Summary: Receiving the power of the Holy Spirit is what empowers us to be witnesses to Jesus Christ in this world.

Have you ever seen the power of the wind?

Jesus tried to explain to Nicodemus about the Holy Spirit. “Born again? ~ Wind?”

Nicodemus was even more confused after talking with Jesus than before.

He had seen evidence that Jesus was from God, but still didn’t understand what He was saying.

He couldn’t grasp what Jesus was saying about the wind and how it related to the Holy Spirit.

The Holy Spirit can never be fully grasped nor fully explained.

There are certain truths we know concerning the Holy Spirit as found in scripture:

The Holy Spirit is a person. – Jesus never refers to the Holy Spirit as it. (John 16:7-8)

The Holy Spirit is eternal. – The Holy Spirit was present at the creation of the earth. (Genesis 1:1-2)

The Holy Spirit is all-powerful and omnipresent. – We literally can’t get away from Him. (Psalm 139:7-8)

That night, Jesus was explaining the only way to have eternal life is through the invisible Spirit of God.

Let’s look at a couple of examples of the life giving power of the breath of God:

(Genesis 2:7) It was the breath of God that gave man life.

It’s the same with us. We are spiritually dead until God breathes new life into us.

When we are born again, God breathes His Spirit into us – We receive a new spiritual life!

Born again – Reborn – Born of the spirit – Born from above

We are given the Breath of life…Spiritual life. God uses us for His results.

Jesus prepared His disciples for the coming power of the Holy Spirit.

(John 20:22) Then he breathed on them and said, “Receive the Holy Spirit.”

The Holy Spirit fills us and empowers to be witnesses to Christ in the world.

When we are obedient and act in great faith, miraculous things will happen. (Ezekiel 37:1-14)

We are to be Ezekiels of today so the dry bones this world will have new life.

We are to profess the word of Christ & leave the work of conviction and conversion to the Holy Spirit.

In order for us to remain strong in our faith and never tire doing good, we need to be refreshed.

We all need the refreshing breath of the Holy Spirit.

Breathe on Me written by B.B. McKinney:

Holy Spirit, breathe on me, until my heart is clean;

Let sunshine fill its inmost part, with not a cloud between

Breathe on me, breathe on me, Holy Spirit breathe on me;

Take Thou my heart, cleanse every part, Holy Spirit breathe on me.

Are you breathing in the life that God has given you?

Breathe in – Open your heart today and inhale the power of the Holy Spirit.

Breathe out – Share the love of Christ with others with the power of the Holy Spirit.