Summary: The Trinity have been conspiring since before time began to save the people of this world from being lost forever without hope or life with God. It is a conspiracy designed to break people free from the bondage of their sins



To the Angel of this House and to the Officers, Leaders, and Members of the Exalted Ministries, I am honored to share in this great occasion of your fifth year church anniversary. I don’t say this lightly as we are seeing Churches close every month in our Nation and Pastors leaving the ministry. So I celebrate with you as you continue to labor and do God’s Work.

I am also honored to have been asked to come and share in the pulpit. If we are not careful we will begin to isolate our ministries to fellowship only with those that bear our Denominational name. So I also applaud you in your commitment to simply show yourself friendly, I pray it catches on throughout our great City of Ardmore. Certainly our Denominations should not divide us we should enjoy and celebrate the Richness to the Gospel they offer.

Let’s go to the Word. I invite your attention to your Theme and Designated Scripture Text. I want to lift up as a Secondary thought to go along with your Theme – The Conspiracy of Grace. I believe this thought goes along with and will enhance your theme which suggest this Church is still here because this is the Year of God’s Grace, you are still here after Five Years because of God’s Grace. You suggest to us in your Theme there is a particular reason you are still here after Five Years and going strong. So, again I want to examine the thought The Conspiracy of Grace.

I am not really into conspiracies, but there seems to be a whole lot of them out there these days.

• There are those who believe we never did land on the Moon - It was all fabricated by our Government

• There are some who believe the 9/11 attack on the Twin Towers was all planned by the Government to justify going to war

• Let’s not talk about the assassination of JFK – many believe it was all part of a Government conspiracy (along with several other political assassinations)

• Some say it was a Conspiracy and ELVIS PRESSLEY is still alive

• Others believe Princess Diana was murdered by the Royal family

• Still others are certain the Government is hiding evidence of UFO’s and other evidence of extra-terrestrial life

• And of course, there are numerous conspiracies about the Bible

• Some claim that Jesus really had a wife, Mary Magdalene, and children

• Christ myth theory, portrayed in the novel The Da Vinci Code

• If you want to believe a conspiracy theory, take your pick - There are plenty of them out there

The fact of the matter is, there is a major conspiracy going on all around the world. God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have been conspiring since before time began to save the people of this world from being lost forever without hope or life with God. It is a conspiracy designed to break people free from the bondage of their sins and turn their hearts back to God!

• This conspiracy is so simple that the intellectuals often miss it

• It is so free that the wealthy often overlook it, seeing it as having little value

• But for those who are broken and beaten down by life

• They sometimes become victims of this conspiracy

• Victims of Grace!

• They get swallowed up by the mercy of God and find His forgiveness and peace

Some of them even find this conspiracy removes their need to escape life through Drugs - Alcohol - Sexual Addictions. There sure is a conspiracy. But our God is conspiring for us, not against us! The Theme this afternoon suggests to us you are still here because of Grace! This implies Grace is doing something for this Church and that’s why you are still here after Five Years.

• Most Church Plants fail within the first 18 months – but you are still Here

• Most Church Plants struggle to gain members – but you are still Here

• The Question must be asked and already answered in your theme – how are you still Here?

• I call it The Conspiracy of Grace

Let me see if I can help you go with me this afternoon.

--There was a certain poor man who spent many years saving money to realize his dream of going on a cruise. When he finally saved the required sum, he bought a ticket. Knowing he could not afford the extravagant food on board, he took what he could afford—crackers and peanut butter.

--After a few days of observing the other passengers eating luxurious meals, his peanut butter crackers became stale and tasteless. Desperately hungry, he begged a porter to allow him to work for food.

--“Why, sir, didn’t you realize meals are included with your ticket? You may eat as much as you like!”

--Lots of Christians live like that man. Not realizing the unlimited provisions that are theirs in Christ, they munch on stale scraps.

--There’s no need to live like that! Everything we could ever want or need is included in the cost of admission—and the Savior has already paid it for us! Jesus Paid It All – All To Him I Owe

There’s a single word that encompasses all the riches we find in Christ: Grace.

• What a magnificent word it is!

• It is used more than 150 times in the New Testament to speak of divine favor bestowed on undeserving people

• It is the means by which we receive every Physical and Spiritual benefit

Here is The Conspiracy of Grace my brothers and sisters. To some measure even unbelievers benefit from God’s Grace.

• Theologians call that “COMMON GRACE” because it is common to all mankind

• Common Grace is God’s continual care for all creation, providing for His creatures’ needs

• Through Common Grace God restrains humanity from utter debauchery and maintains order and some sense of beauty, morality, and goodness in society’s consciousness

Christians, however, receive a Greater Grace. To us God’s Grace is inexhaustible and boundless. It is the all-sufficient provisions of Jesus Christ. That is why you have been able to stand after these Five Years – Because of God’s Grace!

• We are Saved by Grace

• And in Grace we stand

• Grace upholds our Salvation

• Grace gives us victory in temptation

• Grace helps us endure suffering and pain

• Grace helps us understand the Word and wisely apply it to our lives

• Grace draws us into communion and prayer

• Grace enables us to serve the Lord effectively

• We exist and are firmly fixed in an environment of all-sufficient Grace

• Yes, you are still here because of His Grace!

This is a wonderful theme because all too often we think the Church is still here because of Us.

• Not because you are a dynamic Preacher

• Not because you are a wonderful Teacher

• Not because the Choir is off the Chain

• Not because of your outstanding Praise and Worship Ministry

• Not because of you are located on the right side of Town

• You are here because of His Grace!

For many believers, the concept of Grace goes little beyond the basic definition of “UNMERITED FAVOR” or “THE FREE GIFT OF GOD.” But since Grace is at the very heart, indeed, it is the very foundation and fountain of true Christianity, we should have a better grasp of this important word and its truth.

Truth be told the average Christian cannot distinguish between god’s mercy and his grace. Oftentimes after some testifiy they end their testimony by saying “Thank God for His Grace” in actuality there were testifying to ‘God’s Mercy’ or they will end their testimony saying “Thank God for His Mercy” in actuality they were making reference to ‘God’s Grace.’

• There are times when I pray I need to ask God for His Mercy

• Other times when I pray I need to ask God for His Grace

• Depends on how bad I cut up for the Week

• Sometimes I need His Grace other times I need his Mercy

Paul was writing this letter to the Saints and the Church located in Rome and he was writing from his personal experience. The Apostle Paul experienced God’s Grace as few others have because he endured suffering as few others have. The Lord gave him one of the most profound truths in all revelation -- “MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR THEE: FOR MY STRENGTH IS MADE PERFECT IN WEAKNESS....” That wonderful promise extends to every believer, but its context is one of severe difficulties - distresses – persecutions - human weaknesses.

• Hint as to why so many miss God’s Grace

• Hint as to what we must go through to truly understand God’s Grace

• Hint is here in the words of Paul, if we care to listen

So Church, when you make the proclamation “you are still here because of God’s Grace” you must fully understand what you are saying. To continue to stand, it will not be easy –

• Some will be here Today – Gone Tomorrow

• Some will Praise You Today – Talk About You Tomorrow

• Some will Pat You on the Back Today – Stab You in the Back Tomorrow

• Some will Shake Your Hand Today – Hide Their Hand Tomorrow

• Some will Criticize Your Church Affiliation or Lack of It

• Some will Criticize the Apostolic Anointing on this Ministry because they don’t understand it

• Some will make you feel like you should Throw In The Towel

• There will be Times the Bills Are High and the Giving is Low

• That’s when you experience – God’s Sufficiency through His Grace

That is The Conspiracy of Grace -- Often other believers are channels of God’s Grace, but He alone is its source. We tend to turn to people with our hurts, but God wants us to look to Him first of all in times of trouble. As you continue to build upon this ministry we celebrate today there are still some difficult days ahead. Don’t celebrate this 5th Anniversary too long so you can get back to the business of Evangelism and Ministry.

With all of the Apostle Paul’s success he still had to rely on God’s Grace rather than his own sufficiency as an Apostle.

• No Sufficiency in – Apostle

• No Sufficiency in - Prophet

• No Sufficiency in – Bishop

• No Sufficiency in – Pastor

• No Sufficiency in – Elder

The Bible shares with us - Three times Paul appealed to God to remove the thorn he suffered —three times the Lord said no. He prayed persistently and faithfully, yet he learned that God’s purposes could be better accomplished by the answer NO.

The fact that we really don’t know what Paul’s thorn was turns out to be both Merciful and Instructive to us.

• It’s MERCIFUL because, given the various possibilities, we all can identify with Paul to some degree in our afflictions

• It’s INSTRUCTIVE because what Paul’s thorn was isn’t the point

• The point is what God’s purpose was for the thorn

• The Conspiracy of Grace

Paul was content with God’s decision because he knew God would supply Sufficient Grace for his trial. “HE HAS SAID TO ME, ‘MY GRACE IS SUFFICIENT FOR YOU’ ”

• “HE HAS SAID” is in the Perfect Tense in the Greek text

• Implying that every time Paul prayed, God said the same thing and kept on saying it

• “My Grace is Sufficient for You” was his standing answer

• After three times, Paul dropped the request

• This was not a sign that Paul gave up on God, but that he rested in God’s sufficient Grace

Exalted Ministries – you are still here because of His Grace. Truth be told, In Christ, we lack nothing. Don’t think because you have made it for Five Years, you will now be on easy street.

• By Grace, His immeasurable love and power are available for every TRIAL – DECISION – CHALLENGE

• Not by your Own Power

• Not by your Great Preaching and Teaching

• But by The Conspiracy of Grace

• Our capacity to experience and enjoy these riches grows as we learn more about our heavenly Father

• The riches of divine grace are eternal

• Money can’t buy them

• Death can’t take them away

• We are REDEEMED - RECONCILED - FREED from the Law

• No longer are we orphans

• Instead, we’ve been adopted into God’s family—beloved children of the heavenly Father, sealed and set apart for Him

Someone might say, “That sounds pretty good Bishop, but I don’t feel rich.” Sometimes the Bills are still tough to meet – Sometimes the Attendance is Low – Sometimes we are taking from our own Pockets to Stay where we are. When we talk about GRACE –

• We’re talking about wonderful, abundant spiritual blessings, not material prosperity

• Feeling rich has nothing to do with our treasure in Christ, which is secure in the One we belong —and He will never change


• This is the great exchange, and it’s the way we partake of His riches

There are times within the Body of Christ that I feel we really don’t fully understand the sufficiency of God’s Grace.

• We will quote the various Scriptures

• We will get our shout on about God’s Grace

• We will raise our hand at the right time about God’s Grace

• But do we really understand what that entails?

I recall when a Preacher spoke to a room full of ministers, and asked the question - how many of you want to know God the way Paul did? Every Pastor in that room raised their hand. Then a follow up question was presented - How many were willing to be stoned, beaten, shipwrecked, imprisoned, left for dead, and afflicted in all the ways the apostle suffered?

• No one raised their hand

• I understand the hesitancy

• No one enjoys pain and hurt

• But we prove the Lord’s immeasurable Grace as we endure dreadful heartache

So, I can’t help but wonder do you really understand what is being said in your presented theme – “The year of God’s Grace: still here because of his grace!” Have you ever wondered why so many of the Writers of New Testament ordinarily Don’t leave Grace by itself in their greeting to Churches and Each Other?






• I CORINTHIANS 1:3 -- II CORINTHIANS 1:2 -- GALATIONS 1:3 -- EPHESIANS 1:2 -- PHILIPPIANS 1:2 - All give the same Grace and Peace Greetings

Grace really multiples when you are going through something, therefore; Grace and Peace were partnered. Peter makes it explicit. He begins both his letters, “MAY GRACE AND PEACE BE MULTIPLIED TO YOU.”

• Paul would be very happy with this verb

• It’s what he means when he says thirteen times, “Grace to you and peace”

• The verb behind “be multiplied” is used twelve times in the New Testament and always means “increase” — move from lesser to greater

Grace always brings benefits and one of these benefits is reflected in the word “Peace” which the Apostle always associates with God’s Grace.

• In fact, the order is significant

• First Grace and then Peace

• Until we know and appreciate Grace, we can’t experience Peace

• “Peace” was a typical Jewish greeting, but for the Christian, it carries a much deeper meaning than it did among the ancient Hebrews

--No man or woman, however good they might be in human terms can ever match up to the perfection of God, or deserve all that God would give us

--But that’s the wonder of Grace

--It’s not what we can do - it’s what God freely offers!

--By God’s Grace We Are Saved

--While We were yet Sinners He died for us

--On A Friday on Hill Called Calvary – It was Grace

--On A Friday at a Place Called Golgotha – It was Grace

--On A Friday He Was Crucified Between Two Thieves – It was Grace

--On A Friday When the Sun Refused to Shine -- It was Grace

--On A Friday He Hung His Head and Died – It was Grace

--But Early On Sunday Morning