Summary: Part 5 of our 1 Samuel series- getting what we want even when it is not good for us

Real people- Real problems

A study of 1 Samuel

Part 5

“Needful things”

Today as we continue with our study of 1 Samuel called Real People – Real problems

We are going to address a common problem in the world today

Needs vs. wants

But more specifically

Wants that we get ----That are not good for us

I am going to us two illustrations this morning

Neither of them are religious in nature

And to quite honest

Most pastors would run from them like nest full of yelowjackets

First is a song from the Rolling Stones

----Called------ you can’t always get what you want-----

In this song

The band sings

You can’t always get what you want

But you get what you need

In a spiritual way

This song hits the nail on the head

God promises to give us what we need

Remember from our study of Philippians

Philippians 4:19 parphase

“God will provide for you needs according to his glorious riches”

We have learned that God will provide for our needs

What do we need?

Redemption- God provided that through his son Jesus




I could go on and on

God promises us these things when we accept Jesus as savior

And when we pour ourselves out before him as we saw last week from Samuel

And when we give our bodies as a living sacrifice as Paul taught in Romans

But never promises to give us what we want


Sometimes we do get what we want

Even when it is not good for us

I want to use an illustration here that is extremely out of the park on church illustrations


I do believe that God can and will use everything at his disposal to get his message out

And I as your Pastor have vowed to preach his message using whatever it takes to get the message out in a way that is understandable


Hang on tight

If you are going to write a note about my use of worldly things in my sermons

Please sign it, I don’t and won’t address anonymous notes

Novel writer Stephen King- I know I never thought that name would come up in a sermon

Wrote a book titled “Needful things”

In his book

A shop is opened in a small town

It is a kind of antique shop

The proprietor we learn later is Old Slick himself

And in his shop

He offers people things that they want

Or feel they need

But he skews their vision

In order to make those things attractive to only them

And they must give up something in order to get them

Everyone else can see that what they are setting their hearts on

Are not only nasty and ratty

They can see that they not good for them

But in some cases lead to destruction

We face similar wants in our lives as well


God promises to give us our needs

And sometimes he gives us our wants to bless us


Sometimes he gives us our wants even when they are not good for us

We will look at some of the reasons later in the sermon

But for now

Please open your bibles to 1 Samuel Chapter 8

While you are turning their let me once again recap a bit

Last week we saw how Samuel gave the people instructions on knowing God better

He told them to get rid of their little “g” gods

Gather together and pray

Pour theriselves out before the Lord

This means give their all to him

Fast- give up something for a period to get closer to God

And to confess their sins

The advice of Samuel to the people was sound advice

And they experienced a time of restored relationship with God

As a result

Chapter 7 ends saying

That Samuel was made Judge over Israel for the rest of his days

Eventually Samuel got old as we all will if we live long enough

And he allowed his sons

Joel and Abi-jah to pick up some of his slack

And they were a lot like Hophni and Phinneous

Eli’s wicked sons from our earlier study

And so now the people once again started looking over the fence at what they thought were greener pastures

1 Samuel 8:1-22

“As Samuel grew old, he appointed his sons to be judges over Israel. Joel and Abi-jah, his oldest sons, held court in Beersheba. But they were not like their father, for they were greedy for money. They accepted bribes and perverted justice.

Finally all the elders of Israel met at Ramah to discuss the matter with Samuel.

“Look” they told him, “you are now old, and your sons are not like you. Give us a king to judge us like all the other nations have

Samuel was displeased with their request and went to the Lord for guidance. “Do everything they say to you,” the Lord replied” For they are rejecting me, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer. Ever since I brought them out from Egypt they have continually abandoned me and followed other gods. And now they are giving you the same treatment. Do as they ask, but solemnly warn them about the way a king will reign over them”

“So Samuel passed on the lord’s warning to the people who were asking for a king. This is how a king will reign over you, Samuel said.” The king will draft your sons and assign them to his chariots and his charioteers, making them run before his chariots. Some will be generals and captains in his army, some will be forced to plow in his fields and harvest his crops, and some will make his weapons and chariot equipment. The king will take your daughters from you and force them to cook and bake and make perfumes for him. He will take away the best of your fields and vineyards and olive groves and give them to his officials. He will take a tenth of your grain and your grape harvest and distribute it among his officers and attendants. He will take your male and female slaves and demand the finest of your cattle and donkeys for his own use. He will demand a tenth of your flocks, and you will be his slaves. When the day comes, you will beg for relief from this king you are demanding, but the Lord will not help you.

But the people refused to listen to Samuels warning. “Even so, we still want a king. “They said. We want to be like the nations around us. Our king will judge us and lead us into battle.

So Samuel repeated to the Lord what the people had said, and the Lord replied,” Do as they say, and give them a king.” Then Samuel agreed and sent the people home

Israel was repeating their prior mistakes

They were turning away from the God who created them

The God who loved them

The God who delivered them from captivity

The God who fed them, protected them and provided water in the dessert

They looked out and saw the rest of the world

And they thought the grass was greener on the other side of the fence

So God said ok- alright

You ain’t going like it

But if you insist

Here you go

You can have what you want

Reminds me of the movie Hondo where John Wayne tells the kid in the movie that he should not pet his dog

Latter the kid tries and the dog does what the dog does and tried to bite him

Momma said why you didn’t stop him

And Old Duke says people do what they want and this is how they learn

This goes back to the needful things story

We can see that this was a bad plan

History and scripture showed this to be a bad plan

But the people had a skewed vision of what they wanted

And they would not be deterred

So they got what they wanted even though it was not good for them

I said we would look at some of the reasons that God allows us to have the needful things in our lives


He will not force us to love him

He will not force us to obey him

He wants us to give him obedience as a sacrifice

He wants us to put him first in our lives and in our thoughts

But the key is – He wants us to—

When we choose things other than God

He will allow those things

--- Sometimes to get our attention—

Pop a knot in our tails as we like to say at cowboy church

He will Let us know the grass is not greener over there

But is lush in his pasture

I want to say he will allow us to get the bad things to punish us

But in reality we are punishing ourselves

By choosing the lesser things over the better things

He is simply allowing us to do so

Some say God is tempting them or testing them

Temptations come from our own evil hearts

James 1:12-15

“God blesses those who patiently endure testing and temptation. Afterward they will receive the crown of life that God has promised to those who love him. And remember when you are being tempted do not say, “God is tempting me.” God is never tempted to do wrong, and he never tempts anyone else. Temptation comes from our own desires which entice us and drag us away. These desires give birth to sinful actions. And when sin is allowed to grow, it gives birth to death.

And Satan simply uses the bait we give him to tempt us

As far as testing

Yes I do believe our faith is tested on a regular basis

And I do believe God wants us to be sold out for him

And I do believe He tests us in order to grow us

And this is a positive thing

I told you about testing welds some time back in another sermon

Things are tested to assured that they will stand up to the pressure


We see that God will allow us to have things that are not good for us

Just as he allowed Israel to have a king

For several reasons

So let’s look at some of the things we allow to become king over our lives and take the place of God Let’s start out with some obvious ones and work backwards down the list


I know the image comes to mind of someone passed out drunk or having a needle sticking in their arm when we mention addictions

But there are many- Many ---Types of addictions

And be they drugs- booze- sex-porn or whatever

They all follow the same model

Addictions put God 1-2-3-4-5-6- rungs lower on the ladder that he should be

He should be on top


We let our addictions lower him

We allow our addictions to become king- ruler of our lives

And they make a horrible king

Listen the obvious are drugs - booze and sex and porn

But bitterness, anger – old hurts and hang-ups can be an addiction

You can hold on so tightly to old hurts, anger and wrongs that they become king

Greed can be an addiction

Envy can be an addiction

Lust can be an addiction

Laziness can be an addiction

Even our jobs – hobbies and relationships can be addictions

Whatever we put before God

Whatever we choose as king in our life can be an addiction


The mechanics are the same whether you are addicted to dope or anger

To lust or laziness

We obsess over the things we are addicted to

And they become our king

Our ruler

They rule our thoughts and actions

They can and often do take our families

Take our money

Our welfare

Our health

Our sanity

Our very lives if we let them’

Remember God wants to provide our needs according to his riches

But we choose our wants according to our own desires instead

Let’s talk about desires

-----Selfish desires----

Many people want to be recognized as Christians

Even identify themselves as Christians

But they have something other than God as their king

Jobs can easily become king of your life

I know we are called to make a living

God knows we are called to make a living’ in fact he says in his word repeatedly not to be lazy and those who don’t work should not expect to eat

But I am talking about

Placing work as the lord of your life

Do your thoughts continually go to your job or your business?

Can you turn off the work mode and rest – relax- sit on the porch and kick a pig every now and again?

Do you or can you spend time with God

Can you or do you come to church- spend time with family and friends?

If the answer to any or all of these is no

Work may be your king

And God will allow it

But he won’t like it

And you won’t find what you are looking for

Once again hobbies

Can become king- at one time in my life fishing was the lord of my life

And no matter how many fish I caught

No matter how many trips I went on

And no matter how much money I spent on tackle and rods and boats and the like

Nothing could fill the hole in my heart that was shaped and could only be filled by Jesus

I could go on and in about the things that can become king in our lives

But I really what to get to another point this morning

--- God will allow us to have a king other than him----

We have already seen that

And those kings can cost us more than we really want to pay

What can they cost us you may ask?

Our relationship with God- not salvation

If you have it – you have it

But our intimacy – our closeness with God

They can cost us our freedom

We can become so into whatever we make king in our lives that we give up the very freedom that God gave Jesus to buy for us

We allow ourselves to be made slaves

----We give up our families------

How you may ask

By letting them see something other than God almighty as the king of our lives

Our Children and grandchildren learn by example

When they see you and I worshipping – and yes I mean worshipping

Something other than God

That is their normal

And unless someone cares enough for them to help them change direction

Unless the Holy Spirit intervenes

They are prone to follow in your foot steps

So if this has not already been personal enough

Let’s make this real personal this morning

For all of us

What are some of the things that God will allow?

Even things that go against his word

How about sexual immorality

God’s word is very clear on this subject

The world is less clear

So let’s look at the clarity of God’s word

Any sex outside of marriage is sexual immorality

Hetero or homosexual sex

Lust of the flesh we call this

Lust of the eyes is also sexual immorality

Porn- TV --movies- magazines—etc

Lust of the mind is also sexual immorality

Illicit thoughts


Erotic literature


God will allow you to do as you please

We have already seen this

But he will not bless those actions

He wants to be your King

And he will not play second fiddle

You may be asking

What exactly do you mean preacher

Well I am glad you asked

Living together as a married couple while remaining unmarried is called fornication

So is premarital sex--So is making out in the back seat of the car


Sex outside of marriage

By this I mean

If one or both of the people is married to someone else- even if you are not living together

Is called adultery

Same sex relationship is unnatural and is actually an abomination according to God’s word

And marriage is one man and one woman

No matter what the world or the Supreme Court claim

God will allow you to be involved in any of these if that is what you want to do

But there will be consequences

Some of the consequences are a distancing from God

We can’t live in blatant disobedience and expect his blessings

And we can’t look someone in the face when we have guilt and shame

Our relationship with God is no different

More consequences are

Unplanned pregnancy





A degrading of your image and self worth

And worse a hardening of heart against the God who loves you and created you

And wants to be your king

Listen I don’t want to camp out on sexual immorality

God will allow you to gossip and slander each other

He will allow back biting

He will allow us to use malicious words, hurtful words

And these can become your king

I will say this

When you gossip and tear others down

What you are showing is that you are not a person of integrity

What you are showing is that you can’t be trusted as a friend or confidant

I will go ahead and say what you are showing is your stupidity

And I will mash a bit harder by saying

That if the love of Jesus is in you

You are doing a great job of suppressing it

God’s word says build each other up

Love your neighbor

Not tear them down and talk about them behind their backs

God will allow it

But he won’t ever bless it

God will allow you to steal

The Holy Spirit will convict you if you have him in your heart

But you can go ahead if you want

Lying-we all know people who would rather tell a lie than the truth

His word teaches differently and when he is truly your king you will have no desire to do it

But go ahead – he will allow it

Placing anything before God

God will allow it

You can have a king if you want one

God wants it to be him

But you can choose another

And that king

Whoever or whatever it is

Will cause a loss of intimacy with the Living King


We will never find what we are looking for apart from the true king

The people of Israel cried out for a king

They bowed down to peer pressure wanting to be like their neighbors

The rest of the world

God wanted them to be different

They wanted to be united with the rest of the world in deed and appearance

What they needed was unified faith in God

Not a uniformed rule by the world

Having a king other than God let the people quickly forget about the true King of Kings and his rules

Bad choice

As we will see in the studies to come

Their decision had disastrous consequences for the people

Had the Israelites submitted to God’s leadership

They would have flourished

So will we if we surrender to his Lordship

We need faith in God alone

We need his guidance in our lives



Minuet by minuet

We can choose the worldly kings

All the kings we have discussed and many more that we did not

We can do that ---Just like Israel did

God will allow it

But we will suffer very similar consequences

If we want to thrive in this world

If we want to have the good things he has planned for us

If we want a close- personal relationship with God through our Lord Jesus

He and he alone must be our King

He and he alone must be our ruler

He and he alone must be our God

Because he and he alone can provide what we need

The world will only take from you

As will any other King’

But God gave what he loved most for you

In spite of you

I think that qualifies him as King

I think that qualifies him As Lord

I think that qualifies him as master

Who are you serving-?

Who or what is your king?

Let me close once again with our Camp verse

Philippians 1:21

“For me to live is to live for Christ and dying is even better”

Close from the heart
