Summary: The glory of god is indescribable . I believe God want to shine in our difficult times and He wants us to shine for His glory. whatever you are going through, even if it gets worse after praying, believe that it is all for the glory of God.

What is the glory of god? The glory of god is indescribable. Our God is the omnipotent, omnipresent, omniscience. The glory of God can be attributed to the awesome power of his name. Our God is Jehovah Rapha, Jehovah nisi, Jehovah Elohim, Jehovah Jireh, Adonai, the lion of Judah, the great I AM, the Almighty God, He is the Lord. Words alone cannot describe the glory of God.

psalm 19:1 says “The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork”. If the heaven Can declare the glory of god how much more, we his handmade. we need to constantly declare his power and allow his glory to reflect in our daily life.

1 Corinthians 3:16 says we are the temple of God and the spirit of God lives in us. Rev 21:127, also confirms that God dwells in man. This means we carry the power of God and his presence is constantly with us. As a temple of God, it is possible to experience the glory of God as it happened when Solomon dedicated the temple to God.

In 2 Chronicles 7:1-4 The bible says the glory of God filed the temple and even the priest could not minister because of the immense power of the glory of God in the house. This means when the glory fills our life every other power will give way because the glory of God is in charge and in control of our life at that moment.

when the glory of God appears in a place miracles happens , testimonies follows, chains are broken, bondages are broken, deliverance happens , there will be lifting up etc. We can see this in the life of Paul and Silas when they praised God in prison. This also happen when Jesus Christ raised Lazarus from dead. All these are done to the glory of God and to glorify Jesus.(Acts 16:25-34 John 11:4-6, John 11:44 , Job 22:29) .

We may need to dedicate and rededicate our lives to God so we can experience the awesome power of His glory. This is not about been born again for a long time , but it is about purifying ourselves to make it adorable for God to dwell in. It is about offering our life as a living sacrifice worthy and acceptable unto God.

My life is God’s work in progress. I always pray to God to mould me in the shape that He wants me to be. I know I am not perfect and I might not be where God wants me to be yet, but I will keep pressing on by the mercy and the grace of God until I get to that level that God want me to be. I hunger and thirst for more of God everyday. We are all human, we may not be perfect, and we are bound to make mistakes in life. But the grace and the mercy of God is sufficient to keep us going unto his glorious day. (Phil 3:12, James 3:2, 2 Corinth 12:9, Jude 1:24).

Are there situation in our lives that need the touch of God? are there mountains that need to move ? is yours serious clinical diagnosis, poverty , residence issues, marital issues, backsliding, children issues, barrenness, family issues, work issues, depression, oppression , failure etc. whatever the situation may be , I will encourage us to dedicate our lives to God and allow the glory of god take control of our life .

I am not saying that the only way the glory of God can appear is when we dedicate our life to God. Also, this is not saying that when you dedicate your life to God, automatically things will fall into place immediately. But Changes may happen immediately, miracles may happen instantly and in some cases it may take a longer process for God to put things right, because He makes all things beautiful in his own time (Habakkuk 2:3.) One thing is sure, when the glory of God appears there will be a landmark in our life, something will change, there will be a shift in certain areas of our life. Because it is all about God and the power of His glory.

if you have ever prayed about your situation it means you have made Jesus aware of that situation. He may decide not to answer and do what we asked immediately. This doesn’t mean He does not love us, but He will answer us and do it at a time that will magnify the glory of God immensely in our situation. In John 11:1-6 we read that the sisters of Lazarus made Jesus aware that Lazarus, the one Jesus loves was sick. If I get a call from my son’s school that he was sick I will make my way there asap, because I love him. In John 11:1-43 the bible says Jesus stayed two more days after been told that Lazarus was sick. Jesus could have gone to Lazarus asap and heal him when he was sick, but he chose to delay that process of healing. Jesus said Lazarus is only sleeping but not dead. He waited until Lazarus died physically before going to raise him from death.

I believe bringing a dead man back to life will amuse people more than to heal the sick. Imagine yourself in a church or a crusade where there are sick people, you can sit next to them because they are only sick. But if they bring in a dead person, I believe most people will feel uncomfortable and even panic a bit. Some may even leave because it is not a funeral service. And now imagine as soon as they prayed for the dead they come back to life. Am sure you will be amazed and want to see more of this gigantic miracle. I believe you will appreciate and give God glory more and more because of this great miracle. Am sure the glory of God will carry more weight when He raised the dead than when He heals the sick. This was what happen to Lazarus. John 11:44 even confirmed that this miracle is huge by referring to it again saying the dead man came out.

I believe Jesus delayed this miracle till Lazarus died so that the glory of God can have more weight. 2 Corinth 3:18 says we are changed into the same image from glory to glory. This means there are different levels of glory. This also means that the glory of God that appears when Lazarus was raised from the dead is weightier than the glory of God that would have appeared if Jesus has just healed him from sickness. Whether the glory of God is weighty, weightier or weightiest, when the glory of God appears there is power, there is authority, there is goodness and our God is glorified. In Exodus 33:18-23 Moses asked God to show him His glory, but God said instead of seeing His Glory He will make His goodness pass before Moses. I believe when the Glory appears It is very possible to see His goodness, His mercy and His compassion if He wishes to show them to us.

Are you going through any situation that seems there is no solution? have you reached a dead end and now at the edge of giving up? In john 11: 4, 6 Jesus said Lazarus’s sickness is not unto death but to the glory of God. In verse 6, the bible says Jesus stayed where He was for two more days after been made aware of the sickness. Have you made Jesus aware of your situation by praying to Him and it seems he hasn’t answered yet? Maybe Jesus is saying to you that your sickness, your affliction, your problems, your situation is not unto death. Maybe Jesus is saying to you that your situation is not a big deal to Him and you need to relax and give him more time. Maybe He is saying to you that the situation that looks like a big mountain in your life is just something that can melt away at His presence. Or maybe Jesus is even saying that you have to wait for the appointed time for a solution so that the glory of God can manifest immensely in your life.

Brethren whatever you are going through, even if it gets worse after praying, believe that it is all for the glory of God. Maybe God wants his glory to appear in a much bigger way in your life. Keep praying, don’t stop, dot give up, Jesus is aware of your situation and He will intervene at the right time.

I believe God want to shine in our difficult times and He wants us to shine for His glory. God sometimes allows difficult circumstances to happen in our life so that His glory will shine. Whatever circumstances you are going through, make Jesus aware by praying to Him and believe that He will intervene at the appointed time.

Please give your life to Jesus today, confess your sins to Him and believe in the power of his resurrection so that the name of God will be glorified.