Summary: in order to be a conqueror of your life then God needs to be in control of your life.

CONQUER YOUR NEW YEAR om n oorwinner te wees in hierdie nuwe jaar

So we are in 2017, a New Year, how many of you have started by saying this year I am going to lose weight, go on a diet. Or I am going to stop my bad habit. Question: have you started?

It is natural for us to look back over last year and think what did we accomplish in our lives, work, personal and hopefully spiritual?

How much time did I spend in God’s word?

How consistent was I in my prayer life?

Did I go to church, to worship?

Did my testimony help bring anyone to Jesus?

Did I achieve all I set out to do?

So I ask you all how was your spiritual life last year, was it up to standard. Let us reflect, consider this: what did you see God do? Where you a conqueror (oorwinner) of your life in 2016?

I saw Him restore broken people

I saw people being saved

I saw hope being reborn and the transformation of many lives

I saw God do some things in me and through me and around me, DID YOU?

Now I am not saying that there is a problem with New Year resolutions (if you keep them) or a problem that you were not a conqueror last year, maybe just maybe we need to chance, to face today instead of looking back.

In Isaiah 43:18-19

The Lord says “ Do not remember the past events, pay no attention to the things of old, Look I am about to do something new, even now it is coming, do you not see it?

We need to have a clear view of the year ahead, as it says in

James 4:14

We do not know what tomorrow will bring – what your life will be.

We hear a lot at the moment, that we are living in the end times that Jesus is coming soon, that the end of the world is near. Should we not be living as John the Baptist announcing Jesus as the Messiah who is coming? John’s purpose in life was to introduce the world to the Lamb of God and baptized people in the name of Jesus.

John’s life statement was recorded in John 3:30

He must increase, but I must decrease.

So easy to say and how difficult to live, what does your life statement about your life, now it does not matter what you are, you could be a pastor, a housewife, a lawyer, a motor mechanic, a lazy person, a workaholic; whatever you do or wherever you are headed, YOUR LIFE MAKES A STATEMENT TO THE WORLD however God in His perfect wisdom gave us the choice, allows us to choose the course our life will take. We can choose life, death, right or wrong, good or evil, God or not. But has your choice allowed you to be a conqueror of your life?

Does it include Jesus?

What does it reveal?

Does it show your reason for living?

Turn with me to JOSHUA 6:1-5

Jericho was bolted and barred shut because the people were afraid of the Israelites. No one could enter or leave. The LORD said to Joshua, "I am about to hand Jericho, its king, and its warriors over to you. All the soldiers will march around the city once a day for six days. Seven priests will carry rams' horns ahead of the ark. But on the seventh day you must march around the city seven times while the priests blow their horns. When you hear a long blast on the horn, all the troops must shout very loudly. The wall around the city will collapse. Then the troops must charge straight ahead into the city."


They went around the city once on the second day and returned to the camp. They did this for six days. On the seventh day they got up at dawn. They marched around the city seven times the same way they had done it before. That was the only day they marched around it seven times. When they went around the seventh time, the priests blew their rams' horns. Joshua said to the troops, "Shout, because the LORD has given you the city!


So the troops shouted very loudly when they heard the blast of the rams' horns, and the wall collapsed. The troops charged straight ahead and captured the city. They claimed everything in it for the LORD. With their swords they killed men and women, young and old, as well as cattle, sheep, and donkeys.

Wow, what a great victory, they conquered when they relied on God. Whatever wall blocks you from your victory and freedom, what life circumstance has you up against a wall? What is that big problem that stopped you or that nagging bad habit, emotional, mental, relational, and physical? You do not have to be stuck behind it forever, if the walls of Jericho could fall how can we get our walls to fall? let us look at some points to enable us to become a conqueror.

- Instead of your problem focus on God

When trusting in God your problem does not seem all that large, yes it can overwhelm you, if you allow it too however God is way bigger, way more powerful than your problem. Where is your faith, trust God to lead you through? You all know that song… so high you can’t get over it, so low you can’t get under it, so wide you can’t go around it, you have got to go thru the door. Are we not making our problem something that it does not have to be?

- Trust God’s plan even when it does not make sense

God’s plan for your life is in your best interest but makes no sense to you. Ever wondered why certain people are in your life or you battle certain things in your life, well say yes to whatever God asks you to do and simply follow God, ask for His help to solve problems and remember to listen to the answer.

- Pursue holiness, see the supernatural

Place your relationship with God at the center of your life, pray, read your bible, worship in church. Ask the Holy Spirit to guide you daily to fulfill God’s purpose in your life then you will see the power of God working.

- Fellowship with believers

Help each other, encourage each other, be with people who love God and need Him as well in their lives.

- Keep on walking

Every day go where the spirit leads you, don’t quit, that is too easy. Every step that you take in faith will lead you to victory.

- Be blessed when obeying

Remember when your parents rewarded you when you did something right, or did something extra and got paid for it, how much more will God reward you when you obey Him and in so doing you will grow spiritually to overcome those walls in your life.

- Be joyful

Learn the lessons that come your way as it is God’s way of teaching, of showing you how to break down the walls or how not to allow the walls in the first place. Apply the kingdom principles to your life, praise God no matter what, worship Him at all times.

Are you going to face up to your challenge, your wall, are you going to be a conqueror?

As Joshua showed when we choose to do things God’s way:

Walls crumble

Victory replaces defeat

God’s good future unfolds


The commitment that Joshua calls the people to make is to one God and that still stands today. The Lord calls His people to a total commitment whatever the cost and whatever the outcome.

- Face the challenge

You cannot be a Christian on your terms; it is on God’s terms. Perhaps you’d like to go back to not knowing God and not belonging to Him, is that what you want?

Joshua 24:14-15

"Fear the LORD, and serve him with integrity and faithfulness. Get rid of the gods your ancestors served on the other side of the Euphrates River and in Egypt, and serve only the LORD. But if you don't want to serve the LORD, then choose today whom you will serve. Even if you choose the gods your ancestors served on the other side of the Euphrates or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you live, my family and I will still serve the LORD."

- Make a decision

Is it your decision to raise your family in the knowledge of the Lord, make commitments that will move your family in that direction? Serve, church, worship, pray.

- Throw away your idols

Simply saying ‘I will serve the Lord’ will not save you.

You have to give up on those things that cause problems, surrender them all to God, ask forgiveness, and be positive. It will require inner change, practice and self-discipline, a mind change. You want the blessings of God yet you live as you want to. Instead of seeing the glass half full, see it overflowing with God’s love, grace, joy and peace.

So in order to be a conqueror, start by having an attitude of gratitude.

1 Thessalonians 5:18

Whatever happens, give thanks, because it is God's will in Christ Jesus that you do this.

Spend time with God

Psalm 46.10

Let go of your concerns! Then you will know that I am God. I rule the nations. I rule the earth.

Read your bible

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp for my feet and a light for my path.

Focus on your blessings not your worries

Matthew 5:16

In the same way let your light shine in front of people. Then they will see the good that you do and praise your Father in heaven.


Grumpy will disappear when u smile

Proverbs 15:13

A joyful heart makes a cheerful face, but with heartache comes depression.

So stand up, become your conqueror and remember

Psalm 118:24

This is the day the LORD has made. Let's rejoice and be glad today!


Play Eye of the tiger theme song, loud; get them to be a conqueror.

Let us pray and altar call.