Summary: When we do God's work, we can expect opposition. We don't have to be discouraged. God will finish what He has started.

We started Ezra 1 with the move of God and the edict of King Cyrus, and the start of a long and difficult journey for the exiles returning back to Jerusalem.

• In Ezra 2 we have the list of the returning exiles, by families and towns, and the various roles they play.

• In Ezra 3 we saw the altar being built and the remnant’s first worship of God in their homeland after many years in exile.

They laid the foundation to the house of God and celebrated with music and songs.

• While some were shouting their praises to God with joy, others (the older ones) were weeping because what they saw was a far cry from the former.

• With the foundation laid, they started to work on the Temple itself.

And that’s when opposition arises. Let’s read Ezra 4:1-5 and 1:24.


The moment they started work on rebuilding of the Temple, they encountered resistance.

• It came from the locals, the descendants of those who were left behind since the Assyrian times, plus the other people the Assyrians resettled in this place.

• Israel fell to Assyrian King SARGON (722-705). After that we have SENNACHERIB (705-681) and ESARHADDON (681-669), during which time this group came.

• With some Jewish descent likely, but with intermarriages over the generations, these people are now a mixed lot called Samaritans. They worship various gods.

They came to the remnant saying, “Let us help you build because, like you, we seek your God and have been sacrificing to him since the time of Esarhaddon king of Assyria, who brought us here.” (4:2)

• This could not be true and the remnant recognised it: "You have no part with us in building a temple to OUR God. We alone will build it for the LORD, the God of Israel…." (4:3)

• The author called them ENEMIES of Judah and Benjamin right from the start.

What they did next in vv.4-5 revealed their true intention. They wanted to infiltrate the ranks and sabotage the work. They began to harass them.

• This was the remnant’s first taste of opposition. And it did not end.

• 4:5 says the enemies bribed officials to work against them and frustrate their purpose, all the days of King Cyrus, even until the reign of Darius.

This is the timeline – from Cyrus (536-530) 7yrs, to his son Cambyses (529-522) 8yrs and to Darius (521-486). The resistance was relentless.

• To cut the long story short, the author concluded – 4:24 “Thus the work on the house of God in Jerusalem came to a standstill until the second year of the reign of Darius king of Persia.”

• From Cyrus’ 1st year to Darius’ 2nd year, that’s 16 years. The work actually came to a standstill for 16 years under the pressure.

Such opposition continued for many years. Ezra added this next segment from 4:6-23 to show us how bad the opposition has been.

• It wasn’t just some isolated, one-off persecution. Read Ezra 4:6-23.

NIV version entitled this ‘Later Opposition under Xerxes (Ahasuerus) and Artaxerxes’. Most versions use Ahasuerus (Greek: Xerxes); son of Darius. After Xerxes comes Artaxerxes, his son.


Look again at the timeline: Cyrus (536-530), Cambyses (529-522), Darius I (521-486), Xerxes (485-465), and Artaxerxes I (464-424).

• 4:6 we jump forward 50 years to the reign of Xerxes and read of this accusation lodged against the remnant. No detail was given.

(A side note: We know of Xerxes from the book of Esther. We know the story, the Jewish girl Esther became the Queen of Persia and through her, the Jewish community in Susa, Persia was saved from being exterminated. We see God watching over His own, both in Persia and here in Jerusalem.)

And in 4:7 we jump another 20+ years to next King Artaxerxes and we were told of another accusation, against the rebuilding of the city.

• We’ll read of the events under his reign in Ezra chapters 7-10.

• Here we are told of this well-planned out accusation, with a list of names backing it, giving credence to the fact that “everyone” agrees that Jerusalem is a threat.

• The judges and officials from various parts of the Persian Empire, and even the deportees felt the same way (those deported by King Ashurbanipal 200 years ago).

And the reasons were:

• Verse 12 – they have a bad track record; they are a rebellious and wicked lot.

• Verse 13 – they are not going to pay taxes, tribute or duty.

• Verse 15 – they have no permission to rebuild their city; no proper authorisation.

• Verse 16 – they will break free, seize the land and claim independence.

That’s what you do when you accuses someone – paint him black and yourself white (good). “I am thinking of the welfare of our Persian Empire.”

• The King was swayed by the unfounded accusations and commanded that the work be stopped “until I so order” (v.21), he wrote in his reply.

• This is interesting because he is indeed going to change his decision later.

• But for now the enemies took this letter and forced the remnant to stop work.

These letters were written after Ezra came over with the 2nd group of returnees in the 7th year of Artaxerxes’ reign, BEFORE Nehemiah came with the 3rd group in the 20th year of his reign. It was the ruins of Jerusalem that triggered his return.

So we have just read, in this one chapter, the records of the two stoppages.

• The work on the Temple of God in Cyrus’ time, and the stop work order to the rebuilding of Jerusalem in Artaxerxes’ time.

• The persecution wasn’t just for a moment. It lasted for generations, from Cyrus to Darius to Xerxes and Artaxerxes.

To us, following this storyline, we are looking forward. But for Ezra’s original readers, they would be looking back at these events and reflecting on the past.

• Ezra was encouraging them to stay faithful to what God has called them to do despite the strong and persistent opposition.

• The opposition might be relentless but God would finish what He has started.

They could testify to that with regard to the Temple of God.

• After 16 years of hiatus with only the foundation to the Temple laid, God raised up prophet Haggai (and Zechariah) to stir the hearts of the people and get them to return to work. That’s what we are going to read about in Ezra 5-6.

• And for the ruins of Jerusalem, God raises Nehemiah. He was a cupbearer to Artaxerxes, placed in a strategic position by God, just like Esther, to fulfil His purpose. Through the King, God even provided the resources Nehemiah needed.

When we do God’s work, we can expect opposition. Satan is not dead.

• It is God’s will for the exiles to return to their homeland.

• It is God’s desire to see His Temple rebuilt and true worship be restored.

• It is God’s purpose for Jerusalem to be re-established as a nation, more importantly so in preparation of the coming of the Messiah, His Son Jesus.

• YET the remnant faces constant persecution. We can expect anything that is of God to be opposed. Don’t be too discouraged and don’t quit.

In the book of Ezra-Nehemiah, opposition to God’s work is the constant battle that did not end. It goes on and on, one generation after another.

When Jesus tells Peter in Matt 16:18 “I will build my church”, straight away He adds this next line, “…and the gates of Hades will not overcome it.”

• It’s a warfare, a fight. There will be opposition but it cannot win. Nothing can stop Him from building His church.

• Satan will find every means to destroy God’s work and frustrate His plan, but we know he cannot win.

There can be times of discouragement and distractions and delays, but we trust God. He will finish what He starts.

• Opposition does not mean that we are doing the wrong thing necessarily. Often it means we are doing the right things and the evil one is not happy.

• Take comfort in God’s faithfulness and keep on doing what God has called us to do.

When Paul talks about this spiritual battle in Eph 6 and calls for believers to put on the armour of God:

• Eph 6:10-11 “Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11Put on the full armour of God so that you can take your stand against the devil's schemes.

12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood…

• 6:13-14a 13Therefore put on the full armour of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with… (various aspects of the armour).

When doing God’s work, we Stand Firm, Stay Focused, Remain Faithful.


In closing, I like us to sing hymn by Martin Luther, A MIGHTY FORTRESS IS OUR GOD.

• Written by the great reformer, translated from German, this is the most well-known hymn among the 37 he wrote.

• Luther faced lots of opposition and persecution, but he stood firm. This song expresses his resolve and faith in God.

• Based on Psalm 46, it expresses God’s sovereign power over all earthly and spiritual forces, and of the sure hope we have in Jesus Christ or because of Christ.

Be encouraged. God will finish what He starts.



A mighty Fortress is our God,

A Bulwark never failing;

Our Helper He amid the flood

Of mortal ills prevailing:

For still our ancient foe

Doth seek to work us woe;

His craft and power are great,

And, armed with cruel hate,

On earth is not his equal.


Did we in our own strength confide,

Our striving would be losing;

Were not the right Man on our side,

The Man of God’s own choosing:

Dost ask who that may be?

Christ Jesus, it is He;

Lord Sabaoth His Name,

From age to age the same,

And He must win the battle.


And though this world, with devils filled,

Should threaten to undo us,

We will not fear, for God hath willed

His truth to triumph through us:

The Prince of Darkness grim,

We tremble not for him;

His rage we can endure,

For lo! his doom is sure,

One little word shall fell him.


That word above all earthly powers,

No thanks to them, abideth;

The Spirit and the gifts are ours

Through Him who with us sideth:

Let goods and kindred go,

This mortal life also;

The body they may kill:

God’s truth abideth still,

His Kingdom is forever.