A Study of Psalm 43
Psalm 43
- Wed night format; opportunity to study together from our homes
-- Re: Invite someone else to join in - not an exclusive study for "just LFC"
- Psalms are songs of praise and words of encouragement/warning
-- They are also written to give us guidance and encouragement to live for God
- Last week we asked, "Have you ever suffered from depression?
- This week we ask, "Are you currently suffering from depression?"
-- Reason we ask is that the bible actually tells us how to combat this
- Depression is a disease that affects many … and in many forms
-- I've suffered from it, and I understand it's debilitating effect on life
-- Especially, being able to live life joyfully -- or live life to the fullest as bible says
-- Prayerfully, we will see how this is possible, even though it seems impossible
- Psalm 42 and 43 were written together - originally intended to be one Psalm
-- Tonight, we examine Psalm 43 and conclude David's thoughts on this
- Read Psalm 43:1-5/ Pray
- Quick recap of David's reasons for depression (ref: Psalm 42)
" Missed public worship; missed being part of church community
" Suffered verbal ridicule; enemies continue to rail against him
" He remembers past memories; remember when life was "good"
" Depressed due to physical separation; longs for homeland
" Depressed to overwhelming trials; literally drowning in problems
" Depressed due to sleepless nights; confesses God is with him day/night
" Depressed due to unanswered prayer; God has not relieved him
" Depressed due to difficult people; the people keep on coming…
- Question: Have we ever felt this way? Encourage that God knows …
- This feeling leads David to cry out with four specific prayers …
Point 1 - Prayer for vindication
" Plead my cause (v1a)
- David's desire is that God would be his judge; and his defender
-- He is under attack (by an ungodly nation), and he wants God's protection
-- His prayer: protect me and show me to be innocent (vindicate me)
" Preserve my life (v1b)
- Specific: "Rescue me"; from those who seek to do me harm
-- APP: When we are depressed, we can cry out to God for rescue from attacks
-- Whether physical or emotional - God is available to vindicate us
Point 2 - Prayer for mourning
" Why have you rejected me? (v2a)
- First, he professes that God is his fortress (stronghold); defender
-- This confession puts him under God's authority - submits to Him
-- However, he feels rejected (alone, without hope, languishing)
-- And in this, he asks about the future: "Why must I go about mourning"
" Or, why must I be repressed? (v2b)
- His emotional state is clear: You are my God … but I feel rejected by you
-- APP: It is in this place that I believe God works best
-- When we stop trying to be in control, and devote ourselves to Him
- When we submit to Him, place ourselves under His authority & cry out
-- Psalm 143:1, "LORD, hear my prayer, listen to my cry for mercy"
- Jesus prayed the same: Luke 22:42, "Father, if you are willing, take this cup from me; yet not my will, but yours be done."
- APP: This is why Jesus is great comforter - He knows what you're dealing with
Point 3 - Prayer for restoration
- Guide me to your temple (v3-4)
-- David specifically asks for a way to get closer to God
-- Re: He misses when he was able to worship, to spend time with God
- His desire is to get back to that place - so he asks for:
" God's light (for direction)
" God's care (for protection)
- With these, he will be able to accomplish his heart's desire:
" I will go to the altar
" I will praise you
- Being led to where he can meet with God …
- … He will find rest, fellowship, and delight in God's presence
- He will worship in song, and God will be his joy (IMP: God alone is joy)
- Love this: David's desire, is to meet with God, for worship
-- It is where he finds peace; where he loves to be (in God's house) - Do you?
- APP: Church is not about us … it is not there for us to consume
-- Whether you go to church or not - know God wants to meet with you too
-- We know that there is great fellowship to be had in worship together
- Heb. 10:24-25 tells us to not give up on meeting together …
-- Even in OT we see David knows the joy of worshiping God in His place
Big Idea
- Therefore, we arrive at David's final prayer (and our big idea):
- He asks the question (repeat Psalm 42): Why am I downcast? (v5a)
" Why am I so distraught if I know how great God is?
" Question for us: Do we realize how great God is?
- He gives himself the answer: Put your hope in God (v5b)
" This is a direction; more than a pep-talk; but a life's mission
" In other words: Have confidence in God, and do not stray from it!
- God deserves our praise and our focus … will we turn to Him daily?
- Pray (for peace, for relief, for comfort from doubt/fear)
- Exodus continues this Sunday, join us as we worship and celebrate / TY
* Special thanks to Holman Old Testament Commentary for the foundational outline of this sermon.