Summary: The seven things God hates.

Series: Seven

Week: 1

Passage: Proverbs 6:16-19

Title: The Eyes

Interesting Statement: “The face is the mirror of the mind, and eyes without speaking confess the secrets of the heart.” Jerome

Introduction: The writer of Proverbs chapter six outlines a “six/seven” pattern of crooked actions – 6 acts the Lord hates, the last one (7) being an abomination. The purpose of this numerical pattern is to bring us to an understanding of what truly gets under the Lord’s skin. While these serve as a warning for us in our striving to honor the Lord, we must remember that whenever a warning is issued, a way to be restored follows as God alone has the ability to save us. Remember what He told Job, “He will deliver you from six troubles; in seven no evil shall touch you.” (Job 5:19). Let’s take a look at the first, the “haughty eyes” (also known as a “proud look”).

#1: The Problem - “Haughty Eyes” (Probers 6:16a)

• Explanation: The actual Hebrew word “haughty” is literally “eyes of loftiness”. Later in Proverbs we learn that there “is a generation who’s eyes are lofty… their eyelids are lifted up.” (Proverbs 30:13). God “hates” this. Some other things we know about those with "eyes elated" (3 Things about Pride)…

o It was the first sin – Pride may be the first mentioned as it was the first sin committed – Once by Satan and then again by Adam. Pride is a principal evil in human nature as it is ourselves claiming that we are greater than God and do not need His help.

o It is an action – The prideful look down on others, categorizing them as unworthy to have any merit or favor. Furthermore “haughty eyes” fail to see that another can receive the same grace offered by God through the death and resurrection of Christ. Because of these actions, God, “resists the proud” (James 4:6).

o It can be seen – The pride of the heart is evident in the eyes or by the looks of a man through traits like rudeness, arrogance, discourtesy and self-importance.

• Illustration: If you go online and ask, “Who was the most prideful person who ever lived?” a young girl answered well. “I met him in college. His name was Brandon. He wasn’t all that.” // Perhaps we’re all Brandon…

• Application: The Bible declares, “Whoever has a haughty look and an arrogant heart I (God) will not endure.” (Psalm 101:5 ESV) “Haughty eyes (a proud heart)… are all sin.” (Proverbs 21:4 NLT) How do I tell if I struggle with pride? Six questions…

1. Do I only see/find only the faults of others? – The prideful fail to see their own faults, looking to the faults of others to feel better about themselves.

i. “Why do you see the speck that is in your brother’s eye, but do not notice the log that is in your own eye?” Matthew 7:3 ESV

ii. “The humble Christian sees so much evil in his own that he is not apt to be very busy with other hearts.” Jonathan Edwards

2. Am I unkind in my Spirit? – The prideful internally speak of others with dislike, annoyance, aggravation and judgment. That internal talk multiplies pride

i. “Take every thought captive to obey Christ” 2 Corinthians 10:5

3. Am I superficial? – Superficial means, “what exists on the surface”. The prideful are care more about others perception than internal struggle. They say, “As long as I look okay (on the surface), I must be okay.”

i. Highly visible accountability (see struggle) breeds deep internal holiness!

4. Am I defensive? – The prideful are knocked off balance and protective when challenged, as self-image is greater than gaining Godliness.

i. If we can defeat defensiveness we will build intimacy (with God).

5. Do I desire attention? – To make a long story short, the prideful seek the glory (or attention) that comes from men, not God.

i. “…they loved human praise more than praise from God.” John 12:43 NIV

6. Do I neglect others? – The prideful look to their own needs, words, and wants than others - passing over the weak, inconvenient, and unattractive.

i. “Don't look out only for your own interests, but take an interest in others, too.” Philippians 2:4

• Perhaps more of us struggle with pride than we thought!

Transition: It’s easy to take that quiz and fail. Instead of simply throwing in the towel, I would suggest approach these shortcomings to begin the journey of ending pride. Ask God to search you as He alone knows the heart and thoughts and can lead us to a way that is everlasting. (Psalm 139:23-24) If the Spirit is identifying these traits then move from diagnosis to remedy. Get the cure for overcoming pride.

#2: The Remedy (Cure) - Humility

• Explanation: The opposite of pride is humility. Paul listed humility as one of three virtues that enhance the Christian’s walk with God (Ephesians 4:2) that, in Greek culture, was thought of as a vice only practiced by slaves. 4 things we know about humility…

o God hears the prayers of the humble – “…if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” (2 Chronicles 7:14 ESV)

o Humility is for our own good and saves us – (of the Israelites in the wilderness, “that he might humble you and test you, to do you good in the end.” Deuteronomy 8:16 ESV) // “You save a humble people…” Psalm 18:27 ESV)

o Humility preserves life and gives wisdom – “The Lord lifts up the humble… (Psalm 147:6) and with humility there is wisdom.” (Proverbs 11:2)

o Humility welcomes the care of God and shows us how to care for others – “The one whom I look upon is the one who is humble, contrite in spirit and trembles at my word… (Isaiah 66:2) looking to the needs and concerns of others.” (Philippians 2:1–11)

• As slaves to righteousness (Romans 6:18) it would do us well to embrace what the world has excluded…

• Illustration: “It was pride that changed angels into devils; it is humility that makes men as angels.” -Augustine

• Application: How can I be humble? A few closing thoughts…

o Submit – The start of humility is submitting (1) to the Lord (Romans 10:9) and (2) His Word (“Every word of God proves true.” Proverbs 30:5) Refusing to submit to the Lord keeps ourselves on the throne, not God.

o Pray – Pray through the six questions revealing pride. Pray the prayer of repentance and ask for restoration/help.

o Outline and Enlist – Outline your shortcomings (not others) and develop a tangible plan (accountability, time in the Word/prayer, etc.) The prideful believe they can do it on their own but the humble have a plan!

• “God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.” (1 Peter 5:5).

o Watch – “Standing on guard,” (1 Corinthians 16:13) means we make sure that we aren’t falling back into our old routines or habits! Daily checking yourselves to see where you’re going in the right direction!

o Serve – Jesus is the definition of humility. “Even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve…” (Mark 10:45)

Conclusion: “Pride makes us artificial and humility makes us real.” -Thomas Merton