Summary: Deborah provides us with a terrific example of courage.

We're looking at the lives of Old Testament believers as we think about characteristics God wants to develop in us. Today, we're thinking about courage. A good, biblical definition of courage would be, "the strength to obey God even when I'm afraid and things are difficult."

Today, we're considering the example of an often overlooked woman from the Old Testament, Deborah. Let's see what we can learn about courage.

1. The need for courage - vs. 1-5

The people of Israel were living in fear of a foe. For 20 years, Sisera, the commander of the army of a Canaanite king, Jabin, had oppressed them. But the time came when God told Deborah that Israel needed to face their fear, challenge their foe, and change their lives for the better. To do this required courage.

We've said in this series that God calls us to stretch ourselves beyond living in the comfort zone to living in the character zone. That's what He was doing with Deborah. Deborah was definitely living in the comfort zone. She lived after Moses, but before the Israelite kings; in a time when each town had a judge - a respected person who would hear the disputes of the people and render judgment. Deborah held court under a palm tree. This was unique because women in those days didn’t have the same rights as men. For her to become a judge and eventually lead the nation, means she was a woman who was greatly respected. So life was good for Deborah. She was in the comfort zone. But God called her to commit herself to stepping out in faith and obedience to the call of God. God issues the same call to us. He does so in two ways.

A. God calls us to face our fears and challenge the foes that keep us in bondage.

There's always something we need to change about our lives on our journey to become more like Jesus; and often those changes involve facing a fear and challenging a foe. What fears might God be calling you to face? What foes might God be calling you to challenge? What changes might God want to make in your life? To commit to stepping out in faith and obedience to face our fears and challenge our foes in order to change our lives requires courage.

Dr. Adrian Rogers, in his wonderful book, "What Every Christian Ought To Know," identifies the three foes of every Christian. They are the world, the flesh, and the devil.

The world is our external foe. The flesh is our internal foe. The devil is our infernal foe. The world attacks our soul. The flesh

attacks our body. The devil attacks our spirit.

In our youth, we're primarily tempted in the realm of the body to commit physical sins that have to do with the appetites of our flesh. Sins having to do with sex, addiction, violence, etc. The flesh preys on our fear of not being accepted.

In middle age, we're primarily tempted in the realm of the soul to commit sins related to self. The world comes at us with all sorts of things to pursue with the promise they will make us feel good about ourselves, like living for money, career, possessions, achievements, awards, etc. The world preys on our fear of failure.

In our old age, we are primarily tempted in the realm of our spirit. The devil comes at us with feelings of loneliness, being forgotten, being disrespected, being irrelevant, being worthless, or being abandoned. The devil preys on our fear of not being loved.

When these foes attack, they seek to hold us captive to fear, like Sisera did the Israelites. At such times, God calls us as He did Deborah, to face our fears, challenge our foes, and change our lives.

B. God calls us to face our fears and challenge the foes that keep others in bondage.

Deborah was to lead the nation to face their fear, challenge their foe and change their lives. Likewise, we are called to encourage believers to walk in the freedom they have in Christ; and to lead those who are without Christ to recognize that God has worked to provide them with salvation and deliverance, by sharing the Good News with them.

Too many of us are hesitant to share Jesus with others because of fear. We let fear of failure, not finding the right words, or rejection, keep us from challenging the evil one's hold on friends, neighbors, co-workers and classmates. We need to face our fears, challenge the foe and share the Good News so other's lives might be changed by the Gospel. Even Paul had to face his fear when it came to sharing the Good News.

"I was unsure of how to go about this, and felt totally inadequate - I was scared to death, if you want the truth of it - and so nothing I said could have impressed you or anyone else. But the Message came through anyway." - 1 Corinthians 2:4-5 (The Message)

"Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong." - 1 Corinthians 16:13 (NIV)

2. The source of courage - vs. 6-7

If courage is, "the strength to obey God even when I'm afraid and things are difficult." What is the source of that strength? Our love

relationship with God.

"There is no fear in love; instead, perfect love drives out fear, because fear involves punishment (fear has its own punishment

or torment). So the one who fears has not reached perfection in love." - 1 John 4:18 (HCSB)

The believer's enemies are all about punishment and tormenting us with fear. But our God is all about teaching us discipline and setting us free by giving us the courage to commit to responding to God's call with faith and obedience. We grow in our love relationship with God by:

A. Relying on His promises - v. 6a

B. Relying on His presence - vs. 6b-7; v. 14a

"Have I not commanded you (promise)? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go (presence)." - Joshua 1:9 (NIV)

We have said that "Courage is the strength to obey God even when I'm afraid and things are difficult." That strength comes from God.

"But those who wait on the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint." - Isaiah 40:31 (NKJV)

"If the Lord be with us, we have no cause of fear. His eye is upon us, His arm over us, His ear open to our prayer – His grace sufficient, His promise unchangeable." - John Newton

3. The results of courage - vs. 8-23

A. Fears are faced - vs. 8-13

"Of whom shall I be afraid? One with God is a majority." - Martin Luther

B. Foes are conquered - vs. 14-16

"Fear knocked at the door. Faith answered. No one was there." - Anonymous

C. Folks are changed - vs. 17-23

Here we find the wife of Heber, who we are told was an associate of Jabin, the king Sisera served, kills the commander by driving a tent peg through his skull. In other words, one who had been in league with Israel's enemy, chose to come to the side of the people of God. One who was an enemy of God had become a friend of God.

This reminds me of a story I have told to folks who need to settle the issue of their salvation. A farmer went to a revival meeting and went forward at the altar call, knelt and gave his life to Jesus. The next day, the devil came by and told him it wasn't real. So that evening, he returned to the revival meeting and made the same decision. Again, the following day, the devil came by and said it didn't count. So again that night, the farmer went to the meeting and again gave his life to Jesus. The next day, the devil came by with the same old "song and dance." But this time, the farmer went into his barn and returned with a hammer and a stake. He knelt down in the devil's presence and surrendered his life to Jesus. Then he drove the stake into the ground and told the devil, "Look there, I've nailed it down. Now get lost." And the devil left him.

Our community is filled with folks who need to know that they can know they are saved and right with God. Folks who need to be set free from the curse of Satan and the bondage of sin through faith in Christ.

But they will only be inspired to turn to Christ through the witness and testimony of the people of God who find the courage to rise above their fears and challenge their foes. Believers who are progressing in their walk with God and becoming more like Christ; and who are rising above their fears of sharing their faith and telling others the Good News about the freedom found in Christ.

Deborah's courage to respond to God's call inspired Barak to find the courage to respond to God's call, which inspired the men of Naphtali and Zebulun to find the courage to respond to God's call, which led to Jael finding the courage to respond to God's call.

Conclusion: Notice verse 15: "At Barak's advance, the Lord routed Sisera." God only moves in response to our commitment to respond to His call with faith and obedience. What is God looking for from you today? What are you waiting on? Look to Him. Trust in His promises and His presence; and find the courage to face your fears, challenge your foes, and see your life and the lives of others changed.