Summary: In today's world, a well told story will be heard regardless of the content. Luke tells Paul's conversion story, giving us a framework in which to share ours. Consider these thoughts from Scott Jewell, our Family Minister.

Read Acts 9:1-31. Pray.

What is the most memorable sermon illustration you’ve ever heard? I’m pretty confident that the first thing that came to mind was a story. I’ll take it one step further- I’ll bet it was a personal story the preacher told on himself. If I’m wrong, you can collect an extra taco when you come over to our open house this afternoon. The preacher I grew up learning my faith from would be proud of the illustration that immediately came to mind as I considered this question for myself. I don’t remember his text, I don’t remember his point. What I remember is his sharing a story about getting really cool red jeans for his birthday and in his efforts to not miss out on anything at his party, he ended up with wet jeans. I remember thinking, “Wow, he just shared that from the pulpit. This guy is really confident in who he is in Christ and is willing to let us see his faults.” His transparency was part of what encouraged me to pursue being in ministry.

A lot of church experts are writing articles, creating facebook posts, and recording podcasts bemoaning this idea that young people are leaving the church en masse. Surveys indicate that our nation is increasingly unchurched as more and more people respond by saying they have no religious affiliation. So how do we reach people who may have been burned or decided they have no need for God in their lives?

The Institute for American Church Growth asked over 10,000 people this question: "What was responsible for you coming to your church?" This is how they replied.

I had a special need 2%

I just walked in 3%

I liked the Preacher 6%

I visited there 1%

I liked the Sunday School 1%

I liked the programs 3%

A friend or relative invited me 79%

Bob Russell once illustrated this idea at the Southeast Christian Church Leadership Conference. He told us of a time he approached a visitor and asked how they had come to the church. They told him so-and-so invited them. He went to so-and-so and asked the same question and they pointed him to someone else. This repeated like five times before he got to someone who answered that they saw the sign as they were driving by and decided to come in and check them out. This one person’s invitation led to as many as 7 families finding Christ and their church as of that time.

Now, some of you may be thinking to yourself, “Oh no, he’s asking me to put myself out there and share some long, difficult to remember, formula for winning people to Christ and getting them to join the church.” Let me assure you, I’m not going to teach you Evangelism Explosion, Romans Road, or some other script to share your faith and win people to Christ. I want to encourage you that it can be much simpler than that. You simply need to share your story.

We see it more and more in the world around us. Story has become king. Young people are immersing themselves in movies, television, youtube videos, and even video games that tell a story. The subject matter can be horrid as long as the story is told well, they will listen.

I believe this gives us an easy in to reach the next generation. We simply need to tell our stories. They will argue the facts we know from scripture and other supporting evidences, but they can’t argue your experience. They can’t deny what has happened in your life as you’ve learned to trust in Jesus. They need to hear more of our stories, whether we’re the hero or the heel, our stories can make an impact for Christ and bring glory to God among those who are listening.

Luke also saw storytelling as important. In fact, he shares Saul’s conversion 3 times. Probably one of the most important evangelism tools Saul had was his story of conversion. We can learn how to share our own stories by following the example of Saul.

Every story has a beginning, a middle, and an end. Let’s break down Saul’s story and consider how we might share our own.

Saul’s story begins in Acts 9:1-2 by describing his extreme devotion as a Pharisee. He was very zealous for God, but rejected this Jesus the Christians spoke of. He was there to approve the stoning of Stephen and is willing to travel in his efforts to put an end to Christianity.

Some of you have just as dramatic a beginning. You lived a life that the world would embrace but not so much by God. There was no doubt that you were living in rebellion against God or maybe completely denied His existence. These stories, like Saul’s can be very dramatic and make a big impact on others who have found themselves caught up in similar life choices.

Some of you may be concerned at this point because you don’t have such a dramatic story to tell, but let me assure you, your story is equally important. In a world filled with role models and leaders who epically fail, it is good to hear the stories of those who found God early on and have stayed the course through trials and temptations. Don’t let the absence of a climactic change stop you from sharing how God has been faithful!

The middle of Saul’s story takes place on the Damascus Road and is related in verses 3-19. Saul sees a bright light, then hears the voice of Christ call out to him. He’s blinded by the light and sent to pray. When Ananias finds him on Straight Street, he instructs Saul to repent and wash away his sins through baptism. When he does, his sight is restored.

How did you come to Christ? What convinced you that Jesus is the Christ, the son of God? Tell people what happened. It may have been as simple as year after year of lessons building up until you reached the day you knew you had to make a decision. It might be that God snatched you from the clutches of death and you realized you needed to live for Him. Your experience will resonate with the people you share.

Saul’s story concludes with some amazing things happening. He traveled throughout the Roman empire, spreading the gospel and organizing churches. He wrote 2/3 of the New Testament that we use to direct our lives in Christ today. God was able to use a man who once tried to snuff out Christianity to ensure its global spread and lasting impact.

Your story continues today. What is God doing in your life? Where have you seen Him at work? These are also important things to share. One of the strongest pieces of evidence that God exists is the impact He has on His children’s lives. Share your story, God will use it.

Here’s how my story is summarized. I was fortunate enough to be born into a family where my parents were already believers. I grew up going to church every week, but it wasn’t until I was nearly 12 when my faith truly became my own and I was baptized into Christ. During high school, I went through a time where I had to learn that symbols really meant something and simply saying I don’t buy into the meaning doesn’t negate it. I also found my calling to ministry through a series of events at camps between my sophomore and junior years of high school.

In the years that followed, I have found God to be faithful to see me through the good and the lean times and my faith and trust in Him has grown through a number of life experiences.

Allow me to close with one more story. John Newton was born to a Puritan mother who died when he was only 7 years old. His father was a sea captain who began taking him on voyages at age 11. He later served on a slave ship but didn’t get along well with the crew, who handed him over to African slave traders where he was enslaved himself. After being rescued, the ship he was on got caught in a storm and things looked hopeless. Newton called out to God for deliverance and the ship shifted in such a way that the leaking hull sealed and the ship was able to drift to land. He looks back at this event as the beginning of his journey toward Christ. He later wrote the words to “Amazing Grace,” one of the most beloved hymns sung in churches over the past two centuries. It’s stories like this that helps us see that there is no one who is outside the reach of God’s grace through faith in Jesus Christ. It is because of God’s amazing grace that we are able to extend this invitation each Sunday. I once was lost, but now am found. That can be your story too. The band is going to lead us in “Amazing Grace.” If you need to give your life to Jesus, here is your opportunity. Come forward as we stand and sing and we’ll help you open the next chapter of your story.