Summary: A message on the reason God gave the 6th Commandment as well as the difference between killing and murder

You Shall Not Murder

CCCAG July 2nd, 2017

Scripture-Exodus 20:13

Today we will be delving into the 6th Commandment.

There are some general rules of homiletics (The art of sermon preparation and delivery) and one of the most important is to craft an introduction that draws your audience into the subject matter.

Today’s topic is too heavy to treat with a formulaic way of presenting a topic.

The word murder immediately gives even most atheists a visceral reaction. You just feel that sinking feeling in your gut.

It’s that sense of dread and foreboding, and evil that stabs at our consciousness and shoots fear into our hearts.

So I’m going to begin todays message with a pop quiz. Call out the names if you know them-

From the years 1900 to 1999, which 3 world leaders were responsible for the most deaths, and arguably the most murders?

Note- these numbers are from killing their own people or people they conquered

1. Mao- 75 Million

2. Joseph Stalin- 62 Million (1 death a tragedy, a million a statistic)

3. Adolf Hitler- 20 Million

Three world leaders are respond for 157 Million deaths or murder in the 20th Century.

That pales however to the greatest cause of murder of the 20th century into modern day.

Elective Abortion, which is defined as using abortion as birth control. This does not count danger to the mother, rape, or incest (By the way, those three reasons make up less than 5% of all abortions worldwide)

Elective abortion worldwide has murdered 1-2 Billion people since the 1960’s. Over 1 Billion is a hard fact but the number is so variable because in the 3rd world they don’t track health statistics very reliably.

God’s command is very simple. Only 4 words, with little ambiguity-

Exodus 20:13

13 “You shall not murder.


Big idea-

Today we begin to study the “Shall Nots” that apply to how we treat each other, and how civilized society is to act.

The shall nots become even more powerful when you consider the truth that they are trying to protect, and in the case of the 6th commandment- it is the right to life.

The 6th commandment is meant to give us the freedom to exist without fear of someone harming you or yours for selfish reasons.

Today we are going to dive in and explore this idea from it’s biblical, moral, and philosophical standpoints, and why it’s so important that God put this command in His Big Ten commands for us.

First lets look at the biblical or theological truths connected with this idea of “You shall not murder”

I. Theology

A. Define terms-Killing Versus Murder

Many of you here learned the bible in the King James translation. The King James was written in 1611, and is a beautiful and pretty accurate translation of the Holy Scriptures.

However, the English Language has changed significantly in the last 406 years. The KJV translates this verse as “Thou Shalt Not Kill”.

So what does the bible really mean in this commandment? Does that mean all killing is forbidden?

The Hebrew word used for the termination of life in this verse is “ratsach”. Ratsach is rarely used in the bible, and was always intended to convey a premediated, hate filled termination of life- in other words, Murder.

The Hebrew language also has other words for the termination of life that convey the idea of simply killing, and even manslaughter.

By giving us this command, God is not forbidding all killing.

Human beings need to kill in order to eat, whether it’s plant or animal. We kill animal predators that would harm us or our loved ones.

Just north of here in Coral City there have been several sightings of a large black bear. If this bear decide to jump in your swimming pool with your children, you will probably want do decisively deal with that situation, preferably with a few 12 gauge slug.

We eradicate insects or vermin that carry disease.

So this law like any other law, we need to look at it from God’s perspective, as God’s word and His law are direct reflections of HIS character and holiness.

When we the apply the bible’s laws to our beliefs and lives, we do it uniformly and not in small pieces.

Let’s bring this back to how we deal with each other as human beings-

IF God is against all killing of human beings, then HE broke His own law to free Israel from captivity in the death of the 1st born in Egypt. Furthermore, if God is against all killing, then He again breaks His own law when He orders Israel to enter the promised land and kill men, women, children.

So this command cannot be a universal prohibition against all killing of human beings as God cannot order someone to do something against HIS own character.

We will dig further into this idea of when it’s okay to take human life in few minutes, but first we need to establish why murder is bad in God’s eyes-

B. Why is it bad- Image of God

There is a theological term called Imago Dei (IM-a-go). It’s Latin for Image of God. It comes from Genesis chapter 1

Genesis 1:27

So God created mankind in his own image,

in the image of God he created them;

male and female he created them.

The image of God is understood to mean several things-

1. We hold a special place in creation that is different from all other physical beings on this planet.

2. Human beings were created with higher abilities of reason, creativity, and self-awareness than all others in the animal kingdom. Job 32:28- “Spirit within a man, the breath of the Almighty that Gives Him understanding”

3. Human beings have a God-Consciousness and the sense of right and wrong that doesn’t exist elsewhere in God’s creation. Solomon in Ecclesiastes says “God has put eternity in the hearts of man”

4. Since human beings have imago dei- their lives, particularly innocent lives, are precious in God’s site, and therefore must be protected. That is the first reason behind the why of the commandment not to murder.

C. 2nd reason-Murder Violates God’s sovereignty

Just briefly on this- God is the author of life. He has placed all of us here, and murder is humanity’s way of saying we know better than God, and this person or people group needs to get out of my way so I can have a better life.

By the way- I mentioned people group. We all recoil at the name of Adolf Hitler for being responsible for the murder of 20 million people.

Europeans Americans in the 17-1800’s murdered over 20 million Native Americans when they came to the America. That should change how we view them today.

Question- what was the second sin recorded in the bible?

Murder. Cain and Abel. That brings us to our next theological point-

D. Satan is the originator of murder. (Explain satan if time)

Jesus in confronting religious leaders who were plotting to kill Him-

John 8:44 You are of your father the devil, and your will is to do your father's desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, and does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks out of his own character, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

Satan loves murder, because murder destroys Imago dei with us.

Is it any wonder why he is the person behind the murderous practice of elective abortion? That is not a political statement- that’s a biblical statement and a God truth.

Gospel forgives abortion.

Those are the theological and biblical truths on murder, now let’s differentiate between that and killing.

II. When is taking the life of another human being necessary or permissible

I framed this point very specifically, and let me explain it a little-

I have a concealed carry permit. When I’m outside of town and not at work at the hospital, I generally have a pistol on my hip. I hope and pray that it never leaves its holster except to poke holes in paper, but I also know that if I see an act of evil that would threaten the lives of others, I would need to have a tool to respond to stop that evil.

Part of the training you have to through to take that class is something called the use of force continuum- basically when you can shoot. I used to have an instructor come in and have these at our old church, and I remember someone asked the instructor, “So just tell me this- when do I get to shoot somebody?”

The instructor immediately said “That is the wrong question, and if you being serious in asking it, I’d deeply reconsider your decision in carrying a firearm. The right question is- ‘When do I have to shoot’ or ‘By me not pulling the trigger, will more harm come to me or someone I love’”

That idea is why I framed this part of this message the way I did- when is taking life necessary or permissible

Biblically speaking, God gives allowances for governments or individuals to take life.

A few situations we will look at very briefly as any of these deserve a sermon or sermon series to completely explain-

A. Just, or justifiable war-

This is a hotly debated topic in Christian circles with the war on Terror since Sept 11th 2001 as to what constitutes a just war. Most people refer back to the great Christian theologian St Augustine when discussing this. These are some of Augustine’s criteria-

1. Self-defense or defending otherwise innocent life against an immediate threat

Immediate threat means eminent invasion or an invasion that is occurring- not just the threat.

2. No deliberate targeting of non-combatants

We understand civilians will always be casualties of war, but they are not to be used as human shields or deliberately targeted.

3. Proportional response

We can’t nuke someone for attacking a single ship (USS Cole). That’s like shooting a kid who walks on your lawn.

4. Rapid conclusion

If war is necessary, it should be fought as to achieve victory as quickly as possible so as many lives as possible might be saved.

5. Winnable

We should not go to war if we have no chance at winning. For example, when we blockaded Cuba in the early 60’s to keep the Soviet Union from establishing ICBM’s there, it would have been disastrous for Cuba to declare war on us as we could have carpet bombed them into oblivion.

In America, we have added the mostly political criteria of- establishing justice, freedom, or American ideals to an area plagued by oppression, particularly if it affects our prosperity. I say these are political criterion because, we have been pretty selective in using it. (The whole African continent for example).

So war, under certain criteria is justified in God’s sight, but should always be the last resort.

Second reason for taking human life is-

B. Capital Punishment

This is another hotly debated topic. Many Christians think that since human justice is flawed, we should never put someone to death for any crime because we could mess up and kill an innocent person.

Has that happened, yes. Some estimates say 4% of people executed in the USA have been innocent of the crime that they were convicted.

The bible never allowed the death penalty in any cases unless there were at least 2 witnesses to the crime. Old Testament law allowed for the death penalty in the cases of (just a few)-

Premediated murder



Blasphemy against God

Son’s disobedience to His Father. I’m glad we didn’t follow that because I’d have never made it to my teenage years.

Today, the death penalty varies for from state to state. Wisconsin does not have a death penalty, but as the law stands now the only way to execute in this state is by public hanging.

On the Federal level-

1st/2nd degree murder or conspiracy to commit either

Terrorism causing death

Kidnapping causing death

Rape, Sexual abuse/ or the sexual exploitation of minor causing great physical harm or death.

Treason or Espionage

Some would say, “You are just going all old testament with this and everything change in the New Testament”. I disagree-

In Roman’s 13, the Apostle Paul says that God has established human government and given it the responsibility to punish crimes. He furthermore says that human government bears a sword to punish evil doers. You don’t give a spanking with a sword. You don’t build a jail with a sword. You kill people with swords- so biblically speaking human government has the divine right to execute justice in taking human life under very specific circumstances as long as it is just in it’s application.

Is in infallible? No- it’s human. Nothing human can ever be infallible. But it is prescribed by God.

Another just reason for taking another life is

C. Self Defense

Again, another controversial topic, but one that is spoken about in the bible, and in the New Testament by Jesus Himself.

First, let’s define the term- for our purposes this morning self defense means fighting back against an immediate threat to your life or the life of someone else.

Jesus HIMself allowed for this when told his disciples in Luke 22 to buy a sword for their personal protection. Jesus was NOT advocating violence for spreading the Gospel, but giving His followers a limited permission to defend themselves against sudden attacks that might occur by bandits while they were traveling from one town to another.

I say limited because if you are on a street corner preaching the gospel and some comes up and punches you- you don’t get to pull out a gun and shoot them. However, if you are at a store and someone comes in and shoots up the place, you are allowed and I’d even say (at least for myself) obligated to try and intervene to save more lives.

I’ll end this part of the sermon by giving a quote by Edmund Burke. This sums up our rationale for just war, capital punishment, and self defense-

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

Let’s finish our time here this morning with looking at Jesus’ teaching on murder-

III. Jesus on Murder

Earlier in the sermon we read a scripture that showed Jesus identifying satan as the author of all murders.

Jesus also clarified the commandment in Matthew 5

Mat 5:21 “You have heard that it was said to those of old, ‘You shall not murder; and whoever murders will be liable to judgment.’

Mat 5:22 But I say to you that everyone who is angry with his brother will be liable to judgment; whoever insults his brother will be liable to the council; and whoever says, ‘You fool!’ will be liable to the hell of fire.

Jesus takes the 6th commandment that was intended to help govern a nation, right down to its application for us as individuals.

What causes most murders? What is the root emotion (allow for answers if time)

I would say it’s pride.

Rage starts with pride.

Jealousy starts with pride.

Most anger starts with pride.

Unforgiveness is pride in practice.

Gossip is pride metatizing like cancer

That’s why Jesus said in the beatitudes (beautiful attitudes) that even anger can lead you to hell. Hardness of heart and unforgiveness are the roots of murder in most cases.

We look at our inner cities like Milwaukee, Detroit, or Chicago (called Chi-raque) by it’s citizens and see the murders, and most of the murders are over pride- pride in gang affiliation, protecting turf, or being disrespected.

We can murder with a knife or gun, or we can murder with our words.

There is a story in the news about Michelle Carter. Michelle Carter is accused of convincing her boyfriend through a series of text messages to kill himself, which he eventually did. He sat in a car that was running inside a garage to die of carbon monoxide poisioning. At one point he changed his mind and started to leave the car and she told him to get back in and finish the job.

The reason she did it? Prosecutors of the case said it’s because she wanted the attention of being the grieving girlfriend.

She assisted her boyfriend in murdering himself for attention.

Murder is a reality in our day and age, but may the seed of it never be found or allowed to root inside any of our hearts.


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