Summary: Many demonstrate their genuine faith daily. Many demonstrate their genuine faith daily. Many do not have genuine faith and are lost. Genuine faith: not just believing that these facts are true, but that they’re true for YOU!

Genuine Faith is vibrant Faith 2:14-26

1. Many here today demonstrate their genuine faith daily. ?

2. Many here today DO have genuine faith but are living a lie

? Trademarks of a carnal person:

? Protracted Infancy:

Scant Spiritual Victory:

Lack of Connection to Spiritual Gifts:

Little Intentional Application of the Word:

3. Many here today do not have genuine faith and are lost

Genuine faith: not just believing that these facts are true, but that they’re true for YOU!

Believe it or not, there have been multiple instances of women faking their own pregnancy. (PIC) The reasons vary. One lady said she did it to try to get her boyfriend to propose to her. I’m not sure that would do it; as a matter of fact, it didn’t. He cut as quickly as he could. One woman faked a pregnancy so her boyfriend wouldn’t got to his friend’s housewarming party. One lady confessed that she faked her pregnancy so she could get time off from work. Finally there was the young woman who said: “I lied about having a baby so many times because I really just wanted a baby.”? It seems absurd, doesn’t it, that someone would pretend to be something they weren’t? One woman wasn’t even pretending: she really thought she was pregnant when really she was only gaining weight and losing muscle tone in her abdomen area.? When you read these stories, you get a sense of sadness. But there are some people here this morning doing the same thing. No, not faking pregnancy, but pretending to be someone you’re not. ? Turn with me to James 2:14-26. As we work through the book of James, we tackle a very critical and difficult biblical principle: genuine faith produces a genuine life. This has been James’ theme all the way through, but it comes into full focus this morning because there are countless people who claim to have faith in Jesus, but upon examination of their lives, it becomes obvious that their faith is not a genuine faith; like the women I discussed, some of us here are either faking our faith, or we labor under the misconception that we have genuine faith when we really don’t. At the conclusion of my message this morning, I’m going to offer the opportunity to stand up and display genuine faith. ? So let’s dig in to the text. James makes a fairly intricate but substantial argument that genuine faith is something that can be seen; it is observable in a transformed life; transformed from the inside out.? v.14 James just comes right out and asks the key question: If someone claims to have faith, claims to be saved, but there is no evidence of it, can they be saved? The presumed answer is “Heck no!” Then he gives an example in vv.15-17 to say that genuine faith doesn’t just talk the talk but walks the walk. ? v.16 “what good is that?” What profit is there in that? What is that good for? Well, the obvious answer is nothing. A faith that doesn’t evidence itself in godly living is worthless. And that’s what he says in v.17? v.17 This is the first of two references describing faith as either being alive or dead. It’s like these 2 trees (pic of a green tree with obvious fruit on it) If a plant or tree is healthy, it has green evidence, right? Green leaves or flowers or fruit are the evidence. But if it’s dead, (pic of dead tree) it may have some attributes of being a plant or a tree, but it’s dead: no green leaves, no flowers, no fruit. ? v.18 James possibly quotes a person who had been arguing with him: “You have faith, but I have works.” But then James responds to this imaginary person: “Listen, you’re putting too much emphasis on your works; on your good deeds. Only works that are born out of a genuine, vibrant faith are any good.”

v.19 Now James challenges the KIND of faith a person has: is it no more than mental assent to the facts or is it true, transformative, life changing faith. READ Why do the demons tremble? They know the truth! They know what they’re facing in the future Heb.10:27 “a terrifying expectation of judgment and the fury of a fire about to consume the adversaries.” This not only awaits the devil and his demons, but listen to me: it awaits every person here who has not surrendered to Christ and exhibited genuine, saving faith. The demons know the facts; they believe the truth; but that kind of belief, that kind of faith is worthless.

v.20 Useless, Senseless; foolish; worthless; not real and reliable; BARREN. Like the woman who claims that she’s pregnant, even puts pillows inside her dress to make it appear that way, but in the end, she’s not pregnant and it’s a false claim.? Now in vv.21-23 James calls on a well-known story: how Abraham heard God, believed God, and acted on that belief. God told Abraham to take his son, his only son Isaac and sacrifice him. Abraham certainly was grieving, but his faith compelled him to act on God’s word. The proof of his faith was when he tied up Isaac and put him on an altar and raised the knife to sacrifice him. Then God said, “This was a test for you Abraham to see how important actions are to reveal the strength of your faith.” READ vv.21-23

v.22. “ faith was made complete” te?e??? [teleioo], to carry to the end. Faith made complete; that is, his faith became more than an intention or mental assent; it became an action which is what faith ultimately does: genuine faith is evidenced in action. Genuine faith shows up.

v.24 READ. Says the same thing as in v.22; real, genuine faith always shows up in a and outward demonstration; if not, the faith is not saving faith.

vv.25. James now calls on another well-known demonstration of biblical faith: Rahab. READ It was obvious from her actions that she had genuine faith. This was a prostitute; if you believe righteousness could be attained by works and you could go to heaven by good works, you sure wouldn’t think a prostitute could get into heaven. But it was her faith in Yahweh and her subsequent actions that demonstrated her faith that made her righteous in God’s eyes.

v. 26 Reflects back to v.17. spirit: not the Holy Spirit, but the essence of life; “breath” (pneumatos) ; breath of life. If a body didn’t have life, it would be dead—obviously. And if your faith doesn’t have works, it’s obviously dead; the wrong kind of faith.

So what our takeaways this morning?

1. Many here today demonstrate their genuine faith daily. ? Not in every way, but there is passion for God, a hunger for the word of God, brokenness for their sin that makes them so incredibly thankful for His grace, a burden for those far from God that compels them to be bold in sharing their story of God’s redemption in their lives, humble enough to serve the Body of Christ, generous with God and others. ? Their faith produces green leaves, flowers, and fruit.

2. Many here today DO have genuine faith but are living a lie

Not everyone who talks the talk is walking the walk. They confess Christ as Lord, boss of their lives, they have taken Christ’s blood by faith to wash them clean and make themselves right before God LEGALLY, but relationally they are still running their own lives and have God sequestered in a closet or corner of their hearts.? Andrew Murray, a great saint from the 19th century described this person, also known as the carnal, fleshly Christian:? Trademarks of a carnal person:? Protracted Infancy: Suppose a beautiful baby, six months old. It cannot speak, it cannot walk, but we do not trouble ourselves about that; it is natural, and ought to be so. But suppose a year later we find the child not grown at all, and three years later still no growth; we would at once say: "There must be something terribly wrong!" Now this is just the condition of many believers. They are converted; they know what it is to have assurance and faith; they believe in pardon for sin; they begin to work for God; and yet, somehow, there is very little growth in spirituality, in the real heavenly life; the Christ-life. This describes many of us: we have little or no hunger for the word of God, they don’t memorize Scripture, they don’t pray effectively, they need someone to feed them little bite sized pieces of truth; what would you think if a 25 year old needed someone to feed them dinner? Well, something would be profoundly wrong—and yet, that is many of us this morning: you’ve been a believer for years if not decades, yet you cannot feed yourself during the week and then you come here on Sunday to get me to hand feed you some spiritual truths.

Scant Spiritual Victory: Opposite of the fruit of the Spirit…anger, discouragement, strife, impatience, harshness, lack of self control, i.e., sin habits; addictions. You can’t get victory over your anger, you can’t victory over your impatience, you can’t get victory over your joylessness, you can’t victory over your eating, drinking, pornography or other fleshly desires.

Lack of Connection to Spiritual Gifts: You’ve tasted the grace of God but you are not in touch with your spiritual gifts; you don’t know them or if you do, you’re not really using them in life-changing ministry. So you’re sitting on the sideline, not really involved in the mission or vision of RC.

Little Intentional Application of the Word: You come on Sunday morning, you listen politely, but you don’t walk out thinking, “I’ve got to put this truth into my life.” Or you read the Scripture, get the idea mentally what it’s saying, and then close up your Bible without praying and asking God to change your heart on the subject.? You have genuine faith, but you’re living a lie.

3. Many here today do not have genuine faith and are lost

Not every kind of faith is genuine faith

Look at v.19 again. “You believe that God is one. Good! Even the demons believe—and they shudder.” James says the demons believe. What kind of faith do they have? Mental assent to the facts. Satan and his demons know that Yahweh is the One True God. They know that Jesus is the Son of God. They know that Jesus died on the cross for sin. They know better than anyone that on the 3rd day Jesus walked out of the tomb. But are they saved? No. Why? They only possess mental assent to the facts. They don’t have genuine faith. Now get this: there are some of us here who have that kind of faith. You know Yahweh is the One True God. You know that Jesus is the Son of God. You know that Jesus died on the cross for sin. You know that on the 3rd day Jesus walked out of the tomb. But are you saved? No. Why? You only possess mental assent to the facts. You don’t have genuine faith. It’s a dead faith.? Oh, you have characteristics of a believer. But instead of green leaves and flowers and fruit popping out in your life, you’re stapling green leaves, and flowers, and fruit onto the outside of your life. (Need a dead fichus tree and cutouts 3 green leaves, 3 flowers, and 3 fruits that I can staple onto the tree—1 in each service of the 3) “I go to church”. “I serve in children’s ministry.” “I give when the bucket comes around.” But this isn’t real. It’s fake. It’s not genuine.? The demons have this kind of faith. And they tremble to think about the judgment of God that awaits them. What are you sensing right now? What are you thinking right now? I’ll bet my bottom dollar there are a number of you that are thinking: “That’s me. I’ve known these facts about Jesus, but I see now I’ve not had genuine faith. Let me define Genuine faith: not just believing that these facts are true, but that they’re true for YOU! Jesus died for YOU. Jesus suffered for YOU! Jesus spilt His blood for YOU. He took the penalty for YOU! He paid the punishment for YOU! He conquered sin and death for YOU! If it’s dawning on you that you need to exhibit genuine faith and be saved this morning, on the count of 3 I want you to stand.

1. Remember, it’s not about just knowing the facts are true; it’s about accepting that the facts are true for YOU.? 2. It’s about placing your weight and trust on Jesus alone to save you. You can’t be saved by being good; by doing good things. We’re only saved by placing our full weight and trust on Jesus.? 3. If you want to once and for all declare you full and genuine faith in Jesus alone to save you, stand right where you are…

Immediate follow up…Saved immediately, Holy Spirit: saves, seals, enlivens, transforms. Pathways book (need 20 or so green Pathways books at Next Step area) Seated.

Now, many, many of you are saved, but frankly, your carnal. Heart not filled with praise for God every day; little hunger for the word of God; rarely broken because of your poor choices; never really burdened for the lost, the 99; not really sharing your story with the one, the one who is far from God. You need to repent. You need to ask God to absolutely overwhelm you in every way. If that’s you, I want you to stand as an act of repentance. Pathways in the book store (make sure we have lots back there)? Pray.