Summary: In Proverbs 9, we read of the invitations extended by wisdom and folly.

In concluding Proverbs, I want us to consider the theme of this book, which is the difference between wisdom and folly. In this chapter, we read of the invitation given by each and the result that follows when one accepts either of these invitations. (READ TEXT)

We read about two houses, located on the opposite sides of the road of life. On the one side, is an elegant lady named wisdom, on the other, a seductive lady named folly. Both invite us to live at their home. Let’s see what each promises and what accepting their invitation produces.

1. What folly promises - vs. 13-18

A. Confidence that is nothing but bluster - v. 1 - “loud”

How many of you have heard the statement, “Fake it ‘til you make it?” Many have bought into this false idea of how to get ahead in life. Sadly, too many get stuck with “faking it” and never move on to “make it.” Still, they loudly insist they’re OK, even though they aren’t.

It’s interesting, that one of the main complaints of our culture today is that Christians are nothing but hypocrites. But I suggest that if you’re a Christ-follower, you are anything but a hypocrite, for to follow Christ requires admitting you’re a sinner and you need a Savior. At it’s heart, Christianity is about lack of confidence in self but placing confidence in Christ. To not come to Christ is to say, “I can make it on my own.” The only problem, is the way of the world, the way of folly, is “fake it ‘til you make it” and you will never make it without Christ.

And what does the Bible call “faking it?” The Bible calls it hypocrisy.

“Of all the things in the world that stink in the nostrils of men, hypocrisy is the worst.” - Charles Spurgeon

One can be a Christians and practice hypocrisy; but one cannot be a hypocrite and practice Christianity. A practicing Christian is not “faking it ‘til they make it,” they are trusting in Christ to teach them, guide them, and enable them. The fools of this world, however, say, “fake it, even though you haven’t made it.”

B. Freedom that is nothing but aimlessness - v. 1 - “undisciplined”

The US Coast Guard utilizes a variety of navigational buoys. They are deployed for the purpose of assisting the navigation of vessels, indicating the location of channels and warning of hazards. Suppose a buoy is anchored in the sea. It can stay in one position because it’s attached to an anchor. But what if it decided to pursue freedom and detaches itself from the anchor? What it thinks is freedom, inevitably leads to aimlessness. It first feels free because it’s no longer confined by the anchor. But when waves toss to and fro, the buoy becomes a slave to the purposeless will of the waves. And it ends up not fulfilling the purpose for which it was made.

Folly promises freedom that is only aimlessness. But Christ, and the wisdom of God given through Him delivers us from an aimless life.

C. Intelligence that is nothing but ignorance - v. 1 - “without knowledge”

Folly promises a knowledge that is not knowledge, because the fool only listens to one person, themselves.

“The way of the [arrogant] fool [who rejects God’s wisdom] is right in his own eyes.” - Proverbs 12:15a (Amplified)

This is the person who basically says, “Don’t confuse me with the facts, my mind is made up.” Rather than consider the facts and then make up their mind, they have made up their mind and only look for facts to justify their way of thinking.

“Claiming to be wise, they instead became utter fools.” - Romans 1:22 (NLT)

“Most human beings evidently do not like to think. At the very least, most seem quite satisfied never to think in a concerted, critical, and careful way. [They] never think strategically, consistently, or critically. They go from thought to thought without reflection, analysis, or questioning their own decisions. They operate at the basic level of thinking, and they think about the things that interest them, but they are not seriously interested in the process and quality of thought.” - Dr. Al Mohler, President, Southern Baptist Seminary

D. Experiences that lead to emptiness - v. 17-18

The word translated “food” in verse 17, could be literally translated, “bread.” In verse 2, wisdom offers meat and wine; but in verse 17, folly offers bread and water. But she says it’s OK, because the fulfillment is not in the flavor but the excitement of stealing from someone else. But let’s face it, isn’t bread and water a description of prison rations? Not only does the end result of all the exciting experiences folly promises lead to bondage, they eventually lead to death (v. 18).

2. What folly produces - vs. 7-8a; 12b

Choosing the way of folly is to choose to be angry, bitter, unhappy, and lonely. Because to choose folly over wisdom is to choose self over God; to choose my way over God’s way; to choose sin

over the Savior. And one of the consequences of sin is that it separates.

3. What wisdom promises - vs. 1-6

A. A proven path - v. 1a

The house of wisdom has been built. In other words, the way of wisdom is a proven path. Of course, this proven path was demonstrated by the only perfect person who every lived, Jesus Christ. This is why He is called in Hebrews 12:2 as “the author and finisher of our faith.” Jesus is not only the God from Whom wisdom comes, He is the God who came as a man to live on earth a life that demonstrates how wisdom is applied.

B. A solid foundation - v. 1b

The word “wisdom” in verse one, in the original Hebrew, is plural. Not in the sense that there are many “wisdoms” to choose from. There’s clearly one way of wisdom, and that’s God’s way. But in Hebrew, plurality often speaks of majesty, and refers to wisdom’s perfection.

“Taking the whole Bible into account, this is a picture of Jesus Christ as a wealthy and wise Friend who has thought of everything we need and provided it in full. Jesus Christ lacks nothing we need.” - R. Kent Hughes

That’s the idea behind the seven pillars. Seven speaks of perfection. The foundation of God’s wisdom leaves nothing lacking in enabling us to build a life that is blessed, a blessing and glorifys our creator.

“He is the greatest expert in the universe on you, and he is better at building a great life for you than you are.” - R. Kent Hughes

C. A fulfilling life - v. 2

We contrast this with the promise of folly to give us bread and water. Have you experienced something promising more than it delivered? Like a movie, a trip, a retreat, or a book, recommended by a friend? Well, Christ is the ultimate friend, and everything He promises, He delivers on. And even with all of life’s twists and turns, difficulties and disappointments, when all is said and done, when we trust and follow Christ, we’ll be able to look back upon a life lived well.

“In the years before the fall of the Iron Curtain, I prayed for Russian Christians being persecuted for their faith. The political situation seemed grim, and honestly I wasn’t expecting to see God answer our prayers for freedom in that land. But in 1989 came the unthinkable - the curtain collapsed, ushering in a new era of freedom for the people who had been under the iron fist of that communist government. The world rejoiced, and I was thrilled our fellow believers could now freely express their faith in Christ. Soon after, three leaders of the Russian church came to Moody Bible Institute in Chicago, where I was president at the time. I asked what events had led to the cessation of persecution against the church. They explained the economy was failing because alcoholism was rampant. People who didn’t believe in God had no purpose, and absenteeism—largely due to alcoholism—was wreaking the economy. They said when Gorbachev was Prime Minister, he met with his cabinet, he asked, ‘Why do we persecute the Christians? They’re the ones who aren’t alcoholics. They show up every day and give us a good day’s work. Why do we persecute people like this whom we desperately need?’ That’s a great example of the power of a life well-lived.” - Joseph Stowell

Those Soviet Christians had lots of adversity, yet they followed Christ and lived by God’s wisdom, so their lives were lived well.

D. A life mission - v. 3

Notice, wisdom has maids that assist her is proclaiming her message. This is a picture of every Christ-follower and our commission from Christ to share the Good News with everyone we can. And what is the Good News? (vs. 4-6).

“The Spirit and the bride say, ‘Come.’ Let anyone who hears this say, ‘Come.’ Let anyone who is thirsty come. Let anyone who desires drink freely from the water of life.” - Revelation 22:17 (NLT)

To paraphrase Pastor D. T. Niles, who said, “Evangelism is one beggar telling another beggar where to get bread,” we are one simpleton, telling other simpletons, where to find wisdom, in Christ.

4. What wisdom produces - vs. 8b-12a

“The thief’s purpose is to steal and kill and destroy. My purpose is to give them a rich and satisfying life.” - John 10:10 (NLT)

More important than years added to you life, is that following Christ and living by His wisdom will add life to your years.