Summary: Even the most tragic effect of catastrophe can be avoided or minimized by proper preparation. But the sad thing in life is that many people can only realize the importance of preparation when it is already too late.


Even the most tragic effect of catastrophe can be avoided or minimized by proper preparation. But the sad thing in life is that many people can only realize the importance of preparation when it is already too late.

Delaying is a problem of almost everybody. Here is the related story that I read few days ago.

The Shoe Repair Ticket:

Arnold was cleaning out the attic with his wife when he came across a claim ticket from the local shoe repair shop. The date stamped on the ticket showed it was over eleven years old. He asked his wife, "Do you think the shoes will still be in the shop?"

"Not likely," his wife said. “But it's worth a try."

Arnold drove to the shoe repair shop and, with a straight face, handed the ticket to the man behind the counter. The man looked at the ticket and said, “Just a minute. I'll have to go look for these." He disappeared to the back of the shop.

Two minutes later, the man called out, "Here they are!"

"No kidding?" Arnold called back. "That's terrific! Who would have thought they'd still be here after all this time."

The man came back to the counter and said, “They'll be ready on Thursday."

It’s time to read our Sermon Text today.

BIBLE READING: Matthew 25:1-13

Mat 25:1 Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.

Mat 25:2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.

Mat 25:3 For when the foolish ones took their lamps, they took no oil with them.

Mat 25:4 But the wise ones took oil in jars along with their lamps.

Mat 25:5 “Now while the bridegroom was taking a long time, they all got drowsy and started falling asleep.

Mat 25:6 But in the middle of the night there was a shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

Mat 25:7 Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps.

Mat 25:8 Now the foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, since our lamps are going out.’

Mat 25:9 But the wise ones replied, ‘No, there won’t be enough for us and for you. Instead, go to those who sell, and buy some for yourselves.’

Mat 25:10 “But while they were going off to buy, the bridegroom came. And those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.

Mat 25:11 Now later, the other virgins came, saying, ‘Sir, Sir, open up for us!’

Mat 25:12 “But he replied, ‘Amen, I tell you, I do not know you.’

Mat 25:13 Therefore stay alert, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”


Now, it’s time to study these portions of scripture pieces by pieces

Mat 25:1 Then the kingdom of heaven will be like ten virgins who took their lamps and went out to meet the bridegroom.


What do you think is the significance of the lamps carried by the ten virgins before they meet the bridegroom?

All of the Virgins are carrying their own lamps. These lamps symbolize the gospel that enlightened everyone. It is imperative that a person waiting for the coming of Jesus should be enlightened first by the gospel of our Lord who is the Light of the World. The Word of God which is the lamp of our feet and the light of our path will give us the right to meet our Savior.

Abraham stood on this truth even on his life after death. He is talking with the Richman who died with the poor man Lazarus:

27 So the rich man said, ‘Then, father [Abraham], I beg you to send Lazarus to my father’s house—28 for I have five brothers—in order that he may solemnly warn them and witness to them, so that they too will not come to this place of torment.’ 29 But Abraham said, ‘They have [the Scriptures given by]Moses and the [writings of the] Prophets; let them listen to them.’(Luke 16:27-28)AMP

Abraham made it clear on the above verses that there’s only one way that a man can avoid the torment of hell and it is by believing the scripture (gospel). They have to be enlightened by the lamp of the gospel.

So, based on the above truth, here is our first lesson from this parable:


Only those who were enlightened by the lamp of the gospel have the right to meet the bridegroom.

Lets us move on to the next verses.

Mat 25:2 Five of them were foolish, and five were wise.

Mat 25:3 For when the foolish ones took their lamps, they took no oil with them.

Mat 25:4 But the wise ones took oil in jars along with their lamps.


Have you ever run out of gas while driving?

What is the relevance of having extra fuel in your spiritual journey?

The Extra Oil mentioned here or the oil in jars in this particular version may imply continuity or consistency. How can you maintain your journey without enough fuel or how can you maintain your light without having extra oil?

It also demonstrate about the reality that many people today are just good beginner but few are good finisher. They easily accept and believe Jesus once the gospel is presented to them. But few return to the church and continue their new found faith in Jesus. These people run out of oil of continuity. They do not posses extra oil that will sustain their light.

So, it is clear now what the lesson No. 2 is


Having extra oil separate the foolish from wise. Those who were enlightened and become light themselves must maintain their light until Jesus comes.

Lets us move on to the next verses.

Mat 25:5 “Now while the bridegroom was taking a long time, they all got drowsy and started falling asleep.


All the ten virgins on the text fall asleep: How can you say that some of them are still ready even while sleeping?

Physically speaking, it is impossible for anyone to stay awake all the time. We can understand by now that God is expecting us to be awake spiritually and not physically. So what then is the meaning of being spiritually awake? Is it possible that we can sleep physically and yet awake spiritually?

Jesus slept on the boat in one occasion. And we are sure that while he is sleeping physically but spiritually he is awake. We can understand that spiritually awake may mean that we have good relationship with God as Jesus has a good relationship with his Father in Heaven.

So, it is clear now what the lesson No. 3 is:


Christ may come while you are sleeping: Be sure to align your relationship with Christ. Be prepared to meet your God before you sleep tonight.

Lets us read the next verses.

Mat 25:6 But in the middle of the night there was a shout, ‘Look, the bridegroom! Come out to meet him!’

Mat 25:7 Then all those virgins got up and trimmed their lamps.


Why it is necessary for lamps to be trimmed?

What are the things in your life that should be trimmed so that the light of Jesus becomes brighter in you?

In believer’s life, the light symbolizes our testimony to the world. Jesus is expecting us to be the light to the people around us. But sadly, there are some obstructions to our light that needs to be trimmed. To some people, it is their bad attitudes. To others, it is the sin that needs to be surrendered to God. To some parent, may be your bad examples that hinder your children to come to Christ for their salvation.

Whatever those things that dim your light, it must be trimmed so that the light of Jesus may shine in your life.

So it is very clear now that the lesson no. 4 is:


When Christ appears in his second coming, the quality of our lamps will be checked and tested. Only the genuine light shining for God will passed the test.

Let’s move on to the next verses.

Mat 25:8 Now the foolish ones said to the wise, ‘Give us some of your oil, since our lamps are going out.’


Have you ever experience borrowing personal stuff from a friend?

Do you think you can also borrow their personal goodness as a result of their relationship with Christ?

On the text above, you can notice that the five foolish virgins did not prepared extra oil for themselves but rather tried to borrow some oil from the other virgins on the last minutes.

Let us consider our Lesson No. 5


There are certain things which cannot be borrowed. A man cannot borrow a relationship with God; he must possess it for himself.

Let us move on to the next verses.

Mat 25:9 But the wise ones replied, ‘No, there won’t be enough for us and for you. Instead, go to those who sell, and buy some for yourselves.’


While godly pastors or experience counselors are of great help; do you think it is enough to draw your strength from people like them?

I like how the wise virgins admit their limitations. They said “there won’t be enough for us and for you”

Christ is enough for us. No person in this world can fill the vacuum in our lives. Only Jesus can give us spiritual fullness.

Here is the lesson no. 6.


Godly people surely can inspire you. But they are simply like a bucket. If you need a nonstop supply of living water, you have to go directly to Christ. He is the well, the main source of your strength.

Let us move to the next verse.

Mat 25:10 “But while they were going off to buy, the bridegroom came. And those who were ready went in with him to the wedding feast, and the door was shut.


What is procrastination?

How do you think it will affect your life?

Procrastination means the action of delaying or postponing something

Many people will go to hell not because they do not believe they need God but because they keep on delaying their decision to surrender their lives to God. Those people always think that tomorrow is always available for them so they choose to enjoy the pleasure of sin until it is too late for them to repent. Those who plan to repent on the eleventh hour usually died at 10:30

2Corithians 6:2

For God says, “At just the right time, I heard you. On the day of salvation, I helped you.”Indeed, the “right time” is now. Today is the day of salvation.

It is high time to consider the lesson number 7.

Lesson 7: DO NOT DELAY

There are things that cannot be obtained at the last minute, when you hear the gospel, you have rush while grace is still available

Let us move on to the next verse.

Mat 25:11 Now later, the other virgins came, saying, ‘Sir, Sir, open up for us!’

Mat 25:12 “But he replied, ‘Amen, I tell you, I do not know you.’


Why Jesus, the bridegroom did not open the door for the five foolish virgins? Do you think it is because they did not acknowledge Him also while they have time on Earth?

Matt. 10 32-33

32 “Everyone who acknowledges me publicly here on earth, I will also acknowledge before my Father in heaven. 33 But everyone who denies me here on earth, I will also deny before my Father in heaven. NLT

Lesson No. 8 is very crucial:


The Kingdom of Heaven is only open for those who have a personal relationship with Christ. Those who ignore him here will be ignored by Christ in Heaven.

Lets move on to the last portion of the text

Mat 25:13 Therefore stay alert, for you know neither the day nor the hour.”


Can you describe the alertness of the firemen?

What lessons can we learn from them?

The firemen maintain their state of alertness due to the fact that they do not know when fire will come. Believers of Christ must be alert also at all time because we don’t know when Christ will come.

Do not forget the lesson no. 9

Lesson 9: STAY ALERT

You must make yourself ready at all time. Christ will come at the least expected time.

Lessons from the Parable of the Virgins

Lesson 1: Bring Your Lamp

Lesson 2: Have an extra oil for your journey

Lesson 3: Secure a relationship with God

Lesson 4: Trim your lamp

Lesson 5: Don’t just borrow from others

Lesson 6: Go to the main source

Lesson 7: Do not delay

Lesson 8: Do not ignore Him

Lesson 9: Stay Alert

The Devil deceived many by telling people that “there is plenty of tomorrow”; But God’s favorite word is “today” Don’t wait until it’s too late.

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