his father before joining Jesus? I mean how long would that take? The thing is this man spoke as many Middle Easterners still do about taking care of one’s parents until death. In other words he was probably saying, “I’d love to follow you Jesus, but I’ve got my parents to take care of. Once they’re gone, then I’ll follow.” Jesus of course does want us to look after our parents, but from Jesus’ answer it’s clear that this man was using that as an excuse.

Brett, what Jesus is saying to you this morning and to the rest of us who claim to be his disciples is that true disciples know their priorities. Jesus is to come first. Now thankfully you will be marrying a beautiful Christian woman who has been taught this her whole life. So together you can work at making Jesus the priority in your lives. He’s to come before your work and even before your children once they start arriving. So while I’m sure you’ll want to get your kids involved in sports as you were, make sure they learn about Jesus and his promises as well as they learn how to skate backwards! Continue the great tradition you’ve been introduced to of reading the Meditations devotion booklet before supper. Don’t do just do this once in a while, do it every night. Why? Because you’ll get extra credit if you do so? No! Because when you sit down for devotions you’re saying, “Jesus, I’m ready for you to serve me. I’m ready to hear your Word so that I can be assured of forgiveness and so that I am empowered to be patient with that difficult guy at work.” Why would we ever want to be casual about receiving the blessings Jesus has in store for us through his Word? We’re never casual when someone offers us a gift card to a restaurant. We’re excited, and we immediately start planning when we can use it. That’s how genuine disciples are about Jesus and his Word.

There was one more person that Jesus invited to discipleship and this one said, “Sure thing Jesus, just let me say goodbye to my family first.” Surely Jesus would see no harm in that right? But what did the Savior say? “No one who puts a hand to the plow and looks back is fit for service in the kingdom of God” (Luke 9:62). We know that Jesus doesn’t forbid his disciples from interacting with their families. We have a good example of that in our Old Testament lesson. When God called Elisha to serve as a prophet, he did go back to say goodbye to his family. But he also took the plough which he used as a farmer and broke into pieces to feed a fire over which he cooked his oxen. There was no going back for Elisha. But this guy whom Jesus had called? From Jesus’ answer we learn that he wasn’t quite committed to the task of discipleship. Casual disciples today think that following Jesus is something they can do while also pursuing other loves. But that’s like the kid who thinks he can ride his bike safely down the street while looking behind him. How foolish! In no time he’ll crash into a telephone pole or a parked car.

So focus on the task ahead. That’s what Jesus is saying. Or risk becoming like Lot’s wife who turned into a pillar of salt as she fled from the burning cities of Sodom and Gomorrah because she looked back longing at everything she was leaving behind. Brett, I hope that isn’t how you feel about this new-found faith, that it’s keeping you from doing “fun” things. I mean is it really fun to slander your co-workers? Is it fun to abuse alcohol? Is it fun to spend all your income on yourself? It might be fun for a while, but these kind of things only lead to a guilty conscience and a messed up life. There’s a better way to live, and following Jesus offers us that better way. Anyway, our Jesus is so committed to us that we don’t need to lie awake at night worrying about our future. Jesus is on the job!

I suppose the kind of disciple I’ve been describing sounds like a fanatic. But that’s not true, at least not the way the world thinks of a fanatic. And anyway, those aren’t the kind of disciples Jesus wants. Our text brings that out too. What did Jesus say to the disciples James and John when they asked if they should call down fire to destroy a Samaritan village that did not welcome them? He turned to face them and simply said, “No,” before moving on to the next town. True disciples of Jesus are not judgmental towards others. True disciples don’t curse and demean those caught in sin. They reach out to them. They tell them the truth about sin and point to the Savior. They pray for them. They do this because true disciples are acutely aware of their own sin and want everyone to enjoy the forgiveness they have received! So Brett, being a dedicated disciple of Jesus doesn’t mean that you have to start protesting at and against gay pride parades. Demeaning such people, making snide jokes about them and their lifestyle does not reflect the Savior’s heart. Jesus wants all to be saved. And that’s why he was patient with the Samaritans. His patience paid off because when the disciples went out to preach after Pentecost, Samaria was one of the places they were the most successful. Perhaps the very same people who had rejected Jesus on his journey to Jerusalem were also brought to faith. That’s also true of even the crassest co-worker you have. Jesus loves him too and wants him to repent of his sins and be saved. Look for opportunities to share that truth, Brett, as you’ve already been doing.

Of all the oxymorons I shared with you at the beginning of the sermon, which one tickled you the most? I get a kick out the phrase “airline food.” Although it’s been a while since I’ve actually had a meal on a flight, I can still remember the dinners we got on the flights to and from Japan. I dreaded the cooked carrots because they tasted like the plastic tray they came in.

Is that also how God feels when he see his people acting like casual disciples of Christ? How can we ever be casual about our relationship with the one who suffered so much to take our sins away? How can we be casual about the one who has promised to turn every evil into something eternally good for us? No, let’s stop being an oxymoron and pray for the Holy Spirit to work genuine faith in our hearts—a faith that counts the cost of discipleship, that knows and lives Christian priorities, that focuses on the task ahead, and that reflects the heart of the savior towards others. Amen.


Fill in the blanks: An oxymoron is an expression that in its ___________________, or literal meaning is self-contradictory or _________________.

Today’s sermon text is about being a dedicated disciple of Christ. How did our text show that Jesus was dedicated to us?

What does it mean that dedicated disciples “count the cost” of discipleship?

What does it mean that dedicated disciples “know the priorities”?

What does it mean that dedicated disciples “focus on the task ahead”?

What does it mean that dedicated disciples “reflect the heart of the Savior”?