Summary: Jesus is everything we need, look to him for your help, healing, hope, and health.

The Ministry, Message, and Messiah in the Book of Mark Week 15:

"Jesus is our Helper, Healer, and Hope." (Mark 6:53-56)

Crossroads Community Church

Rev. Ricky A. Rohrig Sr., Founding Pastor

Have you ever lost something before? How about your grocery list, you purse or your wallet, maybe your keys, a homework assignment or an important project fro work, maybe even at one time you lost your child momentarily, at to go one step further, maybe in the crazy chaotic world we live in, maybe sometimes it seems like you may be losing your mind. If you are all like me, whenever I lose something it is always at the most inopportune time. What about yourself being physically lost? Being in a strange place, where you’re surroundings are not familiar? Of course us guys never want to admit to that we have ever been lost. If you ride with a guy driving we will just say we are “taking the scenic route.” Funny how the scenic route always tool longer, then when you get there (however long that takes) “the guy” states, see I told you I knew where I was going! I believe women must have come together and said enough is enough, and they created GPS (let’s call it Gals Providing Support) of course that would have never sufficed for us guys so they came up with something that sounds more manly and intellectual, Global Positioning System. Ever wonder guys why GPS is a woman’s voice, starts sweet and if you don’t listen and you get lost they tell you where you made a mistake, and redirect you? Sound familiar, just sayin’!

Hopefully, we can all agree on is being lost is no fun. That we all at times have been, are or will be lost:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

We could use the same to describe being sick:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

And going even one step further we have at one time or another all felt hopeless:

• Physically

• Mentally

• Emotionally

• Spiritually

The amazing thing is as complicated as our problems, burdens, and life becomes, the answer is found in Jesus. I don’t mean knowing about Jesus through someone else, but having a personal relationship with Him!

So today we are going to explore the importance of seeking Jesus for everything you need because Jesus is our Help, Healer, and Hope!

If you have your Bibles our smartphones please go to Mark 6:53-56.

This wraps up the 6th chapter of Mark. Last week we unpacked and answered the question, Are You Fearfully Afraid or Faithfully Focused?

Jesus had just come to the disciples walking on the water in the midst of their storm, physical and spiritual. He has calmed the storm and their spirit as we pick it up today.

Mark 6:53-56

53And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret, and drew to the shore.

54And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him,

55And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.

56And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

We see a common theme continue with then use of the word “And” it was used several time in last week’s passages and every verse today for our foundational passages start with And.

Mark 6:53-56

• And when they had passed over, they came into the land of Gennesaret—from which the lake sometimes takes its name, stretching along its western shore. Capernaum was their landing-place (John 6:24, 25).

o 53 - and drew to the shore —a nautical phrase, nowhere else used in the New Testament, suggesting the boat they were on was a larger vessel and not a dinky row boat

1. Help is on the way

Close your eyes just for a brief moment, think of a time that you felt helplessness, think of a particular time when you had no way of getting out of a situation you were in and were desperate for help. Who is around you, how are you feeling, what is going through your head? Now imagine whatever it is you are imagining, help has arrived, the situation is resolved. Now how do you feel?

o You can open your eyes; this is a similar situation that the crowd must have experienced when they saw Jesus

54 And when they were come out of the ship, straightway they knew him,

• In Mark’s gospel thus far there have been several times that people have witnessed Jesus with the disciples and crowds and performing miracles

• So now imagine if you or you knew someone that needed help and you knew Jesus was the answer wouldn’t you do everything you could to get yourself or your loved one to Jesus?

o You can today, because someone you know you needs Jesus and it is your obligation as their friend, family member, but most of all as a child of God to tell them, introduce them, show them the way to Jesus

• Jesus is our help!

2. The Doctor is In

• When is the last time you or a loved one felt sick? I don’t mean a little sniffle, but really sick enough that you had to go to the doctor?

o Going to the doctor takes time, effort, and sometimes even courage

55 And ran through that whole region round about, and began to carry about in beds those that were sick, where they heard he was.

• Just like when you or your loved one was sick the crowds of people ran to get everyone they could to Jesus

• Just like the woman who had the issue of blood for 12 long years. She had tried every doctor, spent all her money but something happened when she met Jesus?

o How about you today, have you ever been in a bad spot, tight situation, where you were desperate for help? You tried everything and everyone you knew to make it better? Spent money, time, and energy trying to figure it out on your own, when all along the answer was right in front of you, Jesus

• Not form just one scenario, scene, situation, or sin in their life, but from EVERYTHING in their life.

o The doctor may (the key word is may) be able to heal you from somethings, but Jesus can cure you from ANYTHING!

3. Find Hope in Jesus

56 And whithersoever he entered, into villages, or cities, or country, they laid the sick in the streets, and besought him that they might touch if it were but the border of his garment: and as many as touched him were made whole.

The border of His garment. “Border” is kraspedon (??asped??) “the fringe of a garment, a little appendage hanging down from the edge of the mantle or cloak.” The Jews had such appendages attached to their mantles to remind them of the law, many times blue. Scholars believe that there was a healing power in these tassles that Jesus had, which would have been four of them. The word “garment” is himation (?µat???) “the upper or outer garment, the cloak or mantle thrown over the tunic, the undergarment.”

• Do you notice that Jesus isn’t like man, He isn’t selective, rather He is inclusive, EVERYONE that touched Him was made whole

Practical application

I know life can be challenging to say the least. We are busy people you have obligations, demands, schedules, things you need to get done, places you need to go, people you need to see. But sometimes out of the blue life happens and what do you do when:

• The school calls about your child acting up

• You get in trouble or fired from your job

• Your loved gets diagnosed with cancer

• Your spouse says they don’t love you no more

• There’s more bills than money to pay them

• A friend goes to jail

As we come to our Moment of decision let me ask you a few questions as the Holy Spirit continues to minister to your heart and soul today:

• What do you need help with or from today?

• What area(s) of your life do you need healing from, physically, mentally, emotionally, financially or spiritually?

What do you do when life happens?

o Jesus offers the same to you, me, and everyone today right now. Jesus can make you whole from whatever the situation, no matter where we are at in life, no matter how bad it hurts, how far you’ve fallen from Jesus, or how helpless you feel, unhealthy, or hopeless

o Jesus can fix you right now today because He is our Helper, Healer, and our Hope

• If you are struggling today and need help, health, or hope I encourage you to come down today for prayer

• If you need to be all in for Jesus like never before

• If you need to decide that you need to get back to where you once were in your relationship with Jesus or

• Need to be baptized by immersion

I encourage you to come down today after I pray and our final song selection, Just a Closer Walk With Thee