Summary: Philip was a dedicated and committed Christian and a disciple of Jesus Christ. These qualities led to his appointment as one of the seven leaders chosen by the people to see to the daily administration of food.


Study Text: Acts 6:1-7


- Philip was a dedicated and committed Christian and a disciple of Jesus Christ. These qualities led to his appointment as one of the seven leaders chosen by the people to see to the daily administration of food.

- He did this work faithfully and committedly to the extent that he stood out among many others in taken up a greater responsibility under the guidance and empowerment of the Holy Spirit.

- He is a vivid example of how your dedication and faithfulness in little and unrecognised assignments in the kingdom of God can make a way for a higher calling and opportunities to be used of God in greater assignments.

- His commitment and dedication was not only evident in the Church, but first in his home. A faithful husband to his wife, and a dedicated father to his children. His four daughters were operating in the gift of prophecy. Acts 21: 8 – 10.

- We can learn from his example and believe God also to be a committed Christian and a dedicated leader in the home and in the Church of God.


- We were not exactly of the conversion of Philip, but the account we had about his life confirmed that he was a man that is truly in Christ and living for Christ. The fruits of righteousness were evident in his life and the whole Church can testify to it.

- Definitely, he was not a Christian by title or by words of mouth, but a committed Christian and a faithful disciple of Jesus in all manner of conversation.

- God is not interested in Christians only by name, title or words of mouth, but in those that can reveal to the world the life of Christ in them, and that can truly be the light of the world and the salt of the earth that Christ desired. Matthew 5: 13 – 14.

- He was also filled with the Holy Spirit. This receiving of the Spirit is more than just a quickening to life: it means handing over the reins of one’s life to the indwelling of the Spirit. The most important prerequisite for any kind of Christian service is to be filled with faith and the power of the Holy Spirit. All this had happened to Philip.

- Looking at the life of Philip, can you really say that you are a committed Christian and a faithful disciple of Jesus? If not, the life of Philip is a great challenge to us today and it is a worthy example we can follow.


- He was a man “of honest report” (Acts 6:3) “look ye out among you seven men of honest report, full of the Holy Ghost and wisdom.”

- This is a rare characteristic in these days, but it is a New Testament standard for those who hold leadership responsibilities in the life of the church.

- So many people call themselves witnesses, but are not honest. Deep down in their hearts they know they are not. Philip was a godly, consistent Christian. Can that be said of you? - The sin of hypocrisy and inconsistency, on the part of Christians, has been a stumbling block to the lost world.

- People want Consistent Leaders, not wishy-washy, hot and cold. Someone that always takes a stand. Consistent means reliable, steady, dependant, unfailing.

- We can examine our lives and see how honest we have been or we can be in all matters, and believe God for the grace to be honest and steadfast in the integrity of our heart as we have seen in Philip.


- He was “…full of the Holy Ghost…” (Acts 6:3). In Old Testament times, the word consecration was used on the occasion of the installation of a priest to holy service.

- In New Testament teaching, consecration implies the filling of the life by the Holy Spirit. So we read that Philip was a man “…full of the Holy Ghost…” (Acts 6:3).

- Writing to pastors, members, husbands, wives, parents, children, servants and masters, the apostle Paul exhorted: “…be filled with the Spirit” (Eph. 5:18).

- To be a consecrated Christian begins with the filling with the Holy Spirit and this demands three actions of the believer.

1. Confess all known and unknown sins and pray for forgiveness and cleansing of sin. 1 John 1: 8 – 9.

2. Pray for God to fill you with His Spirit. He has promised to give the Holy Spirit to as many that believe and will ask Him for the Holy Spirit.

3. Be Sincere and open your heart plain unto God to receive the Holy Spirit and to be used for His glory.


- He was “…full of wisdom…” (Acts 6:3). We need the wisdom of God to discover what the will of God is, and what assignments God would like us to do for Him. James 1:5 “If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God, that giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not; and it shall be given him.”

- By the wisdom of God, Philip went down to Samaria, and God gave him a great exploit there. Many souls were saved, many were healed of several sicknesses and diseases and many were delivered from demonic oppressions. Acts 8: 5 – 8.

- Every true Christian is commissioned by God to preach the gospel of Christ. We need to be full of the wisdom of God to know the right step to take at the right time. We can believe God to do this for us as we can see in the life of Philip.

- The Apostles got to know about the exploit of Philip in Samaria, and quickly went there to support the work by baptising the converts in the Holy Spirit, and making the word of the Lord to spread in the city.

- In the middle of this great success and excitement, God directed Philip out to the desert for an appointment with the Ethiopian Eunuch. He was a careful student of the Bible, and was able to explain the scriptures to the man through the wisdom of God, that led to the salvation of the man. Acts 8: 26 – 40.

- Philip was having a successful ministry in Samaria, preaching to a great crowd, but he obeyed God to leave that and go to the desert. This is because Philip will only go to where God sent him. We must desire to follow God’s leading at all times, even if it seems as a demotion, with time, the results will prove that the way of the Lord is right.

- Philip was a ready and willing vessel in the hand of the Lord for the work of the kingdom. If we too can purge ourselves of all unrighteousness, we can become a vessel unto honour in the hands of God, thoroughly prepared unto every good works. 2 Timothy 2: 20 – 21.


- Whether or not you are a follower of Christ, Philip’s life present a challenge. To those still outside the gospel, he is a reminder that the gospel is for you also, and Christ is calling all sinners to repentance.

- To those who have accepted Christ, he is a reminder that God wants us to bear the fruit of righteousness at all times, and to be a faithful and dedicated vessels in carrying out His assignment for the expansion of His kingdom.

- If Philip can do it, we can do better than Philip if we release ourselves unto God with the commitment and consecration of Philip through the grace of God and the empowerment of the Holy Spirit.