Summary: Part 7 of our 1st Peter study

Wayfaring Strangers

A study of 1 Peter

Part 7

“Got Milk”

1 Peter 2:1-3

Today is part 7 of our on-going study of 1 Peter

Titled Wayfaring Strangers

We have learned that Peter was writing to the believers who were scattered because of their faith

And how we

As believers in a hostile world

Are also wayfaring strangers

Over the last few weeks we have taken a hard look at how we as believers will face hard times

And how with the help of God we can learn to not only overcome these tough times

But actually, grow in spiritual maturity because of them

We looked hard at our salvation and exactly what that means

Seeing that salvation is initiated by God

He chose us

The Holy Spirit spoke to our Hearts

Convicted us of our sins

Caused us to reach out to Christ

Who in turn cleansed us from our sin the moment we accepted him

We saw how this salvation was planned before the creation of the world and how the

Old Testament prophets wrote about it

But did not understand it

And we also saw that we while we have received this gift in full

But we also will not fully grasp what we have received until Jesus returns

Chapter one is about hoping in Jesus in the midst of suffering.

Chapter 2 begins unwrapping what we are to become in Christ

How we should act



Now that we have been redeemed

In Days past God spoke through his prophets

But now

He primarily speaks to us through his Word

The word is what guides us

Gives us the rules for living a righteous life

The word answers life’s most difficult questions

And if taken in daily

Will change our lives

We should crave God’s word

If you have ever come to me for counseling

You know I will ask about your quiet time

It is imperative, if we want to grow in spiritual maturity

If we want to become more like Jesus

That we put the word in us

Desire the word of God

Crave it

Long For it

None of us have a desire problem

We all crave something

Long for something

The problem is we desire the wrong things

We crave the wrong Things

We long for the wrong things

And we get ourselves into tight spots

By Not acting like the believers that we are

Let’s read 1 Peter chapter 2 verses 1-3

Peter says

Because you have been born again

Because God sent Jesus to forgive your sins

Because you have received the guarantee of a priceless inheritance

That you should prepare your minds for action

Exercise self-control

Fear God--- expand on this

Love others just as God loves you


Chapter 2 verses 1-3

“So get rid of all evil behavior. Be done with all deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy, and all unkind speech. 2 Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment, 3 now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.

Just a few short verses 3 in all

That if lived

If applied

Can change our Lives

Verse 1a

“So get rid of all evil behavior”

So, what is evil behavior?

When we think of evil behavior

We often want to think of people like the shooters at the recent mass killings

Or Hannibal Lector from silence of the Lambs

These are indeed examples of evil behavior


In the world today, there is often a fine line between good and bad

God is very clear on the difference

All types of sexual immorality including porn , written and visual fit in this category

God says don’t

And we

Should not

Other types of evil behavior are





Back biting



Causing division and dissention


Placing other things in the place of God in your life




I could go on and on

All of these things are evil because they take our focus off of God

They destroy our witness

When we as Christians do these thing

Even though God says don’t

What we are telling the non-believing world is

I call myself a Christian

But I don’t really believe God’s word

Peter says get rid of it

Get rid of it

Get rid of it

And he gives us the way in just a few more verses

But now he continues with the things we must get out of our lives

Verse 1d

“Be done with all deceit”


Webster’s dictionary defines deceit as ----

“the action or practice of deceiving someone by concealing or misrepresenting the truth.”

Concealing the truth

And misrepresenting the truth

The world says what they don’t know won’t hurt them

God says deal truthfully in all areas of your life

Relationships are built on trust

Deceit has no place in a Christians life

Verse 1c


The word hypocrite comes from the word hypocrisy

Webster’s says it this way

“the practice of claiming to have moral standards or beliefs to which one's own behavior does not conform;”

In simple terms saying one thing and doing another

Let’s get real

We all have areas of hypocrisy in our lives

But in order to grow in spiritual maturity

And show the world that we are Bona Fide believers

We must identify those areas

And then take action

To rid ourselves of this hypocrisy

Verse 1d


Webster’s says this about being jealous

“feeling or showing envy of someone or their achievements and advantages.”

When we are jealous of what others have or have accomplished

We are saying


You did not give me your best

And this can build a wall between us and God

And once again

Destroy our witness


Because Jealousy produces




Low self esteem

And a focus on unhealthy, unbiblical things

Instead of thanking god for what we have

We like spoiled little brats

Say I want that!!!

Peter says get rid of it

Verse 1e

“and all unkind speech”



Foul, profane and vulgar language

Dirty jokes

Lewd remarks

Cut downs


Back handed remarks


I wish the nursery rhyme

Sticks and stone can break my bones

But words will never hurt me were true

Words can build others up

Or tear them down

Unkind words can destroy self esteem

Unkind words can destroy our witness

Unkind words tear others down

We as believers are supposed to build them up

This includes social media

It is amazing that people will write something about someone that they would never say to their face

We need to speak love and life into people

Not hate and death

So how do we rid ourselves of these things?

Peter gives us a good plan in verse 2

Verse 2

2 Like newborn babies, you must crave pure spiritual milk so that you will grow into a full experience of salvation. Cry out for this nourishment,”

Crave God’s word

Open God’s word

Read God’s word

Think about God’s word

Apply God’s word to your lives

Peter tells us to long for the word because it will kill sinful desires and grow us into our salvation.

Remember we talked last week about not fully understanding salvation

Or receiving all it has to offer till Christ returns

This is what Peter means

Some take this verse to mean there are levels of salvation

This is not true

You are saved when you accept Christ as savior

But like babies must learn to rollover

Then crawl

Then walk

Then run

We grow into our salvation

Simply meaning we understand it more

Prayerfully appreciate it more

And desire to become more like the one who gave it to us

Peter describes the word as Milk

Pure spiritual Milk

Not contaminated by the world

We Desperately Need This Spiritual Milk

The world desperately needs this spiritual milk

There is possibly not a stronger craving in the world that that of a newborn for milk

Watching a calf or a colt

Struggle to its feet

Just a few minutes after being born

And instinctively searching for the source of the life-giving milk it needs

Peter tells us this is how we should crave the word

Treating it as a necessity

As Life Giving

If that calf or colt I mentioned took getting the milk it needed as unimportant as many Christians take receiving the pure milk of God’s word

Not many calves or colts would make it through the first days of life

Every one of us are told to long for

Yearn for

Thirst after

crave the word.

Do you have strong desires for the word?

Peter compares us to newborn babies.

You don't have to tell a baby to desire their mother’s milk.

They will make it loud and clear that they want to be fed.

They will nurse on demand if you let them.

But nursing is not just for feeding; it is also for comfort and relational connection with the mother.

When they lose their appetite we become alarmed, something must be wrong

I want you to notice here

Peter does not tell us to just read the bible

Or even just study the bible

He tells us to long for it

Desire it

Once again, the issue is not with our desire

But that we desire the wrong things.

Why should we get rid of evil behavior?

Why should we throw out deceit, hypocrisy, jealousy and all kinds of unkind speech?

We should we crave the life-giving Word of God

Peter gives us the answer in verse 3

“3 now that you have had a taste of the Lord’s kindness.”

We should do these things because we have received a taste of God’s kindness

Because God loved us enough to give his Son Jesus as sacrifice for us

We should desire these things because we are not going to receive what we deserve

We should

Because we are new creations

With a new heart

Have a new desire

And that desire is to be more like Christ

In all we say and do

And here is our instruction manual

If you are not craving the word

It does not mean you are not saved

Salvation comes from placing your faith and trust in Christ

But it does mean you are lacking key ingredients needed for growth


You can be moral and appear religious, but you are not fooling God.

If you are a Christ follower, your faith will be like those Zambian Kids I talked about some time back


Sin destroys our appetite for God and the word destroys our appetite for sin.

This book kills sin but you must spend time in it

study it

mediate on it

and apply it to your life

Close from the heart
