Summary: Message 6 in our journey with Joshua into the Promised Land. This message explores the elements involved in getting ready for victory.

Joshua Series #6

The Amazing Race to Rest & Reward

“Crossing Over”

Review / Introduction

The promise to Abraham concerning Land, Seed, and blessing was made hundreds of years before and recorded in Genesis 12. The Bible tracks Abraham from Ur to the territory we know as Israel. Abraham passed the legacy on to his miracle son Isaac who fathered two sons Jacob and Esau. God appeared to Isaac and reaffirmed the promised made to his father Abraham.

Jacob became the heir to the promise to whom God also reaffirmed the promise to Abraham and like his grandfather got a name change. He was then known as Israel. Israel fathered many children and his sons became the heads of the 12 tribes of Israel.

At the end of Genesis we find this fledgling nation planted in a rich section of Egypt (Goshen) where they flourish (blessing of God) in every way. Eventually the Egyptians are afraid of their growth and prosperity and put them into severe servitude for nearly four hundred years.

In Exodus, God raises up a deliverer in Moses to lead them out of Egypt and return to the land promised by God to Abraham. Exodus records their exodus and pause at Mt Sinai where they received a national constitution and instructions for a worship Center. The book of Leviticus provided instructions for what to do in the worship Center.

Numbers, except the journey from Mount Sinai to the edge of the Promised Land. The book of numbers also records the rebellion at Kadesh-barnea resulting in a 40 year detour.

Deuteronomy reminds a new generation of God’s instructions for life in the Promised Land.

Now in Joshua we find the account of Israel’s entry into the Promised Land.

The book can be divided into two basic movements.

I. Purging the Land

II. Possessing the Land

We are studying Joshua because it contains significant principles for living victoriously and with God’s full blessings. Ephesians teaches we are blessed with every spiritual blessing in the heavenlies in Christ. Even though those blessings are freely available to every Christian, not all Christians fully experience them. The principles of Joshua teach us how we can access this glorious storehouse of spiritual blessing available to every genuine Christian.

Just as Exodus is a picture of our salvation from bondage, Joshua is a picture of our walk of faith and daily rest in the provision of Jesus Christ.

I. Purge the Land 1-12

A. God Prepared Joshua for leadership 1

1. The Lord personally commissioned Joshua 1:1-9

2. Joshua assumed command 1:10-15

3. The people committed to follow Joshua as they did Moses

B. Joshua prepared the people to possess the land 2

1. Joshua commissioned spies and God saved Rahab 2

2. Joshua led the people through the Jordan 3-4


Why should anyone pay attention to today’s message? Is there anything from this portion of the Bible that can help me in my everyday life? Well, how’s your present life working for you?

Are there currently any struggles in your life you would like to see change? Do you feel like you are currently experiencing the spiritual blessings promised by God? Are you experiencing a level of relationship with God that you would recommend to others? Do you feel like there is something standing in the way of a deeper relationship with God? Are you facing some dreaded difficulty that seems impossible to overcome? These are the same kinds of things that faced Israel. God had given them a promise which was now within reach. The problem was that between them and the promise was a major obstacle that seemed impossible to cross.

This is the story of joyously crossing over. This is a story of overcoming obstacles to blessing.

Crossing over is about life change. Crossing over is about breaking into a new dimension of relationship with God. Today we want to learn the principles found in this part of the Bible that enabled them to cross over into blessing and perhaps find some correlation to our life today.

In chapter one God told Joshua the secret to his success. Strength and courage based on a strong sense of God’s active presence drawn from continual meditation on and obedience to His word. The first encounter with opposition to inheriting blessing was a test of Joshua’s leadership. Would Joshua follow his commission or do his own thing? The point of the crossing over is the strict adherence to God’s instructions resulting in a miraculous crossover into the Promised Land. Trust God to get you through impossible barriers to your growth. Do it His way in His time.

There are three things to keep in mind as we interact with this historical account.

First, we need to consider possible similarities to the literal Jordan River and the spiritual Jordan River’s in our life. The Jordan represented a seemingly impossible barrier to blessing.

The Jordan River stood between the people and the realization of a centuries old promise.

There are actually three things that stand in the way of our full realization of the abundant life.

We battle the influence that comes from living in a fallen and broken world

(Negative circumstances and worldly world-view contrary to God’s way.)

We battle the fleshly influence still embedded in our body and soul

(Negative tendencies and longings contrary to our new nature)

We battle spiritual attacks that come from an unseen but real spiritual enemy.

(Destructive thoughts that seek to divert or destroy our walk with God)

The apostle John puts it this way…

Do not love the world nor the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes and the boastful pride of life, is not from the Father, but is from the world. The world is passing away, and also its lusts; but the one who does the will of God lives forever. 1 John 2:15-17

I like to think of the Jordan River as our battle against the world. Joshua called for consecration and later circumcision representing our battle against the flesh. The battle against the Canaanites is clearly representative of our battle against the devil.

The principles related to the Israelites entry into the Promised Land can assist our journey from wilderness wandering to Promised Land at living.

Second, we need to understand the significance of the Promised Land.

The Promised Land represents a place of blessing and rest in the midst of struggle and opposition. The book of Hebrews references a Sabbath rest for the people of God achieved by faith in his promises. The concept of Sabbath in Scripture always has to do with time dedicated to deeper connection with God. The ultimate Sabbath is heaven when God will be the absolute priority of kingdom life.

Third, we need to understand the significance of the Ark of the Covenant.

The Ark was a rectangle box which contained several specific artifacts. Hebrew term actually means box or chest.

A copy of the divinely chiseled 10 Commandments

A bowl of divinely preserved manna

Aaron’s budding rod

A complete copy of the writings of Moses

On the top of the box were golden replicas of two Seraphim facing one another.

The symbolism of the Ark had mostly to do with the active presence of God among the people.

It was a continual reminder of the covenant that God had made with them. It symbolized God’s care and provision (manna). It symbolized truth (10 Commandments). It symbolized resurrection and renewal (budding rod). It symbolized God’s direction and protection (the law). At this point in Israel’s history the Ark replaced the cloud and the fire. From this point on, they were to find their direction from the word of God. For us, it is the word of God that gives us direction and protection. The word of God is the power of God for salvation and deliverance and growth. Mankind shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God. I want to focus on ten that can be drawn from this passage related to confronting barriers.

1 -- Before claiming promised blessing we need to deal with persistent blockage.

The Jordan River stood between them and the Promised Land. The Jordan River, in its flood stage, appeared to be an impossible barrier to the promise. Before we can experience a life of rest through faith in Christ we too need to confront our Jordan River. The Jordan River symbolizes the struggles that life in a fallen world bring and the human strategies to cope.

Life circumstances, financial struggles, broken relationships, sickness, fear and worry, aging, physical and mental limitations, other people etc.

These things may not be directly related to Satan’s attack but hinder us from stepping out in faith believing that God wants us to cross over. Whatever robs us of rest, robs us of blessing.

It seems like the closer we get to realizing God’s blessing the greater the barriers.

Before claiming promised blessing we need to deal with persistent blockage.

2 -- Get an early start and move together against the barrier.

Joshua got up early in the morning and motivated people to move together toward the barrier. He wasted no time obeying the Lord. These two chapters emphasize Joshua’s effort to hear, trust and obey the Lord’s direction the entire way. They all broke camp and traveled the 7 mile journey from Shittum to the banks of the Jordan. For most of us, procrastination keeps us from victory over barriers. We often postpone confronting the barriers that keep us from our victory. It’s too hard. It seems impossible. We need to move out of our comfort zone and break camp. The longer we postpone moving the more we adapt to our current situation.

We cannot underestimate the value of the support system. Too often we keep quiet and try to face things on our own. At this point in Israel’s history there is a new enthusiasm. Joshua tells him to move out and there’s no hesitation or complaining they break camp with unity of purpose and hope.

3 – Take the time to assess the situation.

We have a tendency to avoid difficult situations. We don’t want to deal with it so we avoid it.

Sometimes God wants us to get close to it and come to the conclusion of the impossibility of dealing with it without outside intervention. Joshua took three days camped next to the humanly impossible so that he would be ready for the divinely probable.

4 – Address personal sin.

Joshua instructed the people to consecrate themselves. The last time they were told to consecrate themselves was at the foot of Mount Sinai where they received God’s life instructions. Here, they were about ready to embark on God’s promise and were instructed to make sure they were right with God. Consecration has to do with purifying. For the Israelites this was symbolized by the washing of clothes. Maybe the means of their cleansing was the very thing that was blocking their progress. This is a necessary step in order to properly hear God specific direction. If our heart is not right we will misunderstand God’s direction or miss it all together. It is very important to address any personal sin that may keep us from crossing over.

5 – Leave public recognition to God.

Now the LORD said to Joshua, "This day I will begin to exalt you in the sight of all Israel, that they may know that just as I have been with Moses, I will be with you. Joshua 3:7

Public recognition for success is a dangerous motive for service. He who toots his own horn generally plays off key. Some believing Pharisees failed to confess their trust in Christ because of bad motives.

Nevertheless many even of the rulers believed in Him, but because of the Pharisees they were not confessing Him, for fear that they would be put out of the synagogue; for they loved the approval of men rather than the approval of God. John 12:42-43

God seeks to use humble servants.

Humble yourselves in the presence of the Lord, and He will exalt you. James 4:10

When it was over, God’s promise of public recognition and respect came to pass.

On that day the LORD exalted Joshua in the sight of all Israel; so that they revered him, just as they had revered Moses all the days of his life. Joshua 4:14

6 -- Keep focused on God’s presence.

This principle is in the middle of all the other principles. It is the most important and the principle on which all the others rest. The people were told to keep their focus on the Ark at all times. As mentioned before the Ark was the representation of God’s active presence among them. It is called the Ark of the Covenant, the Ark of the Lord of all the earth, the ark of God.

If you doubt the centrality of this principle you need only to count the number of times the Ark is mentioned in these two chapters; I counted 12. They were instructed not to get any closer than 1000 yards. This was so everyone would be able to see it in order to follow it. We’re talking about 2 ½ million people try to keep focused on a 4 x 21/2 inch box. The Ark would give direction not only into the barrier but provide encouragement and protection while crossing through the barrier as they passed by the priests in the middle of the river. The chapter after Hebrews Chapter 11 and all the people who demonstrated faith in the midst of struggle applies the principles of Chapter 11. Chapter 12 calls us to faithfully run the race that is set before each one of us and to run with endurance by fixing our eyes on Jesus who is the author and perfecter of our life of faith. It is when we take our eyes off of Jesus that we become overwhelmed by the impossible barriers that stand in our way of the faith rest walk.

7 -- Wait for God’s specific direction.

God orchestrates his plan in the context of time. At the right time God gives direction.

When we move ahead of his direction or behind the outcome can be disastrous. We should not confront our barriers just because someone else did it a certain way. God often has specific direction for a specific time. Don’t go running into the river before God tells you to run into the river. Paul considered his store in the flesh a barrier to his walk with Christ. He prayed that God would remove the barrier. God had a different plan. It turns out that the thorn was in reality not a block to his growth but a boost to his growth. Wait for God’s specific direction.

8 -- Confront obstacles head on by confident trust in God specific promise

Before God specific promise Joshua had no clue how to get across to the raging river. His instruction to the people focused on their heart not their help. Their trust was in God not their own ingenuity or ability. Joshua followed God’s instructions to the letter write up to the priests getting their feet wet. By faith in God’s promise they confronted the obstacle head-on.

Their faith was based on hearing the word of God and they acted with a faith that works. It was also a faith that worked as the Jordan River got blocked some 16 miles upstream which would have left a huge opportunity for the crossing of 2 ½ million people with their animals and goods.

9 -- Remember God’s work in your life.

How soon we forget God’s work in our life. After the crisis is over we tend to forget what God did. The importance of remembering cannot be underestimated. For the Israelites this event was to stand as an inspiration to continue to trust God to do what he said as they faced other obstacles and opposition in the Promised Land. It was to be a reminder not just for them but for future generations. Joshua instructed a representative from each tribe to participate in this memorial. The 12 stones represented one from each tribe who carried a rock from the middle of the Jordan to the other side. Some memorialize God’s work by keeping a journal. I have suggested in times past that families have a trophy case in their house to place symbolic artifacts to remind them of significant examples of God’s active presence. The communion service is a remembrance, a memorial to a significant work of Jesus for us.

This was a memorial to God’s great power to overcome impossible obstacles. It was a reminder of God’s presence and promise to bring about what he had promised thousands of years previous. Do you have a prayer journal? Do you have a place where you record God’s answers to your prayers? Wouldn’t it be cool to have a spiritual trophy case?

The last principle they may be drawn from this incident is this.

10 -- Be ready for increased attack after significant progress or encounters with God.

Joshua instructed soldiers from the tribes who settled east of the Jordan to be ready for battle.

Why those tribes? They didn’t have to mess with their goods and focus on getting their families across the river. They were free to focus on any confrontation with the people of Jericho that might arise. It seems to be a common thing that the enemy increases his attack directly following a significant victory. Elijah went into a depression after the great victory over the prophets of Baal. There will be spiritual attack. Peter says the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. Christians are not exempt from Satan’s attack; they are the targets of his attack.

But resist him, firm in your faith, knowing that the same experiences of suffering are being accomplished by your brethren who are in the world. After you have suffered for a little while, the God of all grace, who called you to His eternal glory in Christ, will Himself perfect, confirm, strengthen and establish you. To Him be dominion forever and ever. Amen. 1 Peter 5:9-11

What stands in the way of your rest? The same principles that enabled Israel to confront a seemingly impossible barrier to their rest apply to us today s we trust God to crossover and confront our impossible barriers. Be diligent to listen, trust and obey. Living according to God’s plan and power is the secret to crossing over.

1 -- Before claiming promised blessing we need to deal with persistent blockage.

2 -- Get an early start and move together toward the barrier.

3 – Take time to assess the situation.

4 – Address personal sin.

5 – Leave the public recognition to God.

6 -- Keep focused on God’s presence.

7 -- Wait for God’s specific direction.

8 -- Confront obstacles head on by confident trust in God specific promise

9 -- Remember God’s work in your life.

10 -- Be ready for increased battle after significant progress or encounters with God.